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Test items

Test items are created ONLY in Creation tool. (In case, the author creates the test items at home, then the creation tool has to be installed at home pc) The technical validation of the test items are done, while reviewing the test items in the review tool. Opt1_txt/Opt2_txt /Opt3_txt,Opt4_txt should not be blank and All 4 options must be different. Page Number mentioned in the tblQuestions table should match with the Concept given in stem_text

FACT Delivery Format for ILB

FACT delivery format should be as per the attached format. Semester name should be of Maximum 10 characters. Database name should clearly reflect :obj / Subj Type of Exam should be FACT. MOCK FACT has to be delivered for semester courses It is better to provide Semester Code and Course code for FACT.

Techedge Delivery Format for ILB

Techedge delivery format should be as per the attached format. Semester name should be of Maximum 10 characters. Database name should clearly reflect :PT / SMT Type of Exam should be PT/SMT. Semester Code, Course code, Curriculum Code are mandatory for techedge.

Attached format

D:\manasi\QA n Qc\ All check lists\FACT

Attached format

Techedge Delivery Format.doc

Test items

Packaging the database

Pos_mks field values is as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno is not blank and is unique for each record. neg_mks field is having 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions.

Solution field contains the value between 1 and 4 only. Version column contains the version of the database. Author field contains value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column contains value ENGINE_BASED.

The columns where value is not required, should be updated with sql value NULL. Semester field contains proper semester name in all the record.

No Junk characters should be in the OLT-based databases. For ILB, the pass percentage of MT has to be 50% .

Testing in OLT

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (OLT) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the Database: Name of the SME who has reviewed the questions (if any):

Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA.

Is it a freshly created database?

If it is a reused database, then the attempt of all the questions are done. Name of the resued database (with version):


Test_id, test_no and tcf_id are generated for the new database using 01_Code_Maintenance.mdb database, available under 01_IRD_General>03_IRD_Standards_Tools_&_ Samples->02_Tools->03_OLT_Code_Maintenance cMapID column is not blank, and is in the range of 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values is as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno is not blank and is unique for each record. neg_mks field is having 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions. ConceptTested column of tblQuestions table and ConceptTested column of tblCMap is same. Solution field contains the value between 1 and 4 only. Version column contains the version of the database. Author field contains value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column contains value ENGINE_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with sql value NULL. Semester field contains proper semester name in all the record. All Questions having an associated Exhibit (graphic) should be having the graphic as an embedded object in the Graphic column. The graphic will be of .bmp type and the size should not exceed 600*400 pixels. The instruction to refer the graphic should be "Click the Exhibit button to view the figure" In tblquestions, the Q no and Istemid should be numbered in such a way that if Qno is 1, then the istem_id should be 1 No Junk characters should be in the OLT-based databases. For ILB, the pass percentage of MT has to be 50% .

The first instruction in the tbl_Tcf table for MT should be "This is the Module Test for <name of the module>. The rest of the instructions should be : ******************************************************************************************* Test Instructions ------------------------1. This is the Module Test 1 for Troubleshooting and Mantaining PC. 2. The total number of questions that will be presented to you in the test are 27. 3. The amount of time available to complete this test is 55 minutes. 4. There are no negative marks for answering a question incorrectly. Hence you can attempt all questions. 5. You MUST maintain silence while taking the test. 6. You MUST NOT discuss anything with your peers while taking the test. 7. You MUST NOT peep into your neighbor's screen. 8. You MUST NOT use Mobile Phones while giving exam. 9. In case of any problems such as a system failure, do not panic. Contact your invigilator for assistance. 10. The pass percentage for this test is 50. ***************************************************************************************** The queries, which are in the attached .mdb, are run to check the hygiene of the database.

