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Exposure to


This block introduces you to elements of safety in relation to the power

system. You will learn about the basic safety concepts leading to
understanding of safe usage and also what to do when the unforeseen
does strike.

You will first of all learn the safety concepts in this relation. You would
know what safety requirements and pit-falls are there. Then you will be
introduced to some basic steps, which you as a non-medical professional,
may take before expert help arrives. Of course, this is for the contingency
of an accident in relation to electricity or the use of electricity, involving
humans. Further, you shall be introduced to some important medical
procedures, which could save life in an emergency situation.

As we know, in spite of our best efforts and intentions, disasters may

strike. We already know about earthquakes, floods, typhoons, etc. There
could also be some man-made disasters, e.g., war, terror-attacks, etc. In
any such situation, considering the essential nature of electric supply in
our life, it is imperative that the power system be restored, of course in a
safe manner, as soon as possible. This issue is also addressed in this

This block consists of three units.

Unit 1 gives a broad overview of the Safety Elements. This unit introduces
the concepts of safety in relation to the use of electrical power.

Unit 2 deals with First Aid. This unit covers the different remedies
available as immediate help, which may be provided on the spot by non-
medical professionals, in the case of an electrical accident involving
human victims.

Unit 3 introduces you to Disaster Management. This unit covers the

situation of what to do and how to ensure continued good health or bring
up the power system again, after the occurrence of a disaster or a
disaster-like situation.

In this block you will become acquainted with the importance of safety in
relation to the electrical power. You will learn the need for safety, the
immediate help that you can provide to the victim of a power system
accident and how to react and handle the power system, in case a
disaster strikes.


Electrical Safety Measures

Unit 6 Safety Elements
6.1 Introduction 9
6.2 Electrical Safety 9
6.3 Purpose of Electrical Safety 10
6.4 Electrical Quality Associated with Human Injury 12
6.5 Power Tool and Safety 13
6.6 Equipment Safety 15
6.7 Safety Equipments, Personal Safety and
Preventive Measures 18
6.8 Fire Safety and Prevention 23
6.9 Fire Extinguishments 27
6.10 Electrical Fire 30
Origin of Electrical Fires 30
Preventive Measures 30
6.11 Do’s and Don’ts for Electrical Safety 37
6.12 Let Us Sum Up 39
6.13 Terminal Questions 40
6.14 Answers to Check Your Progress 40
6.15 Answers to Terminal Questions 41

Unit 7 First Aid

7.1 Introduction 45
7.2 Golden Rules of the First Aid 45
7.3 Provide First Aid : Various Situations 46
Fall 46
Burns 48
Eye Injuries 52
Artificial Respiration 53
7.4 Electric Shock 57
Symptoms and Signs of Shock 57
Electrical Injuries 58
Treatment 58
7.5 When Someone Has Been Electrocuted 59
7.6 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 60
7.7 Let Us Sum Up 62
7.8 Terminal Questions 63

Unit 8 Disaster Management

8.1 Introduction 67
8.2 Causes of Disaster in Power Sector 67
8.3 Damages Caused due to Disaster 70
8.4 Objectives of Disaster Management 70
8.5 Types of Emergencies 71
8.6 Quick Restoration of Power Supply 72
8.7 Facilities and Essential Requisites 75
8.8 Do’s and Don’ts 77
8.9 Let Us Sum Up 79
8.10 Terminal Questions 79
8.11 Answers to Check Your Progress 80
Safety Elements

Electrical energy is one the most important forms of energy for us, and
finds practical use in all walks of life.

In fact it is considered extremely useful in bringing about the all-round

development of any country – be it in agricultural or industrial arena.

Like any other form of energy, electricity needs careful handling. Careless
handling can lead to accident or destruction.

Electrical safety measures are very important to protect humans and


If proper safety practices are not followed, electricity may cause one or
more of the following :

 Severe burns,

 Life long disability, and

 Result in fire accidents destroying the materials/properties, etc.

 Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to

 describe the purpose of electrical safety,

 list the electrical hazards associated with equipment,

 describe the personal safety and preventive measures,

 discuss the precaution and safety rules to prevent fire

accidents, and

 understand electrical safety procedures for general safety.


When a person comes in contact with a wire or a surface, which is

charged, a sudden unintended current flows though the body of that
person. In such a situation the person is said to have received an
electrical shock. This current may cause damage to the nervous system
of the affected person.

There could be various reasons for getting an electric shock. All electrical
parts, which could come in contact with living being or any other object,
are normally covered with a sufficiently thick layer of a non-conducting
material. Such a material is called ‘insulation’.
Electrical Safety It is possible that the insulation provided on the live (electrically charged)
part has become electrically weak/damaged or has aged.
The insulation design itself may be inadequate. With this people making a
contact with the equipment or instrument may get a shock and it could be
sometimes fatal.
It is also possible that the part in question was never expected to be
exposed and people who may un-knowingly touch such a live conductor
experience a shock.
A fault in equipment or a system may also result in an electric shock.
Further, wrong use, bad position, mal-operation or mishandling may also
lead to electrical injury. Natural calamity like lightning discharges (cloud to
ground) may result in fatal accidents to living beings and may result in
damages to structures/properties.

 Check Your Progress 1

What could be the reason for an electrical shock?


Purpose of electrical safety is to avoid the dangers associated with
handling of electricity or electrical equipment.
 Dangers from Electricity
Dangers associated with the use of electricity may be classified as
follows :
 Injury from Direct Contact
 shock, to nervous system.
 internal burns.
 Injury without Current Flow through Body
 Direct burns from electric arcs, spattered molten metal,
 Radiation burns from very heavy arcs.
 Physical injury from false starting of machine, failure of
crane controls, explosion of switchgear, etc.
 Injury from fire and explosion from electric ignition of
flammable vapors, gases, liquids solids.

 Eye injury from electric arcs (e.g. welder’s eye-flash).

 Injury from Current Flow Induced in or near Human Body by Safety Elements

Intense Electromagnetic Fields

 Injury from electrocution of whole body.

 Local injury such as cataract formation in eye.

 Burns due to metallic objects such as rings, dental,

mental in close contact with local parts of body.

An electric shock may result in the following effects :

 Hemorrhage and destruction of tissues and muscular

element due to heavy current.

 Temporary or permanent disablement in the form of

fractures because of sudden and abrupt falls due to an
electric shock.

 Suspension of pumping action of the heart due to

muscular contraction. However, within some time limits,
the patient can be revived after administering artificial
respiration and/or other cardiac procedures.

 Loss of rhythmic functioning of the heart (Ventricular


 Temporary paralysis of nerves centers which may cause

failure of respiration if exposure to the shock is of
prolonged duration.

 Particular contraction of chest muscles causing breathing


The information given above shows the seriousness of an

electrical hazard. Therefore, it is very important and essential
to cut them down as far as possible by observing the safety

Electrical hazards are mostly costly and can be avoided if a

determined effort is made to avert them. Such efforts can only
be made out of experience. In preventing such accidents, there
is time for foresight as well as for hindsight. A check over the
figures of past can enable us to understand their meaning for
the future. This helps us to redeem something from the waste
of past accidents, therefore, it is always better to look back and
then look ahead for moving forward.

Human body is a conductor. When the human body touches

a live wire, current completes it way thorough body to the earth, 11
Electrical Safety the muscular functions of the body are paralyzed due to the
current’s action on the nervous system, the heart and
respiratory organs; which may cease to function causing the
breath to stop, severe burns, and may result in death.


 Value or Magnitude of Dangerous Current
At the standard frequency of 50 Hz, even a small alternating
current of magnitude 15 to 20 mA passing through the human
body, may prevent the victim from releasing his grasp and this
is considered the threshold of danger. From 50-80 mA upward,
and upto several amperes of current flow, the resulting shock is
likely to be fatal. Above this value, lethal internal burns may
At frequencies in the range 30000 to 100000 Hz (30-100 kHz),
the resulting danger becomes progressively less and the limit
on safe current which can flow through body without injury
becomes progressively larger. At somewhat less than 1 MHz.
the electric shock ceases to occur and the danger from current
flow is that of superficial and internal burns.
Direct currents of 500 mA to several Ampere are likely to be
lethal due to shock, and above this, internal burns may result.
Oscillatory surge of value from 10 to 30 W-sec. is considered to
be the threshold of danger.
 Values of Dangerous Voltage
These values depend upon resistance of human body, taken in
conjunction with current values in as discussed earlier. In
general for 50 Hz alternating current danger limits may be
taken as 24 V for children and 60 V for adults. In wet situations,
the dangerous voltage may be lesser and may depend on the
 Values of Resistance of Human Body

Values extend over a great range from several thousands of

Ohm with dry hands and low applied voltage to only several
hundreds of ohm with damp hands and mains supply voltages
of 220 to – 240 V. For safety, it is wise to assume a value of
500 Ohm for dry locations and 200 Ohms or less, for persons
working in wet places.
Safety Elements
 Check Your Progress 2

What happens, when a small current of over 20 mA, 50 Hz, passes

through the human body?


Many accidents result from improper use of tools and/or use of defective
tools and equipment, employees should use only tools, which are in
good condition and only for their intended purpose. “Right tool for
the right job!”

 Hot line (i.e. line which is charged) tools require special care so
that abrasion of the insulating coating on the wood is avoided.
Proper containers and dry storage should be provided.

 Rubber protective equipment should be stored away from

sunlight and in cool places. Rubber gloves should never be worn
without covers and never worn turned inside out. Goggles or other
suitable eye protection should always be worn when there is danger
of exposure to caustic substances, harmful light rays or any
condition considered to be hazardous to the eye.

 Ladders should be inspected at regular intervals and

maintained to conform to safety measures. Portable metal and
wire-reinforced ladders should not be used unless specifically
authorized. Wooden ladders should not be coated with metallic paint
nor should paint be used which hides the grain.

The base of a ladder should not be placed less than 1/4 of its length
from a wall or supporting surface and not farther away than 1/3 of its
length unless securely tied in position.

Stepladders should be fully open when in use. Ladders placed near

doorways or in passageways should be protected against being
struck by doors or traffic.

Linemen should not wear spur or any other metallic ornament/device not
required for immediate use, when working on ladders except where
necessary on hook ladders suspended from wood pole structures.
Electrical Safety There are standard practices and specifications, which provide
guidance on protective devices

 Grounding

 Grounding is a very important requirement for protection and

safety in any electrical system, be it residential, industrial or in
a power system.

 Circuit and system grounding consists of connecting the

grounded conductor the equipment grounding conductor the
grounding bus bars and all non-current-carrying metal parts to
ground. This is accomplished by connecting a properly sized
grounding electrode system designed for high current and low
resistance earthing.

Three fundamental purposes for grounding an electrical system :

 To limit excessive voltage from lightning, line surges, etc. under

extra-ordinary conditions.

