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The construction is a single-storey industrial building with 3 spans, 25 column steps;
prefabricated construction techlonogy: crane runway beam, columns, beams, trusses and
roof monitor made of reinforced concrete... these components are manufactured in the
factory and transported by specialized transport to the construction site for assembly.
This is a large construction with 3 spans, 25 steps of columns x 6m = 150m. The
construction is constructed on a flar land, with no restrictions on the ground, the
construction conditions are favorable, the construction equipment are adequate, the labor
is always guaranteed (unlimited).
1. The construction Diagram

Hình 1.1.a. The section of construction

Hình 1.1.b. The erection construction diagram
2. Design data
Inner column (C2):
H2 = 13,3 m
h2 = 10,2 m
p = 6,2 T
Outter column (C1):
H1 = 11 m
h1 = 8 m
p = 4,3 T
Rafter (D1):
L1 = 12 m
h = 1,7 m
p = 4,2 T
Roof truss (D2):
L2 = 24 m
d = 3,7 m
p = 2,7 T
Crane runway beam (DCC):
h = 0,75 m
p = 3,5 T
Roof monitor (CT):
l2 = 9 m
e = 3,0 m
p = 1,6 T
Roof panel (Pm): dimension (1,5 x 6) m
p = 1,4 T
Wall panel (Pt): dimension (1,2 x 6) m
p = 0,7 T
3. The erection components statistics
Table 1.1. The erection component statistics


1. Selection and calculation of the rigging equipment
1.1. The rigging equipment of column
Using the friction belt as a rigging equipment (assembly diagram as shown).
Based on the cable tie diagram to calculate the required cable diameter.
a, Inner column C2
P tt=1,1 . p=1,1 .6,2=6,82T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.6,82
S= = =20,46 T
m . n. cosφ 1.2.1
k – The safe factor (consider the force of intrtia k = 6);
m –The factor consider tensile strength of uneven cables;
n – The number of cable;
φ – Angle of inclination of the cable relative to the vertical (φ = 0).

→Choose the cable 6x37x1, diameter D = 22 mm, tensile strength σ = 150 kG/mm2
q tb =0,1.Q ck =0,1.6,2=0.62T

b, Outter column C1
P tt=1,1 . p=1,1 . 4,3=4,73T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.4,73
S= = =14,19T
m . n. cosφ 1.2.1
→Choose the cable 6x37x1, diameter D = 19,5 mm, tensile strength σ = 150 kG/mm2
q tb =0,1.Q ck =0,1.4,2=0.42T

1.2. The rigging equipment of crane runway beam

Using the rigging tool with semi-automatic lock.
P tt=1,1 . p=1,1 .3,5=3,85T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.3,85
S= = =16,34 T
m . n. cosφ 1.2 .0,707
→Choose the cable 6x37x1, diamter D = 19,5 mm, , tensile strength σ = 150 kG/mm2 .
q tb =0,1.Q ck=0,1.3,5=0.35 T
Figure 1.2: Rigging crane runway beam
1.3. The rigging equipment of rafter
Using the rigging tool with semi-automatic lock.
P tt=1,1 . p=1,1.4,2=4,62T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.4,62
S= = =19,604 T
m . n. cosφ 1.2 .0,707
→ Choose the cable 6x37x1, diamter D = 22 mm, tensile strength σ = 150 kG/mm2.
q tb =0,1.Q ck =0,1.4,2=0.42T

1.4. The rigging equipment of roof truss

P tt=1,1 . p=1,1.2,7=2,97 T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.2,97
S= = =5,875 T
m . n. cosφ 0.785.4 .0,9659
→ Choose the cable 6x37x1, diamter D = 13 mm, tensile strength σ = 140 kG/mm2.
q tb =0,1.Q ck=0,1.2,7=0.27 T
Figure 1.3. Rigging roof truss
1.4. The rigging equipment of roof monitor
P tt=1,1 . p=1,1.1,6=1,76 T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.1,76
S= = =3,481 T
m . n. sinφ 0.785 .4 .0,9659

Using spreader bar, code 7016 – 17.