There should not be extra space b/w words of stem_text. More than two space has to be corrected. The scrolling of the OLT engine window should be vertical, not horizontal. All the options are visible properly in OLT engine. If the stem_test has the character "&", and in order to make it appear as "&" in OLT engine, it need to be written as &&. For example, for "&a" in the OLT engine, the stem_text should be "&&a", AND for "&&a" in the OLT engine, the stem_text should be "&&&&a". In case of ILB, the naming convention of MT should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_MT_<Version> For ex: IECV2_BSIM_Sem C_MT_V1.0

Blueprint should be as per the attached format. The ratio of level wise questions should be: L1 & L2 : L3 & L4 = 60 : 40 In MT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 5. The with source database MUST contain the tblQuestions_Crosstab query and MUST NOT contain any other query and modules. The without source database must be in 97 format and must not contain any query (not even tblQuestions_Crosstab) or module. Before sending the database for QA, ensure that the database is tested in the OLT Engine for the Total no. of questions in all the set. For example, if the total no of sets is 5, then the testing needs to be done for all the 5 sets and then for the 1 set. The OLT report for both need to be submitted to QA. Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions is as per the Blue Print. The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, with out source (5 set), with out source (1 set), and the blueprint.

C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

Without source database should not have the read only attribute. The password for with source and without source database of ILB is : NwQsR@404


Checked (Yes/No)

Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Test items

Packaging the database

Qno is not blank and is unique for each record. neg_mks field is having 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions.

Solution field contains the value between 1 and 4 only. Version column contains the version of the database. Author field contains value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column contains value ENGINE_BASED.

The columns where value is not required, should be updated with sql value NULL. Semester field contains proper semester name in all the record.

No Junk characters should be in the OLT-based databases. For IEB, the pass percentage of MT has to be 45% .

Testing in OLT

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (OLT) Name Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the Database: Name of the SME who has reviewed the questions (if any): Checked (Yes/No)

Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. Is it a freshly created database?

If it is a reused database, then the attempt of all the questions are done. Name of the resued database (with version):


Test_id, test_no and tcf_id are generated for the new database using 01_Code_Maintenance.mdb database, available under 01_IRD_General>03_IRD_Standards_Tools_&_ Samples->02_Tools->03_OLT_Code_Maintenance cMapID column is not blank, and is in the range of 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values is as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno is not blank and is unique for each record. neg_mks field is having 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions. ConceptTested column of tblQuestions table and ConceptTested column of tblCMap is same. Solution field contains the value between 1 and 4 only. Version column contains the version of the database. Author field contains value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column contains value ENGINE_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with sql value NULL. Semester field contains proper semester name in all the record. All Questions having an associated Exhibit (graphic) should be having the graphic as an embedded object in the Graphic column. The graphic will be of .bmp type and the size should not exceed 600*400 pixels. The instruction to refer the graphic should be "Click the Exhibit button to view the figure" In tblquestions, the Q no and Istemid should be numbered in such a way that if Qno is 1, then the istem_id should be 1 No Junk characters should be in the OLT-based databases. For IEB, the pass percentage of MT has to be 45% .

The first instruction in the tbl_Tcf table for MT should be "This is the Module Test for <name of the module>. The rest of the instructions should be : ******************************************************************************************* Test Instructions ------------------------1. This is the Module Test 1 for Troubleshooting and Mantaining PC. 2. The total number of questions that will be presented to you in the test are 27. 3. The amount of time available to complete this test is 55 minutes. 4. There are no negative marks for answering a question incorrectly. Hence you can attempt all questions. 5. You MUST maintain silence while taking the test. 6. You MUST NOT discuss anything with your peers while taking the test. 7. You MUST NOT peep into your neighbor's screen. 8. You MUST NOT use Mobile Phones while giving exam. 9. In case of any problems such as a system failure, do not panic. Contact your invigilator for assistance. 10. The pass percentage for this test is 45. ***************************************************************************************** The queries, which are in the attached .mdb, are run to check the hygine of the database.

