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The story starts in an area of New York called Greenwich Village. Two friends, Sue and Johnsy lived
together at the top of an old three-storey brick house. One day, Johnsey fell ill, it was the
pneumonia. She lay in his bed. Later, the doctor arrived and he didn’t have much positive news.
The doctor promised a one-in-five chance for her.

After that, the doctor went for take care to other patients. When Sue returned to the Johnsy’s
bedroom she saw that Johnsy was looking out of the window and counting backwards. There was
a vine and Johnsy said to Sue that when the vine’s last leaf falls, she will die.

Then, Sue visited Behrman, a painter who lived on the ground floor below them. He always had
spoken of painting a masterpiece, but he hadn’t yet begun it. He’s a professional model for other
painters. One day, the heavy rain and strong winds came to the Village. Johnsy knew that she
would die that night.

The next day the girl was living and just one leaf was in the vine. But it wasn’t a real leaf, it was
Behrman’s masterpiece, he painted it the night of the storm, when the last leaf fell.


It happened during the sunset. A young man and a girl began to talk in a bench of a small park.
They started a conversation about their lives. The young man said he was a simple person. He
didn’t know anything about the luxury life. The girl said she was a rich person who lives in a really
good social position.

They continued the conversation. The girl wanted something different; she wanted to be with
someone who wasn’t in the same social class, a simple person, like the young man. Later, she asks
him for his job. He answered he worked as a cashier in a restaurant.

After that, the girl got up and left. She said they will meet again. The young man followed the girl.
He saw that the girl worked in the same restaurant he had said. Immediately he went to his car. He
talk with his chauffeur. Everything had changed he was the rich and she the humble person.

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