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(b) Why were the three Round Table Conferences held between 1930 and 1932? [7] N2011
LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement. [1]
Three meetings were necessary.
LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons. [2–4]
The British didn’t know what to do about India.
LEVEL 3: Explains reasons. [5–7]
There was a lack of unity amongst the Hindus and Muslims about the future of India; the British didn’t know
what to do next and so decided upon holding conference to discuss it with all parties. The rejection of the
Simon Commission’s findings by the Indians also persuaded the British to go ahead with the conference. The
new Labour government, which had consistently supported Indian nationalism in the past, gave fresh hope
for a solution. However, there were problems in the First Conference. It was realised that without the
attendance of the Congress little progress on the future of the sub-Continent could be achieved. Lord Irwin
met Gandhi and made progress so that another Round Table Conference could be held. In this, Gandhi took a
hard line, refusing to recognise the problem of the minorities, and also claiming to represent the Congress
alone, which he said spoke for the whole of India. The Conference broke up amidst threats that the British
would impose a solution if agreement couldn’t be reached. It was then agreed that a third Conference would
be held.

3(b) Explain why there were three Round Table Conferences between 1930 and 1932. 7 Nov 2020
Target: AO1, AO2
Mark according to the level of response descriptors in Table 1.
Indicative content
• to decide the future of the subcontinent
• to review the Simon Commission’s report
• Congress did not attend the first conference
• Gandhi and Lord Irwin held talks
• there was stalemate in the second conference
• Gandhi was stubborn
• Gandhi refused to recognise the rights of minority groups
• Gandhi refused to accept Jinnah’s 14 Points
Other relevant responses should also be credited.


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3(b) Explain why there were three Round Table Conferences between 1930 and 1932. 7 Nov 2019
Level 3: Explains reason(s) 5–7
(Five marks for one explanation, six marks for two explanations, seven marks for three explanations)
• To discuss and to agree the development of the subcontinent. It was realised that without the
attendance of Congress little progress on the future of the subcontinent could be achieved and so
another meeting was needed.
• Congress did not attend the first conference, the Indian representatives attending struggled to
reach agreement themselves contributing to its breakdown.
• Lord Irwin met Gandhi and made progress so that another Round Table Conference could be held.
In this Gandhi took a hard line refusing to recognise the issue of the minorities and also claiming
that Congress spoke for the whole of India. Thus, this conference made limited headway;
• The second conference broke up amidst concerns that the British would impose a solution if
agreement couldn’t be reached. It was then agreed that a third Conference should be held.
Level 2: Identifies reason(s) 2–4
(One mark for each identification) e.g.
• Congress did not attend the first one;
• Gandhi took a hard line;
• There was stalemate in the second;
• Britain wanted to impose a settlement.
Level 1: Simple statement 1
(One mark for any simple statement) e.g.
• As the sides could not agree more than one meeting was necessary.
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0


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(c) Was anything achieved by the Round Table Conferences of 1930 to 1932? Explain your

LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement [1–2]

They all achieved something
LEVEL 2: Description of Round Table Conferences [3–6]
There were 3 Round Table Conferences held in London. Both Gandhi and Jinnah attended them
LEVEL 3: Agrees/disagrees and argues success or failures [7–10]
LEVEL 4: Agrees/disagrees with reference to both success/failures [9–13]
Successes 1930 Federal system for India approved
Sind to be given a separate identity and a government
1931 Congress attended
Minorities entered into an agreement on their demands
Failures 1930 Congress boycotted it
Deadlock on federal system
Minorities sub-committtee couldn’t reach a conclusion
1931 Gandhi stubborn and disagreed with most things
Minorities issue unresolved
1932 Congress absent again Gulf too great between two
LEVEL 5: As Level 4 – also produces a judgement or evaluation. [14]

4(c) To what extent did the Round Table Conferences (1930–1932) provide a solution to the government of
India? Explain your answer. Nov 2022
Target: AO1, AO2
Mark according to the level of response descriptors in Table 2.
may agree that the Round Table Conferences (1930–1932) provided a solution to the government of India at
that time as:
• a federal system for India was agreed
• a representative government would be introduced at provincial government
• the North-West Frontier Province and Sindh were to be made provinces with their own governors
• the Princely States declared they would join a future federation of India if their rights were recognised
counter-arguments might include:
• Congress boycotted the talks in the First Round Table Conference
• little progress was made
• Gandhi refused to recognise the problems of minorities
• Gandhi believed that he represented all Indians at the talks
• the British coalition government showed little interest in reaching an agreement
Other relevant responses should also be credited.


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