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Priya Sasankan, MD Prashanthi N. Thota, MD, FACG

Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Director, Center of Excellence for Barrett
Clinic, Cleveland, OH Esophagus, Department of Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition, Cleveland Clinic;
Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic
Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Evaluation and management

of gastroesophageal reflux disease:
A brief look at the updated guidelines
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the most com-
response to advances in the diagnostic
and management of gastroesoph-
reflux disease (GERD) since previous
mon gastrointestinal disorder seen in primary care offices guidelines were published in 2013,1 the Amer-
and is usually managed with proton pump inhibitors ican College of Gastroenterology (ACG)
(PPIs). The authors present an overview of the updated updated the guidelines in 2022.2 Here, we offer
guidelines from the American College of Gastroenter- a brief overview of changes in the outpatient
ology, which address the evaluation and management management of GERD outlined in the latest
of GERD, including the consequences of long-term PPI guidelines.
therapy and emerging therapies.
If GERD symptoms have resolved with PPIs and the GERD, the result of the reflux of gastric con-
patient has no erosive esophagitis or Barrett esophagus, tents into the esophagus,2 is a diagnosis based
tapering to the lowest effective dose, intermittent PPI on the presence of typical clinical symptoms,
therapy or replacement with a histamine 2 receptor characteristic mucosal injury seen on endos-
antagonist, and discontinuation when possible should be copy, or abnormal esophageal acid exposure
demonstrated on a reflux monitoring study.
considered. The diagnosis can be challenging because
symptoms may overlap with other disorders
Endoscopy is indicated in patients with alarm symptoms
such as achalasia, eosinophilic esophagitis, or
such as dysphagia, weight loss, bleeding, vomiting, cardiac or pulmonary disease.
anemia, chest pain, or refractory symptoms after optimi- Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are still
zation of PPI therapy. the medical treatment of choice for GERD.
Although a PPI trial is used as a diagnostic
Surgical options are recommended for patients with “test” in patients with the typical symptoms of
objective evidence of GERD and severe reflux esophagitis, heartburn and regurgitation, the sensitivity of
large hiatal hernias, or persistent, troublesome GERD this approach is only 80% and the specificity
symptoms such as regurgitation. 74%.3 Also, up to 45% of patients treated with
PPIs may continue to have symptoms.4 These
patients are designated as having refractory
GERD, defined as persistent symptoms despite
8 weeks of twice-daily PPI therapy. In these
doi:10.3949/ccjm.89a.22059 patients, continued reflux is the cause of the

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symptoms in only 21%, with the rest having reflux onist, and, when possible, discontinuation should
hypersensitivity or functional heartburn.5 be considered.
Extraesophageal symptoms such as cough, asthma, • Long-term PPI therapy or antireflux surgery is
laryngitis, and throat-clearing have been attributed recommended for patients with Los Angeles clas-
to GERD. Laryngopharyngeal reflux is defined as sification grade C esophagitis (erosions extending
the retrograde flow of stomach content to the larynx over mucosal folds, but over less than three-quar-
and pharynx that comes into contact with the upper ters of the circumference) or grade D esophagitis
aerodigestive tract. Evaluation by an ear, nose, and (confluent erosions extending over more than
throat, allergy, or pulmonary specialist can be consid- three-quarters of the circumference).7
ered to rule out non-GERD causes of the symptoms. • Surgical options are recommended for patients
Finally, antireflux surgery can be considered in severe with objective evidence of GERD who have
cases of erosive esophagitis or large hiatal hernia.2 severe reflux esophagitis (Los Angeles grade C
or D), large hiatal hernias, or persistent, trouble-
■ WHO WROTE THE GUIDELINES? some GERD symptoms such as regurgitation.7 The
The original ACG guidelines for the evaluation and treatment is fundoplication, in which the lower
management of GERD, published in 1995, were esophageal sphincter is strengthened by wrapping
updated in 1999, 2005, and 2013. The 2022 guide- the fundus of the stomach around the esophagus
lines provide updated evidence-based recommenda- in the abdomen. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is an
tions. They are structured in the format of statements option to treat GERD in patients with obesity who
that are clinically relevant in GERD. The authors are candidates for this procedure.
developed PICO (patient-population, intervention, • Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF), the
comparison, and outcomes) questions and performed endoscopic creation of a gastric fundal wrap with
an extensive literature search for each question with plication, and magnetic sphincter augmentation
assistance from a research librarian. The GRADE (MSA), the laparoscopic insertion of a flexible
system (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, ring of interlinked magnetic beads to augment the
Development, and Evaluation)6 was used to assess the weak lower esophageal sphincter, can be alterna-
quality of evidence for each statement. tives in patients with troublesome regurgitation or
heartburn who do not wish to undergo fundoplica-
■ WHAT ARE THE MAIN RECOMMENDATIONS? tion and who do not have severe reflux esophagitis
or large hiatal hernia.