 To keep conductor enclosures and non-current-carrying metal

enclosures and equipment at zero potential to ground.

 To facilitate the opening of over current protection devices in

case of insulation failures.

Failure of insulation may happen for various reasons like

moisture ingress to insulation, mechanical damage, electrical
ageing or insects/rodents eating the insulation, softening of
insulation due to heat or chemical reaction, etc.

Equipment grounding consists of interconnected networks of equipment

grounding conductors and are used to perform the following functions :

 Limit the hazard to personnel (shock voltage) from the usually

non current-carrying metal parts of equipment and other
conductor enclosures in case of ground faults, and

 Safely conduct ground-fault current for fast operation of the

circuit over-current protection devices.

Working space around electrical enclosures or equipment shall be

adequate for conducting all anticipated maintenance and operations
safely, including sufficient workers rescuing injured personnel.

Spacing shall provide the dimensional clearance for personnel access to

equipment likely to require examination or maintenance. Such equipment
14 includes panel boards, switches, circuit breakers, switchgears, etc. These
working clearances are not required of the equipment that is not likely to Safety Elements

require sufficient access, but working space is sill required. Sufficient

illumination also need be provided around the working space.

Necessary protective equipments and gadget should be available/used,

like rubber-insulated gloves, safety clothes, etc. The protective tools and
gadgets should be properly stored when not in use. Qualified workers
should be trained in safety related practices and safety procedures prior
to their handling of the equipment.

Protective grounding should be used on all circuit of 600 V or above or on

lesser voltages where residual charges are likely to accumulate, to
provide protection to operating personnel and to prevent any electric
shock. Proper consideration has to be given for touch and step potential

 Check Your Progress 3

What is the purpose of grounding in and around an electrical system or



Electrical hazards associated with equipment are mostly due to :

 Defective wiring which causes short-circuits or grounds;

 Poor installations, misuse, over loading; and

 Aging and attack by foreign substances cause insulation

failures with the result that we have either electrical fires or
cases of electrocution resulting in deaths or permanent

Unless switches and the other control gear are of suitable design, they
are likely to cause above stated hazards. These days, with oil immersed
switches and circuit breakers, if the handle and the container is not
efficiently sealed, the hazard of fire is always there around such

Electrical Safety There is always a possibility of some hazardous areas in the work place,
where the atmosphere may have a danger of explosion or, where there
are extensive vibrations, etc.

Such location must be provided with appropriate electrical equipment so

as to avoid the use of naked wiring, connections, generators, switches,
controllers, lamp elements, transformers, and plant vehicles using storage
batteries, i.e. any thing which could lead to a spark being created. This
may initiate a fire.

In the following, the factors likely to be a cause of electrical hazards

are detailed for periodic and efficient check up.

Main Board : Check up to avoid electrical hazards

 Fuses should always be of the prescribed rating.

 They should never be bridged, so as to bypass the fuse


 The board should be suitable grouted so as not to work loose

from its bearings.

 The iron-clad equipments such as the main switch, the

section isolators and junction boxes should be in perfect
mechanical/ working order.

Electrical Installations : Check up to avoid electrical hazards

 The electrical installations should be suitably designed so as

to safely carry the electric load without leading to over-heating
within the installation.

 In every installation a provision for future extensions should

always be made, so as to avoid overloading the existing
circuitry, whenever additions do take place.

 The electrical wires and other accessories should never be

allowed to be wet or damp.

 Normally the electrical wiring should always be overhead. In

case, under the force of circumstances, it is at a lower level,
care should be taken not to splash it with corrosive solutions,
oil or grease.

 Broken fittings and enclosures should be immediately

 Different sections of electrical installations should be constantly Safety Elements

checked and whichever circuit is getting over heated, it should

immediately be attended to, i.e. either the overload should be
removed, or the conductor size increased. We should be very
particular about providing protective bushings wherever open
wires enter a switch box.

 Drop cords of pendent light points should be regularly checked.

Motor : Check up to avoid electrical hazards

 All the equipment should be perfectly grounded with double

earth line and these should never be over loaded.

 The circuit should not be frequently started and stopped as a


 Ventilating ducts for cooling such motors/other equipment

should be kept clean and open. The equipment should not be
roughly handled so as to cause mechanical damage to the
winding. The motor alignment should be perfect so as to avoid
unnecessary overloading as a result of wrong alignment. In
case of commutated type motors, the brush area should be
perfectly enclosed to avoid it being damaged, which is likely to
be the cause of sparking. Each motor should be protected with
a fuse. Every motor must have an efficient overload and no-volt

Lamps and Switches : Check up to avoid electrical hazards

 All terminal connections should be tight to avoid arching.

 There should be no loose parts in a switch; otherwise a short

circuit may be caused.

 The lamp holders and switches should never be allowed to get

wet and damp.

 Switches should never be placed in a vibration-prone area, to

avoid mechanical damage and loosening of its parts.

 Every portable lamp should be fitted with a wire guard. The

portable cord should be armored against mechanical damage
and consequential electrical hazard. In explosive atmosphere,
if tube lights are being used, their ballasts should be frequently
checked for over- heating.
Electrical Safety Failure to provide appropriate safe guards against above stated electrical
hazards can prove very risky. Electrical hazards are such that a man, who
is otherwise fine and kicking, may be no more, if he meets with an
electrical hazard. Therefore, the above stated points need constant and
expert attention.

 Check Your Progress 4

What are the required periodic and efficient checkups for motors and
electrical installation to avoid electrical hazards?


 Head Protection

Head protectors may be hard hats and caps made of aluminum,

PVC fibreglass, laminated plastic or vulcanized fibre. They may be
filled with brackets for fixing welding masks, protective face screen,
or a lamp. The hats and caps are provided with replaceable harness
and lining, which provides sufficient clearance between the top of
the head and the hat-shell.

Soft caps and hoods are also used for protection against heat, spark
and other dangerous materials and are made of appropriate
materials. Some times, hoods are made with rigid frame, which
holds it away from the head.

Figure 6.1 : Personal Safety

 Eye and Face Protection Safety Elements

Dusts, flying particles and harmful radiations in the work area, cause
numerous eye injuries. While it is difficult to list precisely the various
processes in which the worker may be required to wear goggles, the
hazards encountered may be stated in terms of :

Reason for Injury Related Processes

Relatively large flying Chipping, felting, riveting, Sledging,

objects caulking, etc.

Dust and small flying Sealing, grinding, stone-dressing,

objects woodworking.

Babbitting, pouring lead joints,

Splashing of metals casting of metals, galvanizing and
dipping in molten metals.

Splashing of liquids, gases Handling of acids and other and

and fumes chemicals.

Reflected light, glare and Foundry work, glass furnaces,

radiant energy welding and cutting arc welding.

Eye protectors may be safety spectacles, mono goggles, impact

goggles, welding goggles, foundry goggles, gas tight goggles,
face shields, welding helmets, etc.

 Hand and Arm Protection

Protection of the hands and arm becomes necessary when workers

have to handle materials having sharp edges or when hot and
molten metals, chemicals and corrosive substances have to be

The protective devices may be gantlet, gloves, wrist gloves,

mittens, hand pads, thumb and fingers guards and sleeves.

It is important not only that the various parts of arms and hand are
adequately covered, but that they should be covered by a material
suitable for withstanding the specific hazard involved.

 Foot and Leg Protection

Adequate foot protection may have to be provided to the workers

employed in certain jobs. Risk of injury may be in handling of heavy
materials, caustic and corrosive liquids, wet conditions, molten
metals, tripping over, etc.
Electrical Safety Common foot and leg protective devices are safety shoes and
boots, legging, foot-guards and leg-guards. Shoes and boots
may be provided with steel toe-box and inner steel sole, and they
may be ankle, calf or hip high, as per situation.

The leg-protective may be made of leather, asbestos, neoprene,

natural rubber, synthetic rubber, etc.

Leg protectors may be in the form of legging, which may be knee

high or they may be spats covering lower skin, ankle and insteps.
They may be held in position by straps or spring clips or snap

 Body Protection

Some times it becomes necessary to provide special protective

equipment for the body in the form of aprons, overalls, jackets and
complete head to toe protective suits.

The nature of potential hazards, degree of the hazard involved and

the nature of activities of the person concerned, are important
considerations in the selection of safety clothing.

Although complete coverage of the body and legs may not be

needed in some cases, and unnecessary safety clothing may
hamper the efficiency of the worker, no compromise should be made
with the situation-specific mandatory safety requirements. If the
requirement for a worker is complete coverage, he should have it.

Learn useTHE RIGHT
the right
tools and methods

electricity be

SAFETY everybody’s

Figure 6.2 : Be Safe

Figure 6.3 : Safety Equipment

A guide to use Personal Protective Equipment Safety Elements

Part of Body to Equipment Protects Against

be Protected
Head Fibre helmet Falling objects, hitting against
an object during handling,
reaction/recoil etc.
Electrical Shock when working with
Resistance helmet electric lines.

Crash Helmet For riding on high-speed

vehicle, to avoid scalp injury.
Also to avoid injury due to
unintentional fall.

Face Plastic face shield Against liquid chemical

splashing, striking of dust
particles or grinding waste

Welding helmet From welding fumes, sparks,

and shield intense light and ultra-violet
rays during arc welding.

Asbestos hood Against radiation in and around

furnace/other open heat

Eye Panorama Oil and paint splashes, dust

goggles with clear and chippings
plastic visor

Leather mask Foreign bodies entering the

goggles eyes and against smoke/

Spectacle – type Foreign bodies entering the

goggles with plain eyes. When working on
shatter proof lens machine and reflected arc rays.

Ear Ear plugs High Noise level

Ear muffs High Noise level

Nose Dust Respirator Against dust and powder

particles entering lungs

Light fume mask Against acid fumes and other

corrosive vapours (< 0.1%)

Heavy Fume mask Against heavy fumes and

gases (> 0.1%)

Canister gas mask Against acid fumes and vapour

and gases (2%). 21
Electrical Safety Body Leather apron Falling of hot chips, slag, etc.
Measures heat radiation
Asbestos apron Heat radiation

PVC apron Splashing of chemical

Lead apron X-ray and Gamma rays
Safety belt/Safety Falling of persons from height
Hand Leather gloves Cuts due to handling of sharp
Asbestos gloves Heat radiation.
Acid and alkali Burns due to handling
proof rubber acids/alkalies.
Electrical Electric shock
resistance gloves
Canvas gloves Contact with oil grease, dirt and
other contaminants.
Lead gloves X-ray and Gamma rays.
Hand sleeves Falling of hot slag, during skin

Protective Barrier Skin Diseases

Foot and Legs Leg Guards Welding Sparks, injury due to
un-intended hit.

Leather safety Striking against objects, stroke

boots by moving object, fall of object
from above and stepping on
sharp and/ or hot objects.

