Basic Concept of Tra Fop Rot N

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Station Protection - Power Transformer Protection

ABB India
Utilities - Automation
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Station Protection - Power Transformer Protection

n Introduction:
•Transformer is a static device used to transform the
electrical energy from one alternating current circuit to
another without any change in frequency.
• Power Transformer is a vital link in a power
transmission system and distribution

• A Power Transformer is an important and expensive part of a

power network.

• The impact of a transformer fault is more serious than a

transmission line outage.

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• High availability of the power Transformer is therefore very

important in order to prevent disturbances in the power networks
transfer of power.

• Following are important.

• High quality transformer.
• Operating the transformer within specified limits of
temperature and voltage.
• Proper checking and maintaining OLTC.
• Providing suitable protective relays and monitoring devices.

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Why we need to protect a Transformer?

1. To Protect the Transformer from severe damages.

2. Time required to rectify the Transformer in case

of damages is more and it is very difficult.

3. Operation of a power network,when the power

transformer is out of service is always difficult.

4. A Power Transformer fault therefore often is

a more severe disturbance for the network,than
an overhead line fault which usually can be
repaired rather quickly.
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1.Incipient faults

2.Internal faults

3.External fault

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What are the faults which can occur in a

transformer or conditions leading to faults?

1.Insulation Breakdown
2.Phase to phase and Phase to Ground Fault
3.Reduced Cooling
4.Over heating due to overexcitation

5.Oil contamination and leakage

6.Aging of Insulation

7.Turn to Turn Fault

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Insulation Breakdown
Main causes of this are
• Aging of insulation due to over temperature during long time.
• Contaminated oil.
• Corona discharges in the insulation.
• Transient overvoltages due to thunderstorms or switching
in the network.
• Current forces on the windings due to external faults with
high current.
• Insulation Breakdown of the windings will cause short circuits
and /or earth faults.
• These faults causes severe severe damaging on the windings
and the transformer core.

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Aging of Insulation

• Aging of insulation is a function of time and temperature.

• Part of the winding operated at highest temperature undergoes

greatest deterioration.

• Improved cooling of transformer helps avoid accelerated

aging of the insulation.

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• The overexcited transformer flux is forced through metal tank
and other unlaminated parts of the transformer and result in
heating up.

• To get correct representation V/Hz relay should be connected

to PT measuring voltage of an untapped transformer winding.

Oil contamination and leakage

• Quality of oil should be checked to ensure dielectric strength

at site.

• Silica gel breather helps avoid moisture.

• Oil level monitored to avoid breakdown of insulation.

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Reduced Cooling
• Forced cooling systems should be supervised to get alarm.
• Oil temperature should be watched and appropriate action
taken if transformer gets overheated.

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Turn-to-turn Faults
• Turn to turn faults between a few turns is difficult to detect
by current measuring relays. Fault current is of the order of
rated current when 2 to 4% of the turns are short circuited.

• The current in the short circuited loop is high (50-100 times In)
and causes local damage and release of gas.

• Therefore rate of rise of pressure relay may detect this fault.

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Phase to phase faults

• Short circuits between the phases will give rise to substantial
fault current only limited by the source impedance and the leakage
impedance of the transformer

Phase to ground faults

• When the faults current flows through earth return path, the fault
is called ground fault.

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Neutral and the effects of Transformer faults

• star connected winding with neutral point earthed through an

•Primary current is approximately proportional to square

of the short circuited fraction of the winding.
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Neutral and the effects of Transformer faults

• star connected winding with neutral point solidly earthed

•The reactance decreases rapidly for fault close to neutral.

•Primary fault current for ground fault between 0-40% from

neutral is below 1.5In and therefore O/C relay will not be
able to detect this.

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Why the Relay Protection?

• To limit the damage to the faulted equipment

• To separate the faulted equiment from the remainder to

the system .So that the system can continue to function

• To minimise the possibility of fire

• To minimise hazard to personnel

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What are the Protections we need to give to a Transformer?

1.Differential Protection

2.Restricted earth fault Protection

3.Over Flux Protection
4.Over current Protection
5.Over Load Protection
6.Under Impedance Protection
7.Ground Fault Protection
8.Turn-Turn Fault

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Choice of protection for any given Power Transformer

depends upon a number of factors

• Size

• Importance

•Whether it has ON-Load (or) OFF-Load tap changer

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DATAs required for selecting the Protection scheme

• Particulars of Transformer
•Voltage ratio
•Connection of winding
•Percentage impedance
•Neutral point earthing & value of resistance
•Whether indoor (or) outdoor,dry (or) Oil filled
•With (or) Without conservator
• Length & Cross section of connecting leads between CTs and
relay panels
• Fault level at power transformer terminals
• Network diagram showing position of power transformer
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General practice of protection of transformer

• Small distribution transformer ( 11kV/415V)
• Only H.V fuses for PH.& E/F. fault protn

• For Important Transformer of about 500KVA

• Over current relays
• Instaneous Earth fault relays

• Transformer in important location rating 500KVA and above

• Restricted Earth Fault relays
• Over current relays
• Buchholz

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General practice of protection of transformer

• Transformer of about 5MVA and above

• Differential relays
• Restricted Earth Fault relays
• Over current relays
• Over fluxing relays
• Over load relays
• Buchholz

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• Differential protection responds to the vector

difference between two similar quantities

• This protection is generally called as


• Most of the Differential relays are Current diffl.


