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The technology Behind Translation

Google Translate is a popular translation service created in 2006. Initially, it used a basic word-
for-word translation, which caused errors in complete sentences. To improve its accuracy,
algorithms were implemented that store translations performed by users in a database.

After eliminating the word-by-word method, the translations became much more efficient, as
the phrases the user wants to enter already exist. And if the right translation is not found, the
artificial intelligence looks for similar phrases to make sense. This is known as patterns, which
are trained to learn the statistical probability of a phrase being translated into another language
and apply it to all new phrases.

A new form of Google Translate that has proven to be very effective is "Zero Shot Translation"
which has made it possible to translate to languages that were not available before. This
approach allows for the translation of languages without prior learning using a system called
Interlanguage that allows for translation between two languages that have never been trained

It is not possible to accurately demonstrate which translation tool is the most effective. It is a
time-consuming task and depends on factors such as the complexity of the text and the topic
being addressed. In addition, the potential of the translator to understand the translation must
be taken into account. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze different tools and compare the
results to obtain the best translation.

Machine translation tools have become more and more frequently popular in recent years,
particularly for the translation of texts. While these tools offer several benefits, some
downsides need to be considered when using machine translation for English articles.

One of the main advantages of using machine translation tools is speed. As we said, it can
translate a large volume of text in a short period, reducing the time and effort required for
manual translation. This can be especially useful for businesses or organizations that need to
translate large quantities of text quickly. 

Besides that, the quality translation of an article depends on the translation tool chosen. For
example, Google Translate is one of these tools that most users usually appeal to. Because can
show up a better result in translating a long written text in comparison with others of this kind
like Collins Dictionary or DeepL which give low-quality translated documents.      

However, one of the major downsides of using machine translation tools like Google Translate
is accuracy. These tools do not always capture the nuances of language, particularly in terms of
grammar, and syntax and it does not work like a human professional translator who possesses
the ability to substitute expressions with suitable alternatives for the target language.
Translation tools are computer tools that optimize the translation process carried out by a
human. They have been designed to help translators improve the productivity and quality of
their work, so some important aspects must be taken into account to maintain the naturalness
of the text when using any of these tools.

1 Translation memory software

In some translations, from those of a commercial nature, recurring phrases and statements can
account for up to 40% of the text, so that the translator is forced to continually locate the same
phrases, which slows down the project and affects the quality of the work with translation
memory software that doesn't happen because you can store previous source and target
translations to provide quick references to the translator as you work.

2 Linguistic search engines

Linguistic search engines work like traditional search engines, but they do not search for results
on the Internet, like Google or Bing, but perform specialized analysis. In practice, they examine
a large database of translation memories to find fragments of already converted text that
match the new text. It is particularly useful for consulting set phrases or idioms.

3 Terminology Management Software

Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of using standardized terminology, so

translators need an efficient tool that allows them to deal with acronyms, synonyms and


Technology is advancing so fast that by the year 2050 who knows what new technologies will have been
invented. It is quite likely that by 2050 we will have to rely on wind and solar power because we will
have been using most of our planet’s natural resources for years. As there will be a shortage of energy, it
is quite likely that at that time scientists will try to find a way for us to live outside the earth. Before the
end of the century, it’s possible that people will live in cities on the Moon or perhaps in cities on the
seabed. By 2100 it's possible that scientists will have been curing diseases such as cancer for years and,
due to the advancement of genetic engineering, maybe hereditary diseases passed down from
generation to generation will disappear forever. It is quite possible that by 2100 life expectancy will
increase to 100 and that we will enjoy a healthier existence. Another area likely to have been affected
by technology in the year 2100 is education. Many students will have been studying online from their
homes for decades.

La tecnología avanza tan rápido que para el año 2050 quién sabe qué nuevas tecnologías se
habrán inventado. Es muy probable que para 2050 tengamos que depender de la energía eólica
y solar porque habremos estado usando la mayoría de los recursos naturales de nuestro
planeta durante años.

Como habrá escasez de energía, es muy probable que en ese momento los científicos intenten
encontrar una manera de que vivamos fuera de la tierra. Antes de que finalice el siglo, es
posible que la gente viva en ciudades en la Luna o tal vez en ciudades en el fondo del mar.

Para el año 2100 es posible que los científicos lleven años curando enfermedades como el
cáncer y, debido al avance de la ingeniería genética, tal vez las enfermedades hereditarias que
se transmiten de generación en generación desaparezcan para siempre. Es muy posible que
para el año 2100 la esperanza de vida aumente a 100 años y que disfrutemos de una existencia
más sana.

Otra área que probablemente se vio afectada por la tecnología en el año 2100 es la educación.
Muchos estudiantes habrán estado estudiando en línea desde sus hogares durante décadas.

Ursulo Cabeza - 20 years old

I live in Punta de Mata, Monagas State. Currently, I'm studying English

and web development to broaden my skills and knowledge in these areas.
I'm a passionate football fan and always try to watch matches whenever I
can. Additionally, I love watching series and appreciating the nature
around me.

Translation tools have been a great change since their arrival, allowing communication with
people of different languages. They have also been a great ally for those who work in
translation, helping to perform translations more quickly. However, translators are not perfect
and despite their significant advancements in recent years, even being able to translate a
photo, they will always have some fidelity or coherence issues. That is why we should not rely
on these tools but use them only when necessary to avoid certain errors. The best translation
will always come from a human who knows how to interpret the best context for an effective

Ysamar Rosas – 20 years old.

I am currently working as an intern at the company Methanol de Oriente, Metor, S.A.

And I find myself living in the city of Puerto La Cruz.
I like reading, listening to music and learning about new cultures.

Thanks to these tools, I learned that they not only help translators save time, but also allow
them to be faster and more efficient, as well as offer a higher quality of translation. In addition,
it presents the possibility of quickly increasing its possibilities and the amount of resources, so
investing in this type of tool can be a great success on the part of translators. The adaptability of
these tools is also noteworthy, since they allow both the import and export of formats that are
foreign to the one used by these programs to work correctly.
Saraith Rivera – 21 years old

I work as a flight attendant in Conviasa airline. I´m from Maturin city but I spend a lot of time in La
Guairá because of my work. I really like practicing my English, that's why I chose this career.       
Through this activity I can say that we practice principal aspects to make an article. As we apply steps to
write a good article by putting a great headline and adding a story to it. Also, I consider that learning
how to make an article in a group is very challenging as well as consoling every idea in one document
but is not that impossible because we did a very good job at mixing and creating one result. Last but not
least, how translation works is the main point for this article we had to search formation for, so during
the project I absorbed the knowledge we contributed to create the document about the effectiveness of
a translator and many more. The project itself made us put in practice the subjects during the semester
and also prepared us for the next evaluations in the coming semesters.     

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