Heat radiation, stepping on

Asbestos safety
sharp and/or hot objects,
striking against stationary
object, stroke by moving object
and fall of objects from above.

Hydraulic testing. Tar raking

Gum Boots and tar filling in the procedure
gas plant.

 Check Your Progress 5

What nature of device is required for eye protection?

Safety Elements

If a small fire is not controlled in its initial stage it goes to the

uncontrollable stage – blaze stage fire.

Detection is expected to be done by the people available at the spot with

the help of god given detectors like eyes, nose, ears and skin and warning
will be given with the help of mouth. But in this stage immediate attack is
very important and it can only be done by training and skills in fire fighting.

Once the fire goes beyond the stage of control, only fire brigade can
control the fire. We can only assist the fire brigade in brining the fire under

In order to carry out the various jobs involved in fire fighting cycle, there
must be a group of trained people available in the form of Fire-fighting

Basic reason for any fire accident is ignorance and even if people
have knowledge about fire, they tend to neglect it. Sixty percent of the
fire accidents due to electrical faults, and in fact, are due to usage of
substandard materials, nonstandard wiring, improper maintenance, loose
connection, over loading and keeping combustible materials underneath
main switches or very close to equipments emanating heat.

The fire spreads from one place to another, because of the heat transfer.

In order to keep fire under control at the time of emergency,

counter-measures against all the above three principles can be used in
combination. When a particular department or zone is on fire and when
the fire is in blaze stage, the adjacent areas can be saved by closing all
the possible doors and windows, removing flammable materials from the
adjacent areas and also by continuous cooling of the surrounding areas.
In this manner, heat transfer can be prevented and fire can be kept under

Most combustible material, when in the hard solid form, cannot easily
catch fire. But when it is thin, weak and in filamentary nature, it may
immediately catch fire. For materials in dust form, even a small spark or
arc can cause fire, perhaps with blast.

The records in offices kept for years together would have lost strength,
become discoloured, mutilated and decomposed. These are susceptible
to easily catching fire. If windows and doors are kept open, easy entry of
air will aggravated even a small fire.
Electrical Safety Important phone numbers should be painted on wall above the phone unit
for immediate reference during emergency.

Adequate means of escape from fire must be provided for all

personnel in a works factory or office building, and the following four
requirements should be satisfied :

 No one should need to go towards the fire in order to escape.

All escape routes should be as short as possible, of adequate
capacity, and should lead to open air at ground level, either
direct or by way of a fire resisting enclosure.

 Protected parts of escape routes should not be exposed at any

point to penetration by smoke or fire.

 Escape routes should be clearly marked with arrows at every

corner and intersection.

 Different Stages of Fire

 Incipient Stage

No visible smoke, flame, no significant heat.

 Smouldering Stage

Combustion increases, develops smokes, still no flame-heat


 Flame Stage

Fire develops further, ignition occurs and flame starts.

 Heat Stage

Large amount of heat, flame smoke and toxic gases produced.

By observing the following precautions and, safety rules we can prevent

fire accident to a great extent.

Precautions and Safety Rules to Prevent Fire Accidents

 Do not throw lighted cigaratte-butts indiscriminately. Throw

them at the appropriate places and ensure that the burning end
is put out effectively.

 Do not smoke cigarattes in your seat in the midst of files. No

objection to smoke at a secluded, designated place, provided it
is permitted.

 Do not accumumlate unwanted waste material, such as Safety Elements

waste paper, waste cloth, etc. They may be disposed off, then
and there, in the bins provided for it.

 Do not light a match in your seat carelessly when it is

necessary let it be done with required precautions.

 Do not use naked wired for tapping power from the

sockets. When two ends of cables are to be connected
inevitably, use proper insulation tape.

 Do not overload the switches and sockets (viz.) do not use

three way sockets from one single outlet due to the danger of
excessive current. The cable/wires slowly gets heated up and
is likely to cause fire.

 Do not store flammable materials like Kerosene or Petrol,

except as mandated.

 Do not handle/store crackers in the office.

 Do make sure that your switch-off the fan, light and any
other installation near you when you leave the office.

 On Seeing Fire : What to do?

F First

I Inform

R Rescue

E Extinguish

 Cry “Fire” thus giving an alarm to all.

 Panic should not be caused, as it is more dangerous than the

fire itself.

 If fire-fighting equipment is available, it can be used to

extinguish fire without panic.

 Nearby combustible materials should be removed, so as to

prevent spreading of fire.

 Fire service may be informed if necessary.

 When the fire service personnel arrive, the job should be left to
them without causing hindrance.

 If electricity is involved, switch off the supply and confirm it.

Electrical Safety  The liquid type extinguishers should not be used unless the
electricity is cut off and isolated.

 All persons in that areas or floor should be evicted safely

without panic.

Fire Triangle

Fire is a chemical reaction called COMBUSTION (usually oxidation

resulting in the release of heat and light). To initiate and maintain
this chemical reaction, or in other words for an outbreak of fire occur
and continue, the following are essential :

 Fuel – i.e. combustible substance solid, liquid or gas.

 Oxygen – usually air which contains, approx 20.7%

oxygen, 79% nitrogen and 0.3% carbon dioxide.

Heat – Required OF FIRE-FIGHTING
Heat. It varies from materials to

Eliminate one of the three factor that cause fire:

HEAT : By cooling water, etc.

OXYGEN: By smothering and F UE L

excluding air.
FUEL: By segregating, cooling or R E ACT I ON




Figure 6.4 : Fire Fighting

 Check Your Progress 6

What are the four stages of fire?

Safety Elements

Removal of one or more of the factors of the Triangle of fire is the basic
principles of fire extinguishing :

Basic Principles of Fire Extinguishing

 Starvation

 Removal of the fuel from the fire.

 Smothering/Blanketing

 Limiting oxygen from the fire.

 Cooling

 Limitation of the heat to below the ignition temperature.

 Removing any one of the above three elements like fuel,

oxygen or heat.

 Starvation, Removal of Fuel for Fire

 This is a method in which the surrounding materials are

removed from the seat of fire and making the fire to starve.

 Without supply of fuel, fire will be starved and extinguish.

 Blanketing/Smothering : Removal of Oxygen

 This is the method, whereby the oxygen supply to the fire areas
will be cut off. Naturally the fire will be off because of lack of
oxygen. It is not absolutely necessary to prevent the oxygen
supply to the fuel areas completely. Significant reduction is
enough. This can be achieved by using cotton blankets,
plywood sheets or corrugated boxes over the fuel. Even closing
the doors and windows will also serve the same purpose of
cutting off the oxygen supply to the affected area. There are
different extinguishing media, through which the removal of
oxygen can be achieved.

 Cooling : Removal of Heat

 Water is normally used for cooling the fire because it has the
best heat absorbing properties.

 Water is the best fire fighting media for solid fires like wood,
leaves, cotton and charcoal.
Electrical Safety  Since water is a good conductor of electricity it should not be
used in electrical equipments.

 Water density is more than the density of other burning liquid

fuels; hence, it should not be used in case of any liquid fuel, in
the direct form.

 Classification of Fires
 Class A

 Fires involving solid fuel of an organic nature.

 This is the most common class and the most effective

agent is generally water.
 Class B

 Fires involving liquids or liquefiable solids.

 Extinguishing agents include foam, vaporizing liquids,

inert gases and dry chemical powders.

 For fires involving gases or liquefied gases,

‘STARVATION’ is the only method of extinguishments to
 Class C

 Electrical fires are a separate of fires from Class A, B and

D because electricity as such is not a fuel and does not
 Class D

 Fires involving combustible alloys and their metals.

 Powdered talc, soda ash, limestone and dry sand are

normally suitable for this class of fire and dry chemical
powder specified for metal fires.

Classes of Fire Fire Involve

Class A Wood, paper cloth, trash, plastics, solid combustible
materials that are not metals
Class B Flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease,
acetone, any non-metal in a liquid state
Class C Flammable gasoline such as propane, butane,
Class D Metals like potassium, sodium, aluminium, magnesium
Type of Contents of Maximum Pressure Where Where Safety Elements
Extinguisher Inner Outer Range Developed to Use Not

Soda Acid Sulphuric Sodium-Bi- 7M 7 kg/ A B, C, D, E

Acid Carbonate


Foam Aluminum do 7M 3.5 kg/ B, A C, D, E



Dry Co do 3M 25 kg/ B, C, 

Chemical Catridge Power D, E


CO2  CO2 Very 53 kg/ B, C, E 


Halon  Halon do  A, B, 

C, E


Simply Remember: P — A — S — S
 Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher.


 Aim the nozzle or the outlet toward the base of the fire and then
release the hose and point. Some host assemblies are clipped to
the body of the extinguisher


 Squeeze the handle lever to release the extinguishing agent. Sum cases
valves are present. Before approaching the fire, try a short burst.

 Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it is out. After fire is
out, watch for the smouldering hot spots and possible re-flash. Put off the
fire completely.

Figure 6.5 : Instruction Label on a Fire Extinguisher

 Check Your Progress 7

What are the three factors of fire extinguishing?

Electrical Safety

While electricity is indispensable for industrial development, scientific

advancement and, human comfort and prosperity, its hazards are
numerous. Several electrical accidents have caused fatalities and fires
that resulted in large-scale damage to life and property. Electrical fires are
caused by heat, spark or are emanating from electrical source. Fire arises
and spreads due to three factors, viz. heat or spark, material or source of
heat or spark. In case of electrical fires, the first two factors are more
common in places, such as, stores, hotels offices, and places of
entertainment, and are mainly due to electrical faults. Consequences may
be, particular hazards like flammable liquids or vapour and easily
combustible materials being ignited by electrical sparks or heat.

6.10.1 Origin of Electrical Fires

Fires occur in electrical installations in three principal ways. Most
insulating materials are in some degree flammable (ceramics, asbestos,
alumna, and mica being exceptional) and therefore, serious and
continuous overloading is an obvious fire risk. Overloading may also burn
up the combustible material in close proximity like wooden, plastic or
Will have gauge cardboard and cloth panelling over table runs. Deterioration and
breakdown of insulating oil with carbon content will cause transformer
May have
hose fires. Further, sparking and arcing caused by breaks or cracks in
Fine conductors, short circuits, damaged insulation and loose joints can
Powder produce sparks that may ignite flammable gases, vapours and dusts or
powders also. Coal dust can spontaneously and easily ignite. Radiators
and electric irons involve fire risk. Red hot fuses which are not properly
covered and exposed high wattage bulbs, which may lead to fire, can also
be included here.

