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---hallo sir/mrs.

Good morning/afternoon

I would like to introduce myself, my name Restu Dwi Ayomi, and usually called Ayomi or Yomi
sometimes. I was born 7 May 2001. (seven May two thousand one). My motivation to study here is
because of my parents. Then after consideration, finally I also just choose here, because UMP have good
accreditation. The first time I did research on UMP, I went straight to the nursing department, and of
course I want to be nurse in hospital. During my educational, I prefer to become emergency nurse,
because I want to assessment patient, and in the emergency room meet the patient once. always
changing patients, so every day there is something new, meeting new patients and after graduation will
apply for jobs in General Hospital.

--- a. apa cita-cita anda sebenarnya?

Actually I want to be an entrepreneur.

--- b.Jelaskan secara singkat apakah anda merasa puas kuliah di UMP?

I am satisfied studying at UMP. UMP has good job opportunities, good accreditation, lecturers, and
complete facilities.

---c. Jelaskan secara singkat apakah perawat adalah pilihan utama anda Ketika masuk UMP?

Yes, the first time I did research on UMP, I went straight to the nursing department, because it was
already decided by the parents as well.

---d. Apa tantangan yang paling berat selama masa Pendidikan?

In my opinion, the toughest challenge is in learning materials. it turned out that I had a lot to learn, not
only taking care of patients, but also making reports, identifying patient psychology and much more.

--- e. Pengalaman apa yang paling berkesan selama masa kuliah anda?

The hardest challenge during OSCE, because with limited time you have to be able to practice being a
nurse from greeting to closing in front of the lecturer.

--- f. Apa yang mendasari anda untuk kerja sbg perawat gadar(misalnya ini yang dipilih pada point 1.e)

It has become a common thing, because I want new experience. in the emergency room meet the
patient once. always changing patients, so every day there is something new, meeting new patients

--- g. Apakah anda siap apabila suatu saat anda diterima kerja jauh dari kampung halaman anda (keluar
pulau jawa)?

It depending on the area maybe. If on a remote island I don't think I can.

--- h. Berapa bayangan gaji anda ketika lulus dan dimana anda bekerja?

Iam according to government standards. not much expectation, maybe around 2 million in Genral

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