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414728, 1308 Index RPHS: 8 RPH3 CONTROL INTERFACE PARAMETERS Display ‘Choose the parameter you want to change Parameters Settings Downloads parameters 16 414728, 1308 Index RPHS: DSP RESET (MUST BE DONE TO APPLY PARAMETERS CHANGE) CCheck box (1 then lick on [Rast] to apply change SOFTWARE OPTION Operating time measurement mode: © current rise (0) @ auxiliary contact (1) Compensation delay: © enable (0) ® disable (1) with acknowledge: © disable (0) © enable (1) [s2 RATED LEVELS Ratedinominal primary source volage phase-phase [220000 __] kV Ratedinominal secondary source voltage phase-phase [7115000 —]V Ratedinominal primary ne voltage phase-phase [770,000 —] kV Ratedinominal secondary tine voltage phase-phase v Ratedinominal primary current A Ratedinominal secondary current (1A or 5A) Cs a [se NEUTRAL-EARTH MANAGEMENT NeutralCarth manager: @ soft parameter (0) © hare moasure (1) Noutral-Earth soft parameter: © disconnected (0) ® connected (1) [52 ALGORITHM TIMINGS Begin of calculation (tt) ms. ‘Timeout of close control order (2) ms Begin of reclose window (3) ms: End of relose window (4) ms End time of archive (t) a0 ms Timeout for auxiliary contact signal ms. (2 (RE)CLOSE ORDER DURATION ion ofthe recloseclose order [50] ms [2 ALGORITHM CALCULATION PARAMETERS Rated network frequency (S0Hz or 6DHz) Level control ofthe f0 calculation - reclosing strategy (%) jon - closing strategy (%) = Level control ofthe f0 calcul Low limit frequency High limit frequency el ofthe rated i cad Detection voltage (%) Phase shift of the source voltage Source voltage connected to the RPH3: © phase A(t) © phase 8 (2) © phase ¢ (3) ‘Archiving for debug: @ disable (0) © enable (1) Phase angle (for parameterized closing - Mode 6 of algorithm) ie HR COMPENSATION DELAYS A 5 Nominal closing breaker time Ta ]ms (Tams (Ha ms Nominal eponing breaker time [2400 —]ms [—zss0——]ms [2400] ms A 8 c parameters 216 414728, 1308 Index RPHS: forauaeay 1878 ms ms [374] ms Sahar tre dl, ———e ns for strategy 2 or 2 oe for strategy 3 ms ms ms me a3 a a a 2 3 ‘Auxiliary time shift Pressure factor Nominal pressure Powor supply factor 002 Nominal power supply 7200 |V “Thermal factors for compensation 11 value from -50°Cto 50°C by step of 10° factoro. [__ag0 _]ms tectort. [_090_—]ms tactor2. [ag] ms factor. [—a00——]ms tactora [L090 —]ms actors [ooo ms factors [a0 —]ms tector? [2090 —]ms tactora. [ooo me factors. [F=a00—]ms tector 10 [090] ms IDLE Constanta Co ns IDLE Constant B 10.0 day(s) “Forget” factor for compensation ofthe total delay Upper limit of de [sa] COMPENSATION DELAYS (INITIALS VALUES) Date of first closing operation ‘® Date (wildy): [3/35] GMT Time (24h): B Date (miaiy) 3] A 8 y compensation [2m ——]ms [2000 —]ms za —}ms A 5 Initial breaker time Loans La ]ms Ina adaptive ime [090] ms [=o Ime itis compeneeton tector [200 ——]_me Ew [sa Pressure sensor lo Pressure sensor le ‘Temperature sensor ‘Temperature sensor MASK FOR ALARM OUTPUT Led Ledé Mon. Bist! Bietz sine Reset Bootoader contol oo 0 a o Chisum parameters contol a a 0 oa [s=] Leda Ledé Mon. att iste ata aie Reset Validity parameters control 1A external sensor control a [s2 parameters 36 414728, 1308 Callbration control Broakor opening control, aftr reception of the open ord: Breaker closing contro, after reception of the close order Broakor position control, In “close strategy 6,7 & ‘when the RPHS wat the control close order [s Reclosing inside t2<->t4 window Coll power supply status Compensation delay status Quadratic error betwee phase A [se ‘Quadratic error between line and source for phase B ‘Quadratic error betwee phase C and source for Leas 5 a Leas Leas oo Leas. Index RPHS: Let Leas Leas Leas Mon. 5 a Bist Bistt o a ist Bist o Bist ists ists Bists DSP RESET (MUST BE DONE TO APPLY PARAMETERS CHANGE) ‘Check box (I then clck on [Reset] to apply change parameters Bists o a Reset bara o a 406 414728, 1308 Index RPHS: parame 516 414728, 1308 Index RPHS: parame a6

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