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With an increasing number of people eating fast food, which, if eating too regularly can cause

health issues, some people think that the only solution is to ban it completely.
To what extent do you agree?
The global expansion of fast food chains is an irrefutable evidence for the rise in its
popularity. In response, those who are concerned about adverse health impacts engendered by
frequent fast food consumption argue that this can only be curbed by imposing a sweeping
prohibition on fast food sales. Personally, I totally disagree with this proposal for there could be
several more effective measures.
Those who advocate a ban on fast food could base their arguments on the potential
health hazards that this type of food brings about. As a matter of fact, excessive intake of
hamburgers, pizzas or fried chickens over a long time can induce obesity, cardiovascular diseases,
and in extreme cases, premature death. However, this is most likely to happen to those with
binge eating disorders, who fail to control their insatiable appetite. To most people, placing a ban
on fast food would likely cause resentment rather than its intended outcome, as it essentially
eliminates the option of a convenient and time-saving meal. Perhaps the group that such a ban
inconveniences the most is people who are leading a fast-paced life who, in order to save time,
often stop by fast food joints to grab a bite during their lunch break before getting on with their
work. Furthermore, as long as this consumption stays within a moderate range, it can better their
appetite, which in turns exerts a positive impacts on their digestive system and their general
health. For these reasons, fast food should not be excluded from one’s choice of diet.
As people should be free to make their own choice of what to eat and take responsibility
for their lifestyle, some alternative solutions would prove more effective in reducing the risks
inherent in regular fast food consumption. ......................................................................................
In conclusion, banning fast food could hardly be a satisfactory solution to curb all the
health risks associated with it. Instead, it would be a better idea to call for other long-term
solutions such as encouraging people to follow a healthy diet and working out regularly.

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