→ Choose the cable 6x37x1, diameter D = 11 mm, tensile strength σ = 150 kG/mm2 .
q tb =0,1.Q ck=0,1.1,6=0.16 T

Figure 1.4. Rigging roof monitor

1.5. The rigging equipment of roof panel
P tt=1,1 . p=1,1 .1,4=1,54 T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.1,54
S= = =4,162
m . n. sinφ 0.785 .4 .0,707

→ Choose the cable 6x37x1, diameter D = 11 mm, tensile

strength σ = 150 kG/mm2. Figure 1.5

q tb =0,1.Q ck=0,1.1,4=0.14 T

1.6. The rigging equipment of wall panel

P tt=1,1 . p=1,1 .0,7=0,77 T

Tensile Strength in each cable:

k . Ptt 6.0,77
S= = =3,27 T
2. sinφ 2.0,707
→Choose the cable 6 x 37 x 1 diameter D = 8,7 mm, , tensile strength σ = 150 kG/mm2 .
q tb =0,1.Q ck=0,1.0,7=0.07 T

Figure 1.6
2. Calculation of crane parameters
After calculating the parameters of the crane, choosing the crane, we will choose the most
reasonable moving scheme to ensure that it takes less time to circulate the crane. the
better, the more components are installed in the same location as possible. To choose a
crane used for the construction and assembly process, we need to calculate the required
crane parameters including:

Hyc – Lifting height

Lyc - Length of boom
Qyc – Lifting capacity
Ryc - Operating radius of the boom
2.1. Lifting column

Figure 2.1. Crane parameters for lifting column

No obstactles at front of crane: αmax = 750
Using the dragging method.
The machine stands on the foundation level: 0.00 m
a. Outter column C1
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =0+0,5+11+1,5+1,5=14,5 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 14,5−1,5
L yc= = =13,45 m
sin 75° sin75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =13,5 .cos 75 ° =3,5 m.
→ R=S+r =3,45+1,5=4,95 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =4,3+0,42=4,72T

b. Inner column C2:

Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =0+0,5+13,3+1,5+1,5=16,8 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 16,8−1,5
L yc= = =15,8 m
sin 75° sin75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =15,8 .cos 75°=4,1 m.
→ R=S+r =4,1+1,5=5,6 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =6,2+0.62=6,62T

2.2. Lifting crane runway beam

Figure 2.2. Crane parameters for lifting crane runway beam
No obstactles at front of crane: αmax = 750
a. Outter crane runway beam
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =8+0,5+0,75+ 2,4+1,5=13,15 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 13,15−1,5
L yc= = =12,06 m
sin 75° sin 75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =12,06 . cos 75°=3,12 m.
→ R=S+r =3,12+1,5=4,62 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =3,5+ 0,35=3,85 T

b. Inner crane runway beam

Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =10,2+ 0,5+0,75+2,4+ 1,5=15,35 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 15,35−1,5
L yc= = =14,33 m
sin 75° sin 75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =14,33 .cos 75 °=3,71m .
→ R=S+r =3,71+1,5=5,21 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =3,5+ 0,35=3,85 T

2.3. Lifting rafter

Figure 2.3. Crane parameters for lifting rafter
No obstactles at front of crane: αmax = 750
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =11+ 0,5+1,7+2,4+ 1,5=17,1 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 17,1−1,5
L yc = = =16,15 m
sin 75° sin 75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =16,15 .cos 75 ° =4,18 m.
→ R=S+r =4,18+1,5=5,68 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =4,2+ 0,42=4,62T

2.4. Lifting roof truss

Figure 2.4. Crane parameters for lifting roof truss

No obstactles at front of crane: αmax = 750
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =13,3+0,5+3,7+3,5+1,5=22,5 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 22,5−1,5
L yc= = =21,74 m
sin 75° sin75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =21,74 . cos 75 °=5,62 m
→ R=S+r =5,62+1,5=7,12 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =2,7+ 0,27=2,97T

2.4. Lifting roof monitor

Figure 2.4. Crane parameters for lifting roof monitor

No obstactles at front of crane: αmax = 750
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =17+0,5+3,7+ 3,5+ 1,5=26,2 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 26,2−1,5
L yc= = =25,57 m
sin 75° sin 75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =25,57 . cos 75° =6,61 m
→ R=S+r =6,61+1,5=8,11m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =1,6+ 0,16=1,76 T

