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BHMH2004 Managing Organizations Examination Skills Workshop

Topic 1 Managers in the workplace (Semester 1, 2020/21)

1. Water Park’s planning process includes ___________.

(a) training employees

(b) assigning the job duties according to organisational goals
(c) deciding the objective of the entreprise
(d) None of the above

2. Olaf, the WK branch manager of a supermarket received a complaint from a customer. He is

required to report all complaint incidents to Mr. Chan, the CEO. Which of the following
example(s) of Mr. Chan, the CEO’s informational roles is/are demonstrated in this story??

(I) Monitor
(II) Disseminator
(III) Spokesperson

(a) (I) only

(b) (II) and (III) only
(c) (I), (II) and (III) only
(d) None of the above

3. All of the following are examples of an organization EXCEPT ___________.

(I) Red Cross

(II) Young Women’s Christian Association
(III) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(IV) Hong Kong Disneyland

(a) (I) and (II) only

(b) (III) and (IV) only
(c) (II) and (IV) only
(d) None of the above

4. Sunny Chai is the chairman at Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. He informs his staff
on the organisation’s future plan and other information. He also leads and motivates them to
reach organizational goals. Which management role(s) is/are the chairman performing?

(I) Leader
(II) Disseminator
(III) Interpersonal Role
(IV) Informational Role

(a) (I) and (III) only

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(b) (II) and (IV) only

(c) (I) and (IV) only
(d) (I), (II), (III) and (IV) are correct

5. When all secretaries of an office want to take their holiday on Christmas Eve, the office manager
of the company follows the tradition and arranges for a lucky draw to determine who can take
their holiday on that day. The office manager is playing the management role of ____________.

(a) Figurehead
(b) Negotiator
(c) Resource allocator
(d) Entrepreneur

6. When a doctor-in-charge operates a surgery, he is using ____________ skills. When he collects

information so he can formulate strategy that better met the hospital’s needs, he is referring to
____________ skills.
(I) technical
(II) human
(III) conceptual
(IV) spiritual

(a) (I) and (II) only

(b) (I) and (IV) only
(c) (I) and (III) only
(d) (II) and (III) only

7. In view of the public’s anger over the death of a dog at a MTR station, operations director Jacob
Kam sets up new procedures for staff to deal with animals found on the tracks. Budgets will be
set aside for training and tools accordingly. Jacob’s roles are ____________.
(I) Disturbance handler.
(II) Resource allocator.
(III) Figurehead.
(IV) Decisional.

(a) (I), (II) and (III) only

(b) (I), (II) and (IV) only
(c) (II) and (IV) only
(d) (III) and (IV) only

8. When a supervisor checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of
units that have defects, he is performing which of the following management function(s)?
(I) Controlling

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(II) Leading
(III) Planning
(IV) Organizing

(a) I only
(b) III only
(c) II and IV only
(d) III and IV only

9. If MTR Director encourages his employees to work hard by telling them that he is sure they can fulfil
tight schedule because they are good and skilled employees, he is performing which of the following
management function(s)?
(I) Controlling
(II) Leading
(III) Planning
(IV) Organizing

(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) III only
(d) III and IV only

10. Which of the following is(are) LEAST likely to be a top manager?

(I) James Hughes-Hallett, Chairman of Swire Group
(II) Kitty Lam, Sales assistant at Jordan branch of Giordano
(III) Jin-Guang Teng, President of Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(IV) Marc Bolland, CEO of Marks and Spencer Group

(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) III and IV only
(d) IV only

11. Organizing includes ________.

(I) setting organizational goals
(II) planning time table
(III) motivating organizational members
(IV) assigning who does what duties

(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) IV only
(d) III and IV only

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12. Which of the following can BEST illustrate the universality of management?
(I) Managers run large corporations, medium-sized businesses, and entrepreneurial start-ups.
(II) Management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others.
(III) Managers are found in government departments, hospitals, small businesses, not-for-profit
agencies, museums and schools
(IV) Managers have to deal with a variety of personalities with limited resources.

