14 200722638888 NandaAndiP TugasAkhirArtikel

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NANDA ANDI P, 200722638888

BHS. INGGRIS PROFESI (Geographic Material Object + Concept Of

Landslides and Morphological Forms

Landslides are a natural phenomenon that is caused by humans themselves, or it can

be due to nature. This landslide is caused because in the water drainage or water infiltration
in the ground it is not functioning properly, as a result the water collects and drops to a place
to become flood or landslide. Usually landslides also occur as a result of illegal logging for
self-interest, such as logging for cosmetic purposes, furniture materials, and so on. Heavy
rain that covers the area, causes natural phenomena to occur, so that the lack of water
absorption causes the disaster to occur.

The landslide accident that hit a cliff occurred in Umbutlegi Hamlet, Taji Village,
Jabung District. The area is at 7.06 ° -8.02 ° LS and 112.06 ° -112.07 ° BT. The landslide
disaster, occurred on March 13 in 2019. Head of Disaster Management for PMI Malang
Regency, Mudji Utomo explained that the landslide resulted in an alternative road connecting
Nongkojajar, Pasuruan and other villages to be closed. It is known that the local residents of
the disaster occurred at 21.00 WIB, or precisely at 9 pm. The disaster occurred because the
conditions at that time were raining. As a result, the cliffs about 1.5 meters high are not
strong enough to withstand scouring of water. Thus resulting in landslides. Access roads for
motorized vehicles and cars were disturbed and closed due to the landslide. The good news is
that there are no victims of natural disasters, members of the PMR and the Relief Brigade
participated in contributing and helping at the location where the incident occurred.
This landslide disaster includes the geographical material object of the lithosphere
(the shape of the earth's surface). This lithosphere is a science that studies the shape of the
earth's surface down to its elements, so that when it is related to geography, landslides occur
due to the earth's surface or the slopes of the earth are unstable, as a result drainage in the
earth's surface is unable to accommodate so that landslides occur. The causes of landslides
besides the drainage reservoirs in the earth's surface, heavy rains, and human consequences,
namely (soil erosion) are common causes. Erosion that erodes the legs of the slopes until they
get steeper, caused by rainwater flows, rivers, storms, floods, or sea waves, and so on. (High
rainfall) is the cause of the subsequent landslides. The slopes of the rocks and soil also
weaken through saturation due to heavy rains. After going through a long dry period, which
causes the soil to become dry, causing cracks and soil cavities. Entering the rainy season, it is
certain that rainwater enters the soil cavity and the open pores. So that water fills the cavity
and soil displacement occurs, then results in soil erosion and landslides.

Apart from rainfall and soil erosion, vibration movement to the ground can be caused
by earthquakes, vibrations from machines, use of explosives, vehicle traffic, and sometimes
lightning as well. Minor vibrations can cause cracks which, if left unchecked, can lead to
landslides over time. Especially in hilly slope areas, it is more prone to vibrations due to
heavy vehicles. The process of forming a steep cliff or slope is the passage of wind and water
around it, having an impact on the erosion. Does your area experience this? It is better to be
careful, because it is prone to landslides.

Land clearing by cutting down large trees, and poor arrangement can lead to
landslides. Agricultural crops have small roots and are not strong enough to withstand the soil
structure. The destruction of rocks on the slopes, such as sedimentary rock from volcanoes
and small sedimentary rocks. Usually has a weathered nature or strength that is easily
destroyed into soil, causing landslides. Dense soil is the cause of subsequent landslides, such
as clay. It is fragile in the summer and is soft during the rainy season. Keep a lookout for
those who live near hills with this type of soil.

Landslide prevention and mitigation can be done in various ways, namely:

1. Don't make the house below, right on the edge, or near cliffs.
2. Make terraces or swales on the slopes if making a settlement.
3. Do not create ponds or plantations on slopes near settlements.
4. Do not cut the cliff straight, leave it sloping
5. Creating an automatic drainage channel can be a groundwater storage channel.
6. Plant perennials and light plants with deep root types in steep areas.

Therefore, remain vigilant and always prevent landslides from occurring in this
mitigation, so that the local community is awake and safe.

The concept possessed by the geographic material object is related to the morphology
in which the earth's surface forms. The shape of the earth's surface affects the shape and
changes of the earth's surface that occur and will occur. In the area of Malang City, it has a
wide surface of the earth surrounded by various places and slopes that are rather high and
down. Because it is close to the plateau and towering mountains, it is in the Malang Regency
area, and has a very fertile soil level and a cool and cold climate. As an example in the article,
the geographic material objects are geology and hydrology. Which, this geology causes a
surface of the earth to change and makes the morphologyut changes occur quickly or slowly.

In the form of this morphological concept, Malang City is a plateau that is prone to
natural disasters such as floods and landslides. For example, the geographical material object,
caused by natural or human activity. Judging by the concept, it has an uneven morphological
shape. The cause is the distribution of areas or settlements that are not evenly distributed, so
that land or places for water absorption are lacking. Therefore, causing disasters such as
floods or landslides to occur everywhere. Apart from these problems, it is also caused by
illegal logging and deforested forests which are only used for their respective interests , for
example for production materials, furniture, or buildings .
Reference list:

The landslide accident that hit a cliff occurred in Umbutlegi Hamlet, Taji Village,
Jabung District. [Internet]. Tersedia di:

Apart from rainfall and soil erosion, vibration movement to the ground can be caused
by earthquakes, vibrations from machines, use of explosives, vehicle traffic, and sometimes
lightning as well. [Internet]. Tersedia di: https://www.merdeka.com/trending/penyebab-tanah-
longsor-p Prevention-dan-tanaman-pengendalinya-kln.//landing.html.

The concept possessed by the geographic material object is related to the morphology
in which the earth's surface forms. [Internet]. Tersedia di: https://www.google.com/url?

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