2.5. Lifting roof panel

Hình 2.5: Crane parameters for roof monitor

a. Lifting inner roof panel
Without fly-jib :
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =17+0,5+0,4 +3,4+1,5=22,8 m

Required length of boom:



a+e √
H L −h c 3 17−1,5

→ α =57,51°
H L −hc a+ e 17−1,5 1+ 3
L yc = + = + =31,5 m
sin 57,51° cos 57,51° sin 57,51° cos 57,51°
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75°=31,5 .cos 75° =8,15 m
→ R=S+r =8,15+1,5=9,65 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =1,4 +0,14=1,54 T

With fly-jib :

Figure 2.6. Crane parameters for lifting roof panel without fly-rib
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =17+0,5+0,4 +3,4+1,5=22,8 m

Required length of boom:


3 H L −h c
a+e−l m . cosβ

√ 17−1,5
1+3−3,5. cos 15

→ α =71,12°
H L−hc a+ e−l m .cosβ 17−1,5 1+ 3−3,5. cos 15 °
→ L yc = + = + =18,29 m
sin 71,12° cos 71,12° sin 71,12° cos 71,12 °
Required radius:
S= L yc . cos 75 °+l m . cosβ=18,29 . cos 75° +3,5. cos 15 °=8,11 m
→ R=S+r =8,11+1,5=9,61m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =1,4 +0,14=1,54 T

b. Lifting outter roof panel

Without fly-jib :
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =17+0,5+0,4 +3,4+1,5=22,8 m

Required length of boom:



a+e √
H L −h c 3 17−1,5

→ α =57,51°
H L −hc a+ e 17−1,5 1+ 3
L yc = + = + =31,5 m
sin 57,51° cos 57,51° sin 57,51° cos 57,51°
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =31,5 .cos 75° =8,15 m
→ R=S+r =8,15+1,5=9,65 m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =1,4 +0,14=1,54 T

With fly-jib :
Figure 2.6. Crane parameters for lifting roof panel with fly-rib
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =17+0,5+0,4 +3,4+1,5=22,8 m

Required length of boom:


3 H L −h c
a+e−l m . cosβ √
1+3−3,5. cos 15

→ α =71,12°
H L−hc a+ e−l m .cosβ 17−1,5 1+ 3−3,5. cos 15 °
→ L yc = + = + =18,29 m
sin 71,12° cos 71,12° sin 71,12° cos 71,12 °
Required radius:
S= L yc . cos 75 °+l m . cosβ=18,29 . cos 75° +3,5. cos 15 °=8,11 m
→ R=S+r =8,11+1,5=9,61m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =1,4 +0,14=1,54 T

2.6. Lifting wall panel

Figure 2.7. Crane parameters for wall panel
Required lifting height:
H yc =H L + a+h ck + htb + hcáp =11+ 0,5+1,2+2,4+1,5=16,90 m

Required length of boom:

H yc −hc 16,90−1,5
L yc = = =15,94 m
sin 75° sin75 °
Required radius:
S=l min . cos 75° =15,94 . cos 75 °=4,12 m .
→ R=S+r =4,12+1,5=5,62m
Required lifting capacity:
Q yc =qck + qtb =0,7 +0,07=0,77 T

Table 2.2. Selecting crane

Based on the crane parameters and the construction layout, we determine the position of
the crane for the installation of each component.
From the table of crane features, we can find the radius Rmin (That is the smallest radius
the crane can lift, if less than this radius the crane will flip the length of boom).
The crane selection table combined with the weight of the structure, we can find the
maximum radius Rmax that the crane can lift.
For each component, we have the operating radius of the boom (the area where the crane
can stand to lift that component). From there, it is easy to determine the general range of
the components and choose the most effective standing position of the crane and arrange
the structure reasonably on the ground without getting entangled in the moving path of
the crane. From the standing positions, a crane moving diagram will be formed.
For each option of choosing a crane, we proceed to choose a moving diagram and layout
of components as described above in combination with technical method in assembly.
► Option 1:
1. Lifting column
1.1. Standing position of crane