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• BASIC requirement

Differential relay connection must be satisfy

1) the Diffl. Relay must not operate for load (or)

external fault

2) The relay must operate for severe enough

internal fault

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Simplex example of such a arrangement is shown here

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Simplex example of such a arrangement is shown here

Circulating current protection

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applied to Transformer
Simple differential protection. Is inadequate because

• CT. Ratio error during shortcircuit

• Saturation of CT magnetic circuit during short
circuit condition
• Tap changinng
• Mangnetising inrush current

How to Overcome?

• Modification of circulating current differantial

relay is necessary to overcome the trouble arising
out of differences in CT ratios for hive value of
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Additional restraining (BIAS) coil in the pilot wire is introduced

A.T = I1 N/2 + I2 N/2 = N * ( ( I1 + I2 ) / 2

The relay is now called BIASED DIFFERENTIAL RELAY

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This relay is also called as PERCENTAGE DIFFERENTIAL RELAY

Ratio of differential operating current to average restraining

current is in “Fixed percentage”

I.e ( I1 - I2 ) / ( ( I1 + I2 ) / 2 )= %

This relay has rising pick-up chac. As the magnitude od

through current increases the restraining current increases

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One more difficulty in DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION is

magnetising inrush current which is not yet overcome
What is magnetising inrush current?
The shape , magnitude and duration of the inrush current
depend on the following factor

• Size of power transformer

• Source impedance
• Magnetic properties of the core material
• The remanence of the core
• The moment when the Tr. Is switced in.

Inrush current contain a large content of several

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One more difficulty in DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION is

magnetising inrush current which is not yet overcome

The relay filter the harmonic component from the inrush

current and feed it to restraining circuit

• DC or Off_set component
• 2nd Harmonic component
• 3rd Harmonic component
• 5th Harmonic component

Out of all second harmonic is predominant hence most of

the relay used this filter


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Current Transformer connection for differential relay

Simple thumb rule

• CTs on “Star” winding of power transformer

should be connected in “Delta”

• CTs on “Delta” winding of power transformer

should be connected in “Star”

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Variouse vector group

Power transformer are grouped according to the


• Group-1 = Yy0 Phase displacement = 0 degree

• Group-2 = Yy6 Phase displacement = 180 degree

• Group-3 = Dy11 (or)Yd11 Phase displacement = -30degree

• Group-4 = Dy1 (or)Yd1 Phase displacement = +30degree

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How to make required interconnection between the

CTs and Differential relay

• Mark the polarity

• Mark the current flow

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How to make required interconnection between the

CTs and Differential relay

• Apply thump rule

• Make sure that

secondary current
will circulate
between the CTs
and relay

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CT. connection for Power transformer of

various vector group

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CT. connection for Power transformer of

various vector group

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for 3 winding Transformer

Forgoing discussion for making the CT and Relay

interconnection applied to 2 winding transformer

• For 3 winding transformer .It is only necessary to

consider consider 2 winding at a time

I.e. HV & LV - Choose CT connection for HV and

determine CT connection for LV CT.
Then choose other winding w.r.t LV
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for 3 winding Transformer

• 3 WDG. TR with one

power source

• 3 WDG. TR with three

power source

• 3 WDG. TR with
unloaded teritery

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for 2 winding Transformer

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Interposing CT ( Auxiliary Transformer)

• To compensate for mismatch of line CT (ratio correction

• Phase shift correction

• ICT should be ideally match the relay current under load conditions
corresponding to the maximum MVA rating of Transformer

• Ratio of ICT should be calculated for balanced current when the

Tap-changer is in middle position

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Interposing CT Calculation
Data required:
Transformer details = KVHV /KVLV, MVA, Delta/Star

CT. details = CTRHV , CTRLV

• Main CT ratio should not be less than max full

load current in each winding

I FLHV = MVA/(1.732*KVHV ) amp; I FLLV = MVA/(1.732*KVLV ) amp;

• If the HV wdg. With -5%tap (center tap) then voltage

to be considered for calculation is( KVHV - 0.05)

I FLHV = MVA/(1.732*(KVHV - 0.05) amp

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Interposing CT Calculation

Secondary current from

HV line Ct is Isec HV = I FLHV /CTRHV amp;
LV line Ct is Isec LV = I FLLV /CTRLV amp;

• LV ICT should be connected in delta ,Whose secondary

current is divided by 1.732

• IF relay rated current is 1A.