6.10.2 Preventive Measures

No gauge A works electrical engineer normally responsible for safety of his
equipment and personnel in the given conditions at site should properly
Hard Horn assess, appreciate and identify the potential hazards and bestow prompt
(may be on and adequate thought in planning the layout with due precaution and in
end of hose
in larger size) coordination the schedule of preventive maintenance and correct
sequence of operations. Further, close observation to detect vulnerable
Figure 6.6 : aspects of the processes of and safety drills and trouble-shooting
Types of Fire exercises for the staff is essential for prevention of electrical fires.
Due to heat contributed by an electrical field, the gas or gas mixture may
30 attain ignition temperature, i.e. temperature at which there will be a
self-propagating flame that can expand. The minimum volume, which Safety Elements

must be ignited for the flame to spread, is usually of the order of one
cubic millimetre. An electrical spark, especially one caused by discharging
a condenser, is an ideal and efficient means of ignition. The design of
intrinsically safe electrical circuits or apparatus is based on the principle of
minimizing spark energy when a circuit is ruptured. Use of flameproof,
intrinsically safe or other appropriate type of electrical equipment is
essential in areas having flammable atmosphere.

 Circuit Breakers

When sparking or arcing occurs under oil, some of the oil, which is a
blend of saturated hydrocarbons, breaks down and flammable
vapour is produced. For example, such arcs are produced in circuit
breakers immersed in oil, during switching operation. Depending on
the magnitude and sequence of current broken and time taken to
quench the arc, a substantial gas bubble is formed. If the breaker
fails to clear the arc, the evolution of gas continues until the circuit is
interrupted elsewhere. Breakdown of insulation on core bolts or
interturn insulation on transformer windings is associated with
continuous or intermittent sparking.

Failures of circuit breakers of recent design, solely due to

inadequate rupturing capacity, are rare. But disastrous explosions
leading to failures are caused by lack of maintenance, wrong
application, mal operation and bad oil. Oil contamination is caused
by frequent operations of clearance of very heavy short circuits in a
short period.

The remedy to prevent explosions and oil fires is by attending to

finer points of designs, removing copper beads at the contacts,
systematic maintenance and oil cleaning or changing. A circuit
breaker must have adequate rupturing capacity to make or break
rated currents and normal overloads over long periods without
distress and to interrupt maximum possible short circuit current
without damage.

 Isolators

In respect of isolators and isolator switches, the following aspects

should be borne in mind.

 To break load current on plain isolator or switch is highly

risky and especially with heavy currents and inductive
loads now common, it is suicidal. Alternative feed to
Electrical Safety transformer or equipment must be checked before
isolating the transformer. Otherwise, instead of
magnetizing current, load current will be inadvertently
broken and flashovers will occur.

 Skilful opening and closing is necessary to avoid

heavy continuous arcing at the contacts. Maintenance
of contacts and check up of uniform clearance on all the
three poles is essential.

 Forgetful charging of earthed circuit causes heavy fault

currents, severe flashovers and explosions.

 Self Generating Sets

Where self-generating sets are owned by consumers, utmost care

is necessary to avoid interlink between main board supply and
generator supply. The equipment or switchgear to be provided and
interlocks warranted depend upon the capacity of generator and the
processes involved. If the two sources of supply get linked without
synchronization, heavy flashovers with serious risk of fire and
damage to equipment and personnel may occur. Hence, high
standard of safety is needed.

 Welding Equipment

Fires during electric arc welding are very common. Improper earthing
of welding transformer and job, poor condition of welding return
cable, bad housekeeping in the surrounding area, inadequate or lack
of covering of combustible material, to prevent their contact with
welding sparks, are some of the frequent causes of fires during
electric arc welding. The welding transformers should be earthed at
the secondary winding and return cable should be as good as the
line cable. Fire retardant brattice cloth can be used to cover up
combustible material in the neighbourhood.

 Cable Trenches/Galleries

Cable ducts and trenches are the other locations vulnerable to

electrical fire hazard. Often cables are bundled haphazardly and laid
in ducts. In some environments, oils, flammable liquids or chemical
powders leak into ducts and affects the cables making them easily
combustible. Rats and rodents eat into the insulation and weaken it
causing leakage of electricity and sparking, over a period of time,
rags, waste paper, cotton waste and other rejected stuff (at times
oily and chemically active) also find their way into cable trenches. In
the absence of regular cleaning, such accumulations present serious Safety Elements
fire hazard and add to fire load in the trenches. Fires in the cable
trenches can cause dislocation of many or all the sections of the
plant, apart from damage to property. Rectification is usually
complicated and time consuming.
 Poles and Stay Wires
Poles and Stay Wires are to be maintained well and earthed
properly. On record are several instances of poles getting uprooted
and collapsing on sheds, huts, stored materials like jute, cloth bales,
haystacks, causing heavy sparking and resultant fires. Explosion is
likely when flammable liquid containers are involved in such
 Wiring
Weak or damaged insulation, broken or loose electrical joints are a
source of sparks that may ignite combustible material around. In
temporary installations and at construction sites, tents and sheds
with bamboo or other dry wood poles rafting and thatch covering are
common. Electrical sparks in such installation often lead to major
fires as evidenced in several instances of fires in places, e.g. in
circus tents, touring cinema talkies, exhibitions and many others.
Electrical wiring in metal conduits is recommended even in
temporary installations.
 Other Causes
Electricity can be a source of hidden heat and warrants careful
handling, if fires are to be avoided. The following fire incidents throw
light on the variety of fire risks associated with electricity and point to
the need for utmost care in dealing with electrical equipment in
industrial environment.
 An ordinary, non-flame roof fan motor in a cellulose
spraying cabinet overheated and ignited the cellulose
deposits. The fire spread to the whole of the top floor or a
large furniture factory and resulted in the death of five

 A boy of 16 was inspecting an emptied bone-degreasing

tank with the aid of an unprotected portable lamp, when
the glass of the bulk was inadvertently broken and the hot
filament ignited vapours emitted from the crevices and
plate joints of the interior. His clothes were set on fire but
he was able to leave the tank by the lower side inspection
Electrical Safety  A static discharge at a type foundry machine resulted in
the ignition of white spirit solvent. A worker suffered
severe burns and there was some structural damage to
the machine.

 Petrol ignited due to shorting of battery terminals.

Mechanic’s hands were burnt.

 Ignition of overheated oil in an oil-immersed resistance

type motor starter. Building seriously damaged.

 Gloves soaked in some inflammable solvent took fire from

a low voltage spot welding machine.

 A mechanic attempted to take petrol from a motor driven

truck. The petrol ignited when a pipe fell on the battery
connections and caused a spark, and as a result, the
mechanic sustained burns.

 An explosion was caused by a pneumatic pick piercing a

cable in a duct containing petrol vapour, and the operator
of the pick sustained burns and bruises.

 Two boys playing with an electric etching pencil

accidentally bore a hole through a can of marking out fluid
(which has methylated spirit base). The can exploded,
causing fire and severe burns to the boys.

 Fire Protection of Cables

Structural and other miscellaneous fire protection measures for

cable galleries, cable tunnels, cable spreading rooms, etc.

 Compartmentation

 For containment of fire in cable galleries, etc., fire barriers

with self-closing fire check doors should be provided. The
fire barriers or partitions should be spaced at intervals
ranging from 25 m to 60 m depending upon the degree of
risks involved both within the cable galleries as well as
external hazards.

 The ventilation system, if provided in the cable gallery,

should be interlocked with the automatic fire alarm
system, so that in case of fire alarm the ventilation system
can be switched off automatically.

 To avoid the spreading of fire, all the cable entries in walls

34 and floors, the openings for the passage of cables should
be properly sealed with suitable fire resistant sealing Safety Elements

material, with a fire rating equivalent to the walls and

doors in which it is installed.

 The walls and floors of the cable galleries should be

penetrated only by the cables and not by supporting cable
rack or tray. This is to prevent the conduction of heat from
one side of wall/floor to the other, and to avoid damage to
the seal by thermal expansion of the cable rack or tray.

 Where pipes and ducts pass through the walls and floors,
fire resistant flexible sleeve systems of equivalent fire
rating should be used.

 To avoid ingress of dust, it will be desirable to provide

pressurized ventilation in cable galleries at basement and
upper floors.

 For dust removal, vacuum should be preferred to

compressed air.

 Fire Hazards of PVC Cables

PVC is the material widely used for cable sheathing and cable
insulation. While self-extinguishing type of PVC are also
available, in sustained fires PVC is combustible, the degree of
combustibility depending on the type and concentration of the
plasticizer used.

The following data apply for PVC cables :

 At approx. 80oC the material begins to soften;

 At approx. 100oC HCl (Hydrogen chloride or

Hydrochloric acid) begins to be given off;

 At approx. 160oC 50% of the HCl is given off;

 At approx. 210oC PVC begins to melt; and

 At approx. 300oC 85% HCl will be given off.

It is therefore important to provide for rapid cooling of the

cables in the event of fire.

Water has proven to be a very efficient extinguishing agent for

cable fires. With suitable draining facilities, particularly if water
spray installations are used, the washing out effect reduces the
risk of corrosion damage to nearby installations and equipment.
Electrical Safety In spite of the efforts to reduce the content of materials that
produce corrosive combustion products, the problem of
corrosive attacks to equipment cannot be assisted by the
ambient humidity.

 Cable Racks

 The installation of cable racks shall confirm to the requirements

of the National Electrical code.

 Power cables should be installed in cable trays separate from

control, signal and instrument wiring/cabling.

 As per recommendation, the minimum spacing between cable

trays should be not less than 450 mm and preferably 600 mm,
measured from the bottom of the upper tray to the top of the
next lower tray

 Cable tray system should be electrically continuous and solidly


 The cable trays and the supports for the racks should be of
non-combustible material, preferably of mild steel.

 There should be at least a spacing of minimum one meter

between two adjacent racks, to facilitate fire-fighting
operations, in case of fire.

 For special requirements and for hazards areas, it is desirable

to apply flame resistant coatings to the cables passing through
such areas.

 Trays stacked one above the other should have the cables
stacked in descending order with the highest voltage above.
Instrument signal wiring should be in the lowest tray.


The degree of fire resistance required for the fire barriers,

penetration seals and for the fire resistant coatings applied near the
seals, is a controversial point. In the finalized draft of the Indian
standard on code of practice for fire protection for cable run, the fire
resistance for the coating has been mentioned as minimum
60 minutes, and for the barrier walls, as a minimum 90 minutes,
whereas as per central electricity authority norms, the fire resistance
rating is to be not less than 3 hours.
 Fire Detection System Safety Elements

Figure 6.7 : Smoke Detector

 Check Your Progress 8

What are the possible causes of electric fire due to wiring?



