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Vineeth Vuppala

902-412-5649 |

 Over 5 years of experience in Manual and Automation Test development, Automation
Framework design, API/Web Services testing and Mobile application testing.
 Full understanding of Waterfall and Agile SDLC processes to Test developing application.
 Strongly experienced in Page Object Model to Automate Functional and Regression Testing by
creating Hybrid Framework using Eclipse, Maven, Java, TestNG, Night watch and Selenium
 Proficient in creating Automation script from scratch in Java (IDE Eclipse) using Selenium.
 Extensively experienced in using Selenium WebDriver APIs for writing Junit test suites and test
 Sound knowledge on JUnit, TestNG testing frameworks for Functional testing, Maven for Project
building, Jenkins for CI/CD.
 Experience with version control system GIT, Bitbucket and build management tool Maven.
 Expertise in documenting defects with high level of detail, accuracy, and informative recreation
steps using ALM and JIRA.
 Experienced in using Selenium Grid, Sauce Labs, and Docker for cross platform and cross
browser testing by running the Test Scripts on various virtual machines.
 Expertise in testing the browser compatibility for the web applications in
Firefox/IE/Chrome/Safari browsers.
 Knowledgeable in Web Services Testing with REST API requests using SOAPUI and Postman.
 Sound Knowledge of Agile methodologies and DevOps tools like Maven, Jenkins
 Experience with AWS Cloud technologies.
 Create test execution and bug reports with collaboration of Onshore and Offshore team.


 Operating System: Windows and Mac OS.

 Automation Tools: Selenium with Java, Database Automation with JDBC, Web services Automatio
n with Rest Assured and UFT (11.52 version), Tosca and Appium.
 IDE: Eclipse and IntelliJ.
 Frameworks: JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber BDD, Data Driven, Keyword Driven and Hybrid.
 Web Services: REST and SOAP.
 API Tools: Postman and SOAP UI.
 Build Tool: Maven.
 Source Control Tool: GIT
 Repositories: Bitbucket, Git Hub and GitLab.
 Reporting Tools: HP Quality Centre/ALM, Rally, Jira, TestRail and Dovetail.
 Debugging Tools: Kibana and Splunk.
 CI Tool: Jenkins.
 Programming Languages: VB Script, Core Java, and JavaScript.
 Database: Oracle and SQL Server.
 Performance Tool: JMeter and Load Runner.
 Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge.
 Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, XML, JSON.

Bank of Montreal (BMO) – Canada June 2022 – Current
Role: QA Automation Engineer
 Experience in Mobile application testing in agile environment (Mobile/Tablets/Mobile
 Performed Manual as well as Automated Testing using Testing tool Selenium WebDriver,
 Experienced in Mobile Automation testing on Emulator and iOS Simulator, and Android
platforms with Automation tools like keep it Functional (KIF), Appium and reported debugs via
JIRA to the developers.
 Excellent experience in writing Selenium WebDriver Automation Scripts in Java for highly
transactional Websites.
 Responsible for implementation of Hybrid Test Automation Framework, Page Object Model
using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven and Java.
 Used Selenium WebDriver API to automate tests on cross browser and cross platform
 Integrated Automation scripts (Selenium WebDriver API) on Continuous Integration tools
Bamboo for nightly batch run of the Script. Created Project plan on Bamboo, configured
scheduled using Corn job.
 Involved in creation of automation framework in Selenium Web driver using behavior driven
approach like Cucumber.
 Involved in developing the automation script for Web and Mobile Native applications (IOS,
Android) using Appium, Java.
 Involved in requirement analysis, defect tracking, coordinating with team members in different
locations and test reporting and closure
 Setup jobs in Bamboo to run smoke scripts after every builds.
 Used BDD framework with Cucumber, Java and created future files with scenario and scenario
outline files.
Environments: Selenium, Rest assured, Postman, SoapUI, Jira, Rally, qTest, ALM.