The updated ACG guidelines include the following
• Adult patients with classic GERD symptoms of
heartburn and regurgitation without alarm symp- The updated ACG guidelines provide a streamlined
toms such as dysphagia, weight loss, bleeding, vom- approach to the management of the myriad presenta-
iting, anemia, and chest pain can be treated with tions of GERD and the indications for use of emerging
an 8-week empiric trial of a PPI taken once daily nonmedical therapies such as TIF and MSA.
before meals. An upper age limit is not specified. Prior guidelines were ambiguous regarding the
• Endoscopy is indicated in patients with alarm step-up approach vs the step-down approach in the
symptoms or refractory symptoms after optimiza- medical treatment of GERD. The current recommen-
tion of PPI therapy. dation is to start PPI therapy when a clinical diagnosis
• Reflux testing with a wireless telemetry capsule of GERD is made, then to proceed with diagnostic
attached to the esophageal mucosa during endos- testing if there is no response, or to cut down to the
copy or transnasal catheter is considered in patients lowest effective dose if there is a complete response.
with suspected GERD and normal endoscopy, extra­ As discussed in the updated guidelines, another
esophageal GERD symptoms, or refractory GERD. issue in the past was concern about adverse effects
• PPIs continue to be the mainstay of medical treat- with long-term PPI use as reported in observational
ment. For patients with GERD whose symptoms studies.2 However, 2 randomized clinical trials pub-
have resolved and who do not have erosive esoph- lished since the last guidelines provide reassuring
agitis or Barrett esophagus, tapering the PPI to the evidence about the safety of chronic PPI use.8,9
lowest effective dose, replacement with intermit- AspECT (A Phase III, Randomized, Study of Aspi-
tent PPI therapy or a histamine 2 receptor antag- rin and Esomeprazole Chemoprevention in Barrett’s
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Metaplasia)8 randomized 2,557 patients with Barrett • Regarding possible patient concerns about long-
esophagus to low- or high-dose esomeprazole (20 mg vs term PPI therapy, the current guidelines suggest
80 mg), with or without aspirin (300 mg or 325 mg), in advising patients that high-quality studies have
a 2 × 2 factorial design with a median follow-up period found that PPIs do not significantly increase the
of 8.9 years.8 Treatment-related serious adverse events risk of pneumonia, stomach cancer, osteoporo-
were reported in 1% of patients, with no differences sis-related bone fractures, chronic kidney disease,
between low-dose and high-dose PPI therapy. nutritional deficiencies, heart attacks, strokes,
In the COMPASS trial (Cardiovascular Outcomes dementia, and early death, and that he benefits of
for People Using Anticoagulation Strategies),9 17,598 PPI therapy far outweigh the risks.
patients being treated with rivaroxaban and aspirin, • TIF and MSA may be considered as alternative
rivaroxaban alone, or aspirin alone were randomized to therapies for refractory GERD.
receive pantoprazole 40 mg daily or placebo and were
followed for 3 years.9 No significant differences in side ■ DO OTHER SOCIETIES AGREE OR DISAGREE?
effects were noted between PPI and the placebo group The latest recommendations made by the American
except for a trend toward increased risk of enteric infec- Gastroenterological Association (AGA) in its 2022
tions. However, it is difficult to exclude if PPIs confer any AGA Clinical Practice Update,10 though almost
increased risk of these adverse events because they are entirely in concordance with the 2022 ACG guideline,
infrequent, and the study duration may not have been includes the following additional recommendations:
long enough for some adverse events to develop. For patients with functional heartburn or reflux
Therefore, based on these studies, PPIs are safe hypersensitivity, pharmacologic neuromodulation,
for long-term use, especially in patients with erosive referral to a behavioral therapist for hypnotherapy,
esophagitis, Barrett esophagus, esophageal stricture, cognitive behavioral therapy, diaphragmatic breathing,
eosinophilic esophagitis, and PPI-dependent GERD. and relaxation strategies, or both, should be offered.