Do’s and Don’t for Electrical Safety

Domestic Consumers
Sl. Do’s Don’ts
Use standard plug to tap supply Avoid tapping of supply by inserting
from a plug point bare wires
Always use standard materials Don’t use brackets to tie wire or
2 with ISI marks, even if it costs ropes. Do not dry clothes on wires or
more cables
Fused bulbs may be replaced Changing the fused bulbs when the
only after the switch is off switch is on, is dangerous
Use always properly earthed Don’t touch an electric switch or
three pin plugs to connect appliance when you hands are wet or
4 refrigerators, wet grinders, bleeding from a cut. Don’t keep the
mixies, washing machines, iron lamp holders without lamp.
boxes and geysers etc.
Use only lamp holders with Don’t purchase sub standard
5 1 amps rating. electrical fitting to save money which
may result in serious accidents.
Don’t connect mixies, refrigerators,
washing machine, wet grinders, Iron
6 boxes and geysers through unearthed
plug pin, which may cause serious
accidents. 37
Electrical Safety
Commercial Consumers
Sl. Do’s Don’ts
All wiring work should be Don’t travel on vehicles loaded with
undertaken by licensed wiring goods beyond the permissible height.
1 controllers This may cause electrical fatal
accident due to coming into contact
with overhead electrical lines.
Don’t tie advertisement boards, flags
etc. to the electric post.

Industrial Consumers

Sl. Do’s Don’ts

Place ”Men working” signboards Don’t close switches unless you are
on all switches before familiar with the circuit, which it
1 commencing work. controls and also know the reason for
its being kept open.
Ensure that all the controlling Don’t touch or tamper with any
switches are opened and locked electrical gear or conductor. Unless
or the fuse withdrawn before you have made sure it is dead and
2 working on any circuit or earthed. High voltage apparatus may
apparatus. give leakage shock or flash over even
without touching, without being
connected to a visible source.
Treat circuit as alive until they Don’t test a circuit with bare fingers or
3 are proven to be dead. hand or other make shift devices to
determine whether or not it is alive.
Turn away your face whenever Don’t close or open a switch or fuse
4 an arc or flash is expected. slowly or hesitatingly. Do it quickly,
positive and firmly.
Please see that all splices and Don’t use wires with poor and/ or
5 connection are secure. deteriorated insulation.
Discharge to earth thoroughly, Don’t be in haste and careless. This
6 all cables before working on the has caused many accidents.
Do test rubber gloves Don’t throw water on live electric
7 periodically. equipment in case of fire. It is
Do place rubber mats in front of Don’t use fire extinguishers on
Electrical switchboards. electrical equipment unless it is
clearly marked as suitable for that
Make Sure that all employees Don’t work on a pole or elevated
are familiar with the location and position when line is alive, without the
use of fire fighting apparatus. safety belt and rubber gloves, and
unless a competent person stands on
the ground nearby to direct operations
and give warning.
Safety Elements
Make sure when using the fire Don’t use a ladder without a lashing
hose, that the jet of water breaks rope otherwise the ladder should be
10 into a fine spray, before coming held firmly by another person, with no
in contact with live electrical chance of slipping.

Check fire extinguishers Don’t go near running belts and

11 periodically to ensure that they machines.
are all in good condition.

Please concentrate on the work Don’t remove danger boards and

you are doing. other warming signs without
12 instruction or interfere with safety
barriers or go beyond them without
the mandatory precautions.

Use sand or blankets to control Don’t bring a naked flame near oil
13 fire involving electrical accidents. filled equipment and battery. Smoking
in the battery room is prohibited.

Do examine before use, all the Don’t allow visitors and unauthorised
safety appliances such as persons to touch or handle electrical
14 gloves, safety belt, mats, apparatus or come within the danger
ladders, goggles, ropes, etc. for zone of HV apparatus.
their soundless

Do report immediately to In Don’t enter excavations and cable

charge any dangerous trenches, which give out obnoxious
15 conditions or any dangerous smell, or work in badly lit ventilated
practices, which you may and congested areas.
observe during your work.

Do warn others when they seem

16 to be in danger near a live
conductor or apparatus


In this unit, we learnt about safety when working with electricity. We know
that electricity is perhaps the best form of energy or power to use, being
clean and simple to use. At the same time, in the absence of sufficient
precautions, use or rather mis-application of electricity can lead to major
disaster. Among the more important hazards touching electricity, are,
shock, smoke, fire and secondary effects such as, explosion, arcing,
welding splutter, grinding dust, paint vapours, etc.

In this unit, we have also learnt some precautions to take when working
with electricity and electrical equipment. We have learnt the classes of
fires and the fire-fighting methods. We have additionally learnt about the
steps to take to avoid fire and the hazard associated with fire.

Electrical Safety
(a) What are the classes of Fire?

(b) How can we do to prevent accident to our person?

(c) What are the important safety do’s and don’ts?

(d) Write various precautions and safety rules to prevent fire



Ans. 1

There are three possible causes for electric shock: poor or

inadequate insulation, degraded insulation or accidentally exposed

Ans. 2

A current of 15-20 mA is the threshold of dangerous current. At this

level the human grasp may not open.

Ans. 3

Grounding or earthing around an electrical circuit is undertaken to

take care of any mal-operation or accident concerning that circuit,
which may otherwise allow unintended and dangerous levels of
electrical activity in the region, This may lead to damage to the
equipment, or even electric shock to the person handling the
equipment. Grounding allows a path of low resistance, to safely
carry away the dangerous current, and thus prevent damage or

Ans. 4

Refers Section 6.6.

Ans. 5

To protect the eye from accidental damage, the basic device is a

suitable form of goggles. However, at times a facemask may be
considered in its place.

Ans. 6

Incipient Stage, Smouldering Stage, Flame Stage and Heat Stage.

Ans. 7 Safety Elements

These are : Starvation, Smothering and Cooling.

Ans. 8

The two main reasons are : Sparking due to weak or poor insulation,
or due to intermittent contact due to cracked or broken conductors.


(a) There are four main classes of fires. Theses are named as A,
B, C, D and are listed with some details under Section 6.9 of
this block.

(b) While the most important action would be to eliminate the

causes of accidents, in real life this may not be feasible. The
next precaution or method is to make use of protective gear.
The details of these is listed under Section 6.7.

(c) These are too many to be listed here. Instead, refer to the
Section 6.11.

(d) Refer Section 6.8.

First Aid

In this unit, let us discuss the essential requirements needed to provide a

safe occupational environment in the order to safeguard the health of the
workers. In spite of providing all the requisite facility and safe guards
accidents may take place any time at office, house, etc.

First Aid, as the name suggest, means the aid, which should be given first
to an accident victim. The main aims of the First Aid are

 To sustain life

 To prevent his condition from being worse

 To promote his fast recovery

But never confuse between ‘First Aid’ and medical aid. The later can take
care by a doctor only.

 Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to

 learn the first aid instructions, and

 list the various situations in which first aid is provided,

 explain the classification of burns,

 discuss artificial respiration,

 explain the general measures for preventing accidents, and

 describe the prevention and handling of electric shock.


(1) Do first thing first – quickly, quietly without panic in case of

electric shock

 Free the victim from electrical contact promptly.

 Switch off the supply if this can be done at once. If not

possible, use a dry stick, dry cloth or other non-conductor to
separate the victim from electrical contact.

 The rescuer must avoid receiving shock himself, by wearing

gloves or using a jacket to pull the victim.

Always keep in mind that delay in rescue and resuscitation may

be fatal for the victim. Every second counts. 45
Electrical Safety (2) Try to maintain vital functions during accidental situations,
which are required for saving precious life.

Here are some guidelines :

 Try and stop bleeding, if any.

 Guard against or treat for shock – this needs gentle

handling, may be with a change of posture/position.

 Do not allow people to crowd around-allow fresh air to

reach the victim

 Do not remove the victims clothing unnecessarily.

 Reassure the victim, perhaps, again and again.

 Arrange for a vehicle to take the victim to medical centre

at the earliest

 Remove the victim from adverse surrounding and divert

his attention

 Keep the patients lying on his back, in a position as flat as

possible. Turn the head to on side to facilitate possible
vomiting and coughing.

 If the seat of hemorrhage is known, apply an ice bag or a

cold compress over the region.

 Give nothing by mouth except in the case of hemorrhage

from the lungs, when ice may be given.

 Use encouraging words to the patients.


Here is a listing of the First Aid to be given to the victim and immediate
actions to be taken in the following situations.

7.3.1 Fall
If the person has fallen from a height or slipped, he may be treated for the
following types of injuries :

 Unconsciousness

 Lower the patient’s head between his knees, loosen tight

clothing around his neck. If it is not possible to lower victim’s
head, elevate his lower limbs and keep him lying down position
until recovery seems assured. If unconsciousness persist, First Aid

cover the patient and call a physician.

Figure 7.1 : Chest Compression

 Sprinkle the victim’s face with hot and cold water alternately
and apply warmth to the pit of the stomach. Vigorous rubbing of
the limbs also has a stimulating effect. Some smelling salts
may be held to his nose.
 Nose Bleeding
 Have the patient sit up with his head thrown slightly back, and
breathing through the mouth. Loosen his collar : place his feet
in hot water, apply cold water on his nose.
 Warn the patient not to blow his nose.
 If these measures do not stop the bleeding in a few minutes, a
doctor is needed at once.
Meanwhile gently pack a narrow strip of sterile gauge back into the nostril,
leaving the end outside so that it can be easily removed
 Fractures
 Do not move the patient unless absolutely necessary. Call a
doctor to the scene of accident. If it is considered necessary to
move the patient, always apply splints before moving him.
Handle him carefully to prevent sharp ends of the broken
bones from cutting through the flesh.

Figure 7.2 : Providing Support to the Fractured Body Part

Electrical Safety

Figure 7.3 : Applying Splint

7.3.2 Burns
Burn injury of human victims may be categorized as per their cause into
the following :

Classification of burns on the basis of their cause

 Electrical burns caused by electric current passing through the


 Chemical burns caused by;

 Acids and Alkaline material, and other corrosive


 Thermal burns caused by :

 Dry heat, e.g. flames, hot metals, glass, etc.

 Wet heats, e.g. vapours, steam, etc.

Figure 7.4 : Major Causes of Burns

To distinguish a minor burn from a serious burn, the first step is to

determine the degree and the extent of damage to body tissues. These
three classifications will help you determine emergency care :
Classification of burns on the basis of degree and extent of damage First Aid

 First degree burns

 Second degree burns

 Third degree burns

 First-degree

The least serious burns are those in which only the outer layer of
skin (epidermis) is burned. The skin is usually red, with swelling and
pain sometimes present. The outer layer of skin hasn't been burned
through. Treat a first-degree burn as a minor burn unless it involves
substantial portions of the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks or a
major joint.

 Second-degree

When the first layer of skin has been burned through and the second
layer of skin (dermis) also is burned, the injury is termed
second-degree burn. Blisters develop and the skin takes on an
intensely reddened, splotchy appearance. Second-degree burns
produce severe pain and swelling.

If the second-degree burn is no larger than 2 inches to 3 inches in

diameter, treat it as a minor burn. If the burned area is larger or if the
burn is on the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks or over a major
joint, get medical help immediately.

