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1.Physical or Mechanical Weathering

Rocks are weathered mechanically by water and temperature.Rocks exposed to the intense heat of the
sun crack and crumble when rain falls and soaks into the ground .In temperate regions,the water that
accumulates in the cracks or crevices of rocks alternately contract and expand as the temperature in the
air changes.The expansion is brought about by freezing temperature. As the rocks expand ,the cracks
become deeper and new cracks are produced as well . As the temperature rises,frozen water thaws,
washing off the sediments from the rock crevices.

Although plants are seemingly soft,they cause weathering of rocks.roots of plants may find their way into
cracks in the rocks .

2.Chemical weathering
breaks down rocks by changing its chemical composition.Example of this is when certain elements
react with oxygen in the process called oxidation .Rocks become oxides and their properties change .

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