(a) III and IV only

(b) I, II and III only
(c) I and III only
(d) I and II only

13. If all the managers accomplish their projects, but one manager takes more time than the other managers
in the process, that manager is ________.

(a) efficient, but ineffective

(b) a leader, but not a top manager
(c) project oriented, but not effective
(d) effective, but inefficient

14. When a chef of a hotel group cooks for restaurant customers, he is utilizing his ________.

(a) conceptual skills

(b) empirical skills
(c) technical skills
(d) human skills

15. Katherine, sales and marketing manager of Maxim’s fast food restaurant observes the trends and prices
of the fast food and services produced by Café de Coral and Fairwood. Which managerial roles are
Katherine assuming?
(I) Disseminator
(II) Liaison
(III) Monitor
(IV) Disturbance handler
(V) Informational role

(a) I and IV only

(b) II and V only
(c) III and IV only
(d) III and V only

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Topic 2 History

1. John Chan is working as a supervisor in a factory. He likes to look at how workers do their
jobs at the production lines and finds ways to help them eliminate inefficient hand-and-body
motions. Which of the following approaches does John use?

(a) The “one best way” proposed by Fredrick Taylor

(b) “Division of labour” suggested by Adam Smith
(c) “Therbligs scheme” devised by the Gilbreths
(d) The “behavioural approach” advocated by Robert Owen

2. Employees allowed to originate and carry out plans will exert high levels of effort, is known
as __________ according to Fayol’s 14 principles of management.

(I) Discipline
(II) Unity of command
(III) Initiative
(IV) Order

(a) (II) and (IV) only

(b) (III) only
(c) (IV) only
(d) (I) and (II) only

3. The stage of a system during which an organization converts __________ into products and
services is called the __________.

(a) inputs; transformation process

(b) outputs; behavioural
(c) raw materials; output
(d) outputs; input

4. A management approach that recognises organisations as different, which means they face
different situations and require different ways of managing, is called __________.

(a) scientific management theory

(b) contingency approach
(c) administrative management theory
(d) All of the above

5. The view(s) that every employee should receive orders from only one superior and the
organisation should have a single plan of action to guide managers and workers is/are called

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(a) Unity of Command

(b) Remuneration
(c) Unity of Command and Unity of direction
(d) Equity and Initiative

6. ____________ and ____________ are concerned with what managers do and what constitutes
good management practice under general administrative theory.
(I) Max Weber
(II) Henri Fayol
(III) Adam Smith
(IV) Frederick Taylor
(V) Frank Gilbreth

(a) (I) and (II) only

(b) (II) and (IV) only
(c) (III) and (V) only
(d) (IV) and (V) only

7. The marketing department of a company was very successful in marketing its new products.
However, the production department of the same company failed to produce enough products to
meet demand. The ____________ predicts that the overall performance of the company will

(a) Behavioural approach

(b) General administrative approach
(c) Contingency approach
(d) Systems approach

8. According to ____________ of the Fayol’s 14 management principles, workers must be paid a

fair wage for their services.

(a) unity of direction

(b) equity
(c) scalar chain
(d) remuneration

9. Wetland Park uses computer software with optimization models to analyse admission figures to
improve future planning decision making. This is an application of ___________ approach(es).
(I) classical
(II) quantitative

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(III) scientific management

(IV) situational

(a) (I) only

(b) (II) only
(c) (I) and (III) only
(d) (I) and (IV) only

10. Characteristics of Weber’s bureaucracy include ____________.

(I) authority
(II) formal selection
(III) budgeting
(IV) impersonality
(V) career orientation

(a) (II), (IV) and (V) only

(b) (I), (II) and (IV) only
(c) (III), and (IV) only
(d) (I), (II) and (III) only

11. The development of modern management theories was actually speeded up by the industrial revolution
which ____________.

(I) substituted machine power for human labour

(II) created large organisations in need of management
(III) overthrew the Spanish government

(a) (I) only

(b) (II) only
(c) (I), and (II) only
(d) (I), (II) and (III) only

12. F.W. Taylor founded the early study of management thought which became known as ________.

(a) management science

(b) division of labour
(c) scientific management
(d) ancient management

13. The stage of a system during which the organisation releases finished goods to the external
environment so that customers can purchase these goods is known as the ________ stage.

