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How to Use a MAC Address to Find an IP

How To Upload a Calibration from Module

How to download a modifyed calibration to a module

Introduction The Calterm III tool provides the ability to upload a calibration,
(software), from a module’s specific storage area to a user defined storage area,
usually located on the computers hard drive or common Network drive. When working
with real engine systems, the typical workflow begins with making changes to
parameter values located within the module. When the appropriate changes have been
made, the user uploads the calibration from the module and saves it to a local or
network drive. Then the amended calibration can be downloaded into the module for
permanent storage.
Make Sure the unlock module is active to make, store and download back to the

Download Back to the module with the saved Calibrations.

With a module session open, From the Calibration menu, Select the Download option.
Result: An information window displays a warning that module monitoring will stop
during the download.

Click <OK> to proceed with the download to the module.

Result: The Calibration Download Setup dialog box displays.

3 Select the appropriate module location from the dropdown list.

In the Configuration field, Click the < …> button to locate and select the
appropriate configuration file.ecfg/E2M

In the Calibration section, Click the < …> button to locate and select the
appropriate calibration file. Uploaded saved file with changes.
If necessary, place a checkmark on the following options and Click <OK>.
· Key Switch Off Download – used when other CAN devices, (Transmissions, VGT,
etc.), may interfere with the download.
· Save and Restore Parameters – used when wanting to retain Dataplate and
other pertinent information typically associated with the end-users application.
Result: The Calibration Download dialog box displays the status of the download.
When complete, a Success dialog box displays.

Click <OK>.
Result: The Calterm III module editor session will restart.

Save and restore parameters might not work. Make sure you have created a work order
in insite and converted it to ECM Template for future downloading.

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