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Activities classified as recreational allow us to enjoy or have fun while participating in

them. The previous sport I played was badminton, which is a leisure activity that takes
place outside. Due to the fact that this recreational activity requires or utilizes my body
in order to be completed, it offers or benefits me physically and helps to build up my
body. Because it's enjoyable to do, it has emotional benefits for me as well. Because it's
a cooperative game that you can't play alone or by yourself, it also helps me with my
social skills. Due to some fundamental game rules, it is necessary to play with two to
four people. Lastly, leisure activities like badminton help me to improve my mental
health because they help me become better at focusing, handling stress, and other

Activity 1.

- Camping is an outdoor activity that is done for fun. Camping is distinct

from other outdoor activities in that participants must bring a tent with
them in order to set up camp.
- Trekking is also an outdoor activity, which focuses more on long distance
walking without setting up a tent to sleep in. However, trekkers also need to
rest, so they just need to find a comfortable spot to sit down and unwind
before continuing to walk or hike for a few hours or even days.
Activity 2. ( POEM)

A man who are solus

taking care to his trees
but trees is just there
standing trees that are not aware

The tree is beautiful isn't it

The leaves is also falling aren’t it
How they fall simultaneously
Maybe they are just friendly

Checking your understanding

1. As a Filipino and a student at a young age, I’m really amazed and proud at
the same time when I read a content or article about the first Filipinos who
conquered the summit of Mt. Everest which is a Filipino mountaineer and
sportsman “ Leo Oracion” on May 17, 2006.
2. I don't, as I am fully aware of my abilities as a mountaineer and of who I am.
But if I had the chance to climb a mountain in the Philippines, I would pick
Mount Maculot because it has a nice view for unwinding or chilling out and
also because it would be my first time, so it would be appropriate for a
beginner like me. In order to increase my confidence that I can accomplish
it, I will prepare myself for what I will need.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The first Filipino who climbed or summited Mt. Everest.
A. Dale Abenojar B. Romeo Garduce C. Leo Oracion

2. The highest mountain in the Philippines.

A. Mt. Makulot B. Mt. Makiling C. Mt. Apo

3. The first Filipina who conquered the peak of Mt. Everest.

A. Carina Dayondon B. Noelle Wenceslao C. Janet Belarmino
4. The mountain that you can see in the provinces of Pampanga, Zambales
and Tarlac.
A. Mt. Katinglad B. Mt. Batulao C. Mt. Pinatubo

5. The mountain in Luzon that is known for its sea of clouds.

A. Mt. Pulag B. Mt. Halcon C. Mt. Ragang

6. The earth’s highest mountain above sea level.

A. Mt. Cho Oyu B. Mt. Everest C. Mt. Makalu

7. The mountain that is prominently known because of its knife-edge shape

A. Mt. Guiting-Guiting B. Mt. Halcon C. Mt. Mayon

8. The side of Mt. Everest that was climbed or summitted by Romeo

A. Tibet B. South Col-Nepal C. North Col -Nepal

9. The last Filipino who climbed or summitted Mt. Everest in May, 2007.
A. Erwin Emata B. Pablo Regidor C. Carina Dayondon

10.Another term for mountain climbing.

A. Alpinism B. Outdoor Sports C. Hiking

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