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IPE NOTES - 2023



1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched strings and hence deduce the laws of
transverse of waves in stretched strings.
Ans: Formation of stationary waves in stretched strings:
When the stretched string, fixed at both
ends, is plucked at the middle, two
transverse waves of the same amplitude and
frequency are generated at its ends. These
reflected waves traveling in opposite
directions along the length of the string
combine to form stationary waves or
standing waves with nodes at ends as
shown in figure.
Depending on the number of antinodes several harmonics are produced with varying
Let two transverse progressive waves given by the equations,
y1  a sin  kx  t  (For the wave travelling in the positive direction of x-axis)
and y2  a sin  kx  t  (For the wave travelling in the negative direction of
with displacements y1 and y2 the same amplitude, a and wave length   2  k  along a
stretched string PQ.
According to principle of superposition, the displacement of a point on the string due to the
resultant wave will be
y  y1  y2  a sin  kx  t   a sin  kx  t   2a sin  kx  cos t   a0 cos t 
Where a0  2a sin  kx  is the amplitude of a particle at a distance x from P.
 2 3
When kx  0,  , 2 , 3 ,... , that is when x  0, , , ... etc, the amplitude becomes
2 2 2
zero. These positions where the amplitude is zero are known as Nodes with the distance

between two nodes becoming .
 3 5
Similarly, when kx   2, 3 2, 5 2,... , that is, x  , , ... etc, the amplitude
4 4 4 Maximum
becomes the maximum amax  2a . These positions where the amplitude is zero are known
as Antinodes.
The string may vibrate with one, two, three Antinodes depending upon the frequency of the
Consider a situation where the number of Antinodes is n .
The velocity of the propagation of a transverse wave along a string is given as V ,

where T is the tension in the string and  is the mass per unit length of the string (linear mass
n 2L
If L is the length of the string, for n Antinodes, L    , since the distance
2 n
between two successive nodes or antinodes is half the wavelength.
Since frequency, by definition, is  .

1 T n T
Thus, frequency is given as  
  2L 
1 T
For n  1 ; 1  is the first harmonic, (fundamental frequency)
2L 
2 T
For n  2 ; 2   21 is the second harmonic,
2L 
3 T
For n  3 ; 3   31 is the third harmonic etc.
2L 
Thus, the frequencies of the harmonics are in the ratio 1:2:3:… etc.
And we find the fundamental frequency depends on the length of the string, tension in the
string and the linear mass density.
Laws of transverse waves in stretched strings:
(i) The Law of Length: The fundamental frequency is inversely proportional to the length of
the vibrating string. 
(ii) The Law of Tension: The fundamental frequency is directly proportional to the square root
of the tension in the vibrating string.   T
(ii) The Law of Mass: The fundamental frequency is inversely proportional to the square root
of the linear mass density of the vibrating string. 

2. Explain the formation of stationary waves in an air column enclosed in an open pipe. Derive
the equations for frequencies of the harmonics produced.
Ans: Consider an open pipe of length  . The incident and reflected waves which are in the same
frequency travelling in the opposite directions are superimposed along the length of the pipe
and form longitudinal stationary wave.
Harmonics and overtones: The possible frequencies in which the standing waves can be
formed are called harmonics. A harmonic in a vibrating length with minimum number of nodes
and antinodes is known as the fundamental harmonic.
A harmonic is defined as a tone of sound having a frequency which is an integral multiple of
the fundamental frequency.
Overtones The tones of sound other than the fundamental frequency are known as overtones.
Harmonics in Open Pipes:
Consider an open pipe of length  . The incident and reflected waves which are in the same
frequency travelling in the opposite directions are superimposed along the length of the pipe
and form longitudinal stationary wave.
(i) The first harmonic or the fundamental
note should have an antinode at each
end, with one node included between
them. Therefore, the vibrating length ( )

is equal to half the wavelength i.e.,   .
The frequency of the fundamental note
1  , where ‘v’ is the speed of sound in
 1  .
(ii) The second harmonic or the first overtone will at least have one more node and antinode
than the fundamental, in total two nodes and three antinodes.
If 2 is the corresponding wavelength for this overtone,   2   2
v v 2v
The corresponding frequency, 2     21 .
 2  2
(iii) Similarly, the third harmonic or second overtone will have three nodes and four antinodes
as shown in the figure and if 3 is the wavelength.   3
The frequency of the second overtone 3   31
And the frequency of the third overtone (fourth harmonic), 4   4 1
In open pipes all harmonics are possible, just as the formation harmonics in a stretched
string, and the frequencies of the harmonics are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3……
Thus, the frequencies of the harmonics are in the ratio 1:2:3:… etc.