For minor burns, including second-degree burns limited to an area

no larger than 2 inches to 3 inches in diameter, take the following
action :

 Cool the Burn

Hold the burned area under cold running water for 15 minutes.
If this is impractical, immerse the burn in cold water or cool it
with cold compresses. Cooling the burn reduces swelling by
conducting heat away from the skin. Don't put ice on the burn.

 Consider a Lotion

Once a burn is completely cooled, applying an aloe vera lotion,

a triple antibiotic ointment or a moisturizer prevents drying and
makes you feel more comfortable.
Electrical Safety  Cover the Burn with a Sterile Gauze Bandage
Don't use fluffy cotton, which may irritate the skin. Wrap the
gauze loosely to avoid putting pressure on burned skin.
Bandaging keeps air off the area, reduces pain and protects
blistered skin.

 Take an Over-the-counter Pain Reliever

These include aspirin, ibuprofen (Seridon, Aspro, Combiflam,

others) or other pain reliever.

Minor burns usually heal in about one to two weeks without

further treatment. They may heal with pigment changes,
meaning the healed area may be a different colour from the
surrounding skin. Watch for signs of infection such as
increased pain, redness, fever, swelling or oozing. If infection
develops, seek medical help. Avoid re-injuring or tanning if the
burns are less than a year old – doing so may cause more
extensive pigmentation changes. Use sunscreen on the area
for at least a year.

 Caution

 Don't Use Ice

Putting ice directly on a burn can cause frostbite, further

damaging your skin.

 Don't Break Blisters

Fluid-filled blisters protect against infection. If blisters

break, wash the area with mild soap and water, then
apply an antibiotic ointment and a gauze bandage. Clean
and change dressings daily. Antibiotic ointments don't
make the burn heal faster, but they can discourage
infection. Certain ingredients in some ointments can
cause a mild rash in some people. If a rash appears, stop
using the ointment. If it's a major burn, don't apply any
ointment at all.

 Third-degree

The most serious burns are painless and involve all layers of the
skin. Fat, muscle and even bone may be affected. Areas may be
charred black or appear dry and white. Difficulty inhaling and
exhaling, carbon monoxide poisoning or other toxic effects may First Aid

occur if smoke inhalation accompanies the burn.

For major burns call for emergency medical assistance. Until an

emergency unit arrives, follow these steps :

 Don't Remove Burnt Clothing

However, do make sure the victim is no longer in contact with

smoldering materials or exposed to smoke or heat.

 Make Sure the Burn Victim is Breathing

If breathing has stopped or you suspect the person's airway is

blocked, try to clear the airway and, if necessary, do
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

 Cover the Area of the Burn

Use a cool, moist sterile bandage or clean cloth.

 Electrical Burns
An electrical burn may appear minor, but the damage can extend
deep into the tissues beneath your skin. If a strong electrical current
passes through your body, internal damage such as a heart rhythm
disturbance or cardiac arrest can occur.
Sometimes the jolt associated with the electrical injury can cause
you to be thrown or to fall, resulting in fractures or other associated
injuries. Call for emergency medical assistance.
While helping someone with an electrical burn and waiting for
medical help, follow these steps :
 Look First. Don't Touch
The person may still be in contact with the electrical source.
Touching the person may pass the current through you.
 Turn Off the Source of Electricity if Possible
If not, move the source away from you and the affected person
using a non-conducting object made of cardboard, plastic or
 Check for Breathing

Once the person is free of the source of electricity, ensure the

person is breathing. If breathing has stopped or you suspect
the person's airway is blocked, begin Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR), (find detail in the last section of this unit).
Electrical Safety  Cover the Affected Areas
If the person is breathing, cover any burned areas with a sterile
gauze bandage, if available, or a clean cloth. Don't use a
blanket or towel. Fluffy fibers can be irritating.

M e d ic a l E m e rg e n c y ?

K n o w w h a t t o d o
It s a v e s liv e s

Figure 7.5 : Removing Contact with Electricity

 Chemical Burns

Burns caused by an acid or an alkali should be washed immediately

with large quantities of water until chemical is thoroughly washed
away. Then apply ointment on the place and send for medical help.

 Chemical Burn First Aid

Flush with water stream for about an hour. Apply anti-dote :

 Acid Burns : Soda-bi-carb, chalk powder, quick lime

solution, about 10 table spoon-full. In approximately a
mug of water.

 Alkali Burns : Lime juice or vinegar, about 10 tablespoon

full in a mug of water.

Eye Burns : Wash with a gentle stream of water for an hour. Cover
with dry pad and bandage no antidote application.

7.3.3 Eye Injuries

Loose particles may be removed with the corner of a clean bandage or

handkerchief. If the particle cannot be removed easily relieve the irritation
with a few drops of olive oil, mineral oil or castor oil and consult a doctor
promptly. These types of injury may be because of

 Foreign objects

 Local injury
For a foreign particle imbedded in the eyeball do not attempt to remove it, First Aid

but drop medical paraffin or castor oil on the eyeball. Close the eye lids
and apply a soft pad of cotton wool, and secure it by bandage, tied
sufficiently to keep the eyeball steady till medical aid is available.

When quick lime or corrosive acid or alkali is in the eye, wash the eye
copiously and freely with water

Figure 7.6 : Human Eye

Bleedings may be :

 Internal

 External

Check for

 Over exposure

 Any inflammation or infection

Do’s and Don’ts for the eye are given as follows :

Don’ts Do’s

Do not run the eyes Keep calm

Do not panic Remove foreign objects if possible

Do not use any medicine Give cold compress in case of internal bleeding

Wash the eye with fresh water for any

chemical burn small foreign object

7.3.4 Artificial Respiration

Give artificial respiration, if breathing has stopped. There are several
methods of artificial respirations. If the victim is not injured over the face,
try mouth-to-mouth method. If the victim is injured about the face, use
Silvester-Borsch method. 53
Electrical Safety

If there is foreign matter visible in the

mouth, wipe it out quickly with your fingers 2 Pull or push the jaws into a
1 jutting out position
or a cloth wrapped around your fingers.

Tilt the head back so the chin is

pointing upward.

Open the mouth wide and place it tightly
over victim's mouth. At same time pinch
victim's nostrils shut, around your

Figure 7.7 : Artificial Respiration

(1) Mouth-to-Mouth Method

In this method following steps should be followed :

Steps :

 Examine victim’s mouth for foreign matter. If there is any

(mucus, food, sand, tobacco) turn his head to one side
and remove it with your fingers.

Figure 7.8 : Put the Victim in Comfortable Position

 Lift the victim’s neck, place a folded coat blanket, etc.

under his shoulder. Tilt head back as far as possible. Pull
or push jaw into jutting-out position. Maintain air passage
in this position to be open.
First Aid

Figure 7.9 : Check for Blocked Air-passage

 Pinch victim’s nostrils shut, take a deep breath and place

your mouth over his mouth creating a tight seal. Blow into
victim’s mouth until you see his chest rise.

 Remove your mouth and listen for out-flow of air, for an

adult, inflate lung at rate of about 12 times per minutes;
for a child, inflate lungs upto 20 time per minute, using
relatively shallow breaths.

Figure 7.10 : Mouth-to-mouth Respiration

(2) Silvester-Borsch Method

In this method of artificial breathing following steps should

be followed :

Steps :

 If there is obstruction to breathing remove it with your

finger’s or with a cloth wrapped round your fingers if it is in

 Lay casualty on his back, put something under his

shoulders to raise them and allow his head to fall
backwards. The head should be, if possible, a little lower
than the trunk. Remember that speed is essential.
Electrical Safety  Kneel at the casualty’s head and grasp his arms at the
wrists. Then cross them firmly over the lower chest. This
movement should force air out of his lung. Press with the
hands crossed, on the lower part of the chest and
maintain pressure for two second.

 Release this pressure and pull his arms with sweeping

movement upwards and outwards about his head and
backwards as far as possible. This movement should
cause air to be drawn into his lungs. Retain the arms in
this position for three seconds. This will keep an equal
amount of time at every cycle. Repeat this movement
rhythmically about twelve times per minutes, checking the
mouth frequently for obstruction. Each cycle therefore
takes five seconds – two seconds for chest pressure and
three seconds for arm lift,

 With the casualty on his back, there is danger of

aspiration, vomit, mucus or blood reentering the system.
This risk can be reduced by keeping his head extended
and a little lower than the trunk.

 If and assistant is available, he can press the casualty’s

lower jaw so that the chin is jutting out. The assistant
should also ensure that the mouth is kept as clean as
possible, turning the head to one side, if necessary.

 When natural breathing begins, your movements should

be adopted to correspond to it.

 If burns are present, cover them with a dry sterile


 Handle the casualty gently. Do not allow people to

crowd around and block fresh air.

 Arrange to provide the injured to the care of a doctor

or hospital as early as possible.

Even after apparent recovery, the casualty should be seen by a

doctor to ensure that all is well, as casualties suffering from
electrical injuries are liable to relapse even when the effects

56 have seemed to be mild.

First Aid

Figure 7.11 : Artificial Respiration (Silvester-Borsch Method)


7.4.1 Symptoms and Signs of Shock

A victim of shock shows one or more of the following symptoms :

Severe weakness, prostration, giddiness and faint, which may lead to

body collapse. Face of the victim shows anxiety (fear), sweating and
pallor. His hands and feet are cold and wet with sweat. Pulse is rapid and
body temperature is sub normal. He feels thirsty, nauseated and may
even vomit and also shiver with cold. In advanced cases, the victim may
become restless, have dim vision, ringing in ears, pass in sleep-state or
unconsciousness, and, in some cases, may even die.




Figure 7.12 : In the Case of Electric Shock,

avoid Direct Physical Contact with the Victim

Electrical Safety 7.4.2 Electrical Injuries
Electrical injuries may occur :

 In house and offices, from domestic apparatus with voltages

upto 450 V (alternating current).

 In factories from equipment with voltages as high as 1100 V

(alternating current).

 Contact with a live rail-voltage in the region of 1000 V

(direct current).

 From overhead lines with high voltages.

 From lightning where the strength of the current is

immeasurable and the voltage may be many million of volts,
e.g. standing under trees or in contact with metal railings under
lightning condition.

Alternating current (AC) is more dangerous than direct current (DC), as in

the case of AC, the muscles are thrown into spasm, causing the casualty
to remain fixed in contact with the current. This increases the exposure

Moisture is a powerful conductor of electricity and when present, will

facilitate the passage of current. If the skin at the point of contact is wet,
even a low voltage may be dangerous.