There should not be extra space b/w words of stem_text. More than two space has to be corrected. The scrolling of the OLT engine window should be vertical, not horizontal. All the options are visible properly in OLT engine. If the stem_test has the character "&", and in order to make it appear as "&" in OLT engine, it need to be written as &&. For example, for "&a" in the OLT engine, the stem_text should be "&&a", AND for "&&a" in the OLT engine, the stem_text should be "&&&&a". In case of IEB, the naming convention for MT should be: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_MT_<Version>_released_<date>_<month>_<ye ar> For ex: IEB_MMSV2_Q8M2_STQA_MT_V1.0_released_14 Feb'09 In case of IEB, the naming convention for QT should be: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_QT_<Version>_released_<date>_<month>_<year> For ex: IEB_MMSV2_Q8_QT_V1.0_released_14 Feb'09
C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

Blueprint should be as per the attached format.

The ratio of level wise questions should be: L1 & L2 : L3 & L4 = 60 : 40 In MT and QT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 5. Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in tblQuestions is as per the Blue Print. The with source database MUST contain the tblQuestions_Crosstab query and MUST NOT contain any other query and modules. The without source database must be in 97 format and must not contain any query (not even tblQuestions_Crosstab) or module. Before sending the database for QA, ensure that the database is tested in the OLT Engine for the Total no. of questions in all the set. For example, if the total no of sets is 5, then the testing needs to be done for all the 5 sets and for the 1 set. The OLT report for both need to be submitted to QA.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, with out source (5 set), with out source (1 set), and the blueprint. Without source database should not have the read only attribute. The password for with source and without source database of IEB is : ceg!@#99%


Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Test items

Guidelines while packaging the database

cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only.

Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be WEB_BASED.

Semester field should contain proper semester name.

For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB.

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the Database: Name of the SME who has reviewed the questions (if any): Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt. It is a freshly created database.

If it is a reused database, then the attempt of all the questions are done. Name of the resued database (with version):

Database contains only tblQuestions table without any password. The data types of various columns of the tblquestions should be as per the attached sample.
C:\Documents and Settings\swati.jain\

cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4, Secondary LO1, etc. Semester field should contain proper semester name.

All Questions having an associated graphic with the stem text should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a graphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images exist in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For FACT databases, ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_Obj/Sub_Version(e.gIEC_T1S3_Asp.Net_OBJ_V1.0). The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the following figure" etc.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_FCT_<Version>

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in tblQuestions is as per the Blue Print.

C:\Documents and

Settings\manasim\D The ratio of level wise questions should be: L1 & L2 : L3 & L4 = 40 : 60

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. In FACT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 5. The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, blueprint, and filled in checklist.


Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No"

C:\Documents and Settings\swati.jain\

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Test items

Packaging the database

cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be WEB_BASED.

Semester field should contain proper semester name.

For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB.

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the Database: Name of the SME who has reviewed the questions (if any): Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt. It is a freshly created database.

If it is a reused database, then the attempt of all the questions are done. Name of the resued database (with version):

Database contains only tblQuestions table without any password. cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number is present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4, Secondary LO1, etc. Semester field should contain proper semester name. All Questions having an associated graphic with the stem text should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a graphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images exist in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For FACT databases, ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_Obj/Sub_Version(e.gIEC_T1S3_Asp.Net_OBJ_V1.0).

The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the following figure" etc.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_FACT_<Version>

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in tblQuestions is as per the Blue Print.

The ratio of level wise questions should be: L1 & L2 : L3 & L4 = 40 : 60 The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. In FACT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 5. The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the FACT delivery format.


Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Test items

Packaging the database

neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value 1 ONLY. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED.

Semester field should contain proper semester name in all the record.

For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options.

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt. There is one recommended solution in opt1_txt and in rest of the fields such as opt2_txt, opt3_txt, and opt4_txt, NONE is entered. Though the solution is opt1_txt, still 1 should be entered in the solution field. The Questions need to be in the ratio of 1:5 and there should be 4 to 5 questions per subject in 1 set. (for a subject which is more than 30 hrs)

Database contains only tblQuestions table without any password. The Pos_mks for level 3 questions should be 8 and pos_mks for level 4 questions should be 10. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value 1 ONLY. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt2_txt till opt8_txt, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4, Secondary LO1, etc. Semester field should contain proper semester name in all the record. All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a grphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images extst in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For FACT databases ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_Sub_Version(e.gIEC_T1S3_Asp.Net_FACT_Sub).