3. How are stationary waves formed in close pipes? Explain the various modes of vibrations and
obtain relations for their frequencies.
Ans: Formation of stationary waves in closed pipe:
When a sound wave travelling through an organ pipe
open at one end and closed at the other, undergoes
repeated reflections at closed boundary with phase
change and without phase change at the open end, due
to pressure difference.
These, incident and reflected waves, having same
frequency travelling in the opposite directions are
superimposed along the length of the pipe and form
longitudinal stationary wave.
Due to this Node is formed at the closed end and
Antinode at the open end.
Hence the fundamental node has one node and one
Since the minimum number of nodes and antinodes is one each, at the fundamental frequency

(or the first harmonic), the length of the pipe L
Also, as frequency,  , the frequency of the first harmonic,

1 
For the next harmonic, i.e., the first overtone, one more node and antinode will be formed in the
pipe, so that the length of the pipe L
And frequency of the first overtone, 2   31 will be the third harmonic
4 L Three
For the second overtone, i.e., the fifth harmonic, two nodes and three antinodes will be formed
in the pipe, so that the length of the pipe L
And frequency of the second overtone, (fifth harmonic) 3   51
Thus, for the nth overtone, there will be  2n  1 nodes and the length of the pipe will be
 2n  1  such that the frequency of the nth overtone or (2n+1)th harmonic would be
 2n  1V  2n  1 
n    1
Thus, all the harmonics are not formed and only odd harmonics are formed.
The ratio of overones in closed pipe are in the ratio of odd natural numbers
1 : 2 : 3 : ....: n  1: 3 : 5 : ...:  2n  1

4. What are beats? Obtain an expression for the beat frequency. Where and how beats are
made use of?
Ans: The phenomenon of wavering (waxing and waning) of sound intensity when two waves of
nearly same frequencies and amplitudes travelling in the same direction, are superimposed
on each other is called beats.

Let the time dependent variations of the displacements due to two sound waves at a
particular location be
s1  a sin 1t  and s2  a sin 2t  --- (1)
where ω1 > ω2.
We have assumed, for simplicity, that the waves have same
amplitude and phase.
According to the superposition principle, the resultant
displacement is
s  s1  s2  a sin  1t   sin 2t  
   2   1  2 
 2a cos  1 t  sin  t
 2   2 
   2 
 R  t  sin  1 t  --- (2)
 2 
   2 
where R  t   2a cos  1 t  is the time varying amplitude of the resultant wave.
 2 
Thus, the amplitude varies as a cosine curve taking maximum values when.
   2     2 
cos  1 t   1   1 t   0,  , 2 , 3 ,...
 2   2 
2 4 6
 t  0, , , ,...
1  2  1  2  1  2 
Since   2 f the maxima of amplitude occur for
1 2 3
t  0, , , ,...
 f1  f 2   f1  f 2   f1  f 2 
The interval of successive maxima is the beat time.
Tbeat 
 f1  f 2 
And the beat frequency. f beat   f1  f 2
Hence, the beat frequency is the difference between the frequencies of the two sound waves.

5. What is Doppler Effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound heard
when the source is in motion with respect to an observer at rest.
Ans: Doppler effect: The phenomenon of apparent change in the frequency of a sound wave due
to the relative motion between the source and the listener is called Doppler effect’.
Example: If a train blowing its horn at a
certain pitch is traveling toward you, the
waves will appear to be arriving at your ear
more frequently, increasing the pitch of the
sound you perceive.

If the train blows its horn while traveling

away from you, the waves will appear to be
arriving at your ear less frequently,
decreasing the pitch of the sound you
Of course, the frequency of the sound is not
actually changing, but you perceive a
change due to the relative motion between
you and the train.
Apparent frequency when source is in motion – observer at rest:
Let us consider a source S producing a sound
note of frequency f0  moving away with
a velocity VS from a stationary observer (with
a detector).
Let the velocity of sound in air be V .
As shown in the adjoining figure, at time t  0
the source is at point S1, located at a distance
L from the observer, and emits a crest. This
reaches the observer at time
t1   T0 where v is the speed of sound.

At time t  T0 when the second crest is emitted, the source has moved a distance VsT0 and
is at point S2, located at a distance  L  VsT0  from the observer.
At S2, the source emits the second crest. This reaches the observer at
L  VsT0
t2  T0 
The time interval between these two crests reaching the observer is,
 L  VS T0   L   VS 
T  t  t2  t1   T0       T0 1   …. … (1)
 V  V   V 
As the observer is stationary and the source moves with a constant velocity along the line
joining the source and the observer, this time interval is constant we can say the apparent
frequency of the sound heard by the observer will be,
1 1
1 1 V   V 
f   1  S   f 0 1  S  … … (2)
T T0  V   V 
If VS is small compared with the wave speed V , taking binomial expansion to terms in first
order in x   1 and neglecting higher power, Eq. (2) may be approximated, giving
 V  What is dopplers shift?
f  f 0 1  S .
 V 
For a source approaching the observer, we replace VS by VS to get
 V  Doppler's Shift: The difference between the apparent frequency and the
f  f 0 1  S  actual frequency heard by an observer is called Doppler's Shift
 V 
The observer thus measures a lower frequency when the source recedes (moves away) from
him than he does when it is at rest. He measures a higher frequency when the source
approaches him.