Figure 3.1: Crane moving diagram for lifting column

b. Construction methods
- Transport columns from factory to construction site by truck. Using a crane
located on the construction site to place the column as shown in the figure.
- Check the quantity and sizes of columns.
- Check connectors (steel plates, bolts).
- Check cracks (if any, it should not be used).
- Check centre lines, axes and levels on columns.
- Prepare means for temporary bracing: wedges (concrete, wood), guywires,
diagonal braces, giuding frames,…
- Arrange columns on erection area following design.
- Prepare the belt to hook the working platform in assembly column and truss.
Erection work:

Figure 3.1. Arrangement of column

Figure 3.1. Erection of column

Hooking the rigging tools to the column, pour a layer of concrete into the foundation.
The crane lift the column, the foot of the column drags on the ground, using the dragging
When column is in the upright position, crane lifts it higher than the ground 0,5 – 1m.
Then rotating the boom to put the column on the foundation
Check the column position. Don’t release crane until the column is temporarily fixed.
Check the center lines on columns and foundations coincide by using theodolites →
adjust by hand, lever or wedges
Check the upright of columns by plumbs → adjust by anchoring wires or turnbuckles.
Temporary fixing
The temporary fixing of the column aims to soon allow the crane into erection.
After adjusting the column to the right design position, temporarily fixing the column
according to the following requirement:
Use a wooden wedge (solid and dry wood) to drive down the foot of the column (the gap
at the foot of the column and the foundation), the length of the wedge is 30 cm, the
protrusion from the foundation surface is 12 cm, it is recommended to follow the slope of
the foundation.
The Temporary bracing
The temporary bracing with turnbuckle to fix, one end is attached to an iron belt tightly
attached to the column, the other end is attached to neighboring foundations and anchor
piles of 1T force. The temporary bracing with turnbuckle also have the effect of adjusting
the verticality of the column by changing the length of the rope.
Permanent fixing
Check column levels and positions at the last time
Clean the empty space of between column and foundation
Permanent fixing when using concrete wedges:
- Pour concrete into empty slots between columns and foundations. The strength
of this concrete is higher than that of column concrete about 20%. Don’t need to
remove wedges.
- Cure the filling concrete.
2. Lifting crane runway beam
a. Standing position of crane
Figure 3.5: Crane moving diagram for lifting crane
b. Construction methods
- Use the means of transport to transfer crane runway beam to the arrangement
along the column axis.
- Draw central lines on column brackets.
- Check central lines and levels by theodolites and levels.
- Check connection items, connectors and bolts on them.
- Prepare rigging tools.
Erection work:
Figure 3.1. Arrangement of column
Crane moves along the building.
Normally need a 5-worker team.
- 2 persons for preparing and using ropes to adjust the beam during lifting and
placing process.
- 2 persons on working platform to adjust and install the joints.
- 1 erection manager.
Beams are lifted up by raising method.
The crane cable is gradually rolled to lift the beam higher than the erection level from 0.5
to 1m, then the crane swings gradually and move the beam toward its placing position
(during swinging, workers use ropes to adjust and stabilize the beam). After that, place
the beam and insert anchor bolts.
Check central lines and levels by theodolites and levels.
3. Lifting the rafter and wall panel