More important than the actual strength of the current is the path it takes
through the body, in finding its way to earth. Thus a strong current
passing to earth through the lower limbs might be less dangerous than a
much weaker current crossing the chest, as unfortunately it is likely to do
if it enters through the hand and arm. In these cases there may be
immediate fatal paralysis of the heart or more commonly a sudden
stoppage of breathing from paralysis of the muscles of respiration. If the
nerves controlling the heart and circulation escape, the heart may
continue to function even though the breathing has stopped. It is for this
reason that in electrical shock condition, respiration may have to be
carried on for a very long time. As long as the hearty beats, life may still
be saved.

7.4.3 Treatment

Electric injury is an emergency calling for prompt and intelligent action

– prompt action if the casualty’s life is to be saved; intelligent action
if two casualties instead of one, are to be avoided.
Switch off the current, if the switch cannot be found immediately and the First Aid
supply is through a flexible cable the current may be cut off by removing
the plug or even breaking the cable or wrenching it free. Do not attempt to
cut the cable with a knife or scissors.



Figure 7.13 : Remove the Plug to Avoid Electric Shock to the Rescuers

If it is impossible to switch off or break the current, remove the casualty

from contact with the current. The greatest care is necessary; insulating
materials must be used and these must be dry. With ordinary domestic
apparatus rubber gloves are good and a dry cap, coat or other garment or
folded newspaper gives fair degree of protection. If possible the rescuer
should stand on some insulating material such as rubber soled shoes or
boots or piles of newspapers.

With very high voltages, e.g. overhead lines, danger may exist even if the
casualty is not actually in contact because the current may jump the gap
(arcing). In these cases the rescue should, if the situation so permits, be
left to a properly trained electrical man although there is no danger if the
current is switched off. If expert help is not available, approach with great
caution and keep as far way from any part of the electrical equipment as
possible. Drag the casualty away with some non-conducting element such
as a dry walking stick, a dry board or a dry rope.



 Electrocution

Contact with high voltage current may lead to instant loss of one or
more of the following vital functions :

 Consciousness,

 Breathing (chest movements)

Electrical Safety  Blood circulation (pulse)
 Apparently dead victim is one who has lost all the three
vital functions.

 Resuscitation

 Don’t touch the person and touching the person may pass
current to you. Dissociate him from the source/current of

 Check neck pulse if chest movements absent. If

neck-pulse is absent, periodically thump on the mid point of the
breastbone with the victim laid on hard ground/platform.

 Check neck pulse again.

 In case the neck-pulse is still absent, check for airway


 Force breathing artificially by mouth-to-mouth method :

4 quick blows of air, in a row. Try creating circulation artificially
by external heart massage : 15 compressions on the mid point
of the breastbone pressing the chest by 5-6 cms.

 Check neck pulse again.

 If the pulse is still missing, repeat forced breathing twice and

heart massage compressions 15 times followed by pulse
check, until the neck pulse returns.

 Repeat artificial breathing at the rate of around 10 times/min.

until chest movements return.

 If the person is faint or pale or shows other signs of shock, lay

the person down with the head slightly lower than the trunk of
his or her body, and with the legs elevated.


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) involves a combination of mouth-

to-mouth rescue breathing and chest compression. CPR keeps
oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs until
appropriate medical treatment can restore a normal heart rhythm.

 Breathing

Mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing is the quickest way to get oxygen

into a person's lungs. However, if you're not trained in emergency
procedures, doctors recommend skipping mouth-to-mouth rescue First Aid

breathing and proceeding directly to chest compression. The reason

is that if you're distracted by trying to perform unfamiliar breathing
techniques, valuable lifesaving minutes might be lost for the person
who needs help. The most important thing you can do is to proceed
directly to chest compression to move blood to vital organs,
particularly the brain and heart. If you're trained in emergency
procedures, it's important to do both mouth-to-mouth rescue
breathing and chest compression.

 Chest Compression

Chest compressions replace the heartbeat when it has stopped.

Compressions help maintain some blood flow to the brain, lungs and
heart. You must perform rescue breathing anytime you perform
chest compressions.

Before starting CPR, assess the situation :

 Is the person conscious or unconscious?

 If the person appears unconscious, tap or shake his or

her shoulder and ask loudly, "Are you OK?"

 If the person doesn't respond, follow the steps below and

get help by calling for emergency medical assistance. If
you can't leave the scene, have someone else call.

 To Perform CPR

 Position the person so you can check for signs of life by laying
the person flat on their back on a firm surface and extending
the neck.

 Open the person's mouth and airway by lifting the chin forward.

 Determine whether the person is breathing by simultaneously

listening for breath sounds, feeling for air motion on your cheek
and ear, and looking for chest motion.

 If the person is not breathing, pinch his or her nostrils closed,

make a seal around the mouth and breathe into his or her
mouth twice. Give one breath every five seconds – 12 breaths
each minute – and completely refill your lungs after each

Electrical Safety  If there are no signs of life – no response, movement or
breathing – begin chest compressions. Place your hands over
the lower part of the breastbone, keep your elbows straight and
position your shoulders directly above your hands to make the
best use of your weight.

 Push down 1½ to 2 inches at a rate of 80 to 100 times a

minute. The pushing down and letting up phase of each cycle
should be equal in duration. Don't jab down and relax. After
15 compressions, breathe into the person's mouth twice.

 After every four cycles of 15 compressions and two breaths,

recheck for signs of life. Continue the rescue maneuvers as
long as there are no signs of life

 To Perform CPR on a Baby

 Cover the mouth and nose with your mouth.

 Give one breath for every five chest compressions.

 Compress the chest ½ to 1 inch at least 100 times a minute,

using only two fingers.


Accidents come unannounced. This is true for Electrical Systems and

persons who work with them, as well. While prevention is better than cure,
we need to be prepared to deal with the situation when an accident does

Since we can not predict the nature of accident and hence the nature of
injury, in this unit we have contained ourselves to providing the vital First
Aid to the injured, while waiting for the expert help to arrive.

In this unit, we have learnt the general possibility of injuries. These have
been stated as fall injuries, burn injuries and situations leading to failure of
breathing or even stoppage of heartbeat. Of course, we are considering
these here with the electrical installation as the origin.

While the details are given in the sections above, we generalize as

follows :

 Remove the injured person from the offending location to

safety. However ensure that the we ourselves do not come in
contact with the live circuits, to prevent injury to ourselves.
 Switch off the offending electrical circuit or equipment. First Aid

 Determine the nature of injury and ask for expert medical help,
at the earliest.

 In the mean time, we may try to provide some basic help or

remedy to mitigate the injury. Basic issue is to clean the wound
and cover it.

 Take steps to provide relief to the injured. However, no steps

should be taken which could increase the chance of further

 Stoppage of breathing or heartbeat is a very serious situation

and may lead to death of the patient. It is important to provide
early relief, in a proper way, as we cannot afford to wait for the
expert help, which may take some time. You have understood
a few important procedures, which should be employed in case
of need. These could save lives!

 Lastly, the advice is to move the patient as little as possible or

advisable, to avoid aggravating any injury. However, this should
not prevent the basic First Aid.

Like in most other things, doing the right thing at the right time in
extremely important. Hence, the necessity of learning the remedies and
the procedures, for the times unforeseen.


(a) What is a burn? How are burns classified?

(b) Describe the types of accidents due to electricity and discuss

the preventive measures.

(c) What are safety precautions to be adopted for any household

electrical appliances?

(d) Why type of training do you recommend for the treatment of

any victim suffered for severe electric shock?

(e) What do you man by Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)?

(f) What are the essential items to kept in a First Aid Box?

8.1 INTRODUCTION Management

Man is a part of nature. Nature maintains a precise and delicate balance.

Due to man’s intervention and greed, the balance has been disturbed and
has resulted in global warming climatic changes, reduction in forest cover,
ozone layer depletion etc.

The saying that nature is angry, rather infuriated, by man, has come true.
Our country is prone to multiple-disaster and no part of its human
habitation is free from it. Roughly, 50% of our country is prone to floods.

High density of population, inadequate infrastructure and poor living

standards make the people more vulnerable.

Some of the major man-made disasters are :

 Forest fire,

 Road accidents,

 Boat capsizing, and

 Depletion of precious or scarce resources.

In this unit, we shall study the disasters in relation to the Power Sector.

 Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to

 discuss various causes of disaster in power sector,

 understand the impact of various types of disasters,

 outline the requisite disaster preparedness measures, and

 describe the actions for quick restoration of power supply.


Disaster Management Plan in the power sector is a tool to provide the

necessary guidelines to organizations engaged in generation,
transmission and distribution of electrical power, for ensuring safety of
humans, protection of environment, protection of installations and
restoration of power supply.

It is intended to establish policies, procedures and organisational structure

for a directed response to emergencies that are of a magnitude so as to
Electrical Safety cause a significant disruption of the functioning of all or a portion of the
power distribution area.

 Major Natural Disasters

Disasters in power sector can occur due to natural calamities such

as :

 Earthquake

 Flood

 Cyclones and Drought

 Hurricanes and Terrorist Attack and Sabotage

 Minor Disasters Disaster
Some of the minor disasters are :

 Lightning and Thunderstorm  Dust Strom

 Forest Fire
 Hailstorm

 Crop Pest and Disease  Avalanche

 Check Your Progress 1

Why should a utility have a Disaster Management Plan?

Electrical Safety

Some significant damages caused due to disasters

 Loss of Human lives

 Destruction of Properties

 Loss of Crops

 Loss of Cattle

 Damage to Land and Roads

Giving timely warning is one of the most important activities of the

meteorological department.

We monitor the cyclones with satellites, radars, ships observations,

surface and upper air observations.

In the event of a cyclone, the most important need will be to provide for
alternative arrangements for the availability of electrical energy.
Emergency relief officers should assess the requirements of generators
and proprietors should be informed in advance.

Instruction to sub-station operators should be issued not to recharge the

line before the fault is located/cleared by patrolling along the line.

When the grid supply is not available, information to the Tehasildar, RDO
and district collectors should be sent so as to enable arrangements for
providing diesel-run power generators.

Safety of public is to be ensured.

 Check Your Progress 2

What are the major damages possible in case of a disaster?


 To prevent loss of human life and property, in the event.

 Preparedness, prevention and mitigation of disaster.

 Training and awareness creation, ahead of the event.

 Be ready with the Demographic features: The latest census, Disaster
statistics including male’ and female population, any vulnerable
group present, the percentage of scheduled caste, scheduled
tribe, agricultural laborers, landless; to be prepared block wise,
including density of population.

 The occurrence of disasters periodicity, intensity and damages

to be analysed.

 The list of resources with the government and other agencies

including private NGO’s to be listed in details, i.e. manpower,
infrastructure, location, etc.

 Check Your Progress 3

What are the objectives of disaster management?


Let us discuss various types of abnormal situations (in respect of the local
power utility) :

 Level 1  Minor Incident

A minor incident is defined as a local event with limited impact,

which does not affect the overall functional capability of the power
utility. Planning response is carried out at a limited local level (e.g. in
a building/zone/grid). The Disaster Management Plan would not be
activated at this level.