6. What is Doppler Effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound heard
when the observer is in motion with respect to a source at rest.
Ans: Doppler effect: The phenomenon of apparent change in the frequency of a sound wave due
to the relative motion between the source and the listener is called Doppler effect’.
Apparent frequency when the observer is in motion and a source at rest:
Let us consider a stationary source S producing a
sound note of frequency f0  . Consider an
observer (with a detector) moving away from the
source with a velocity a velocity VO .
Let the velocity of sound in air be V .
As shown in the adjoining figure, at time t  0 the
observer is at point O1, located at a distance
L from the stationary source, that emits a crest.
This reaches the observer at time t1   T0 where V is the speed of sound.
At time t  T0 when the second crest is emitted, the observer has moved a distance VOT0
and is at point O2, located at a distance  L  VOT0  from the stationary source.
t  T0 , the source emits the second crest. This reaches the observer at
At that instant,
L  VOT0
t2  T0 
The time interval between these two crests reaching the observer is,
 L  VOT0   L   VO 
T  t  t2  t1   T0       T0 1   …. … (1)
 V  V   V 
As the source is stationary and the observer moves with a constant velocity along the line
joining the source and the observer, this time interval is constant we can say the apparent
frequency of the sound heard by the observer will be,
1 1
1 1 V   V 
f   1  O   f 0 1  O  … … (2)
T T0  V   V 
If V0 is small compared with the wave speed V , taking binomial expansion to terms in first
order in x   1 and neglecting higher power, Eq. (2) may be approximated, giving
 V 
f  f 0 1  O .
 V 
For an observer moving towards the source, we replace VO by VO to get
 V 
f  f 0 1  O 
 V 
The observer thus measures a lower frequency when the source recedes (moves away) from
him than the frequency he measures when it is at rest. He measures a higher frequency when
the source approaches him.

1. A stretched wire of length 0.6 m is observed to vibrate with a frequency of 30 Hz in the
fundamental mode. If the string has a linear mass of 0.05 kg/m, find
(a) the velocity of propagation of transverse waves in the string,
(b) the tension in the string.
Ans. (a) Fundamental frequency (in Hz), f0  , where V(in m/s) is the velocity of propagation
and L (in m) is the length of the string.
V  2 f 0 L  2  30  0.6  36 m/s
(b) Velocity of transverse waves in a stretched string, V where T (in N) is the tension

in the string and µ (in kg/m) is the linear mass density.
T  V 2  0.05  36  36  64.8 N

2. A steel cable of diameter 3 cm is kept under a tension of 10 kN. The density of steel is 7.8
g/cm3. With what speed would transverse waves propagate along the cable?
Ans. Given:
Density = 7.8 g/cm3 = 7.8 x 103 kg/m3
Diameter = 3 cm = 0.03 m
Tension 10 x 103 N
Linear mass density = density x C.S A.
 22 
    L   7.8 103     0.0152   5.52 kg/m
 7 
Velocity of transverse waves in a stretched string, V where T (in N) is the tension in

the string and µ (in kg/m) is the linear mass density.
V   42.6 m/s

3. Two progressive transverse waves given by y1  0.07 sin  12 x  500t  and
y2  0.07 sin  12 x  500t  travelling along a stretched string form nodes and antinodes.
What is the displacement at the (a) nodes (b) antinodes?
What is the wavelength of the standing wave?
Ans. Given:
y1  0.07 sin  12 x  500t 
y2  0.07 sin  12 x  500t 
 k  12 and   500
The equation of the combined wave is
y  y1  y2  0.07 sin  12 x  500t   0.07 sin  12 x  500t 
y  0.14 cos 1000 t   sin 12 x 
ymin  0 at node.
ymax  0.14 m at antinodes
2 2 1
Wavelength,      0.16 m
k 12 6
4. A string has a length of 0.4 m and a mass of 0.16 g. If the tension in the string is 70 N, what
are the three lowest frequencies it produces when plucked?
Ans. Given:
Length of the string = 0.4 m
Mass = 0.16 g = 0.16 x 10-3 kg
Tension = 70 N
M 1.6  104
Linear mass density =    4  104 kg/m
L 0.4
1 T 1 70
Frequency of the first harmonic, 1     523 Hz
2 L  0.8 4  104
Frequency of the second harmonic, 2  21  2  523  1,046 Hz
Frequency of the third harmonic, 3  31  3  523  1,569 Hz