b. Construction methods

For placing position:
- Check their levels, items waiting for connection with other structures.
- Check and draw central lines on columns.
- Prepare working platform.
For elements:
- Check dimensions, quality of trusses.
- Draw central lines, axes, levels at positions where trusses connect with columns
and other structures.
- Check embedded plates for connection
- Prepare equipment for adjusting such as levers, attach ropes to trusses for
controlling during lifting and placing.
- Prepare equipment for temporary bracing
- Implement field assembly for trusses or connect roof monitors with trusses
- Trusses are arranged on the field along the length of a building within the
working radius of cranes, not cause any obstructions for free movements of
construction activities. Roof trusses should be placed vertically and leant on A-
frames to make rigging and lifting more convenient.
Temporary fixing:
- For the first truss, fasten at least 50% of the total number of bolts if using bolts
for connection, or to weld some points to link connection plates embedded in the
truss with that in column tops, and also use guywires, diagonal braces to link the
truss with fixed points on the ground.
- For next trusses, they are braced temporarily with the previous truss by
temporary braces on the top chords and fastening 50% of designed bolts. Both
ends of temporary braces are equipped with loop inserts and screws, linked with
top chords by pinned connection. When lifting the truss up, temporary braces’
positions are vertical. There are at least two temporary braces per one truss.
Permanent fixing:
- Cranes are only released after finishing temporary bracing.
- Permanent fixing only after trusses have been checked and adjusted exactly
within allowable tolerances
- Implemented by fastening connection bolts or welding in lines connection plates.
The system of temporary bracing will be only removed if 4 roof panels at both
ends of the truss are placed and linked together and special bracing systems are
3. Lifting the roof truss, the monitor roof and roof panel
Figure 3.5: Crane moving diagram for lifting roof truss, the monitor roof and roof panel
For the roof trus, the monitor roof:
For placing position:
- Check their levels, items waiting for connection with other structures.
- Check and draw central lines on columns.
- Prepare working platform.
For elements:
- Check dimensions, quality of trusses.
- Draw central lines, axes, levels at positions where trusses connect with columns
and other structures.
- Check embedded plates for connection
- Prepare equipment for adjusting such as levers, attach ropes to trusses for
controlling during lifting and placing.
- Prepare equipment for temporary bracing
- Implement field assembly for trusses or connect roof monitors with trusses
- Trusses are arranged on the field along the length of a building within the
working radius of cranes, not cause any obstructions for free movements of
construction activities. Roof trusses should be placed vertically and leant on A-
frames to make rigging and lifting more convenient.
Temporary fixing:
- For the first truss, fasten at least 50% of the total number of bolts if using bolts
for connection, or to weld some points to link connection plates embedded in the
truss with that in column tops, and also use guywires, diagonal braces to link the
truss with fixed points on the ground.
- For next trusses, they are braced temporarily with the previous truss by
temporary braces on the top chords and fastening 50% of designed bolts. Both
ends of temporary braces are equipped with loop inserts and screws, linked with
top chords by pinned connection. When lifting the truss up, temporary braces’
positions are vertical. There are at least two temporary braces per one truss.
Permanent fixing:
- Cranes are only released after finishing temporary bracing.
- Permanent fixing only after trusses have been checked and adjusted exactly
within allowable tolerances
- Implemented by fastening connection bolts or welding in lines connection plates.
The system of temporary bracing will be only removed if 4 roof panels at both
ends of the truss are placed and linked together and special bracing systems are
For the roof panel:
For placing position
- Check levels and distance of truss
- Check the waiting details on truss‘s top chords
For elements
- Check size, dimensions, quality
- Prepare for rigging tools
- Roof panels are arranged on the field along the movement path of cranes and
stacked to save spaces and be convenient for lifting multi-panels.
Lifting and placing:
- If there is not any roof monitors, then roof panels will be erected symmetrical
starting from the outer edge to the top. If any, they will be erected symmetrically
on the below area before upper roof (roof panels of monitor are erected from the
top to the edge.
Temporary and permanent fixing:
- There is not any differences between temporary bracing and permanent fixing.
- The first panel is welded permanently into the truss end and at positions of top
chord as designed.
- The second panel rests on the first, and is welded into the top chord as designed.
Welding points must be permanent
- For every 4 panels which butt together can be linked by 6 steel bar.
- Finally, pouring heat resistant and waterproof concrete on the top (note to cure
concrete based on technical procedure).
4. Lifting the wall panel
Figure 3.5: Crane moving diagram for lifting wall panel
For placing positions:
- Check column distance.
- Check the flat of foundation beam and column side.
- Check the connection details.
- Check the levels.
For elements:
- Check quality, size, shape of panels.
- Check the connection details.
- Prepare rigging tools.
- Wall panels are often placed vertically and rested on support frames located on
the erection field along the movement path of cranes in order to arrange them in
the way similar to their operating state and convenient for rigging.
- Panels can be lifted directly from truck.
- A crane lifts wall panels up and places them into the final positions, then they are
adjusted and fixed permanently by welding or bolting.
Adjust and permanent fixing:
- Check the positions and alignment or panels
- The first wall panel is welded permanently into foundations (or wall structure) in
order to bear the whole system of wall panels.
- Other next wall panels are rested on the first and linked together and connected
with columns and wall braces.
- The connections are welds or bolts.
- Slots among wall panels are filled in by waterproof mastic or mortar.
IV. Safety in the erection
During construction, we must have thoughtful safety measures for workers and for the
The erection is usually carried out at height, so the workers working here must be in good
health and must be periodically checked for health.
Whenever there is a wind of level 6 or higher, as well as when it is cold or there is a lot of
fog, all construction and assembly work at height must be stoped.
All necessary safety equipment must be provided, especially the safety strap (static force
is 300 KG).
walking on the beams, braces or on the upper bars of the truss is not allowed. Only walk
on the bottom chord after having stretched the vertical rope at chest level (about 1 m
high) to make the insurance railing.
Ban workers standing on a structure that is being lifting by a hoist or by a crane.
The working platform must be firmly fixed, stable and must have handrail for safety.
The crane transport path must be located away from the construction site and away from
the edge of the foundation pit in accordance with the requirements.
Must ensure the stability of the crane when standing and working.
Precautionary measures and effective lightning protection devices must be in place for
high cranes.
Crane hooks must have safety caps to prevent the rope slip from the hook during erection.
When the structure has been stabilized, we are allowed to remove the crane hook from
the component.
Welding safety must be ensured when welding structural connections.
It is not allowed to carry out more than one work at different heights vertically. The holes
in the floor, floors must be covered with hard boards or by preventing wooden fences
around those holes.
Around the work, between rows of columns, barriers must be placed. There must also be
security barriers in the door lots and ladder areas.
Phải có các thiết bị chống sét cho các công trình cao.
There must be lightning protection devices for high buildings.
No electricity wire running through the erection area.
If it is necessary to run through, the electricity wire must go through the lifeline cable and
buried underground.
Ban people from entering the place where the erection.
V. Selecting option
A. Option I
Types of cranes used for erection:
E – 1011D (L=20m) for lifting column.
MKG – 10 (L=18m) for lifting crane runway beam.
E – 1011D (L=20m) for lifting rafter.
MKG – 16 (L=26m) for lifting roof truss.
MKG – 25BR (L=28,5m) for lifting roof monitor.
MKG – 25BR (L=20m) for lifting roof panel.
MKG – 25BR (L=28,5m) for lifting wall panel.
1. Time for using crane
Time for using crane: E – 1011D (L=20m)
Time for erection: 10 shifts
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back: 2 shifts
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 10 (L=18m)
Time for erection: 14 shifts
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back: 2 shifts
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: E – 1011D (L=18,5m)
Time for erection: 10 shifts
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back: 2 shifts
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 16 (L=26m)
Time for erection: 12 shifts
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back: 2 shifts
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 25BR (L=28,5m)
Time for erection: 13 shifts
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back: 2 shifts
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 25BR (L=20m)
Time for erection: 14 shifts
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back: 2 shifts
No waiting time during construction
2. Labor
C=∑ công +Cđ +C th. lắp

