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Princeton University is an excellent educational institution with over 8000 students attending
classes day-to-day. Apart from the the high quality of teaching, there are many things that
make this college extraordinary, such as extracurricular activities offering knowledge not
included in academic education. Hovewer, by examining these activities I cannot help but
notice that there are not as many people participating as many would be interested, therefore
the students losing very valuable opportunities.

Current Conditions
To this point, there are no efficiently working streams of information between the board of
the university and the students, hence the lack of participants on extracurricular activities.
These events could contribute a significant amount to the education of students and the
reputation of Princeton University as well. Taking the things above in consideration, a great
solution of this problem would be to establish a radio station.

To realise this project, firstly, there would be need of an unused room on campus to set up the
station itself. Secondly, speakers are a significant part of a college radio station and there
would be need of financial support for maintenance. The program of the radio would not only
provide opportunities for advertising events of the college, but music, news, interviews and
talk shows as well.

Final Recommendations
With the support of the university board, there would be a possibility of creating an own radio
station for the institution, which would offer a very modern solution for the difficulty, besides
the possibility of creating an effective way to enhance sense of community on campus. This
would very much strenghten the uniqueness of Princeton University.

I trust that the ideas above will be considered positively and be put into good practice.

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