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Leona Mae Lamadrid

Registered Nurse

Capable of providing direct patient care in a fast-paced
workplace. Calm and level-headed, capable of dealing
with challenging patients and high-stress circumstances.
Develop close relationships with patients and their
families by using strong verbal communication skills and
63+ 949 184 5681
Blk.2 Lot 14 Purok 5 Zone 8
Cupang Antipolo City
Trinity University of Asia (2027 -2028)
BS Nursing

Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College (2023-2024)
English Science Technology, Engineering Mathematics (STEM)
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College (2023-2024)

SSS Village Elementary School (2017-2018)
Experienced working in long
hours in high-pressure
situations while maintaining
Lice n s e d RN with two years clinical exper i e n c e o n m y
i nte r n s h i p training seeking to strengthen p a t i e n t c a r e a t S t .
Proven ability to manage time Luke ' s M e dical Center through proven sk i l l s i n t r i a g e , d a i l y
and have stamina care , a n d problem solving.

Possesses excellent
communication, organizational
Post - G r a d uate Course in Clinical Nursin g P r a c t i c e - ( 4
and problem-solving skills
mont h s )
Proficient in Urgent care and Cli ni c a l N u rsing Ass istant Course– (6 mo n t h s )
emergency care skills involve the TESD A - T V E T Program Registration: NTRO 3 1 3 0 6 0 1 5 7

ability to respond promptly to

medical issues a patient is
Lois J u n e F. Bornilla Gret c h e n Ann P. A ntonio
experiencing. Engl i s h T eacher, Our Lady of Prof e s s i o nal Accountant
Perp e t u a l Succor College BDO
Well-versed in patients and
Dr. L e n d r y Quizon
patient's family treatments Lice n s e d Doctor , Surgeon Chri s t i a n P. Antonio
The M e d i c al City Hospital Taguig City Lice n s e d Civil Engineer

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