Trong đó:
∑ công=583 công
Nhân công làm đường: EC.211 định mức XDCB
C đ =348.3 .0,0198=21 công (lắp tấm tường cần trục bánh lốp).
C th. lắp=6.4=24 công
→ C=538+ 24+21=583 công
According to TC 1776, we calculate the number of machine shifts and labor for each job.
Table 2.3: Quota machine shift, labor for erection of option 1
Component Code Quota ΣQuota Time ΣMachine ΣLarbor
Shift Working Shift Working
hours days
1 Outer 4.3 52 AG.41 0.07 1.17 3.64 60.84 4 1 16
column 1
2 Inner 6.2 52 AG.41 0.09 1.58 4.68 82.16 5 1 17
column 1
3 Crane 3.5 150 AG.41 0.2 1.36 30 204 30 1 7
runway 1
4 Rafter 4.2 52 AG.41 0.13 1.04 6.76 54.08 7 1 8
5 Roof 2.7 25 AG.41 0.3 2.73 7.5 68.25 8 1 9
truss 1
6 Roof 1.6 25 AG.41 0.3 2.73 7.5 68.25 8 1 9
monitor 1
7 Roof 1.4 800 AG.41 0.019 0.1 15.2 80 16 1 5
panel 1
8 Wall 0.7 550 AG.41 0.018 0.09 9.9 49.5 10 1 5
panel 1

