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Additional Resources

Platform Integration Options: Integration Patterns and Best


Although this content is complementary, it should be considered required reading if, as an

Architect, you are implementing one of these technologies or studying to obtain a

The MuleSoft Basics: Integrate Your Systems
MuleSoft Basics:
❏ Integrate Your Systems
Trailhead trail provides an overview of point-to-point
integration risks and challenges.

The Marketing Cloud Connector for B2C Commerce

Marketing Cloud
can each be used to establish point-to-point
❏ Connector for B2C
connections between B2C Commerce, Marketing,
and Service Clouds.

The Service Cloud Connector for B2C Commerce

Service Cloud
can each be used to establish point-to-point
❏ Connector for B2C
connections between B2C Commerce, Marketing,
and Service Clouds.

The Marketing Cloud Connect can each be used to

Marketing Cloud
❏ Connect
establish point-to-point connections between B2C
Commerce, Marketing, and Service Clouds.

Salesforce on MuleSoft:
Revolutionize Watch this video for additional talking points about
❏ Integration with an why point-to-point integration is expensive.
Application Network

Point-To-Point Vs Explains how P2P Integration, Hub and Spoke and
Hub/Spoke Vs ESB Bus Architecture (ESB) integration models work and

Integration Architecture what’s the difference between Point-to-Point, Hub
and Spoke and ESB based architectures.

The differences between Point-to-Point integration
❏ integration vs ESB
and ESB integration.

Recent research has revealed that, across

organizations, point-to-point integration habits are
Old Point-to-Point
dying hard. In fact, too hard. The research shows
Integration Habits
❏ Hinder Digital
that they are not only stubborn, but could be getting
worse, resulting in an increasingly intractable
Transformation Efforts
situation as enterprises struggle to digitally
transform themselves.

Point-to-Point Provides an interesting example of how P2P

Integration Pattern vs integration is easy to set up -- but introduces
❏ Hub/Spoke Integration significantly more connections to manage as new
Pattern systems are introduced.

Hub and Spoke

Expose federated data from registered data sources
Cloud Information
❏ Model
following a consistent schema (the Cloud
Information Model)

Point-to-Point Vs Hub & Explanation of P2P (Point-to-Point) Integration, Hub

❏ Spoke Vs ESB & Spoke Integration Architecture and ESB
Integration Architecture Architecture.

Mule is an EAI product. HUB & Spoke architecture

Mule 4 Tutorial - Hub & was just before mule's architecture. It's interesting to
know how HUB can support integration of any
❏ Spoke Architecture
products in the world. Either integration is with or
Solved Challenges
without adapters. See how Hub & Spoke solved
some challenges in it.

How ASU is Leveraging Examples of how to leverage this integration model.

❏ a Multi-org Integration Learn how ASU is leveraging an integration
Architecture architecture to establish a 360 degree view of the

ASU Sun Devil Lifecycle that sources data from
multiple orgs and data silos.

Unleash Your Salesforce This video is from Dreamforce '17 and presents
Informatica's "information hub" approach to
Data With Innovative
❏ Multi-Point Integration
integration. See how to quickly simplify multi-point
Salesforce integration with Informatica Cloud
Integration Hub.

API Gateway
Learn more about MuleSoft from the MuleSoft
❏ MuleSoft
product site.

The Salesforce MuleSoft Product site contains a

What Is an API, and
❏ How Does It Work?
great explanation of what an API gateway is and how
it can be used to solve integration challenges.

The Evolution of SOA Can be thought of as the next generation of

service-oriented architecture (see Evolution of SOA
❏ and API-led connectivity for additional details on
API-led connectivity
Service Oriented Architecture).

MuleSoft: Unleash the

Power of Salesforce Get introduced to the MuleSoft Anypoint platform
❏ Customer 360 with
to learn how integration drives great customer

MuleSoft 101 Demo:

Building APIs and
Integrations on
Anypoint Platform
Learn how to build and leverage APIs through the
❏ Salesforce MuleSoft Anypoint Platform.
MuleSoft Anypoint
Platform for Salesforce
Developers and

Build Great APIs and The Build Great APIs and Integrations with MuleSoft
❏ Integrations with Trailhead module provides an introduction to the

MuleSoft MuleSoft Anypoint Platform including how to
design, build, and leverage APIs on the platform,
and how its layered approach is ideal for scalable
and maintainable API gateways.

