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Competency I : Plan and Conduct a Passage and Determine

Function :1
Level : ANT-III

1. The position of the ship is found by taking a series of bearings using a

magnetic compass. How should an error of 5 degrees WEST be applied to
the compass bearings ?
a. Subtract 5 degrees to the bearings
b. Add the 5 degrees to the bearings
c. The same error applies to all bearings and therefore it can be ignored
d. The error should be "High" or "Low" and therefore more information is

2. When taking an amplitude, the Sun's center should be observed on the visible
horizon when . . . . .
a. in high latitudes
b. the Sun is near or at a solstice
c. the declination is of a different name from the latitude
d. the Sun's declination is at or near 0°

3. Civil twilight begins at 1910 zone time on 20 July 1981. Your DR position
at that time is LAT 22°16'N, LONG 150°06'W. Which statement concerning
the planets available for evening sights is TRUE ?
a. Venus will have a westerly meridian angle
b. Mars will set about one hour after the Sun sets
c. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will be above the horizon
d. Sights of Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus will yield a good three-line-of-position

4. While steering a course of 150°T, you wish to observe a body for a latitude
check. What would the azimuth have to be ?
a. 000°T
b. 090°T
c. 150°T
d. 240°T

5. For navigational purposes, each great circle on the Earth has a length of ?
a. 3,600 miles
b. 5,400 miles
c. 12,500 miles
d. 21,600 miles
6. The LMT of LAN is 1210. Your longitude is 70°30'E. Which time would you
use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the declination of the Sun
at LAN ?
a. 1842
b. 1652
c. 0728
d. 0652

7. A position obtained by taking lines of position from one object at

different times and advancing them to a common time is a(n). . . . .
a. dead-reckoning position
b. estimated position
c. fix
d. running fix

8. The parallax angle will vary the most with the time of year for. . . . .
a. Venus
b. Jupiter
c. Saturn
d. Polaris

9. The zone time of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73°15'E. What time would
you use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the declination of the
Sun at LAN ?
a. 0659
b. 0652
c. 1859
d. 1852

10. A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in

a(n). . . . .
a. assumed position
b. estimated position
c. fix
d. running fix

11. Your longitude is 179°59'W. The LMT at this longitude is 23h 56m of the
4th day of the month. Six minutes later your position is 179°59'E longitude.
Your LMT and date is now. . . . .
a. 00h 02m on the 4th
b. 00h 02m on the 5th
c. 23h 50m on the 5th
d. 00h 02m on the 6th
12. Which position includes the effects of wind and current ?
a. Dead reckoning position
b. Leeway position
c. Estimated position
d. Set position

13. The GHA of the first point of Aries is 315° and the GHA of a planet is
150°. What is the right ascension of the planet ?
a. 7 hours
b. 11 hours
c. 19 hours
d. 23 hours

14. The time interval between the transmission of signals from a pair of Loran-
C stations is very closely controlled and operates with. . . . .
a. an atomic time standard
b. Daylight Savings Time
c. Eastern Standard Time
d. Greenwich Mean Time

15. The difference in local time between an observer on 114°W and one on
119°W is. . . . .
a. 1.25 minutes
b. 5 minutes
c. 20 minutes
d. 75 minutes

16. A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your
vessel's course and speed is a(n). . . . .
a. dead reckoning position
b. estimated position
c. fix
d. None of the above

17. A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of

position taken at nearly the same time, is a(n). . . . .
a. dead-reckoning position
b. estimated position
c. fix
d. running fix
18. The date is the same all over the world at. . . . .
a. 0000 GMT
b. 1200 GMT
c. 0000 LMT for an observer at 90°E longitude
d. no time

19. What describes an accurate position that is NOT based on any prior position.
a. Dead-reckoning position
b. Estimated position
c. Fix
d. Running fix

20. How many fixed objects are needed to plot a running fix ?

a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. Three

21. The part of a sextant mounted directly over the pivot of the index arm is the.
a. index mirror
b. horizon glass
c. micrometer drum
d. telescope

22. On 6 July 1981, at 1000 zone time, you cross the 180th meridian steaming
westward. What is your local time ?
a. It is 1000, 5 July
b. It is 1000, 6 July
c. It is 2200, 7 July
d. It is 1000, 7 July

23. The horizon glass of a sextant is. . . . .

a. silvered on its half nearer the frame
b. mounted on the index arm
c. between the horizon and the shade glasses
d. All of the above
24. Civil twilight occurs at 0558 zone time on 30 December 1981. Your DR
position at that time is LAT 15°02'N, LONG 46°02'W. Which statement
concerning the planets available for morning sights is TRUE ?
a. At 0558, Mars can be used for an ex-meridian observation
b. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars sights will yield a good three line fix
c. Saturn will be near the prime vertical
d. Venus will be visible low in the western sky

