ED 10 - End-Term Test Version B

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Số Số bài Dạng bài Mức độ nhận Số điểm
câu biết/ câu
Pronunciation  5 1 MCQ Nhận biết: 5 5 (1 pt for each
Vocabulary 10 2 MCQ Nhận biết: 2 10
 Word formation Thông hiểu: 3
Vận dụng: 5
Grammar 10 2 MCQ, gap-fill Nhận biết: 2 10
Thông hiểu: 3
Vận dụng: 5
Listening 5 1 T/F, MCQ /gap- Thông hiểu: 5 5
Reading 5 1 T/F, hoặc MCQ Thông hiểu: 5 5
Writing 10 2-3 (có thể Re-order, Vận dụng: 5 (re- 15
bài re-order sentence order, making
2 câu, bài transformation, questions) (sentence
question question-making transformation: 2
making 3 Vận dụng cao: pts for each
câu, bài viết 5 (sentence item)
lại câu: 5 transformation)
Total 45 9-10 50 điểm


Tổng số câu: 5

1 -br, -cl, -cr, -dr

2 Word stress

(Archaeology, archaeologist, analyst, conservation, conservationist, geology,

geologist, linguistics, linguist, psychology, psychologist)

3 Word Stress
exhibition, beauty, landscape, artwork, museum, photographer, treasure,
Vietnamese, sculpture

4 Long vowels (i: ɜ: ɔ: u: ɑ:)

5 Ending sounds: /nd/, /ɪŋ/, /nt/

Tổng số câu: 10

1 Explicit:

do the laundry

do the shopping

feed the dog

fix things in the house

set the table

sweep/ mop the floor

take the rubbish out

vacuum the floor

wash the dishes

water the plants

make a mess

make the bed

do the cooking

do the washing up

do the cleaning up
do the vacuuming

do the ironing

dust (v)


surface cleaner

laundry detergent

ironing board




share chores with




help out

prefer to V

dirt - dirty

good/ great/ terrible at

put something away


dry (v)

do household chores/ housework





mind doing sth

stand doing sth

2 Collocations

Go online, follow sb on social networking sites, visit a website, download music, post on
social media, update social media profile

Digital inventions

Web browser, search engine, laser printer, desktop computer, keyboard mouse, smartphone,
laptop, password, text message, broadband, username, electric light/ light bulb, patent, long
lasting filament

Science subjects

Astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, linguistics, geology,

marine biology, archaeology, psychology, conservation


Linguist, geologist, marine biologist, psychologist, archaeologist, conservationist, activist

Explicit: red

Implicit: black

3 Types of TV programs
comedy, reality show, documentary, cooking program, travel show, soap opera, talent show,
weather forecast,

chat shows, fantasy, science fiction, animation film, biography, fairy tale, historical drama

Types of personality

binge watcher, bookworm

Adjectives to describe TV programs/films

complex, disappointing, entertaining, fascinating, imaginative, inspiring, moving, superb,

wonderful, brilliant, unexpected, thrilling, convincing, a bit boring, slow-moving, predictable,


genre, box office, trailer, A-list, blockbuster, computer-generated images, costumes,

soundtrack, escapism


artist, musical, painting, landscape, portrait, sculpture, sculptor


Explicit: red

Implicit: black

4 Explicit: accommodation, basement flat, block of flats, breathtaking, bungalow, camper van,
charming, cottage, couch-surfing, dense, detached house, floating market, landscape, mining
town, scorching temperature, semi-detached house, spacious, stilt house, studio apartment,
terraced house, tourist attraction, tribe

astonished, be famous for chimney, completely, couch surfer, extremely, global community,
homesick, houseboat, housewarming party, impressed, interior design, lifeline, live
underground, located, network, opal mine, pretty (adv), rainforest, recommendation, restore,
surroundings, treehouse

5 Explicit

Voluntary work and charity activities: collect/remove the rubbish, help the elderly, do
volunteer work in the hospital, help the animals, teach children, donate blood, donate money,
help the needy, raise money, help sick people, plant trees, lead nature tours

Charity things: first-aid kits, medical supplies, blankets

Phrasal verbs related to volunteer and charity works: benefit from, clean up, help out, care
for, throw away, join in, give back to