The moving crane diagram

Figure 5.1. The moving crane diagram of option 1

Figure 5.2: Scheduling and Human resources diagram of option 1
3. Cost
According to Circulars 06/2010/TT-BXD, 26/05/2010 of Construction Ministry
Table 2.4. Estimation of machine rental cost option 1
STT GIÁ Thông tư số TÊN CẨU MÁY 1 CA
06/2010/TT-BXD SỬ (VNĐ)
1 2 3 4 5 6

MKG – 16
1 224 16 1,997,274 31,956,384

MKG – 10
3 224 66 1,997,274 131,820,084

E – 10011D
4 222 22 1,760,766 38,736,852

5 227 XKG – 50 20 3,406,061 68,121,220


TỔNG 270,634,540

4. Labor for a ton of components

N= =¿
5. Cost per ton of components
N= =¿
6. Operation crane factor

K sd =
∑ K si . N i .Gi =¿
∑ N i . Gi
Gi: I The weight of component i
N i: The number of component

A. Option II
Types of cranes used for erection:
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting column
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting crane runway beam
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting rafter
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting roof truss
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting roof monitor
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting roof panel
MKG – 16 (L=18,5m) for lifting wall panel
1. Time for using crane
Time for using crane: MKG – 16 (L=18,5m)
Time for erection: 14 shift
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back:
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 16 (L=18,5m)
Time for erection: 14 shift
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back:
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 16 (L=18,5m)
Time for erection: 14 shift
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back:
No waiting time during construction
Time for using crane: MKG – 16 (L=18,5m)
Time for erection: 14 shift
Time for transporting to construction site, and go back:
No waiting time during construction
2. Labor
According to TC 1776, we calculate the number of machine shifts and labor for each job.

Table 2.3: Quota machine shift, labor for erection of option 1

Componet Cod Quota ΣQuota Tim ΣMachin ΣLarbo
e Shif Workin Shif Workin e e r
t g hours t g days
1 Crane
y beam

The moving crane diagram

Figure 5.1. The moving crane diagram of option 1

Figure 5.2: Scheduling and Human resources diagram of option 1

3. Cost
According to Circulars 06/2010/TT-BXD, 26/05/2010 of Construction Ministry
Table 2.4. Estimation of machine rental cost option 1
STT GIÁ Thông tư số TÊN CẨU MÁY 1 CA
06/2010/TT-BXD SỬ (VNĐ)
1 2 3 4 5 6

MKG – 16
1 224 16 1,997,274 31,956,384

MKG – 10
3 224 66 1,997,274 131,820,084

E – 10011D
4 222 22 1,760,766 38,736,852

XKG – 50
5 227 20 3,406,061 68,121,220

TỔNG 270,634,540

4. Labor for a ton of components

N= =¿
5. Cost per ton of components
N= =¿
6. Operation crane factor

K sd =
∑ K si . N i .Gi =¿
∑ N i . Gi
Gi: I The weight of component i
N i: The number of component

VI. The means of load crane and Means of transport.

1. Loading crane
p. K
g .T . E
p: Weight of components
T : Time for erection all component
g: Loading hours per day
K : Uneven working coefficinet
E : Average productivity of the machine
→ Select one loading crane with: Qmax
ck =¿

→ Select: XKG-30/L=20 m
2. Means of transport
Select means of transport with transport weight: Qmax
The number of vehicle:
N . T thicông

T thicông=¿

N : Productivity per vehicle in 1 shift

G0 .G . t k . t t . k tg

G : Weight of vehicle
t k =8 h : Working time in 1 shift
t t=0,75: Vehicle usage factor

tc = txếp + tđi + tdỡ + tquay + tvề = 90 phút (thời gian 1 chu kì vận chuyển
t c =t xếp + t đi +t đỡ + t quay + t về =90 minutes : Transporting cycle time
→ a=¿
→ Select 1 vehicle with: G=¿

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