TechArt IT Solutions, Toronto, ON Sep 2020 – June 2022

Role: SDET / QA Automation
 Developed Automation Framework for Acceptance Testing using Cucumber BDD and JUnit.
 Proficient in writing Selenium Web Driver automation scripts in Java using Maven, Cucumber,
and TestNG Automation Testing for Web Applications.
 Used GIT as the source repository and performed code review, fixed issues, and updated the
offshore team to follow the specified standards for the project.
 Good understanding of Test Deliverables such as Test Plan, Test Cases, Requirement
Traceability Matrix, Defect Report, and End to End test flow.
 Setting up test data required for script execution using Selenium WebDriver, JAVA, SQL
 Worked in an Agile environment including hands-on experience with gathering and writing user
 Automated functional web interface using testing of the application using Selenium driver (Java)
and JMeter.
 Automates Smoke and Regression test cases using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG and Java
 Automation Framework: Page Object Model (POM), with external data files, reusable functions,
and classes
 Performed web REST API testing using SoapUI and Postman.
 Project based on Agile/Scrum methodology. Participated in daily Scrum meetings.
 Maintained and executed API regression suit and reported results.
 Integrated with Jenkins Server to execute automation scripts on a regular basis by scheduling
Jenkins jobs in different test environments with different test configurations.
 Produced status reports related to the performance testing process, including test results and
defect tracking.
Environments: JAVA, Selenium WebDriver, HTML5, TestNG, Agile, Maven, ALM, UNIX, Jira,
Eclipse, Sql Server2016/2017

Client Name: Mitel Communications, Toronto

Role: QA Automation Engineer
 Wrote Test Automation Script using Java, Selenium WebDriver and TestNG, which performed
sanity testing on every deployment performed in QA Environment and sent Email Notification
on failure.
 Actively participated in various stages of the Software Development Life Cycle such as Design,
Planning, Development and Testing
 Automated Test Cases using Groovy programming in SOAPUI and used assertions for
 Configured Jenkins as a Continuous Integration server with GitHub and Maven.
 Development and Execution of Web services automation test cases using Rest Assured.
 Development and Execution of end-to-end integration test scenarios which involves UI,
database, and web services automation.
 Involved in Functional, Regression, Integration, Smoke and Sanity testing.
 Used Quality Center & MS- Excel extensively for creating test cases. Performed Functional,
 Enhancing the Framework features depending on the project requirements.
 Performed Web Service API testing using Postman and created regression suite with assertions.
Environment: Manual and Database testing, Java, Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, BDD, Page
Factory, HTML, CSS, IntelliJ, Git, Gitlab, Maven, Rest API, Postman, Rest Assured, JMeter, Oracle,
TOAD, JDBC, Jira, Agile, Kibana and Jenkins.

Proyuga Advanced Technologies Limited – Hyderabad, India Oct 2017 to July 2020
Role: QA Engineer
 Performed web services testing with SOAP UI and Performed Security testing for employee
login validations.
 Developed detailed Test Plans, Test Cases and responsible for executing the Test Cases, Test
Scripts using QTP.
 Experienced in using POSTMAN and REST-assured for Restful Web services/REST API
 Performed Compatibility testing of applications for dynamic and static content of browsers using
HTML Ids and XPath in Selenium.
 Experienced in automating Test Cases using Groovy programming in SOAPUI.
 Worked on the Regression Automated Testing and Data driven testing using Quick Test Pro.
 Created Synchronization points to synchronize the Test script to the Application speed in Quick
Test Pro
 Managed Test results and defects using JIRA defect tracking tool.
 Provide cross-browser (Chrome, Firefox, MSIE, Safari, Opera) and cross-platform (Windows 8)
testing of the application's web pages.
 Handled Selenium Synchronization problems using Explicit & Implicit waits during regression
 Experienced in configuring Jenkins as a Continuous Integration server with GitHub and Maven.
 Monitor resolution status of the bugs and verify them fixed in new releases.
 Aided in generating System Testing Scenarios of end-to-end testing of application.
 Assisted in generating Post deployment scripts and UAT scripts for users.
 Prepared test Cases, Test scripts and for the application as well as for the database verification
based on the functional requirements and test specs.
Environment: QTP, Selenium, TestNG, SOAPUI, Quick Test Pro, Quality Center, QTP, JavaScript,
Agile, HP Load Runner, JAVA, Cucumber, JIRA.

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