The ratio required for the ICT is
HV side ICT ratio - ICT HV = IsecHV / 1 amp
LV side ICT ratio - ICT LV = IsecLV / 0.577 amp;

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Differential protn. Applied to a 2 wdg. Transformer

showing use of ICT

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Differential protn. Applied to a 3 wdg. Transformer

showing use of ICT

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Auto transformer are some time used to couple EHV power netrwok
Differential relay as discussed can be applied
• If one neutral CT is used

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• If CTs are fitted in each phase at the neutral winding

1) Does not respond for turn to turn fault
2) Does not response for any fault in teritery winding

• Scheme response to Ph/F & E/F

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E/F (or) Ground Fault protection

power transformer with impedance grounded (or) solid
grounded neutrals can be equipped with different type
GROUND FAULT RELAY to protect the grounded winding

• Residually connected E/F relay

• E/F relay connected in neutral to ground
• Combined E/F and Ph/F relay
• Restricted Earth Fault relay
# High impedance
# Low impedance
• Residual Volatge relay

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E/F (or) Ground Fault protection

• E/F relay connected in • E/F relay in neutral to earth
residual circuit circuit


• Ias+Ibs+Ics = 0 = Irs • In = Ia + Ib +Ic = 0

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REF. protection
• CTs in phase and neutral shall be
dedicated for the relay

• CT must have exactly the same

turns ratio

• NO turns correction are allowed

• Metrosil should be connected

across the relay

• Secondary circuit of the CTs have

to be grounded at only one point
• REF protection for STAR winding
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REF. protection
• When the fault occur very near the neutral point of the TR. ,the
voltage available for driving E/F current is small. Hence fault
current would be low

• If the relay is to sense such a faults , it has to be too sensitive

and would therefore operate for spurious signals,external faults
and switching surges

• The practice is to set the relay such that it operate for E/F
current of the order of 15% of rated winding current. Such a
setting protects restricted protection of winding.

Hence the name is called

Restricted Earth Fault protection
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REF. protection
• REF for Delta • REF for unearthed Star
connected winding connected winding

I.e. neutral is not earthed

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REF. protection
Connection of REF for delta connected winding
& grounding Transformer

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Combined differential and REF. protection

with SCT

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Combined differential and REF. protection

with ICT

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Combined differential and REF. protection

with in zone Earthing Transformer

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Combined differential and REF. protection

with in zone Earthing Transformer

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Differential protection
with in zone Earthing Transformer & no E/F relay

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Earthing Transformer protection

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Over Current protection

Through faults are not detected by differential protection
of Transformer.If the through fault persists of longer
duration, the TR. Gets damaged by Thermal stresses.
Through faults are detected by O/C relays

• Protection against Phase fault

• Below 5MVA , Main protection against shortcircuit
• Above 5MVA, Backup protection for sustained
through fault

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Over Current protection

While selecting O/C protection of TR. Following aspects
need consideration

• Magnetising Current inrush

IDMT relays are not affected by the current inrush as they

have enough time lag
Inst. O/C relays should be HIGH-SET to avoid mal operation

• Fault currents on pri. Side and sec. Side of power

transformer are different for Ph-Ph fault

Lower value should be selected for setting of O/C.

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Over Current protection

While selecting O/C protection of TR. Following aspects
need consideration

• Pri. Fault current should be considered while

setting O/C

Setting of IDMT relays is generally 125% of Tr. Rating to

take care of normal O/L . Enough time delay should be
provided as per the application

• Same set of CTs should not be used for Diffl. And O/C. protn.

• Setting of Inst. O/C relay on pri. Side should be more than

asymmetrical value of fault current for 3 ph. Fault on sec.side of
Tr. (which generally adequate for mag. Inrush. current
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Under impedance protection

O/C relays are not always suitable as Back-up relays for
system Transformer connecting two networks (or) in
network with a large difference between maximum and
minimum short circuit fault MVA

Back-up protection must be able to see a fault at any one

of the voltage system and it must also be able to operate
for minimum short circuit MVA

• In such a case we use Under impedance relay as Back-up

Reach is independent of the magnitude of short circuit current

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Under impedance protection




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Over load protection

• The permissible O/L and their duration depends upon
• Type of cooling
• Insulation class of transformer

• Higher O/L are permissible for a shorter duration

Over load % 125 150 175 200 300

Duration (Mts) 125 45 15 10 1

• Hence S/S Tr. O/L protn is arranged to initiat ALARM

• for unattended station O/L protn is arranged to TRIP CB.

After a requiste time delay
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Over Fluxing protection

(High magnetic flux protn)
• Over fluxing causes
• Over heating of core
• Insulation failure
• The magnetic flux in the Tr. Core is a function of V/F

• The resistance & capacitance are connected to sec.

Voltage of VT. The voltage drop acoss the resistance is a
function of V/F.
• V = line to earth voltage
• F = frequency

This voltage is fed to “Voltsper herz” relay and provided with

enough time lag.
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Neutral displacement protection

• Also called as Residual voltage relay

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1. Gas Detector Relay

2. Temperature Monitoring

3. Oil Level Monitor

Protective relays limit the damage in case of fault

and monitors to prevent the fault. Therefore fast
and reliable protective relays should be used.

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• Monitors are very important devices which detect faults and
abnormal service conditions which may develop into fault.

Gas Detector Relay

• During fault, arching occurs releasing gas.

• Gas collected in alarm device gives alarm.

• Can detect a slowly developing fault before it becomes

more serious.
• Trip devices responds to the high flow of oil which occurs
during the sudden occurrence of a serious fault.

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Any Questions?

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