Others: needy, donate, homeless shelters


Voluntary work and charity activities: raise money, (do a) fundraiser, pick up
rubbish/trash/litter, tutor children, rescue animals, help on a farm, rubbish removal, empty the
rubbish bin, do charity work

Charity things: plaster, toiletry

Charity places: senior centre, orphanage, community centre

Others: make a difference, improve quality of lives, motorway, empathize, gain experience,
dump rubbish (illegally), ecotours, sponsor, broaden networks of friends

Tổng số câu: 10

1 Present Simple (Positive, Negative, Interrogative)

Present Continuous (Positive, Negative, Interrogative)

So & Such

2 1. Past continuous

2. Past simple


Past continuous: talk about longer actions in progress at a time in the past

Past simple & Past continuous:

When a short action (Past Simple) interrupted a longer action (Past Continuous)

3. Used to


+ Past states that are no longer true

+ Regular past actions that don’t happen anymore

Don’t use used to for past actions that only happened once. Use Past simple.

3 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

- Short adjectives (e.g. longer)

- Long adjectives (e.g. more expensive)

- Irregular adjectives (e.g. better)

- (just) as + adj + as

- not as + adj + as

- a bit / much / far: to modify comparisons

Present Perfect

- To talk about finished actions in time ‘up to now’

- Time expressions: ever, never, since then, just, already, (not) yet,

Past Simple

- To talk about finished actions in past time

Too and not enough

- To show there is a problem with something

- too + adj / adv

- not + adj / adv + enough

- too much / many + noun

- not enough + noun

not too + adj + enough (to say something is possible)

4 Present Perfect with for and since

Present Continuous

Future forms: be going to

Future forms: will

Adjectives to adverbs

Adverbs of degree (a little, a bit, slightly, quite, rather, pretty, really, extremely, completely)

Position of adverbs

Comparative adverbs

Irregular comparative adverbs

5 Verb + ing or verb + to + infinitive

Verb + to + infinitive: choose, decide, help, hope, need, pretend, refuse, want, would like

e.g. I helped to support a local garden centre.

Verb + ing: avoid, can’t stand, consider, don’t mind, enjoy, hate, like, love, miss, spend

e.g. I love spending time with needy children.

Bare infinitives and infinitives without to

modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, would) / let / make + infinitive

e.g. We must paint them three times to make them white again.

So, the community leader let her plant them.

Tổng số câu: 5

1 Listening for specific information

2 Identify specific details in a narrative

3 Identify the key points in a radio program about different types of arts
4 Identifying key details in a narrative

5 Listening for key details in a dialogue

Tổng số câu: 5

1 Reading for details in a descriptive passage

2 Identifying main ideas & specific details in an article

3 Finding specific information in a text about movies

4 Identifying main points in a descriptive passage

5 Reading for details in an advertisement

Tổng số câu: 10

1 Write an informal email

2 Write a paragraph about the benefits of an invention

3 Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite film

4 Write a blog about a tourist attraction

5 Writing a paragraph about advantages of doing charity work

SPEAKING (Thi riêng)

Hình thức: Thi theo cặp
Thời gian: 7-8 phút/ cặp
Nội dung: Unit 1-> Unit 5
Dạng bài Thời Nhiệm vụ
1 Hỏi-đáp ngắn với 3-4 phút Hỏi-đáp ngắn về các chủ đề đã học: Mỗi HS được hỏi
từng HS một chủ đề khác nhau
2 Thảo luận giữa hai 4 phút 2 HS cùng thảo luận về một chủ đề


A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. desktop B. geology C. iron D. documentary
2. A. fantasy B. landscape C. charity D. laser

B. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.
3. A. treasure B. marine C. support D. superb
4. A. filament B. linguistics C. bungalow D. benefit
5. A. apartment B. breathtaking C. senior D. comedy


A. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
6. My father is __________ the garage at the moment. It’s so messy.
A. tidying B. washing C. painting D. vacuuming
7. __________ is the science of minds and brains.
A. Linguistics B. Psychology C. Archaeology D. Geology
8. I must say that J. K. Rowling is such a(n) __________ novelist with her seven-volume
children’s fantasy series, Harry Potter.
A. predictable B. fascinated C. imaginative D. fascinating
9. The hotel offers __________ and coz y rooms with a terrific view of the Hạ Long Bay.
A. floating B. underground C. breathtaking D. spacious
10. __________ are where the elderly can benefit from social services and be cared for when
A. Senior centres B. Orphanages C. Medical supplies D. Homeless shelters
11. My father often __________ home early in the afternoon to do the vacuuming before we can
have dinner.
A. come B. comes C. coming D. is coming
12. There __________ something wrong with the search engine when I __________ to post my
photos on Facebook.
A. is – tried B. was – used to try C. was – was trying D. is – was trying
13. “Stranger Things” is __________ series I’ve seen this summer.
14. A. fascinating B. less fascinating
C. more fascinating D. the most fascinating
15. My grandfather __________ in this mining town since he __________ here in 1989.
A. has worked – moved B. is working – moved
C. used to work – moves D. works – moves
16. My friend Suzy chose __________ the elderly because she thought this __________ a big
difference to their lives.
A. to help – shall make B. helping – must make
C. to help – would make D. helping – might make

B. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

17. Opportunities for conversation may arise if parents and children do the __________ chores
together. (HOUSE) (unit 1)
18. A robotic vacuum cleaner can make cleaning the floor a less boring and __________ task.
(LABOUR) (unit 2)
19. That is a __________ which is based on a novel which was released 5 years ago.
(DOCUMENT) (unit 3)
20. Hội An is one of the most popular tourist __________ in Việt Nam with its antique markets
and beautiful landscape. (ATTRACT) (unit 4)
21. You are encouraged to donate __________ supplies, blankets, and food to the needy ones.
(MEDICINE) (unit 5)

C. Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

22. My sister __________ (dust) the furniture now. (unit 1)
23. Actually, Thomas Edison __________ (not / invent) the first light bulbs, but his version was
better than earlier ones. (unit 2)
24. Harvard University __________ (produce) many excellent students since its opening in 1636.
(unit 3)
25. I __________ (tell) my mother about the trip with my friends later. (unit 4)
26. Participating in community projects let children __________ (have) the opportunity to help
the needy ones. (unit 5)

III. LISTENING (1 point)

Listen to a radio programme about a future house and decide whether the following sentences
are true (T) or false (F).
27. You may be living in a fully connected smart home twenty years later. __________
28. Household appliances can be controlled remotely in a smart home. __________
29. Doing household chores in a smart home is time-consuming. __________
30. A smart home can be programmed to provide medical care. __________
31. Everyone has the chance to live in a smart home in the future. __________

IV. READING (2 points)

A. Read the text and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the sentences
How do you encourage your child to get involved in the world around them and learn skills? One
great opportunity that is often forgotten is volunteering. Although volunteering focuses on
helping others, there are many personal benefits that even children can gain by engaging in these
meaningful activities.

First, volunteering teaches children appreciation. As adults, we understand that not all people are
in the same family or financial situations as ourselves. However, for children, this idea can be
more challenging to understand. Therefore, if children can volunteer and help the homeless, they
will learn they are very fortunate to have a home, a loving family and food on the table.

Second, volunteering inspires giving. The act of volunteering can show children they can make a
difference even when they don’t have money. In fact, in many cases, it is just giving our time to
others that matters. For example, children can volunteer at a senior centre and spend time with
the elderly who have no family members. When they know they have made a difference to
someone else’s life, they will be excited not just about receiving but giving as well.

Finally, volunteering can help children develop a sense of purpose. When we give our time to
people or causes that need it most, it helps us feel good about ourselves. In a big world, it can be
difficult to know where we fit in and or how we can start making a difference. By volunteering,
people can see that actions which might seem small can make a big difference to the lives of
others. As a result, getting involved in giving back to their community can help develop self-
(Adapted from link)

32. Children can benefit from helping others in various ways. __________
33. It can be hard to teach children how to appreciate things in their lives. __________
34. People need to have money to make a difference to a person’s life. __________
35. It is easy for people to know for which purposes they are living. __________
36. Children can develop their self-esteem when giving back to the community. __________