25. When navigating using GPS, what is an indicator of the geometry of the
satellites that your receiver is locked onto ?
a. Horizontal Dilution of Precision
b. Selective Availability
c. Doppler Shifting
d. Precision Coding

26. Because of the reflecting properties of a sextant, if the sextant altitude

reads 60° on the limb, the actual arc of the limb from 0° to the 60° reading
is. . . . .
a. 20°
b. 30°
c. 40°
d. 60°

27. The difference between local apparent time (LAT) and local mean time (LMT)
is indicated by the. . . . .
a. equation of time
b. difference of longitude between the local and central meridian in time units
c. longitude in time units
d. zone description

28. Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle ?

a. Radar station
b. Radar transponder beacon
c. Radio beacon
d. Aero light

29. When using GPS, how many theoretical position lines are required for a two-
dimensional fix . . . . .
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
30. A sextant having an index error that is "on the arc" has a. . . . .
a. positive correction
b. dip error
c. negative correction
d. semidiameter error

31. The equation of time is 12m 00s and the mean Sun is ahead of the
apparent Sun. If you are on the central meridian of your time zone, at
what zone time will the apparent Sun cross the meridian ?
a. 1148
b. 1200
c. 1212
d. It cannot be determined from the information given

32. At 0000 you fix your position and plot a new DR track line. At 0200 you
again fix your position and it is 0.5 mile east of your DR. Which statement
is TRUE ?
a. The current is westerly at 0.5 knot
b. You must increase speed to compensate for the current
c. The current cannot be determined
d. The drift is 0.25 knot

33. A sextant having an index error that is "off the arc" has a. . . . .
a. positive correction
b. dip error
c. negative correction
d. semidiameter error

34. The equation of time is 8m 40s. The apparent Sun is ahead of the mean
Sun. If you are on the central meridian of your time zone, the apparent
Sun will cross your meridian at . . . . .
a. 11-51-20 ZT
b. 12-00-00 ZT
c. 12-04-20 ZT
d. 12-08-40 ZT

35. Which of the four adjustable errors in the sextant is the principle cause of
index error ?
a. Telescope not being parallel to the frame
b. Index mirror and horizon glass not being parallel
c. Index mirror not being perpendicular to the frame
d. Horizon glass not being perpendicular to the frame
36. It is 1200 local time for an observer at 54°E longitude. Which statement is
a. It is afternoon at Greenwich
b. It is midnight at 126°E longitude
c. The observer is in time zone -4
d. All of the above are true

37. Which of the four adjustable errors in the sextant causes side error ?
a. Horizon glass not being perpendicular to the frame
b. Index mirror not being perpendicular to the frame
c. Telescope not being parallel to the frame
d. Elliptical centering error

38. The marine sextant is subject to seven different types of errors, four of
which may be corrected by the navigator. An error NOT correctable by the
navigator is. . . . .
a. index error
b. prismatic error
c. perpendicularity of the horizon glass
d. perpendicularity of the index mirror

39. When using a radar in a unstabilized mode, fixes are determined most easily
from. . . . .
a. center bearings
b. tangent bearings
c. ranges
d. objects that are close aboard

40. A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and
advanced to a common time is a(n). . . . .
a. running fix
b. dead-reckoning position
c. fix
d. estimated position

41. The true wind is from 330°T, speed 6 knots. You want the apparent wind
to be 30 knots from 10° on your port bow. To what course and speed must
you change ?
a. Cn 240°, 28.0 knots
b. Cn 270°, 28.0 knots
c. Cn 180°, 30.0 knots
d. Cn 090°, 32.5 knots
42. What is a nonadjustable error of the sextant ?
a. Prismatic error
b. Index error
c. Side error
d. Error of collimation

43. The difference (measured in degrees) between the GHA of the body and the
longitude of the observer is the. . . . .
a. right ascension
b. meridian angle
c. SHA of the observer
d. zenith distance

44. In order to remove index error from a sextant, you should adjust the. . . . .
a. index mirror to make it parallel to the horizon glass with the index set at
b. horizon glass to make it parallel to the index mirror with the index set
at zero
c. horizon glass to make it parallel to the sextant frame
d. telescope to make it perpendicular to the sextant frame

45. Vessels required to have an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid must have a device
to indicate the. . . . .
a. distance to the next port
b. speed of the vessel over the ground or through the water
c. time of the next navigational satellite pass
d. None of the above

