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Ascended Master Answers

How dark forces use sex outside of marriage

to steal your energy
TOPICS: Breaking your vow – making karma – having sex is an energy exchange –
pleasure overrides intuitive faculties – the danger of sex with multiple partners – de-
stroying the spiritual potential of your marriage – how sex opens your energy field to
outside energy – manipulation by dark forces – dark forces artificially stimulate the de-
sire for sex – desires that can be satisfied and those that can’t – desires like a black
hole – dark forces steal your energy – make a firm decision to be faithful – call for spiri-
tual protection of your marriage 

Question: Beloved Master and Brother, What are the consequences of sex prac-
ticed outside marriage?

Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

As I explain elsewhere, marriage is a sacred vow that people make before God, and
therefore it should be taken seriously. When you marry someone, you vow to be
faithful to that person and to that person only—or at least that is what your vow
should mean. If you have sex outside of marriage, you are obviously breaking that
vow and therefore you are making karma in the process.

As explained in my other answer, most people do not have a clear understanding of

the spiritual aspects of life. This includes an understanding of what actually happens
on an energy level when you have sexual intercourse. As I explain throughout this
website, everything you do is done with energy, so every aspect of life needs to be
understood in terms of an exchange of energy. Everyone knows that when you have
sex, there is a potential for transmitting certain diseases. However, there is an even
greater potential for transmitting certain energies.

When people have sex, the energy fields of the two people become very tightly inter-
meshed. During an orgasm, light is released from the energy centers in your energy
field, especially from the lower energy center, which is often called the base chakra.
This feels pleasurable because the chakras are designed to transmit energy. The
sense of pleasure often dulls the intuitive faculties, and this prevents people from re-
alizing that the meshing of energy fields opens them to receiving energy from their
partners or even from outside sources. The sense of pleasure can make you blind to
the potential dangers or make you unwilling to acknowledge such dangers.

Everyone knows that if you have sex with only one partner, you are not as likely to
get a sexually transmitted disease as when you have sex with multiple partners. This
is parallel to what happens on an energy level. If you have sex with more than one
partner, the risk of receiving impure energy increases. Obviously, if two people are
faithful to each other, the risk of sexually transmitted disease is minimal, and the
same is true for impure energies. In a faithful marriage, it is possible for the part-
ners to build a wall of protective energy around themselves. This makes it possible
for a married couple to have sex without being vulnerable to impure energies from
outside sources.

However, if you break that vow, you are likely to bring impure energies into the
marriage, and this will break down the protection of your marriage. It can also
transfer such energies to your spouse. If your spouse believes you are faithful, he or
she will not be on guard and will therefore subconsciously be open to receiving such
energies. This will violate your spouse’s free will, and in doing so you make karma.
Furthermore, your spouse will subconsciously sense that something is not right, and
this can have many subtle ramifications in terms of breaking down the trust that is
the basis for any successful relationship.

As I explain in my other answer, a marriage has the potential to produce a high spir-
itual union between husband and wife. Yet if you break the trust through an extra-
marital affair and the introduction of “foreign” energies, you destroy that potential.
It simply isn’t possible to have the ultimate union with two partners, and therefore
you are likely to have such union with none of them.

It is wise to recognize that you live in a world where there is much impure energy in
the surroundings. You might envision that your energy field is like a sphere of light
that protects you from impure energies. Yet if there is an opening in your field, the
energies in your surroundings can flow into the field. Many activities can open your
energy field, and one of them is having sex. It should be obvious that the meshing of
energy fields during sex can potentially open you to receiving outside energies. The
effect of this is in direct proportion to the attitude and feelings you have while hav-
ing sex.

It is virtually impossible to have sex outside of marriage without having some – per-
haps subconscious and unrecognized – impure feelings. You know you are breaking
your marriage vow, and this will open your energy field to impure energies. This can
be made worse if you have sex to satisfy a purely physical desire or because you
have negative feelings toward your spouse and blame him or her for not meeting
your needs. The simple fact is that sex outside of marriage will always make you vul-
nerable to impure energies. Virtually anyone realizes – at inner levels – that break-
ing your marriage vow is wrong. So to break the vow, you have to silence your Christ
self, and this neutralizes the protection that your Christ self normally gives you.