5. A metal bar when clamped at its centre, resonates in its fundamental frequency with
longitudinal waves of frequency 4 kHz. If the clamp is moved to one end, what will be its
fundamental resonance frequency?
Ans. Given:
Fundamental resonant frequency when the bar is clamped at the centre = 4 kHz
Let the length of the rod be L.
When the metal bar is clamped at the centre, there is a node at the centre and antinodes at
the ends. This is equivalent to propagation of longitudinal waves in an open pipe.
Thus the frequency of the first harmonic or the fundamental frequency, 1   4000
V  8000 L
Now, when the clamp is moved to the end, there will be a node at the clamped end and an
antinode at the other end. This is equivalent to propagation of longitudinal waves in an organ
pipe closed at one end.
Thus, the frequency of the first harmonic or the fundamental frequency,
V 8000 L
1    2, 000 Hz  2 kHz
4L 4L
6. A closed organ pipe 70 cm long is sounded. If the velocity of sound is 331 m/s, what is the
fundamental frequency of vibration of the air column?
Ans. Given:
Length of the organ pipe = 70 cm = 0.7 m
Speed of sound = 331 m/s
V 331
Fundamental frequency in a closed (one end) organ pipe 1    118.2 Hz
4 L 4  0.7
7. A vertical tube is made to stand in water so that the water level can be adjusted. Sound
waves of frequency 320 Hz are sent into the top of the tube. If standing waves are produced
at two successive water levels of 20 cm and 73 cm, what is the speed of sound waves in the
air in the tube?
Ans. Given:
Frequency of the source = f  320 Hz
Length of the organ pipe for a harmonic = 20 cm = 0.20 m
Length of the organ pipe for the next harmonic = 37 cm = 0.73 m
The water level becomes the node for vibrations in an open organ pipe. Thus, the difference
in the water levels of successive harmonics will half of the wavelength.

 0.73  0.20  0.53    1.06 m
Speed of sound is given by, V  f   320  1.06  339.2 m/s

8. Two organ pipes of lengths 65 cm and 70 cm respectively, are sounded simultaneously. How
many beats per second will be produced between the fundamental frequencies of the two
pipes? (Velocity of sound = 330 m/s)
Ans. Given:
Length of the first (open) organ pipes = 65 cm = 0.65 m
Length of the second (open) organ pipes = 70 cm = 0.70 m
Speed of sound = 330 m/s
V 330
Fundamental frequency of the first organ pipe 0,1   253.8 Hz
2 L1 2  0.65
V 330
Fundamental frequency of the second organ pipe 0,2    235.7 Hz
2 L2 2  0.70

Therefore, the number of beats  0,1  0,2  253.8  235.7  18 Hz

9. A train sounds its whistle as it approaches and crosses a level-crossing. An observer at the
crossing measures a frequency of 219 Hz as the train approaches and a frequency of 184 Hz
as it leaves. If the speed of sound is taken to 340 m/s, find the speed of the train and the
frequency of the whistle.
Ans. Given:
Apparent frequency when the train approaches = 219 Hz
Apparent frequency when the train leaves = 184 Hz
Speed of sound = 340 m/s
Apparent frequency the source approaches a stationary observer,
 V 
f app  f 0 1  S  … … … (1)
 V 
Apparent frequency the source moves away from a stationary observer,
 V 
f rec  f 0 1  S  … … … (2)
 V 
Dividing equation (1) by equation (2) we get
f app V  VS 219 340  VS
  
f rec V  VS 184 340  VS
 219  340  VS   184  340  VS 
  219  184  VS  340  219  184 
340  35
 VS   29.5 m/s
Dividing equation (1) by equation (2) we get
219  184  2 f 0
 f0   202 Hz
10. Two trucks heading in opposite directions with speeds of 60 kmph and 70 kmph respectively,
approach each other. The driver of the first truck sounds his horn of frequency 400 Hz. What
frequency does the driver of the second truck hear? (Velocity of sound = 330 m/s). After the
two trucks have passed each other, what frequency does the driver of the second truck hear?
Ans. Given:
Speed of the first truck = 60 kmph  60 
 16.7 m/s
Speed of the first truck = 70 kmph  70   19.4 m/s
Speed of sound = 330 m/s
When both the source and the observer are moving (in opposite directions) and approach
each other, the apparent frequency heard by the observer is given by,
 V  VO 
f  f0  
 V  VS 
When the trucks are approaching each other
 330  19.4  349.4
 f approach  400    400   446 Hz
 330  16.7  313.3
When both the source and the observer are moving (in opposite directions) and move away
from each other, the apparent frequency heard by the observer is given by,
 V  VO 
f  f0  
 V  VS 
When the trucks are approaching each other

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