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Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

A Report From the National Academy of Medicine

Michael E. Matheny, The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care electronic health records, and exponential consumer
MD, MS, MPH offers substantial opportunities to improve patient and health data generation, have created a data-rich health
Department of clinical team outcomes, reduce costs, and influence care ecosystem. However, there continue to be issues
Biomedical Informatics,
population health. Current data generation greatly ex- of data quality, appropriate consent, interoperability, and
Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, ceeds human cognitive capacity to effectively manage scale of data transfers. The current challenges are
Nashville, Tennessee; information, and AI is likely to have an important and grounded in patient and health care system prefer-
and Geriatric Research complementary role to human cognition to support de- ences, regulations, and political will rather than techni-
Education & Clinical
Care Service,
livery of personalized health care.1 For example, recent cal capacity or specifications. It is prudent to engage AI
Tennessee Valley innovations in AI have shown high levels of accuracy in developers, users, and patients and their families in dis-
Healthcare System VA, imaging and signal detection tasks and are considered cussions about appropriate policy, regulatory, and leg-
among the most mature tools in this domain.2 islative solutions.
However, there are challenges in realizing the po- Prioritize ethical, equitable, and inclusive health
Danielle Whicher,
PhD, MHS tential for AI in health care. Disconnects between real- care AI while addressing explicit and implicit bias. This
Mathematica Policy ity and expectations have led to prior precipitous de- should be a clearly stated goal when developing and de-
Research, Washington, clines in use of the technology, termed AI winters, and ploying tools in consumer and clinical settings. Today’s
another such event is possible, especially in health care.3 health care inequities include societal bias, social deter-
Today, AI has outsized market expectations and tech- minants of health, and perverse incentives in the exist-
Sonoo Thadaney Is-
rani, MBA nology sector investments. Current challenges include ing system. Further exacerbating the lack of trust are
Stanford University using biased data for AI model development, applying high-profile, biased AI deployed for judicial sentencing,
School of Medicine, AI outside of populations represented in the training and facial recognition, and hiring practices.5 It is essential to
Stanford, California.
validation data sets, disregarding the effects of pos- ascertain the applicability of the data used to develop
sible unintended consequences on care or the patient- AI by scrutinizing the underlying biases to understand
clinician relationship, and limited data about actual ef- its potential to worsen or address existing inequities, and
fects on patient outcomes and cost of care. whether and how it should be deployed.6 Leveraging di-
AI in Healthcare: The Hope, The Hype, The Promise, verse data sets is essential, as is preventing unintended
The Peril, a publication by the National Academy of Medi- consequences resulting from privacy breaches and in-
cine (NAM), synthesizes current knowledge and offers appropriate deployment. A quintuple aim should be the
a reference document for the responsible develop- goal, adding equity and inclusion to the quadruple aim
ment, implementation, and maintenance of AI in the of improving the health of the population, enhancing the
clinical enterprise.4 The publication outlines current and patient experience, reducing per capita cost, and en-
near-term AI solutions; highlights the challenges, limi- hancing clinician wellness.
Contextualizing the dialogue of
transparency and trust requires ac-
Health care is at a critical juncture for cepting differential needs. Full trans-
the safe and effective use of AI parency with respect to the population-
representativeness, composition,
algorithms and tools in supporting the
semantics, provenance, and quality of
health of patients. data used to develop AI tools is critical.
There also needs to be full transpar-
tations, and best practices for AI development, adop- ency and assessment of relevant performance compo-
tion, and maintenance; presents an overview of the le- nents of AI. However, algorithmic transparency should
gal and regulatory landscape for health care AI; urges the not be required for all use cases. AI developers, imple-
prioritization of equity, inclusion, and a human rights lens menters, users, and regulators should collaboratively de-
for this work; and outlines considerations for moving for- fine guidelines for clarifying the level of transparency
Corresponding ward. This Viewpoint shares highlights from the NAM needed across a spectrum. There should be a clear
Author: Michael E. publication. separation of data, performance, and algorithmic
Matheny, MD, MS, Promoting population-representative data with transparency.
MPH, Department of
Biomedical Informatics,
accessibility, standardization, and quality is impera- Near-term focus is needed on augmented intel-
Vanderbilt University tive. Health care AI should be trained and validated on ligence vs AI autonomous agents. Fully autonomous
Medical Center, 2525 population-representative data to ensure accuracy for AI is inciting public concern and faces numerous tech-
West End Ave,
all populations and to achieve performance levels nec- nical and regulatory challenges. Realistically, the cur-
Nashville, TN 37212
(michael.matheny@ essary for scalable success. Trends such as decreasing rent opportunity is augmented intelligence, supporting cost for storing and managing data, data collection via data synthesis, interpretation, and decision-making for (Reprinted) JAMA Published online December 17, 2019 E1

© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: on 12/17/2019

Opinion Viewpoint

clinicians, allied health professionals, and patients. Focusing on this egy prior to embarking on substantial AI deployment and integra-
reality is essential for developing user trust because there is an un- tion. In addition, a national focus on providing appropriate health
derstandable low tolerance for machine error, and these tools are care AI in resource constrained environments is needed.
being implemented in an environment of inadequate regulation and Balance innovation with safety via regulation and legisla-
legislation. tion to promote trust. AI has the potential to improve patient out-
Develop and deploy appropriate training and educational comes but could also pose significant risks in terms of inappropri-
programs to support health care AI. The scale at which AI may ate or inaccurate patient risk assessment, treatment
change the landscape of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations, diagnostic error, privacy breaches, and other fac-
care management is substantial. The curricula must be multidisci- tors. While regulators should remain flexible, the potential for lag-
plinary and engage AI developers, implementers, health care sys- ging legal responses will remain a challenge for AI innovation. Re-
tem leadership, frontline clinical teams, ethicists, humanists, pa- cent congressional and US Food and Drug Administration
tients, and caregivers. Each group brings much needed perspectives, developments and guidance have made progress, and it is impor-
requirements, and expertise. Data science curricula should expand tant to pursue a graduated approach based on levels of patient risk
to include teaching how engaging diverse development teams is likely and AI autonomy, including considerations for static or dynamic AI.
to improve the utility and effect of AI, and also to raise the aware- Liability will continue to evolve as regulators, courts, and the risk-
ness of ethics, equity, inclusion, and potential unintended conse- management industries weigh in, and a careful balance and under-
quences. Health care professional training should incorporate cur- standing of this is critical for AI adoption.7 Regulators and patients
ricula on how to appropriately assess and use AI products and and their families should encourage AI developers, health system
services. Adding these components via continuing education for cur- leaders, clinical users, and informatics and health IT experts to evalu-
rent practitioners in all relevant fields should be a priority. Con- ate deployed clinical AI for effectiveness and safety based on clini-
sumer health educational programs, at all educational levels, are cal data.
needed to help inform consumers about consent, privacy, and health
care AI savviness. Conclusions
Leverage frameworks and best practices for learning health Health care is at a critical juncture for the safe and effective use of
care systems, human factors, and implementation science to ad- AI algorithms and tools in supporting the health of patients. The tech-
dress the challenges in operationalizing health care AI. The AI nical capacity exists to leverage these tools to transform health care.
community should develop guidance on best practices for inclusiv- The challenges are unrealistic expectations, biased and nonrepre-
ity and equity, software development, implementation science, and sentative data, inadequate prioritization of equity and inclusion, the
human-computer interaction, all within the framework of the learn- risk of exacerbating health care disparities, low levels of trust, un-
ing health care system. Health care delivery systems should have a certain regulatory and tort environments, and inadequate evalua-
robust and mature information technology (IT) governance strat- tion before scaling narrow AI.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Jonathan B. Perlin, MD, PhD, Reed Tuckson, MD, 3. Newquist H. The Brain Makers: Genius, Ego, and
Published Online: December 17, 2019. Mahnoor Ahmed, MEng, Paul Bleicher, MD, PhD, Greed in the Search for Machines That Think.
doi:10.1001/jama.2019.21579 Wendy Chapman, PhD, Jim Fackler, MD, Edmund Indianapolis, IN: Sams Publishing; 1994.
Jackson, PhD, Joachim Roski, PhD, MPH, Jaimee 4. Matheny ME, Thadaney Israni S, Ahmed M,
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Ms Thadaney Heffner, PhD, Ranak Trivedi, PhD, Guilherme Del
Israni reports being supported by Presence (a Whicher D. AI in Health Care: The Hope, the Hype,
Fiol, MD, PhD, Rita Kukafka, DrPh, Hossein Estiri, the Promise, the Peril. Washington, DC: National
Stanford Medicine Center, Stanford University). Dr PhD, Joni Pierce, MBA, Jeffrey Klann, PhD,
Matheny reports receiving grants from the Veterans Academy of Medicine; 2019.
Jonathan Chen, MD, PhD, Andrew Beam, PhD, artificial-intelligence-special-publication.
Administration. No other disclosures were Suchi Saria, PhD, Eneida A. Mendonca, MD, PhD,
reported. Hongfang Liu, PhD, Jenna Wiens, PhD, Anna 5. Dastin J. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool
Disclaimer: This Viewpoint provides a summary of Goldberg, PhD, Nigam Shah, MBBS, PhD, Stephan that showed bias against women.
a publication developed as part of the National Fihn, MD, MPH, Seth Hain, MS, Andrew Auerbach,
Academy’s Digital Learning Collaborative Initiative MD, Douglas McNair, MD, PhD, and Nicholson Price, jobs-automation-insight/amazon-scraps-secret-ai-
within the Leadership Consortium: Collaboration JD, PhD; they received no compensation. recruiting-tool-that-showed-bias-against-women-
for a Value & Science-Driven Learning Health idUSKCN1MK08G. October 9, 2018. Accessed
System ( REFERENCES December 13, 2019.
driven-health-care/digital-learning/). This article 1. National Research Council. Computational 6. Parikh RB, Teeple S, Navathe AS. Addressing bias
reflects the views of leading authorities on the Technology for Effective Health Care: Immediate in artificial intelligence in health care [published
issues engaged and does not represent formal Steps and Strategic Directions. Washington, DC: online November 23, 2019]. JAMA. doi:10.1001/
consensus positions of the National Academy of National Academies Press; 2009. jama.2019.18058
Medicine or the organizations of the participating 7. Price WN II, Gerke S, Cohen IG. Potential liability
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approach for evaluating knee MR Images: achieving for physicians using artificial intelligence. JAMA.
Additional Contributions: Coauthors of the high diagnostic performance for cartilage lesion 2019;322(18):1765-1766. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.
National Academy of Medicine publication include detection. Radiology. 2018;289(1):160-169. doi:10. 15064
the following: Michael McGinnis, MD, MA, MPP, 1148/radiol.2018172986

E2 JAMA Published online December 17, 2019 (Reprinted)

© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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