Obviously, this makes you vulnerable to the manipulation of dark forces. Such forces
seek to steal your positive energy, and they seek to insert negative energy into your
energy field in order to manipulate you further. It is a simple fact that most people
would not break their marriage vows unless they were being manipulated by dark

As explained in my discourse on the levels of the universe, dark forces especially

work on people’s emotional bodies. The emotions are very fluid, and therefore it is
easy to manipulate the emotional body. Obviously, there is a deep connection be-
tween the emotional body and the desire for sex. I can assure you that the dark
forces on this planet use many means to artificially stimulate the desire for sex. This
is done openly and blatantly in many forms of advertising, but also from many other
sources. The idea is to manipulate people into desiring sex and feeling that they
never get enough sex. The dark forces first seek to manipulate people’s mental bod-
ies with the belief that they are entitled to have sex and that having sex has no nega-
tive consequences. When people believe this, it is easy to direct sexual energies into
their emotional bodies and create an insatiable desire for sex.

As I explain throughout this website, most people have descended into a lower state
of consciousness in which everything seems relative. This has given rise to a set of
dualistic desires that are different in nature from the true desires of the lifestream.
In other words, a lifestream can have a legitimate desire to experience the activities
of this world, including sex. However, the desires of the lifestream are finite and can
therefore be satisfied fully. In other words, being married and having sex with one
spouse can fully satisfy the lifestream’s desire for sex.

Obviously, this is not what the dark forces want to see happen. They don’t want you
to be satisfied in your marriage because that would prevent them from manipulat-
ing you. So they want to induce into your emotional body the dualistic desires that
can never be satisfied. These desires are literally like a bottomless pit that can never
be filled. You might picture a dualistic desire as a maelstrom in your emotionally
body that sucks everything into it. Yet no matter how much energy you put into the
maelstrom, it will never be filled. In other words, once you allow such a dualistic de-
sire for sex to build up in your energy field, you will never feel that your desire for
sex is fully satisfied. No matter how much sex you have, you will always feel you
need more. Many people have spent their lives and their life energy in a never-end-
ing pursuit of the ultimate sexual experience.

This, of course, is exactly what the dark forces want because they can now continue
to manipulate you and milk your energy. So what I am telling you is that you are
constantly being bombarded with stimuli designed to create this maelstrom of sex-
ual desires in your emotional body. You have heard the saying that sex sells, and sex
is being skillfully and ruthlessly used by the advertising industry to sell various
products. However, behind that outer manifestation is the more subtle reality of the
dark forces using the insatiable desire for sex to manipulate people.

It is this insatiable desire for sex, an artificial desire that is created through manipu-
lation, that makes many people feel like their sexual needs are not being met by
their marriage partners. This then gives them a desire for sex outside of marriage.
As I have tried to explain, if you give in to this desire, you will open yourself to the
manipulation of dark forces, and they will simply keep milking you of your energies
until you either have nothing left or decide that enough is enough.

What is the best protection against this form of exploitation? It is to make the firm
decision that when you married your spouse, you made a sacred vow to remain
faithful to him or her. If your decision is firm, it will be very difficult for dark forces
to gain an inroad into your consciousness. This will establish a ring of spiritual pro-
tection around your marriage that will make it far more difficult for the dark forces
to manipulate you and your spouse. Obviously, this will greatly increase the possibil-
ity of a happy marriage.

I am not saying that the decision to be faithful in itself would give you a total protec-
tion from dark forces, but it is a very important step in terms of establishing that
protection. On top of that, you should use various techniques for spiritual protection,
such as the ones given on the toolbox website. Mother Mary’s rosaries will also serve
to protect your marriage. In the world of today, it is wise to assume that every aspect
of your life is under attack by dark forces, including your marriage. Therefore, it is
extremely prudent to call for the protection of yourself and your spouse and the sa-
cred union of your marriage.

Obviously, having sex outside marriage will break any spiritual protection you in-
voke. Therefore, I strongly encourage people to remain faithful to their marriage
vows. It would be unfortunate to destroy a marriage because of an artificial, dualis-
tic desire for sex. Defend your right to have a sacred relationship with your spouse
without being attacked by outside forces of temptation. Use spiritual means to avoid
having your life ruled by sexual desires, as I explained elsewhere.

Copyright © 2004 by Kim Michaels

 November 18, 2012  Sexuality

© Ascended Master Answers

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