The stem_text should NOT contain the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_FACT_Sub_<Version>

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print. There is no L1 & L2 questions and L3 & L4 is 100%. The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the FACT delivery format.


Reason for No

Test items

Packaging the database

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt.

Database contains only tblQuestions table and having no password. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4, Secondary LO1, etc. Semester field should contain proper semester name in all the record. For FACT databases ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_TIRM_FACT_Version (e.gIEC_T1S3_TIRM_FACT_V1.0). The stem_text should NOT contain the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_TIRM_FACT_<Version>

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print. There is only L1 questions.

In TIRM FACT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the FACT delivery format.


Reason for No

Test items

Packaging the database

Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED.

Semester field should contain proper semester name.

For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options.

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt.

Database contains only tblQuestions table and having no password. cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Numbers should match with Concept given in stem_text and Page Numbers must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Secondary LO1, etc. Feedback 1 till Feedback 4 columns are not blank. These should be containing the feedback according to the correct and incorrect option. Semester field should contain proper semester name. All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a grphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images extst in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For PT databases ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_PT_Version(e.gIEC_T1S3_Asp.Net_PT_V1.0). The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_PT_<Version>

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. The number of questions should be : 3 Q per session Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print.

If the PT is of ILT (module), the level of the questions will be L2 and L3 ONLY. L2&L3 is 100%.

If the PT is of CBT/WBT, the level of the questions will be L1 and L2 ONLY. L1 & L2 is 100%.

PT needs to be splited in two parts, if the number of CR sessions for Module is more than 6 sessions.

In PT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 2.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the techedge delivery format.

E (Web-based)

Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No". If the PT is not of ILT, then write NA. Deviation is required for the response "No". If the PT is not of CBT/WBT, then write NA.

Deviation is required for the response "No".

Test items

Packaging the database

Before sending to QA

In SMT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

The number of questions in MT and SMT in one set is same.

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt.

Database contains only tblQuestions table and having no password. cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4, Secondary LO1, etc. Semester field should contain proper semester name. All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a grphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images extst in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column.

For SMY databases ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_SMT_Version(e.g- IEC_T1S3_SMT_V1.0). The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc.

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format. Blueprint of SMT (cmap and levels should be exactly same as that of MT.
C:\Documents and Settings\manasim\D

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format.

In SMT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print. The number of questions in MT and SMT in one set is same. The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the techedge delivery format.


Reason for No

Test items

Packaging the database

Before sending to QA

In techedge (IEB), number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt.

Database contains only tblQuestions table and having no password. cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4, Secondary LO1, etc. In case of IEB techedge, the columns of FEEDBACK 1 till FEEDBACK 4 is "None". Semester field should contain proper semester name. All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a grphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images extst in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For techedge databases of IEB, ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_PT_Version(e.gIEB_MMSV2_Q6M2_Techedge_V1.0).

The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
IEB_MMSv2.0_Q1M 1_TechEdge_ V1.0

The level of the questions will be L1 and L2 ONLY. L1 & L2 is 100%. Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print.

In techedge (IEB), number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint. Techedge delivery format is not required for IEB PT.


Reason for No

Test items

Before Converting to Paper Based

Converting to Paper Based

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Paper-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. It is a freshly created database. If it is a reused database, then the attempt of all the questions are done. Name of the resued database (with version):

cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records. Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4 columns should be should be SQL NULL. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. Semester field should contain proper semester name.

MT will be having 3 sets of test papers.

Test Papers are created by following the instructions given in the attached PPT.
How to create paper based test p

All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic in the cell given for graphic in the attached format. The question should be having the phrase "Consider the following figure" as a reference to the figure. The attached doc is the sample format of MT.

