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Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.1 Ethical choices

VIDEO A 6.1.1 Watch the video again and choose the correct option.
1 Some companies believe in a moral approach to business, while others
a think it’s necessary to be an ethical business.
b say they are ethical when in fact they are not.
c might think that the ‘ethical’ label helps sales.
2 According to the presenter, the fast fashion industry is under pressure to
a offer decent working conditions and high pay rates.
b produce clothing as quickly and cheaply as possible.
c improve conditions for its factory workers.
3 Fashion Revolution Day is a global movement that has
a more than 17 countries participating.
b more than 70 countries participating.
c criticised over 70 unethical countries.
4 What happened after the Rana Plaza tragedy?
a People became more aware of the dangerous conditions in factories.
b Members of the public donated money to the victims of the tragedy.
c The government became aware of dangerous working conditions.
5 What is an effective message for consumers?
a green and natural
b green clothes are better
c clothes are bad for the environment
6 Fashion retailers such as Marks & Spencer would like to sell more ethical clothing but
a producing fair-trade clothes is very expensive.
b sourcing fair-trade cotton is a big challenge.
c finding ethical fair-trade suppliers is problematic.
7 On her course, fashion design student Alienor is trying to
a use only fair-trade or organic cotton in clothes.
b produce beautiful clothes and shoes that look good.
c design ethical clothes and shoes that also look good.
8 What is the main concern of most high volume brands, according to Domenica?
a their manufacturing processes have to be ethical
b their clothes have to be of a good quality
c their clothes have to be priced competitively
9 Danish designer Peter Ingwersen thinks that in the future, any clothes we wear
a will all be made to the same ethical standards.
b will actually come with a matching umbrella.
c will all be manufactured unethically.
10 According to the presenter, ethical fashion
a is a kind of immoral marketing used by mainstream brands.
b will probably grow if consumers buy responsibly.
c needs to make an effort to ban irresponsible brands.

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Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.1 Ethical choices

Vocabulary B Which collocation in each group is not possible?

1 fashion: designer, industry, retailer, factory
2 fair: pay, managers, sweatshops, trade
3 unethical: conduct, tragedy, fashion, business
4 be responsible for: health and safety, workers, working conditions, approach
5 fair-trade: cotton, pay, supplier, T-shirt
6 clothing: retailers, brands, fashion, workers
7 be accused of: being ethical, using sweatshops, not taking responsibility, unethical practices
8 campaign against: poor working conditions, the clothing industry, the environment,
unethical fashion

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Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.2 The triple bottom line

Listening A 6.02 Listen to the second part of the interview again and choose the correct option.
1 We need to take into account all three categories – financial, and environmental.
a psychological b social
2 Natura is one of the few companies in the industry.
a health and beauty b food and health
3 Three percent of company profits at Natura are invested back into .
a the communities b the company
4 Kao specialises in beauty and health products, home care products and .
a cosmetics b chemicals
5 Kao has been recognised for promoting and getting involved in social issues.
a difference b diversity
6 In La Fageda, at least percent of positions are held by people with disabilities.
a 17 b 70
7 At first, La Fageda distributed their through hospitals and schools.
a yoghurts b milk
8 This kind of success poses a .
a question b dilemma

B 6.03 Listen to the final part of the interview again and complete what the expert
says. Use one to three words in each gap.
1 It is certainly how an organisation affects the planet
and people in the same terms as .
2 … they wouldn’t have moved whole communities from ;
and we could have the effects of
3 … those children could have continued with their ,
instead of .
4 It’s totally impossible to on these kinds of things.
5 On balance though, the TBL has fundamentally changed the way organisations measure
6 It’s in for companies to be ethical, transparent
and .