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(a) input
(b) conversion
(c) output
(d) open

14. Which of the following gives a manager the right to direct and give orders to his subordinates in order to
attempt to accomplish organisational goal?

(a) Discipline
(b) Job specialisation
(c) Authority
(d) Behavioural management

15. ________ suggested using psychological tests for employee selection.

(a) Hugo Munsterberg

(b) Robert Owen
(c) Mary Parker Follett
(d) Chester Barnard

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Topic 3 Decision Making

1. Liddy is the owner of Dr Brain shoes shop. Each year, she recruits additional sales
representative during July and August as she realises the number of customers and “back to
school” sales increased by 15%. So, Liddy is a/an ___________ and adopts __________

(a) decision maker; programmed

(b) implementer; groupthink
(c) controller; standard
(d) decision maker; random

2. Debby is the director of the product development department of Best Beauty Company.
Recently, Debby and her team have invented a new anti-wrinkle product for target customers
who are between 40 to 50 years old. She claimed that the new product has 50% chances to
remove wrinkles completely, and 50% chances of no change to skin. Which of the following
condition is faced by Debby?

(a) Risk
(b) Uncertainty
(c) Bounded rationality
(d) Complete information

3. Adam, a production manager asks his assistant to hire part time workers whenever overtime
hours for the previous month increase by more than 20%. This is an example of __________

(a) non-programmed
(b) unstructured
(c) satisficing
(d) programmed

4. The new employee of Tony’s Bakery told his father that the staff handbook has a ___________
stating clearly that employees are not allowed to take any remaining bakery products home at the
end of each working day.

(a) policy
(b) procedure
(c) rule
(d) guideline

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5. Funday Land is a famous theme park in Korea. The Operation Director is going to build two new
hotels next to the park as it can attract more visitors. The director explained Funday Land has no
experience to hotel management and it may present a “new challenge” to them. The new
challenge is implied as ___________.

(a) escalating problem

(b) unstructured problem
(c) standard problem
(d) structured problem

6. A recent survey showed that 74% of 108 middle managers use intuitive decision making to cope
with different organisational problems. It means that they make decisions based on all the
followings EXCEPT ____________.

(a) experience
(b) detailed analysis
(c) feeling
(d) value

7. To determine the _________, a manager must understand what is relevant or important to

resolving a problem.

(a) weight of decision criteria

(b) decision criteria
(c) bounded rationality of a decision
(d) escalation of commitment

8. The concept of rationality assumes all of the following, EXCEPT ____________.

(a) the decision maker has a clear and specific goal

(b) the decision maker is fully objective and logical
(c) the problem faced is clear and unambiguous
(d) the decision maker consistently selects the best alternative achieving the goal even
though he/she may not know all possible alternatives and consequences

9. One of the employees in Great College complained that he has no time to analyse the
information of the investment funds available in the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) account.
Therefore, he ____________ by choosing a few investment funds with fair performance only.
His decision is made with ____________.
(I) satisfices
(II) rationalises
(III) bounded rationality
(IV) cognition

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(a) (I) and (IV) only

(b) (I) and (III) only
(c) (II) and (III) only
(d) (III) ad (IV) only

10. Which of the following is NOT a managerial decision related to “organising”?

(a) How should the jobs be designed?

(b) When will the company implement a different structure?
(c) To what extent an organisation has to centralise its decision-making power?
(d) What is the organisational short-term objectives?

11. Which of the following statements is true concerning problem identification?

(a) A symptom and a problem are the same.

(b) Problems are generally obvious.
(c) Effectively identifying problems is not easy.
(d) Generally, what is a problem for one manager is the problem for all other managers.

12. According to your textbook by Robbins and Coulter, the ability to combine ideas in a unique
way or to make an unusual association is __________.

(a) innovation
(b) fusion
(c) creativity
(d) addition

13. Katrina encourages her subordinates to engage actively in group decision making as it has
different advantages, such as __________.

