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Alexandra Jhayanne Tabar

1. Could early humans migrate and populate the earth from the so-called cradle of humanity-African region,
without some sort of “communication”?
I do not believe that there is such thing as “no communication”, the early humans have been
together like hunting and protecting their lives together. So, they already share the same understa=4nding
and view to a life they have. Through this, they can already build their own communication. I believe that
they build their own life and was able to go places and populate the earth, especially that they already have
a natural intelligence that helped them to survived. It is safe to say that they have their own way to converse
and articulate their ideas, into something that they would understand.
2. Could simple rudimentary settlements evolved into powerful invading empires without coordination and
planning through “communication”?
No, because an effective and powerful empire should start with teamwork. Everyone should be
aware of the goal and how to reach a certain goal so that the community will know what to do in their own
terms if they have been away to the other people. It is important to inform every that is part of the settlement
because it can strengthen the force. It is also providing information as to what steps should be taken
seriously. So, communication a weapon that could help an entire state if they want to colonize another
3. Could antiquated harsh and barbaric methodologies evolved into humanitarian systems without
messages being conveyed as to bring forth the lessons of history so mistakes in the past can be avoided,
in a very realistic-convincing fashion through media channels of “communications”?
No, because without this communication we won’t be able to identify how something is being taken
care of or how something has done because there is no evidence as to how consequences occur if we
have done something, especially that there will be both consequences that we are 100% sure will come
and it is either good or bad. The
No, because without this communication we won’t be able to examine how things could impact in
any ways. It is important to be able to learn from the past, so we won’t make the mistake twice. If our goal
is to have a humanitarian system, then the history of the past should be studied because this will surely
benefit everyone. There are two things that we should expect when deciding it is either good consequences
or bad consequences, then we should weigh which is the bigger portion of consequences but if we are not
that sure to the answer then maybe the past could help us in making decision, especially the barbaric
methodologies were aggressive and decisive.
4. Could global trade, global political participation, global cultural assimilation, and global socialization even
occur in the absence of media?
Media has different form, but it conveys one thing, and it is to connect. Without connection then our
communication will not be found. In connecting with other people, especially outside our country/state it is
important to have media. So the absence of media could negatively impact globalization because we won’t
be able to know what offer a state has or what is the business inside the certain state. The importance of
media does not just stop in entertainment but also in educating.

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