The naming convention for the database should be : IEB_China_Module_MT_Set<#> There is no header/footer in the test papers for MT. Extra spaces between the words in question text and options are removed. Following components will be sent to QA: 3 sets of test papers of MT, filled in checklist (soft copy)


Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Test items

Before Converting to Paper Based

Converting to Paper Based

Before sending to QA

Extra spaces between the words in question text and options are removed.

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Paper-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. It is a freshly created database. If it is a reused database, then the attempt of all the questions are done. Name of the resued database (with version):

cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records. Page Number must be present for all the questions. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type, Feedback 1 till Feedback 4 columns should be should be SQL NULL. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. Semester field should contain proper semester name.

FCT will be having 3 sets of test papers and 3 sets of Answer key.

The total marks should be calculated from the blueprint.

Test Papers are created by following the instructions given in the attached PPT.
How to create paper based test p

All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic in the cell given for graphic in the attached format. The question should be having the phrase "Consider the following figure" as a reference to the figure. The attached doc is the sample format of FCT.
D:\manasi\QA n Qc\ testing\Test Paper\

In FCT, along with the FCT, solution is also created in a separate document called "Answer Key". The attached doc is the sample format of a Answer key. The naming convention for the database should be : IEB_China_Module_FCT_Set<#> and IEB_China_Module_FCT_Answer_Key_Set<#> The header should be reflecting the Course, Module Test, Total Questions, Total Marks and Duration. The format of header is as per the format given in the preceding attached ppt. The footer should be reflecting the code# and the page #. The format of the footer is as per the format given in the preceding attached ppt. Extra spaces between the words in question text and options are removed. Following components will be sent to QA: 3/5 sets of test papers of FCT, 3/5 sets of Answer key filled in checklist (soft copy), blueprint


Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Deviation is required for the response "No"

Test items Packaging the database

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Database contains Module_Master, Module_Parameter_Mapping,Parameter_Master ,and Session Master tables and having no password. Mod_Id column in Module_Master table should not be blank, and must be unique for each record. For ex: IMC_GNIM_M1. Curriculum and Semester Column in Module_Master table should not be blank. Module Field in Module_Master table must contain the name of the module. Parameter_ID field must contain the parameters that are assigned against the respective module that are mentioned in the Parameter_Master table. Parameter Name field contain the name of parameters. This table is same for all the projects. Max_Marks field contain the marks that are assigned against each parameter. The total marks should be 100. TopicID field cannot be left blank and should contain the unique record for each entry of the module. For ex: If the module Security Fundamentals contains 5 rows, and has the topic_id 260, then, for each row of that module should have the topic_id 260. Session_Id field cannot be left blank and should be unique for every session. For ex: IMC_GNIM4_M1_S01, where S01 is the session 1. Session field contain the session of the module that corresponds to the session_id field. For ex: Sem4: Lesson 1. HO Suggested field must contain the value "y" that is assigned against the respective module. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_MOCK_FACT_<Version> The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the FACT Delivery Format.

Reason for No

Test items

Packaging the database

Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED.

Semester field should contain proper semester name.

For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options.

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt.

Database contains only tblQuestions table and having no password. cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Numbers should match with Concept given in stem_text and match with the chapter numbers only for all the questions. Chapter #s will be displayed under this column. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database. Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Secondary LO1, etc. Feedback 1 till Feedback 4 columns are not blank. These should be containing the feedback according to the correct and incorrect option. Semester field should contain proper semester name. All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a grphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images extst in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For CPT databases ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_CPT_Version(e.gIEC_T1S3_Asp.Net_PT_V1.0). This can be written without curriculum/semester.

The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc.

Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Chapter #>_CPT_<Version>

Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
D:\Jayasree\ Projects\Delivery9.

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Web-based database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. The number of questions should be : 10 Q per session Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print.

If the CPT is of ILT (module), the level of the questions will be L3 and L4 ONLY. L3 & L4 is 100%.

If the CPT is of CBT/WBT, the level of the questions will be L1 and L2 ONLY. L1 & L2 is 100%.