(a) colleagues have higher acceptance of the solution

(b) The group can develop more enquiries to manager
(c) decision making process reduces legitimacy
(d) more limitation can be set when collecting information

14. When deciding which digital camera one should buy, the decision criteria may usually
include __________.

(I) price
(II) brand name
(III) life of the battery

(a) (I) and (II) only

(b) (II) and (III) only
(c) (I) and (III) only
(d) (I), (II) and (III)

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15. Research studies have found that groupthink symptoms were associated with poorer-quality
decision outcomes. Groupthink CANNOT be minimized if __________.

(a) group members avoid arguing with each other because of politeness
(b) group foster open discussion
(c) group is cohesive
(d) group has an impartial leader who seeks input from all members

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Topic 4 Social Responsibility and Ethics

1. Which of the following organisations is best suited to promote ethical behaviour in its

(a) An organisation that has a reward and punishment system that depends on specific goal
(b) An organisation that has codes of ethics in place.
(c) An organisation rewards success without asking how it was achieved.
(d) None of the above.

2. Ethical and unethical behaviours can be determined according to factors that include

(I) issue intensity

(II) organisational culture
(III) individual characteristics
(IV) structure variables

(a) (I) and (III) only

(b) (II) and (IV) only
(c) (I) and (IV) only
(d) All of the above

3. When criticised for selling raw fish dishes that belonged to an endangered fish species, the
manager of a famous sushi store in Hong Kong claimed that they had done nothing wrong -
all the fishes they sold were imported through proper channels. The sushi store was adopting
the __________ approach.

(a) market
(b) stakeholder
(c) activist
(d) legal

4. One of the view of social responsibility claims that the management’s social responsibility
goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare. This view
is called ____________ view.

(a) social welfare

(b) classical
(c) socioeconomic
(d) social improvement

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5. One stage of moral development describes a situation in which a person lives up to what is
expected by people close to him. This stage is at the __________ level.

(a) principled
(b) preconventional
(c) conventional
(d) expectational

6. A retail company takes advice from its customers to use recycled paper bag instead of
plastic bag and regards this as a measure for the company to go green. What approach is this
publisher adopting?

(a) The market approach

(b) The activist approach
(c) The legal approach
(d) The stakeholder approach

7. Employees who raise ethical concerns or issues in an organization are known as


(a) social entrepreneurs

(b) whistle-blowers
(c) middle managers
(d) first line managers

8. When the customer (victim) is very likely to die after receiving risky beauty treatment from
DR beauty clinic, the probability of harm is __________.

(a) high
(b) low
(c) All of the above
(d) None of the above

9. __________ is an individual or organization who seeks out opportunities to improve society

by using practical, innovative, and sustainable approaches.

(a) top manager

(b) shareholder
(c) social entrepreneur
(d) whistle-blower

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10. Under the concept of social obligation, the organization does what is required by
__________. In Hong Kong, a company that does NOT discriminate people in hiring and
promotion based on gender and ethnical background is generally meeting its social

(a) Stakeholders; requirements

(b) Shareholders; screening checklist
(c) the society; responsibility
(d) Law; obligation

11. __________ defined as the principles and beliefs that define right and wrong decisions and

(a) Values are

(b) Locus of control is
(c) Culture is
(d) Ethics is

12. Suppose May Tan, CEO of ABC Bank brought in help from outside the company to evaluate
decisions and management practices in relation to the bank’s code of ethics. These
evaluations are called __________.

(a) independent social audits

(b) goal-oriented audits
(c) food-focus audits
(d) leadership-based ethics

13. According to Exhibit 5-1 Arguments For and Against Social Responsibility of your textbook
by R&C, which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that pursuing social
goals hurts a business’s economic productivity?

(a) Dilution of purpose

(b) Public expectation
(c) Public image
(d) Lack of skills

14. Which of the following approaches of going green reflects the highest degree of environmental
sensitivity and is also a good illustration of the social responsibility of the organization?

(a) Activist approach

(b) Stakeholder approach
(c) Legal approach
(d) Market approach

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15. At the __________ level of moral development, individuals define moral values apart from
the authority of the groups to which they belong or society in general.

