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Overview 3

Communication Problems 5
Campaign Aims 6
Stakeholders 7
Audience 9
Personas and Campaign Journey 10

Strategy 13
Messaging 15

Deliverables 20

Components 21

Conclusion 24

Hidden disabilities are often overlooked and misunderstood causing
those living with a disability to be further impacted negatively.
We as a society can accommodate those around us by supporting
them in everyday situations whether we know about their
disability or not. It can be having the basic knowledge of hidden
disabilities that can make the smallest impact on their lives .
The Hidden Disabilities Learning Kit has been created to build
a more considerate atmosphere for those living with hidden
disabilities through awareness within educational institutions.

Why this topic?

I am interested in the topic of Hidden Disabilities because I believe
it is a subject without enough awareness despite it affecting
millions of people on the first and second hand. I am addressing
the particular problem of society not understanding that although
an individual may look like the man-made standardised version
of “normal” they could have a condition affecting their ability to
live and perform tasks ‘normally”. My campaign shall highlight
the importance of being considerate to others around you due to
hidden disabilities which can be experienced at work, educational
institutions, with friends, family, hobbies, extra curricular activities etc.

Communication Problems
“Globally 1 in 7 of us live with a disability. And of those, 80% are invisible. That
is over 1 billion people who are living with a non-visible disability...”

So why are we not accommodating for over 1 billion people?

A lack of knowledge amongst the general public has caused an unintentional lack of
understanding on the wide variety of disabilities that many of around us have and
effected by. This has resulted in the reduced understanding of how to accommodate
those around us causing un-safe environments for those with Hidden Disabilities.

There may be signs in the workplace, there may be announcements over

tannoys in supermarkets reminding us of quiet times , but how effective are
they if we do not truly understanding the extent of the meaning.

Campaign Aims
You cannot generally tell people HOW to respond to non-visible disabilities,
especially due to how many there are and varying requirements of support.
Our campaign is dedicated to highlighting WHY we need to understand these
conditions through interactive tools that gets the discussion going.

1. Integrate Hidden Disabilities into the school curriculum and environment
through workshops that highlight the hidden aspects of disabilities

2. Offer the target audience tools that explore the wide varieties of non-visible disabilities there
are and create a discussion around how we can accommodate them to offer a safe space

3. Encourage applying their knowledge on Hidden Disabilities to the spaces around them
including future environments such as workplaces and higher education institutions

The campaigns stakeholder is the ‘Hidden Disabilities; Sunflower’ organisation who
“believe that the more we all understand about non-visible disabilities, the more we
can help to improve the lives of people experiencing them” through raising awareness.
They have a blog offering insights into hidden disabilities, news and updates, ways
to get involved. They are most known for their sunflower icon and badge.

The sunflower icon provides those with non-visible disabilities a way to make
their condition known to those around them if they wish to do so.

However, during Covid-19 the icons meaning was transformed into being solely related
to the disease. Unfortunately this has reduced the extensive work the organisation
does and reduces the level of those interacting with the resources. Therefore, the
campaign will be making direct use of the facilities and information they provide

Purpose and Benefits of Stakeholder:

1. Their blog, more specifically their breakdown of individual
disabilities provides the information text for the interactive workshop kit

2. They will be a secondary resource for further information after the primary
interaction with the kit. The audience will be encouraged to visit their website

3. Educational institutions (Secondary Schools) will be able to order the kit from their website
as well as campaign website as well as additional resources such as cards and worksheets

The campaigns intended audience will be found within educational institutions, specifically
secondary school. Within these places are children, young adults and teachers who can
all be included on the conversation of hidden disabilities through the tool kit. Their new-
found knowledge will provide them with the resources to educate others on the topic.

Those interacting with the campaign will predominantly be the higher key stages from 14-18
years old to allow for the topic to begin to be discussed at a developmental mature age. This
age range targets students who are in the process of GCSE’s and A-Levels where they will be
considering life after school, for example; university, apprenticeships, full time work etc. This is
to allow for them to obtain the knowledge on hidden disabilities to carry through and apply to
their new environments, naturally inflicting change in education, workplaces and so on.