46. The position accuracy of Loran-C degrades with increasing distance from the
transmitting stations as. . . . .
a. gains are made over the signal path
b. a result of variation in propagation conditions
c. the frequency of the pulses increases
d. the stations shift pulses

47. The index error is determined by adjusting the. . . . .

a. sextant frame
b. horizon glass
c. index mirror
d. micrometer drum
48. What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 232°27' ?
a. 127°33'E
b. 52°27'E
c. 61°52'W
d. 61°52'E

49. A polyconic projection is based on a. . . . .

a. plane tangent at one point
b. cylinder tangent at one parallel
c. cone tangent at one parallel
d. series of cones tangent at selected parallels

50. A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the reflected image of
the horizon forms a continuous line with the actual image. When the
sextant is rotated about the line of sight the images separate. The sextant
has. . . . .
a. error of perpendicularity
b. side error
c. prismatic error
d. centering error

51. During the month of October the Sun's declination is. . . . .

a. north and increasing
b. north and decreasing
c. south and increasing
d. south and decreasing

52. If the radar scanner of one ship is at the same height as the cargo deck of
the other during transfer operations, which type of radar would pose a
greater danger of the induced ignition ?
a. A 3 cm radar
b. A 10cm radar
c. Neither a 10 cm or a 3 cm radar
d. Both a 10 cm and 3 cm radar

53. In Mercator sailing. . . . .

a. D'long / DMP = Tan course
b. Dep / D'long = Cos Course
c. DMP = D'long x Secant Course
d. DMP = D'lat x Secant Course
54. Plotting position using the method of a running fix is used when. . . . .
a. three bearing position lines are available of different objects
b. only one bearing line is available
c. two bearing lines from two different objects are available
d. a bearing and distance off a navigational mark is available

55. The DMP between latitude 20? 30' N and latitude 10? 15' S is. . . . .
a. 1863.07
b. 634.77
c. 1248.92
d. 614.15

56. The Decca green zone has. . . . .

a. 18 lanes
b. 24 lanes
c. 30 lanes
d. 72 lanes

57. A vertical sextant angle gives. . . . .

a. the height of a bridge above sea level
b. a position line
c. a position circle
d. the ullage of a tank

58. From the following data: Sextant altitude (LL): 38?12.4'; Index error : 3.0'
on the arc; Corr'n for HE : 6.6'; Total corr'n for sun : for UL -17.0' , for LL
+ 14.8. What is the true altitude of the Sun's Lower limb ?
a. 38?30.8'
b. 38?17.6'
c. 37?45.8'
d. 38?23.6'

59. What will be the d?long for departure of 66.5? when the ship is on m?lat of
29 degrees N ?
a. 137?
b. 76?
c. 36.8?
d. 77.0?
60. The SHA of star "VEGA" to the nearest minute is. . . . .
a. 137?18'
b. 96?37'
c. 80?47'
d. 90?52'

61. The azimuth of a body whose LHA is 195? will be. . . . .

a. Westerly
b. Easterly
c. Northerly
d. Southerly

62. How can the error of the Gyro compass be determined ?

a. By taking a transit bearing with the gyro compass of two prominent fixed
shore objects and comparing it with the bearing of the same objects on
the chart
b. By using any of the methods in the suggested answers
c. By comparing the course readout on the GPS with the gyro course steered
d. By taking the radar bearing of an object when the radar is on a compass
stabilised mode and comparing it with the bearing on the chart of the same

63. Is the location of the Compass Binnacle critical ?

a. Yes, for the reasons stated in all of the suggested answers
b. Yes, it should be on the fore and aft centreline of the ship
c. Yes, it should be away from all electrical power cables
d. Yes, it should be sited on a non-metallic base if possible

64. The compass binnacle on the ship has various specific functions, which of
the following answers reflect its most important functions. . . . .
a. All of the answers provided
b. Houses the corrective magnets
c. Houses the soft iron correctors
d. Provides a non-magnetic housing for the compass

65. The gyro compass can suffer from a compass error and may need to be
allowed for, when steering a course in a dangerous navigational area. What
is the probable cause of the error ?
a. An uncorrected course and speed error
b. Variation
c. Compass Deviation
d. Fluctuations in the electrical supply to the compass
66. What are the main components causing the magnetic compass to require
a regular evaluation and compass correction ?
a. Permanent and induced magnetism in the ships structure
b. The change in the position of the magnetic pole causing annual changes
in the variation
c. Deviation and Variation
d. The continual changes of courses steered by the ship

67. What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any
possible compass error ?
a. Latitude and Speed
b. Deviation and Variation
c. Maximum helm angle and rolling period
d. All of the data in the suggested answers