V. WRITING (2 points)
A. Rearrange the given words to make complete sentences. Do not change the given words.
37. generations / many / since / Nowadays, / cannot / families / move away / together / young /
afford / several / have / to / people / generations / living.
→ ___________________________________________________________________________
38. still / time / assistant / At / I / was / research / this / year, / last / a / working / as.
→ _______________________________________________________________.
39. has / him / Harry / since / changed / not / anything / time / the / I / last / met.
→ _____________________________________________________________.
40. floating / impressed / around / markets / has / its / Cần Thơ / Việt Nam / with / network /
and / tourists / canal.
→ ___________________________________________________________________________
41. local / difference / smallest / environment / to / even / actions / make / a / can / with / the / the
/ We.
→ ___________________________________________________________________________

B. Use the words in capitals to rewrite the sentences. Do not change the given word.
42. People once burned candles to light their houses in the past. (USED)
→ People _____________________________ to light their houses in the past.
43. My friend thinks this movie is more fascinating than any other ones.
→ My friend thinks this is _____________________________ movie.
44. I’m not old enough to drive a motorbike. (TOO)
→ I’m _____________________________ drive a motorbike.
45. Anna is a more fluent French speaker than I am. (SPEAK)
→ Anna can _____________________________ than I can.
45. Teenagers are encouraged to take part in charity work. (SHOULD)
→ Teenagers _____________________________ charity work.

Unit Chủ đề Câu hỏi kiểm tra
Do you like doing household chores?
What kind of household chores do you like?
1 Family chores
What do you think about doing the washing up/mopping
the house/taking out the rubbish… Do you like it?
Science and What are the main advantages of owning a mobile phone?
inventions What are the main advantages of owning a laptop?
What is your favourite movie?
3 The arts What cinema genre(s) do you like most?
Do you like any paintings?
Do you fancy going to the cinema in the daytime?
4 Home sweet home
Do you like travelling abroad?
5 Have you participated in any volunteer projects?
What can we do to help the needy?
Unit Chủ đề Câu hỏi kiểm tra

Who should be mainly responsible for doing household

1 Family chores
Science and
2 What are the disadvantages of technology?
3 The arts What makes a good film, in your opinion?
What is your favourite tourist destination in Việt Nam?
4 Home sweet home

Should doing charity be compulsory for high school

5 Charity

***End – Of – Test***
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A


6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A

11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C

16. household 17. laborious 18. documentary 19. attractions 20. medical

21. is dusting 22. did not 23. has produced 24. am going to 25. have
invent/didn’t tell/’m going
invent to tell

III. LISTENING (1 point)

26. T 27. T 28. F 29. F 30. T

Audio script
Today I’m reporting from the Future House show and I’m going to start with a question – where
will you be living twenty years from now?
Well, you’ll be living in a fully connected smart home!
Smart homes and smart technology have now become reality, not the future nor any science
How do they benefit our lives?
A smart home can be designed in such a way that household appliances such as fridges,
televisions and air conditioners can be controlled by the homeowner using a remote control.
One benefit is that the smart home can save you a lot of time – especially when you are busy at
work. With the tap of a finger on your mobile phone, you can do the washing up, turn on the
robotic vacuum cleaner and water the plants. These laborious tasks are now done for you.
Plus, with the smart home, you manage your shopping better – when you need medical supplies
in emergencies, your house can be programmed to buy all necessary items. Or just imagine you
binge-watching your favourite series on a rainy day without any worries about buying household
goods. Why? Because you can now visit a shopping website and the house will arrange
purchases for you.
In the future, such homes will be available for everybody!

IV. READING (1 point)

31. T 32. T 33. F 34. F 35. T
V. WRITING (3 points)
36. Nowadays, many families have several generations living together since young people cannot
afford to move away.
37. At this time last year, I was still working as a research assistant.
38. Harry has not changed anything since the last time I met him.
39. Cần Thơ has impressed tourists around Việt Nam with its canal network and floating
40. We can make a difference to the local environment with even the smallest actions.
41. People used to burn candles to light their houses in the past.
42. My friend thinks this is the most fascinating movie.
43. I’m too young to drive a motorbike.
44. Anna can speak French more fluently than I can.
45. Teenagers should take part in charity work.

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