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There are three sections in this chapter. The summary of

findings is the focus of the first section, followed by the

conclusions and, finally, the recommendation for further study. In

general, the goal of this chapter is to cover up the end result of

the study.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a family of

three or more living in Phase II Habitat could be well-supported by

the minimum wage in Cagayan de Oro City. A descriptive methodology

was employed in this study, and a survey was used to collect the

data. The instrument that was utilized to gather the data was a

questionnaire. The households in Phase II Habitat whose wage is

minimum and which are three or more members of a family are the

respondents to this study.

Summary of Findings

The findings of the study were summarized according to the

statement of the problem mentioned in Chapter 1.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 The number of family members who are working.

Majority of the respondents indicated that only one (1) of

their family members that is working. Moreover, only three (3) of

the respondents indicated that there are two (2) family members that

are working in their family.

1.2 Time and frequency of salary.

There are 19 respondents answered that they receive their

salary daily, 11 responded for weekly, 19 indicated for every 15 th of

the month, and one (1) answered for Monthly, a total of 50


1.3 Combined monthly salary.

In a family with only one (1) working member, just 12 of the

respondents answered that their monthly income ranges to 5,000 –

10,000 pesos. Only one (1) indicated that their monthly income

ranges to 15,001 - 20,100, while 34 responded that their monthly

income ranges to 10,001 – 15,000 pesos. Now, out of the three (3)

respondents that have two (2) working family members, only one (1)

reported that their combined monthly income is 20,100 pesos, while

the other two (2) said that their combined income is 19,000 pesos.

2. What basic human necessities do families have to spend on?

The basic human necessities the families have to spend on

namely; food, water bill, electricity, education, and

3. How much is the minimum wage needed to support the basic human

needs of a family of 3 or more?

Based on the data gathered, the highest minimum wage of the

respondents is 600 and out of the respondents that the minimum wage

is 600, only one answered yes in the last question of the

questionnaire; Do you think your salary is enough to support your

family? According to IBON (2022) the region X have an estimated

family living wage of the region is 1,172 pesos.


On the basis of the information gathered, the following

conclusion was reached: The researchers concluded that no matter how

much your wage is, it still depends on a person's ability to manage

their money, which could be enough to sustain their family's needs.

The researcher also realized that out of 50 respondents, only

two (2) who have a minimum wage of 390 pesos answered that their

minimum wage is enough to support their family. The reason why their

wage is enough to support their family is that, unlike other

families, they do not have a child that is going to school;

therefore, they do not spend expenses on education, and their family

members are 3–4.

Hence, the researcher concluded that the minimum wage that can

support a family depends on the number of family members and the

human necessities they need to spend on. Only a family of three to

four people can be supported by Cagayan de Oro City's minimum wage;

families of five or more cannot.


The following recommendations are highly suggested by the

researchers to the researchers who wish to continue the study and to

the families with minimum wages as this study regards them.

1. Modify the questionnaires. The current researchers believe

that the questionnaires they made are lacking, hence, the

researchers suggest to the future researcher to add the

questions that are already provided, or they can select a used

questionnaire that can be used for this study and alter it.

2. Be more specific with your respondents. Future researchers may

adjust the requirement for respondents; for instance, instead

of a family of 3 or more, they can be more specific by

choosing a specified number of families; it could be a family

of 3, 4, or 5.

3. Finally, while approximately 28% of families of three or more

living under the minimum wage are able to make enough to

survive with the income they receive, there will come a time

when they will need to add another member to the family or

more necessities that require them to take care of themselves

and require more money to make it happen. If their current

employment is not suitable for them or their income is

insufficient, the researcher proposes that the parents or

breadwinners look for a better job for the family. The

researchers also advised the family to eliminate any excessive

spending on goods such as cigarettes, which can be harmful to

one's health, in exchange for momentary comfort, alcoholic

beverages, and so on, so that they have more budget to take

care of and purchase their needs.


Balayo, Marianne Eugenie Clarisse G.

Novo, Angie A.

Condemina, Joshua T.

Peñaranda, Angel Niftale

Gamba, Justice Gem S.

Agao, Nashren B.

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