 Level 2  Emergency

An emergency is defined as a serious event that significantly

disrupts one or more operations of the utility. In this, multiple
locations/area are involved : the Disaster Management Plan would
be activated to the extent necessary.

 Level 3  Disaster

Disaster affects a very large area and a large section of the

population. The working of the utility is seriously affected, with
disruptions to power supply at multiple locations.
Electrical Safety A well-defined and comprehensive Disaster Management
Plan should typically involve the following three types of
response elements :
 Operational response  to get the disruption under control
as quickly as possible so that normal operation is
 Management response  to allocate resources and make
critical decisions needed to resolve the situation.
 Communication response  to communicate with
employees, their families, officials, other agencies and

The plan should facilitate the setting up of an appropriate system for

disaster management in the utility.

 Check Your Progress 4

Which are the three levels of abnormal situations as noted here?


The start-up procedure for the generating units should be known to
everyone and working level personnel should start the machines without
referring to or waiting for management’s consent during the crisis. This is
subject to the grid conditions being amiable, and no danger to anyone.
The safety of the equipment and the site must also be assured.

Shift duty personnel should be detained till the restoration process is

completed before handing over charge to next shift.

Survival/Auxiliary/Start-up power should be provided to the

collapsed system till requirement on priority basis and power should
be utilized for other purposes only after meeting these power

Priority should be accorded in restoration as under :

 Survival/Start-up Power to Nuclear Units

 Survival Power to Deep Mines Disaster

 Restoration of Power Supply to Generating Stations and Load

Dispatch Centre(s)

 Start-up Power to Hydro and Gas Units

Area Load Dispatch concept should be adopted during start-up to avoid

jamming of communication system as well as to allow for ease in decision

Loading of generator supplying the start-up power should not exceed 80%
of its capacity. Efforts should be made to keep the generator operating on
lagging side; if not possible, at least to near unity power factor.

A list of telephone numbers of all the substations with STD codes should
be available, as communication is an essential requirement and time is
the essence during the restoration process.

 Restoration of Transmission Lines

Electrical Safety Transmission lines are the arteries of the Electricity Grid and
these are most prone to damage due to earthquake, cyclone,
terrorist attack, flood, etc.

The following points should be considered for handling

disasters :

 Disaster Management Groups should be constituted at

SEB level.

 Intimation regarding movement of personnel to disaster

site should suffice and no sanction/approval from their
standing hierarchy should be required.

 In every utility, looking after O&M of transmission lines,

section-wise responsibility should be clearly defined and
they should have contingency plan for various
emergencies. The process of restoration of power lines
should be as per an established procedure.

 Restoration of Substations

Substations are the nerve centres of the Electricity Grid. In case of

any disaster, the preparedness of the substations for supply
restoration is a must.

 Every utility owning and operating the substations should

carry out an in-depth analysis of all the possible
contingencies and should prepare plans for every such

 Standing instructions should be available in written form

at each substation to take care of various contingencies.

 Alternate communications system should be available

with every key substation,
 The power backup facilities like D.G. Set and Inverter Disaster
should be maintained properly and checked periodically
for readiness of operation, in case of any emergency.

 Each substation should follow the instructions given by

the concerned SLDC, RLDC and other coordination

 The fire fighting equipment and the bore wells should be

maintained and checked periodically. Mock fire fighting
exercises should be conducted on a regular basis.

 The transportation arrangements in case of any

emergency should be decided in advance, and must be a
part of the contingency plan.

 Check Your Progress 5

What is the responsibility of Sub-station staff, in case of a contingency?


Facilities – To Tackle any Disaster

 Recovery Equipment and Spares Inventory

 Communication Facilities, with alternates

 Transport and other Arrangements

 Financial Resources

 De-watering Pumps

 Mobile Diesel Generating Sets

 Solar Energy Systems and Photovoltaic Systems

 List of Contractors

 Emergency Restoration Systems (ERS)

 Iron Rations and Drinking Water

Electrical Safety  Essential Requisites  Handle any Disaster
 Fire alarms and extinguishing systems should be checked
regularly for their sound functioning, and regular drill should be
carried out for their operation by involving the officers and staff
of that Unit, so that they also know how to operate the system,
in case of need.

 Safety audit must be carried out atleast once every year, at

each generating station and substation.

 There should be perfect coordinated interaction, on continuous

basis, between various disaster management groups and state
intelligent agencies for the case of possible terrorist attack.

 State level support groups should identify, category-wise, all

the generating stations, substation, grid control centres and
Load Dispatch Centres, based on their strategic importance.
The most vulnerable centres should be provided with the
highest type of security.

 The islanding schemes (electricity grid) of each state must be

updated on continuous basis in consultations with the Regional
Electricity Board.

 Each Regional Electricity Board and Regional Load Dispatch

Centre must identify all the generating stations/ grid
substations and load dispatch centres, according to their critical
importance with respect to the safe operation of the electricity
grid. The critical-most station must be provided with the highest
security arrangement and the level of security may keep on
reducing with the importance of the grid element, without
jeopardizing the ultimate aim of the safety of the electricity grid.

 State level Support Group is expected to meet at least once in

six months. Power Management Group (PMG) at National level
has to meet once in 12 months for exchange of views and also
for updating the Disaster Management Plans.

 All State and Central Power Utilities are required to constantly

review the equipment / system design standards and practices,
based on the new developments, the state of the art
technologies and design practices available at the time. The
equipment, which frequently creates problem, needs to be
 Each power station/Power utility is required to create a fund for Disaster
meeting the requirement as per the disaster management plan.
It is recommended that the disaster management fund should
be atleast 1% of the annual revenue of the station/Utility.
These funds should be non-lapsable and should be allowed to
accumulate. The disaster management funds should be at the
full discretion of the Emergency Management Group, once
emergency has been declared.

 Comprehensive state-wide drills is to be carried out periodically

(at least once in every six months) to test the capabilities.
Emergency scenarios should be developed to test the
emergency plans and operational response at all levels,
through mock exercises. At the end of each exercise an
evaluation of the response should be carried out, to take care
of any deficiency noticed.

 Underground Power Houses should be provided with alternate

exit routes at different locations and these exit routes need to
be displayed for the staff working in the power house, to make
their exit fast, in case of any emergency like fire/flooding, etc.

 Smoke evacuation system should be provided, in case of fire in

underground stations.

 The above is an overview of a typical Disaster Management

Plan and the system for managing disasters for a power utility.

 Check Your Progress 6

How can we ensure preparedness of personnel and equipment, to face

any disaster?


It is important to instruct people that :

 Touching a faulty appliances like plug, or bare wire can make

them part of the electric circuit and put them at risk of electric

Electrical Safety  Frayed wires are dangerous and these should be repaired at
once or replaced with a new one, Replace inflexible electric

 Repair must be undertaken urgently on any appliance that

sparks, emits smoke or gives electric shock to people, Ask the
user not to use any electric appliances, while they are touching
metal pipes and faucets or anything wet.

 Ask the users that the bathroom, kitchen sinks and garbage
outdoors should be protected by ground fault circuit interrupter.

 During the time of disaster, don’t overload the circuit with high
power appliances. Check the wattage on your appliance labels
and be sure the combined wattage of all the appliance you
want to plug into the same circuit does not exceed the circuit

 Never use electric power tools or appliances during rains, or

while you are standing in water/wet surface.

 During a disaster, if there are people living in an apartment, ask

them to use the stairs to leave the building, and not to use the

 There are three basic types of portable fire extinguishers: Type

A is for ordinary combustibles, such as wood, cloth, paper,
rubber and plastics. Type B is for liquids, which are flammable
such as gasoline, oil, grease, tar, oil based paint, lacquer and
flammable gas. Type C is for energized electrical equipment,
including wiring fuse boxes, circuit breakers, machinery and

 Never use water when there is an electrical fire. Water can

carry the electricity back to you and you could receive a deadly

 It is important to have a working smoke alarm. It dramatically

increases your chances of surviving a sudden fire.

 Check Your Progress 7

What is the most important message for handling disasters?


Disaster comes unannounced. The only way to deal with it is to be

prepared at all times. In this unit, we have learnt the importance of
identifying all sorts of contingencies and having a viable disaster
management plan for each one of them.

We have learnt the need to be prepared at all times, not only with means
and material, but also with a designated team and proper coordination
with other agencies. Important is to identify and to familiarize everyone
involved with the prioritized list of actions and roles. Equally important is
the availability of alternate means of communication, and eventually,

We have seen that it is important to ensure the safe and reliable working
of any- and every item, which may be required to mitigate the disaster
situation. This requires periodic testing of the equipment, and training drill
for the personnel. This has to be backed up with detailed written
instructions, so that everyone involved in disaster management is aware
of his or her role, when the disaster arrives.

It has to be understood that, depending on the severity of the disaster, the

pre-conceived contingency management plan may not apply in toto. For
this reason, it is important to have a responsible and empowered Disaster
Management Group at each place, which would quickly modify the plan
and assign new roles, based on the current ground reality.


(a) What is a disaster? Distinguish between a man-made and
natural disaster.

(b) What are the damages caused due to disasters?

(c) List the disaster management plan to provide electricity in the

event of earthquake.

(d) Describe how emergency plans are prepared and explain why
coordinator in such plans is important.

(e) Explain the importance of proper training required to encounter

any disasters?

(f) Name some alternating power generating process in case of

any disasters.
Electrical Safety
Ans. 1

A Disaster Management Plan lists out the necessary actions

required to counter a contingency situation; It also lists out the role
assigned to each involved person and the coordination required.
Thus a Disaster Management Plan helps in dealing with a
contingency in a planned manner, reducing conflicts and confusion,
which, if allowed, could make the situation worse.

Ans. 2

Please refer to Section 8.3, above, for details. Mainly, we may need
to deal with loss of life and damage to property.

Ans. 3

Please refer to Section 8.4 for details.

Ans. 4

These are : Minor incident, Emergency and Disaster.

Ans. 5

To restore the working of the sub-station, and hence the surrounding

grid, to enable restoration of electric supply to the affected area. This
is subject to faultless condition of the equipment and lines, and also,
the safety of people in the vicinity.

Ans. 6

The preparedness of the personnel can only be ensured by having

well documented instructions, which must be known to all
concerned. To check this, regular training sessions and emergency
drills should be carried out at intervals. Equipment, such as, Fire
fighting devices, Back-up power systems, spares, etc. need to be
checked and tested from time to time.

Ans. 7

Prior identification of all possible contingency situations and

identified plan for containing each one of them, is the key to
successfully handling any disaster. The basic precautions are to first
assess the severity and the extent of the disaster, take steps to
avoid the spread of the contingency and to start restoring the
situation to normal in an order of priority.

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