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John Emmanuel T. Orig

Finding Meaning

The Fog warning by Winslow Homer (1885)

From the visual clues that the artwork or Winslow Homer entitled as the “Fog Warning” it does simply
give us the recognizable objects like the boat, a fisherman with oar, a fish in the boat, a rising wave in
the sea, and a dim cloud in the background that can give us a foreshadow of something like a storm or
maybe a smoke. From the colors or the temperature of color in the painting it showed early in the
morning but a sudden change in weather can be seen in the distance and we can also see that the
fisherman is looking in the distance and can see the sudden change in the weather. From the context
clues that I saw in this painting is that the painting is all about the life of a fisherman in the middle of the
sea. Every fisherman has a family and he needed to return to his place so that they have something to
eat. But the bad weather that I can see from the back of the fishermen can hinder the time of the
return of the hardworking fishermen. And also from the context of the painting it showed a hard life of
the fishermen and their family. Even though he caught two big fishes it wont last a week and maybe a
day and he will go back in his boat and risk his life just to feed his family.
#2 Yung nalaman
mo na
journals na

Pero meron
kang ligtas
#3 Yung nalaman
mo na
journals na

Pero meron
) kang ligtas
points pero
galing kay
The process of art
The maker of the art are the artists or an individual that has an artistic mind that was clothed in

creativity. Regardless of the gender, age, social status or educational attainment. Anyone can
make an art all it takes is a creative mind and a hand that acquired skill to make an art. Artists can
innate or it can be acquired skill. Some artist at young age can create something that is pleasing in
the eyes and can create abstract painting because of the vagueness and young mind that they
have. In the article that was all about a painter that started drawing at the age of 3 and
completed her first oil painting that was featured in Oprah winfrey show in 2003 and in the
present time she published books and sold many painting that was valued a million of dollars. And
in the picture below showed Akiane Kramarik doing her painting. Artist can change role with
accordance to the cultural consideration. For example if an artist are engage in creating a spirit
and myths artworks in the beginning of time he/she will create artworks that was based in their
culture and if he/she will go to different place, like a industrialized place the artist should be
flexible and will learn other role like in narrative because the artist will be fascinated by the new
culture and the artist can also apply this role in his previous culture and the artist can be
experimental and fuse different roles that can turn into something unique and extravagant


Artistic elements
#1 Yung nalaman
mo na
journals na

Pero meron
kang ligtas

The elements that I’ve used in this artwork is first the lines, most of the lines that are present in the
artwork are most of it are curved lines and or classic lints and I traced the lines that was present given.
And in the part of the see some lines are used to indicate a wave that forms in the ocean. The shapes that
was used are random sizes of square and rectangle in the building that looks like windows from the
buildings. Also the circle in the moon. Some of the dots that are randomly placed in the sea and the sea
shore has given details of reflection and details in the sand. While in the skies it is the stars. On of the
most dominant element in this artwork is the color. Because it brings distinction from the different
objects present in the artwork. Using the color it gives us the details of what kind and what is that object
present in the artwork.

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