Persona Details Persona Details

Sarah is a secondary school student, in year 10

studying for her GCSEs. Outside of school she spends
her time with friends and family. She has general
awareness of disabilities but doesn’t understand the
complexities and the extent it can affect people

In interacting with the tool kit: In interacting with the tool kit:

A better understanding of
He can apply what he’s learn
Hidden Disabilities and learn
to his chosen subjects
about some in detail

He can provide feedback to the

Resources she can easily access
school on his peers’ thoughts on
and remember
the workshop

Campaign Journey

Hidden Disabilities learning kit Students and Teachers Some students will further
distributed amongst schools interact with the kit including their knowledge and use the
and available to buy online worksheets and learning cards additional online resources

Campaign Journey - Results

Students share their knowledge School environment becomes a Students will discuss Hidden
on Hidden Disabilities + begin safer space for all with disabilities. Disabilities with family
implementing accommodating Students will sustain their behaviour and friends, leading to a
behaviour in the spaces they’re in in new and other areas of life ricochet effect of change

The campaign strategy is to target the Key Stage 4 and 5
demographic through interactive deliverables, that will be
an integrated resource for the curriculum. This offers an
effective approach to the campaign as it adheres towards
the aims of building a ricochet effect of change amongst
each student and beyond the school environment.

Students will interact with the a tool kit, containing decks

of cards providing the following information; definitions on
disabilities of various categories, how to be accommodating
and additional resources. The students will be required to use
their thinking skills, previous knowledge and have discussion
with another to complete starter questions and two activities.

The structure of this strategy is to provide students with detailed
information on Hidden Disabilities before they leave the school
environment. So, whether they decide to go to University, College or
do an Apprenticeship for example, they can apply their knowledge to
their new setting. This preparation should naturally have an effect on
these environments and create a safer, understanding place for those
with hidden disabilities - without having to disclose it to their peers.

The Hidden Disabilities campaign will highlight the following messages through the learning kit.

Not all disabilities are visible

Hidden disabilities are constantly affecting people around you

How to be considerate and accommodating of hidden disabilities

Educate others on hidden disabilities


Integrating the messaging

The Hidden Disabilities Learning Kit has been designed to reflect each of these messages,
from the branding to the physical design of each component of the kit.

Not all disabilities are visible

1. Drop shadow has been visually styled to
lift the text as a reflection of our aims to

bring attention to Hidden Disabilities

2. The adjective Hidden has been highlighted

using a yellow - a brand colour inspired by
the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Organisation

3. The sticker-esc background provides an overall

youthful appearance, fitting for the target audience
Not all disabilities are visible is a com
at affe
dit io n th
rm con
long-te g s - th e
the lun
ways in
3. Black Background use consistently across both the the air out
in and
a t ca rry air
tubes th
of your
packaging and cards is symbolic of being “Hidden”

4. The name of each disability on the first deck of cards has

is is?
been left blank and hidden. Students are required to use Which dis
ab ility do yo
u think th with langua
can be ve
causes diffi
ge or spee
ch, that
ry mild. It

the options and discuss the answer amongst themselves.

1. COPD can only af
fect one fo
rm of
a ation, such
2. Asthm or speaki
as readin
ng, but it co
sis mmonly
3. Asbest
affects se
5. Due to the wide variety of hidden disabilities, the cards communic
veral aspe
ation at th
cts of
e same tim

have been organised based on three colours to highlight an autoimmune

and neurodivergent condition
that effects the central nervous
the type of disability. Hidden Disabilities include: system, specifically the brain
Which disabi
lity do you th
ink this is?
and spinal cord. Characterised 1. Dyslexia
by a range of symptoms which
+ Autism and ADHD include partial or complete
loss of vision, weak legs and 3. Aphasia
+ Cognitive impairments tingling sensation.

+ Mental health conditions and speech Which disability do you think this is?