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Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.2 The triple bottom line

Grammar C Choose the correct ending for each sentence using the third conditional.
1 The start-up might have been more successful if the entrepreneur
a had considered the TBL.
b would have considered the TBL.
2 If they had paid their taxes, they
a could not have had such bad publicity.
b wouldn’t have had such bad publicity.
3 They would have been a more ethical organisation if they
a had recruited people of different races and backgrounds.
b hadn’t recruited people of different races and backgrounds.
4 We could have been on the list of most ethical companies if we
a had developed a sustainability statement like Kao’s.
b could have developed a sustainability statement like Kao’s.
5 Their CEO wouldn’t have said integrity was their core value if he
a had meant it.
b hadn’t meant it.
6 If we hadn’t used so much water in production, we
a might have managed our natural resources more efficiently.
b would not have managed our natural resources more efficiently.
7 Would they have been listed as an ethical company if they
a don’t consider profits, people and planet?
b hadn’t considered profits, people and planet?
8 Would company profits have increased faster if they
a use child labour?
b had used child labour?
9 If more employees had cycled to work,
a we might not have reduced our carbon footprint.
b we could have reduced our carbon footprint.
10 We might not have had good relations with local stakeholders if two percent of our profits
a had been invested in the community.
b hadn’t been invested in the community.

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Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.3 Communication skills: Transparency in business

Functional A Luna is quite a direct communicator. Harry prefers to communicate indirectly.

language Complete the dialogue using the phrases in the box.

I don’t want to worry you, but I feel

it could be good to
it might be a better idea
it’s important to be open, so I
the information isn’t confirmed, but
there might be some
to be honest, I don’t

Luna: So, when are we going to tell the team that the project budget has been cut?
Harry: 1
wait until the beginning of next
week. People are busy and stressed at the moment. We don’t want to worry
them more.
Luna: Yes, but 2 think we should tell them
today, after lunch.
Harry: Hmm. I’m not so sure. 3 problems
with that approach. Not everyone is in today, and they should all find out at
the same time.
Luna: Oh, come on Harry. 4 think it’ll be a
big deal. The others will find out tomorrow.
Harry: I see your point. OK, but 5 to send an
email to everyone at the same time. That would mean that the people who
are in can talk about it and the others will get the news at the same time by
email anyway.
Luna: OK. Let’s do that. Oh, and another thing. 6
like our other project is also at risk.
Harry: Oh no. Really?
Luna: 7
I heard that the management are
also looking at the budget for that project, too.

Business Partner B2 © Pearson Education 2018

Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.4 Business skills: Sales and selling

Functional A Match the sentence halves.

language 1 I believe this is a perfect solution a that you will be very satisfied with the results.
2 The final price will depend b on how many services you require.
3 We specialise c for a company as large as yours.
4 I am absolutely certain d to manage your company more efficiently.
5 Our expertise e in creating software specifically for your needs.
6 Our solutions enable you f is in finding business solutions.

B Which category would you put the above sentences in?

1 Introduce what your company sells

2 Explain how the product helps clients

3 Comment on costs

4 Show personal conviction in the product

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Business Partner B2 Extra activities

UNIT 6 Ethics
Lesson 6.5 Writing: Company newsletter

Functional A Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There may be
language more than one possible answer.

Community news
How about a trip to Africa for a month instead of sitting in the office?

The school building project in Botswana, which we 1 (fundraise)

for during the past year, is almost ready for the building to start. In fact,
thanks to all your hard work, we 2 (raise) enough to build two
schools, not just one. The charity which we 3 (work) with in
Botswana 4 (finally receive) permission for the building to go
ahead. This is excellent news, so we 5 (now look) for ten
members of staff to take part in the building of the school. All travel,
accommodation and food expenses 6 (pay) by the company.
Later in the year, there 7 (be) opportunities for employees to
participate in teaching in the schools for up to three months at a time. A new
community projects strategy 8 (come) into effect next month,
allowing staff to take three-monthly sabbaticals to participate in various social
projects if they 9 (work) for us for more than five years.

Business Partner B2 © Pearson Education 2018

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