68. What are the two parts of the magnetic compass error ?
a. Variation and Deviation
b. Permanent and induced magnetism
c. The latitude and longitude
d. West and East errors

69. What could be the reason for the magnetic compass to swing through large
angles when the ship is rolling in a seaway ?
a. The heeling error magnets are upside down and/or not in the correct
b. The error due to deviation is large for that ships heading
c. The induced magnetism from the earth's magnetic field is very strong in
that area
d. The Coefficient B determined by the Compass Corrector at the last dry-
dock was not correctly calculated
70. Where can the size of the Magnetic Compass Error be found ?
a. By taking a transit bearing of two fixed geographical positions and
comparing it with the bearing of the same points on the chart
b. On the chart in the centre of the compass rose or by reference to the
Variation chart, taking into account the annual changes
c. By reference to the last entry in the Compass Error Log Book
d. By taking the error from the Deviation Table on the bridge
71. Which part of the magnetic compass error changes with a change in the
course steered ?
a. Deviation
b. Variation
c. Induced magnetism
d. All of the suggested answers

72. Which of the following figures drawn on the plane of the Meridian is correct
for an observer in position Latitude 30°00' North; Longitude 15°00' West,
when observing the sun on the meridian, if the sun's Declination is 15°00'
South ?
a. Figure 4 is correct
b. Figure 1 is correct
c. Figure 2 is correct
d. Figure 3 is correct

73. Which of the four calculations illustrated is the correct one to determine
the latitude of the observer when the sun is on the meridian ?
a. Calculation 3 is correct
b. Calculation 1 is correct
c. Calculation 2 is correct
d. Calculation 4 is correct

74. Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the
following situation: Latitude 50°00'N, Longitude 30°00'W, Time 1200 GMT.
Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12 knots, bearing of the sun: 200°,
Intercept correction: 00°02' Towards (observed altitude - computed altitude).
a. Figure 2 is correct
b. Figure 1 is correct
c. Figure 3 is correct
d. Figure 4 is correct

75. When navigating a vessel, you. . . . .

a. can always rely on a buoy to be on station
b. can always rely on a buoy to show proper light characteristics
c. should assume a wreck buoy is directly over the wreck
d. should never rely on a floating aid to maintain its exact position
76. When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation ?
a. During calm weather only
b. During daylight only
c. Only when inside a harbor
d. Only when fixed aids are not available

77. Gyrocompass repeaters reproduce the indications of the master

gyrocompass. They are ?
a. Accurate only in the Polar regions
b. Accurate electronic servomechanisms
c. Hand operated

78. Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called.
a. Magnetic latitudes
b. Magnetic declinations
c. Isogonic lines

79. You are proceeding up a channel at night. It is marked by a range which

bears 185°T. You steady up on a compass course of 180° with the range
in line dead ahead This indicates that you(r). . . . .
a. Must come right to get on the range
b. Course is in error
c. Compass has some easterly error

80. As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic

compass. . . . .
a. Remains aligned with compass north
b. Turns counterclockwise to port
c. First turns to starboard then counterclockwise to port

81. You would find the variation on a polyconic projection chart. . . . .

a. On the compass rose
b. On the mileage scale
c. Written on the chart title

82. What is an advantage of the magnetic compass aboard vessels ?

a. Compass error is negligible at or near the earth's magnetic poles
b. It does not have to be checked as often
c. It is reliable due to it's essential simplicity
83. Magnetic compass deviation. . . . .
a. Varies depending upon the bearing used
b. Is the angular difference between magnetic north and compass north
c. Is the angular difference between geographic and magnetic meridians

84. Deviation in a compass is caused by the . . . . .

a. Influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel
b. Vessel's heading
c. Earth's magnetic field

85. Magnetic variation changes with a change in. . . . .

a. The vessel's heading
b. Sea conditions
c. The vessel's position

86. What is the basic principle of the magnetic compass ?

a. Magnetic materials of the same polarity repel each other and those of
opposite polarity attract
b. The Earth's magnetic lines of force are parallel to the surface of the
c. Magnetic meridians connect points of equal magnetic variation

87. Variation is not constant; it is different with every change in. . . . .

a. Speed
b. Vessel heading
c. Geographical location

88. Variation is the angular measurement between. . . . .

a. Compass north and magnetic north
b. Compass north and true north
c. Magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian

89. A relative bearing is always measured from. . . . .

a. The vessel's head
b. Magnetic north
c. The vessel's beam

90. The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and. . . . .
a. Deviation
b. Annual rate of variation change
c. Precession

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