+ Visual impairments or hearing loss 1. Multiple sclerosis

+ Respiratory and chronic conditions 2. Myasthenia gravis

3. Pernicious anemia

Pink: Respiratory and Chronic / Orange:

Cognitive and Mental Health / Blue: Physical
Hidden disabilities are constantly affecting
people around you They m
ay hav
haler to
use ever
y day,
nt er in their risk
- A preve to lo wer
r inhaler
a relieve w th eir
1. Terminology used on the cards highlights about ho
ion plan w to
- An act em and ho
affects th
both how it effects many people as well as
rs includ
on trigge nd pets
- Comm ci se , a nimals a
pollen, ex

Disabilities affecting people every day, all day, Ho w to a ccomm

mmon Aphasia
e most co
are of th
e.g.: ‘Common’ and ‘Effects on Daily Life’ - Be aw
ha t inhalers
look like
so you Effects on
daily life:
- K no w fin d it - Misinterpre
someone ting the mea
can help gestures, pic ning of word
tures or draw s,
- Auditory pr ings
ocessing, te
llin g tim
/asthma using the telep e and hone

How to be considerate and accommodating of

dendisab - Writing an
www.hid d/or reading
an email

hidden disabilities
How to ac
Epilepsy - Use clear
e them:
short senten
one questio ces and ask
Effects on daily life: n at a time
- Be patient
- Losing awareness and staring and don’t ru
1. The first deck the students interact with requires blankly into space
- They may be taking medicines called
- Give the pe
is being com
rson time to
interpret wh
anti-epileptic drugs - Keep the co
them to come up with ways of being accommodating
nversation fo
- Strange sensations, such as a cused
“rising” feeling in the tummy

for each disability shown on their card.
How to accommodate them:
- Call 999 for an ambulance if
someone is having a seizure:

2. Once matched up by the student, the second deck + for the first time
+ that lasts more than 5 minutes
+ after already having one

provides the definitions, ways the disability effects - These are just a few reasons

someone’s daily life and how to accommodate them.

How to be considerate and accommodating of
hidden disabilities

3. The hierarchy of the card has been approached Before you start wokring with your cards,
let’s get the discussion started, work through
Using your first deck of cards (A, B and
C, work through the following questions
these questions in groups of 4: (repeat the steps):
typographical and through colour. Once navigated Q1: Can you list three Hidden Disabilties? Q1: What do you think each colours
represents? (Hint: Caterogories)

through the information, each card provides a Q2: Which one is a hidden disability:
Diabetes or mental health ? Q2: Based on the defintions and options,
which disabilty do you think it is?
learning link to learn more about that disability. Q3: Is there a law protecting those with
Hidden Disabilties? Q3: How would you accomdate the
Hidden Disabilty?
Q4: Is there a week dedicated to
hidden disabilities ? Q4: Are there complexities in
accommodating Hidden Disabilties?

Educate others on Hidden Disabilities

1. Alongside the link on each of the cards providing a NEDDIH

useful resource to discuss and share online, students are ACTIVITY TWO

encouraged to educate others through the worksheet. Using the second deck, work through one
colour at a time and pair up your cards with
the first deck:


Q1: What disabilties weren’t you aware CONVERSATION GOING
of? Did you struggle with coming up
It’s really important that we continue to

2. The worksheet encompasses all of the message through

with ways to accomodate those
work towards making the world more
with the condition?
inclusive for those with disabilties, whether
visible or not. With your new knowledge,
each section of questions and activities. The mascot
Q2: What is the importance of being
aware of these disabilties and knowing how will you keep the conversation going?
how to accomdate those living with

appears on the back - which has been stylised in a their lives affected?
Learning Resources available at:
Q3: Pick two cards from each pairing

modern, age appropriate way to cater to the audience. what suprsied you the most insights/category/invisible-disabilities

about each of the disabilities?


Campaign Deliverables
Kit Overview:
The Hidden Disabilities kit is a great tool to start
broadening your understanding on the wide range
of disabilities and how you can accommodate
those living with them! The kit has been designed to
include ‘How to Play!” instructions for the teachers
to use and follow along with during the workshop.

