ELEC242-U Midterm I Exam - W16 - Solution

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ELEC-242/U Continuous-Time Signals and Systems:

Midterm Exam 1
M.A. Amer, Concordia University, Electrical & Computer Engineering

February 4, 2016

Q1 (20 marks)

Simplify theR following

√ expressions.
a) y(t) = −∞∞
t · cos (2πt) · δ(1 − t)dt, ∀t
b) y(t) = δ(t − 3) · 4−jt2t
, ∀t
Q2 (20 marks)

Consider the signal x(t) represented in the figure below.

Write this signal x(t) above using a single analytical expression ∀t with the aid of the unit signal
u(t) as defined in class.
Q3 (20 marks)

Given the signal x(t) = et+1 · u(t + 1), ∀t.

a) Plot x(t).
b) Plot x(3 − 2t).
Label all important points on the axis.
Q4 (20 marks)

Assume x(t) the input and y(t) the output of the system
y(t) = x(t) · (1 − e−t ), ∀t.
Determine if this system is linear (or non-linear), time-invariant (or time-variant), and stable (or
Q5 (20 marks)

Find if the system

y(t) = 2(x(t) · u(t + 1) − x(t)) + 1, ∀t,
with input x(t) and output y(t), is causal (or anti-causal), has memory (or memory-less), is invertible
(or non-invertible).
If the system is invertible, find the inverse system.

ELEC242/ Section U

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