Salesforce provides programmatic access to your

❏ Which API do I use? org’s information using simple, powerful, and secure
application programming interfaces.

Salesforce on MuleSoft: How would you solve the integration challenge -- the
Revolutionize largest unsolved problem in IT? Hear how Salesforce
❏ Integration with an is using MuleSoft's Anypoint Platform to take on the
Application Network challenge.

Event Driven Architecture

The Salesforce Customer 360 Platform includes a
capability known as Platform Events which provides
❏ Platform Events Basics
an event driven integration model that customers
and partners can leverage within their enterprise.

Event-Driven Software
Architecture The Platform Events Developer Guide includes
multiple references that provide an overview of
❏ Enterprise Messaging event driven architecture as well as a breakdown of
Platform Events supported enterprise messaging platform events.

The Salesforce Developers Blog contains a post that

Which Streaming Event provides a detailed example of how to follow
❏ Do I Use? event-driven architecture best practices on the
Salesforce Customer 360 Platform.

Reference Architecture: The Heroku Development Center contains guidance

Event-Driven and reference architectures on how to implement
❏ Microservices with event-driven microservices with Apache Kafka on
Apache Kafka the Heroku platform.

Implement an
Event-Driven Software Learn how to implement an event-driven software
❏ Architecture with architecture with Salesforce platform events.
Platform Events

Intro to Event-Driven
Architectures with Learn how to implement event-driven architecture
❏ Apache Kafka on with Apache Kafka on the Heroku platform.

Integration Patterns and Practices

Salesforce produces and maintains an Integration
Patterns and Practices Guide that describes
strategies (in the form of patterns) for common
integration scenarios on the Salesforce Customer
360 Platform.

Integration Patterns A pattern summary that address key “archetype”

❏ and Practices Guide integration scenarios

A selection matrix to help determine which pattern

best fits a scenario

A collection of common integration terms and

definitions that apply to each pattern.

Within the Integration Patterns and Practices Guide

the following integration patterns are covered in
detail following a pattern template that includes a
summary of the pattern, the type of integration
problem the pattern can solve, the recommended
manner to solve the integration pattern, a UML
(Unified Modeling Language) sketch explaining the
solve approach, and implementation consideration.

Pattern Summary Request and Reply

❏ When an event occurs in Salesforce, how do you
Pattern Template initiate a process in a remote system, pass the
required information to that process, receive a
response from the remote system, and then use that
response data to make updates within Salesforce?

Fire and Forget

When an event occurs in Salesforce, how do you
initiate a process in a remote system and pass the
required information to that process without waiting
for a response from the remote system?

Remote Call-In
How does a remote system connect and
authenticate with Salesforce to notify Salesforce
about external events, create records, and update
existing records?

Batch Synchronization
How do you import data into Salesforce and export
data out of Salesforce, taking into consideration that
these imports and exports can interfere with
end-user operations during business hours, and
involve large amounts of data?

UI Update Based on Data Changes

When an event occurs in Salesforce, how can the
user be notified in the Salesforce user interface
without having to refresh their screen and
potentially losing work?

Data Virtualization
In Salesforce, how do you view, search, and modify
data that’s stored outside of Salesforce, without
moving the data from the external system into

Related Learning Content

This section captures links to related learning content that is complementary but not
required for module completion.

Integration Patterns This document describes strategies (in the form of

❏ Overview patterns) for these common integration scenarios.

Apex Integration Integrate with external apps using Apex REST and
❏ Services SOAP services.

This whitepaper proposes a new approach to

integration — API-led connectivity — that extends
❏ API-Led Connectivity
traditional service-oriented approaches to reflect
today’s connectivity needs.

❏ Pattern
Wikipedia definition of publish–subscribe.

Knowledge article about estimated storage for
Salesforce Record Size
❏ Overview
records by object type.

Storage allocation per Salesforce edition and

Data and File Storage
❏ Allocations
number of standard licensed users in your

Limits and limitations that apply when Apex code

Callout Limits and
❏ Limitations
makes a callout to an HTTP request or a web
services call.

To maintain optimum performance and ensure that

API Request Limits and the Lightning Platform API is available to all our
❏ Allocations customers, Salesforce balances transaction loads by
imposing two types of limits.

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