(a) preconventional
(b) conventional
(c) proconventional
(d) principled

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Topic 5 Managing the External Environment and the Organisation’s Culture

1. The banks in Hong Kong have announced that they are going to decrease the interest rate by
one percent. This is an example of a change in __________.

(a) demographic force

(b) technological force
(c) economic force
(d) legal force

2. _______________ is one the internal constraints that influences managers' decisions and actions.

(a) The prevailing political conditions

(b) The culture of the organization
(c) The preferences of the customers
(d) The pressure from mass media

3. Organisations use ____________ which are activities to express and reinforce their important
values and goals.

(a) stories
(b) rituals
(c) socialisation
(d) none of the above

4. The government of Singapore is planning to deregulate the gaming industry in 2020. It is

forecasted that millions of tourists will visit Singapore every year, with over 40% of tax revenue
generated from the gaming industry and an increase in disposable income. Which environmental
force(s) is/are stated in the case of Singapore?

(a) Political and Legal.

(b) Technological and Socioculture.
(c) Political and Legal, and Economic.
(d) Economic.

5. Organisational culture comes from founders’ ____________.

(a) who traditionally keep their vision secret from all organisational members
(b) who never indoctrinate and socialise employee to their way of thinking and feeling
(c) whose own behaviour acts as a role model that encourages employees to identify with them
and thereby internalise their beliefs
(d) who only hire and keep employees who think and feel the way they do

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6. Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes the symbolic view of

(a) Employees are directly responsible for an organisation’s success or failure.

(b) External forces are outside manager’s control and shape organisational success or
(c) Managers have to ensure that every obstacle is overcome on the way to achieving the
organisation’s goals.
(d) Managers are directly responsible for an organisation’s success or failure.

7. Which of the following is a characteristic of a dynamic and unpredictable environment?

(a) The presence of new competitors in the market.

(b) Few technological breakthroughs by current competitors.
(c) Little activity by pressure groups to influence the organisation.
(d) High level of predictability of changes in environmental conditions.

8. If the components in an organisation’s environment change continually, such an environment

is said to be ____________.

(a) dynamic
(b) active
(c) volatile
(d) stable

9. ____________ convey/s the kinds of behaviour that are expected, e.g. risk taking, participation, authority,

(a) Stories
(b) Material Artifacts and Symbols
(c) Language
(d) Rituals

10. Which of the following factor is a demographic component of an organization's external environment?

(a) Education level

(b) Customer taste
(c) Lifestyles and behaviour
(d) Stock market fluctuations

11. Which of the following statements is TRUE of dynamic and complex environments?

(a) A high need for sophisticated knowledge of components exists in such environments.
(b) They are characterized by a high degree of predictability of change.

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(c) There are usually few components in such environments.

(d) The components in such environments are somewhat similar but are continually changing.

12. Which of the following statements highlights the “SHARED” aspect of culture?

(a) Even though individuals may have different backgrounds or work at different
organizational levels, they tend to describe the organization's culture in similar terms.
(b) Organizational culture is not something that can be physically touched or seen, but
employees learn it on the basis of what they experience within the organization.
(c) The original source of the culture of an organization reflects the vision of the organisation’s
(d) None of the above.

13. Which of the following MOST accurately reflects the difference between strong cultures and weak

(a) Company values are more deeply held and widely shared in strong cultures than in weak
(b) Strong cultures tend to encourage employees to try new approaches to changing conditions,
while weak cultures do not.
(c) Strong cultures have less of an influence on employee behaviour than do weak cultures.
(d) In strong cultures, organizational values are held by top management, while in weak cultures,
values are diffused throughout the organization.

14. The passengers of airlines prefer to have healthy in-flight catering which is at least less salty and less
oily. The nutritional value of the dishes is expected to be carefully considered and have more portions of
vegetables than meat. Which of the following conditions best explain this example?

(a) sociocultural conditions

(b) demographic factor
(c) political component
(d) technological conditions

15. With the use of the latest food delivery mobile app, Hot Kitchen & Café’s food order increases by 20%
than before. This is an example of changing ________ in the external environment.