In CPT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the techedge delivery format.


Reason for No

Deviation is required for the response "No". If the CPT is not of ILT, then write NA. Deviation is required for the response "No". If the CPT is not of CBT/WBT, then write NA. Deviation is required for the response "No".

Test items

Packaging the

Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database.

Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED.

Feedback 1 till Feedback 4 columns will be "None". Semester field should contain proper semester name.

For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB.

Before sending to QA

CHECKLIST BEFORE SENDING THE QUESTION BANK DATABASE (Web-based) Checklist Points Write the name of the member who has attempted all the questions: Name of the DM: Name of the CO: Name of the database: Checked (Yes/No) Reason for No

Spell Check tool is run for all the test items in the .mdb file. Review tool reports are submitted to QA. If the question text or options contain any special characters, then the string literals should be used to nullify the special meaning of the special characters. For eg. &lt; &gt; to be used to nullify the special meaning of < and > characters respectively. Similarly, the meaning of other special characters like /,\,%,&,^ etc have to be nullified. No <> tag is visible in the stem_txt, opt1_txt, opt2_txt, opt3_txt, or in opt4_txt. Database contains only tblQuestions table and having no password. cMapID column should not be blank, and should range between 1 to 10 only. Pos_mks field values should match as per alevel_id. For ex: for alevel_id= 2, pos_mks should be 2. Qno should not be blank and must be unique for each record. neg_mks field should have 0 for all records Page Numbers should match with Concept given in stem_text and match with the chapter numbers only for all the questions. Chapter #s will be displayed under this column. Solution field must contain the value between 1 and 4 in all records. Version column should contain the version of the database.

Author field should contain value NIIT:IDD in all records of database. Type column should be should be WEB_BASED. In the BluePrint.xls, values for different levels should match with tblQuestion_crosstab query values. The columns where value is not required, should be updated with "None". For example, opt5_txt till opt8_txt, Secondary LO1, etc. Feedback 1 till Feedback 4 columns will be "None". Semester field should contain proper semester name. All Questions having an associated graphic should be having the graphic name under SECONDARY LO2 column. The name of the graphic should reflect the question no. For example: If Qno 2 has a grphic, then the Secondary LO2 for this question should be "Qno 2.gif". Secondary LO1 and graphic columns should be containing value "None". For Web-based databases, image size should not exceed 20 KB. Images extst in a separate folder called "Images". It should contain all the images for the database in

.gif format.

For RT databases ISTEM_ID should be changed by appending version with it.The format for ISTEM_ID-> curriculum_Semester_Module_RT_Version(e.gIEC_T1S3_Asp.Net_PT_V1.0). This can be written without curriculum/semester.

The stem_text is not containing the phrase "Click the Exhibit button to see the figure" for showing the figures. Instead of this, it should be "Consider the figure below."/ "Consider the following figure" etc. Option numbers such as " 1, ", "2, ", "3, ", "4, " are not required before the options. The Secondary LO1 and LO2 columns are required in the tblQuestions. If there is no figure, then "None" will appear under Secondary LO2 column. The name of the database should be according to the following naming convention: <Curriculum>_<Semester>_<Module>_<Chapter #>_RT_<Version> Crosstab query output should map with the blueprint. Blueprint should be as per the attached format.
D:\Jayasree\ Projects\Delivery9.

The format of the database should be correct. For instance, Incase of Webbased database, it should be in 2000-2003 format. The number of questions should be : 5 Q per session Combination of cmap_id and alevel_id in the tblQuestions table should be as per Blue Print.

If the RT is of ILT (module), the level of the questions will be L1 and L2 ONLY. L1 & L2 is 100%.

In RT, number of sets in tblQuestions is 3.

The components that need to be given to QA are: Filled in database checklist (soft copy), with source .mdb, and the blueprint, filled in checklist, and the techedge delivery format.

Deviatio n is required for the response "No". If the CPT is not of ILT, then write NA. Deviatio n is required for the response "No".

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