In addition, potassium-competitive acid blockers The AGA Clinical Practice Update also recom-
are exciting potential new agents for pharmacologic mends Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as an effective pri-
treatment of GERD as they are not purported to have mary antireflux intervention in patients with obesity
PPI-associated adverse events. and as a salvage option in nonobese patients, whereas
the 2022 ACG guidelines recommend Roux-en-Y
■ WHAT IS DIFFERENT FROM PRIOR GUIDELINES? gastric bypass only for patients with obesity.10
The updated guidelines differ from previous versions Regarding the role of endoscopy in the manage-
on the following points: ment of GERD, the 2015 guidelines of the American
• In the evaluation of GERD refractory to PPI ther- Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy11 are largely in
apy, endoscopy should be performed off PPI therapy concordance with the 2022 ACG guidelines, except
for 2 to 4 weeks. Prior guidelines did not recom- that they list the antireflux Stretta procedure (delivery
mend cessation of PPI therapy before endoscopy. of radiofrequency energy to lower esophageal sphinc-
• In patients with partial or no relief from PPI ther- ter) alongside TIF as a potential endoluminal GERD
apy with no previous evaluation or in those with therapy for select patients. The 2022 ACG guidelines
extraesophageal symptoms and normal endoscopy, do not recommend it in view of cumulative evidence
pH testing to detect acid reflux should be per- suggesting lack of efficacy.2
formed off PPI therapy.
• In patients with objective evidence of GERD who
have refractory symptoms, pH impedance on PPI Even though PPIs are the preferred initial therapy
should be performed to detect the amount of reflux for GERD, a sizable proportion of patients continue
(acidic, weakly acidic, or nonacidic). to have symptoms. For these patients, it is common
• Salivary pepsin testing or oropharyngeal or pha- practice to try different PPIs without investigating
ryngeal pH testing is not recommended for the for objective evidence of GERD. Also, PPIs are often
evaluation of laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms. prescribed in patients with cough, asthma, or laryngi-
• If patients do not respond to a PPI, they can be tis on the presumption that it represents extraesoph-
switched to a different PPI. For patients who have ageal GERD, even in the absence of typical GERD
not responded to the new PPI, more than one symptoms. In these patients, reflux testing should be
switch to a different PPI cannot be supported. performed before starting PPI therapy, and esophageal
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manometry should be done to rule out motility dis- sex, smoking, obesity, or a positive family history.12
orders such as achalasia. If the evaluation shows no Also, diagnostic testing for GERD such as endos-
evidence of abnormal reflux, PPIs should be stopped. copy and reflux monitoring is sometimes indicated
For patients found to have reflux hypersensitivity or in asymptomatic patients.13,14 For example, before
functional heartburn, a pain modulator such as a tri- lung transplant, a routine evaluation with reflux
cyclic antidepressant or selective serotonin reuptake monitoring and esophageal manometry is indicated,
inhibitor may be considered. as untreated GERD may contribute to graft failure.13
If a patient with no alarm symptoms and a good Another group of asymptomatic patients who may
response to a PPI stops the drug after several months benefit from diagnostic testing for GERD are those
and has a relapse of symptoms, PPI therapy is often awaiting bariatric surgery such as sleeve gastrectomy,
resumed without further evaluation. For such patients, as this procedure may be associated with worsening of
the updated guidelines recommend endoscopy to iden- GERD postoperatively.14
tify severe disease necessitating indefinite PPI therapy It is also worthwhile to note that manometry and
(eg, erosive esophagitis, Barrett esophagus) and alter- reflux evaluation are not available in all healthcare
native diagnoses (eg, eosinophilic esophagitis). settings, and patients may need referral to a tertiary
care center for evaluation.
■ WHEN WOULD THE GUIDELINES NOT APPLY? Lastly, the 2022 ACG guidelines also do not
mention the on-demand use of histamine-2 receptor
The 2022 ACG guidelines recommend endoscopic antagonists as solo therapy in patients with inter-
evaluation in patients who have symptoms refractory mittent symptoms. Randomized controlled trials
to PPI therapy or who have a relapse of symptoms after have demonstrated that standard-dose histamine-2
cessation of PPI therapy. This may not apply in certain receptor antagonists are more effective than placebo
conditions such as pregnancy or severe cardiopulmo- at relieving heartburn in cases of GERD, with symp-
nary disease, where endoscopic evaluation may be asso- tomatic relief reported in 60% of cases.15 ■
ciated with unacceptable risk. Conversely, endoscopy is
indicated even in patients with well-controlled GERD ■ DISCLOSURES
symptoms if they have multiple risk factors for Barrett The authors report no relevant financial relationships which, in the context
esophagus such as age over 50, White ethnicity, male of their contributions, could be perceived as a potential conflict of interest.

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