(a) demographic conditions

(b) sociocultural component
(c) technological conditions
(d) political factor

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Topic 6 Global Management

1. Alan adopts the view that managers in the host country know the best work approaches and
practices for running their businesses. Which of the following managerial attitude best describes
Alan’s approach?

(a) Polycentric attitude

(b) Ethnocentric attitude
(c) People-centric attitude
(d) Geocentric Attitude

2. Which of the following organization promotes international monetary cooperation and providing
advice, loans and technical support to countries?

(a) World Trade Organisation (WTO)

(b) World Bank
(c) Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
(d) International Monetary Fund (IMF)

3 In advanced countries such as the United States, the government uses taxation and social welfare
programs to reduce inequality and improve the welfare of the least fortunate. These societies are
more familiar to preventing a large gap between rich and poor and minimizing the conflict
between different classes of citizens. According to Hofstede, these societies are said to have

(a) low power distance

(b) short-term orientation
(c) nurturing orientation
(d) high power distance

4. ___________ are attributes that allow a leader to be effective in cross-cultural environments.

____________ is the ability to form connections and build trusting relationships with people who
are different from you.

(a) Cultural intelligence; intellectual capital

(b) Global mind-set; social capital
(c) The challenge of openness; economic interdependence
(d) Global management; psychological capital

5. Birdland Hong Kong Limited obtained the rights from KFC in the USA to use its name and
operation methods in Hong Kong. Which of the following method is KFC using to expand its
business globally?

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(a) Importing
(b) Licensing
(c) Global sourcing
(d) Franchising

6. Which of the following attitude that managers view every foreign operation as different and
hard to understand?

(a) polycentric
(b) ethnocentric
(c) regiocentric
(d) geocentric

7. Bill Benson, a manager in a manufacturing firm in New York has a tendency to view the world only
through his U.S.-based perspective. Bill demonstrates a/an ____________ attitude.

(a) parochialistic
(b) geocentric
(c) polycentric
(d) elitist

8. A manager who wishes to be successful in international business should avoid a(n) ________ attitude.

(a) multicultural
(b) geocentric
(c) ethnocentric
(d) multiracial

9. A/an ________ attitude is the view that employees in the host country know the best practices for
running their operations.

(a) ethnocentric
(b) geocentric
(c) polycentric
(d) egocentric

10. What is the primary reason that the intensifying economic crisis in Europe threatens to impact the
decisions of global managers in the United States and throughout the world?

(a) The inability to trim benefits and free up labour markets prevents the region from spurring
any significant growth over the next decade.

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(b) New measures by the European Commission to oversee banks and to monitor national
budgets have been met with resistance by euro zone members.
(c) The euro zone is a larger economic unit than the United States or China and is a major
source of world demand for goods and services.
(d) The internal issue in Greece has caused Europe to slide into a new recession

11. If Orange Company, a U.S. company, decides to open another company in France but centralises its
management in the united States, it would be considered as a ________.

(a) multidomestic corporation

(b) transnational organization
(c) borderless organization
(d) global company

12. Mark works for a multinational corporation as a plant manager but must receive approval from the
home office for any management changes to production processes. He most likely works for a(n)
________ company. A global company reflects the __________.

(a) multidomestic; polycentric attitude

(b) polycentric; geocentric attitude
(c) global; ethnocentric attitude
(d) transnational; regiocentric attitude

13. Jason has been hired by an organization that has a partnership with a foreign company. Both the
partners share resources and knowledge while developing new products but no new company is formed.
Janson’s organization has formed a ________.

(a) franchising company

(b) foreign subsidiary
(c) licensing company
(d) strategic alliance

14. Unlike the US, the change from one leader to another can be less peaceful than in foreign countries.
Differences in the __________ environment can lead to uncertainty and risk for global managers.

(a) economic
(b) cultural
(c) demographic
(d) political/legal

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BHMH2004 Managing Organizations Examination Skills Workshop

15. Society with ____________ has a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on
achieving quick results. Society with a ____________ has a strong propensity to save and invest,
thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results.

(a) long-term orientation, short-term orientation

(b) short-term orientation, long-term orientation
(c) high power distance, low power distance
(d) masculinity, femininity

The End!

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