1. Decks of Cards A, B and C
2. Decks of Cards 1, 2 and 3
3. Worksheets

Worksheet Overview:
The worksheet provided within the kit offers guidance
STARTER QUESTIONS: ACTIVITY ONE: and information on using the cards. It additionally
Before you start wokring with your cards, Using your first deck of cards (A, B and
let’s get the discussion started, work through C, work through the following questions requires students to answer a wide range of questions
these questions in groups of 4: (repeat the steps):

Q1: Can you list three Hidden Disabilties? Q1: What do you think each colours
exploring the complexities and importance of the topic.
Q2: Which one is a hidden disability:
represents? (Hint: Caterogories)

Diabetes or mental health ? Q2: Based on the defintions and options,
which disabilty do you think it is?
Q3: Is there a law protecting those with
Hidden Disabilties? Q3: How would you accomdate the 1. Starter Questions
Hidden Disabilty?
Q4: Is there a week dedicated to
hidden disabilities ? Q4: Are there complexities in
2. Activity One
accommodating Hidden Disabilties?
3. Activity Two
4. Let’s keep the conversation going!
CARDS A, B and C Overview:
is a common causes difficulty an autoimmune
long-term condition that affects with language or speech, that and neurodivergent condition
the airways in the lungs - the can be very mild. It sometimes that effects the central nervous
tubes that carry air in and out can only affect one form of system, specifically the brain

of your lungs. communication, such as reading and spinal cord. Characterised

or speaking, but it commonly by a range of symptoms which
affects several aspects of include partial or complete
communication at the same time. loss of vision, weak legs and
tingling sensation.

Which disability do you think this is? Which disability do you think this is? Which disability do you think this is?

1. COPD 1. Dyslexia 1. Multiple sclerosis

2. Asthma 2. ADHD 2. Myasthenia gravis

3. Asbestosis 3. Aphasia 3. Pernicious anemia

In groups, students will discuss and write down the hidden

disability associated within the definition on each card. Along side
this first activity, they will follow the steps set out in activity one.

1. Definition - Blank Name
2. What Disability do you think this is?
3. Three options of disabilities
CARDS 1, 2 and 3 Overview:

Asthma Alzheimer’s Cerebral palsy

They may have: Effects on daily life: Effects on daily life:
- A preventer inhaler to use every day, - Memory loss, loss of sense of smell - Seeming too stiff or too floppy
a reliever inhaler to lower their risk of - Impaired reasoning and judgment weak arms or legs
- An action plan about how their - Weak arms or legs, fidgety, jerky
- Repeating statements and
asthma affects them and how to or clumsy movements, random,
questions over and over
manage it uncontrolled movements
- Inability to remember activities
- Common triggers include:
pollen, exercise, animals and pets
How to accommodate them:
How to accommodate them:
- If they wish for you to so, help them
How to accommodate them: - Speak slightly more slowly and use with basic daily tasks. Some will
- Be aware of the most common simple words and sentences struggle to complete ordinary tasks
asthma triggers - Avoid asking too many questions - Be patient in conversations.
- Know what inhalers look like so you - Stay in touch. A simple call or a visit It may be a little more difficult to
can help someone find it means a lot and shows that you care understand what they are saying.

Students will match the first deck with the second deck of Hidden
disabilities that provides the name, how it effects those with the
condition and how to accommodate them. Alongside reading the
information, students will work through the remaining questions.

1. Definition - Blank Name
2. Effects on daily life + How to accommodate
3. Link to further information

Our campaign is dedicated to creating a safer and more
inclusive environment for those living with disabilities, visible or
not. We believe it is not up to those with disabilities to disclose
their conditions but for the spaces around them to provide
an adequate level of accommodation and understanding. We
strongly believe our young target demographic will respond to this
campaign by adapting their attitudes in the school environment
and wider. Our main goal is to create a ricochet effect across
many people leading to a safe spaces in more environments.

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