Xico India - Business Writing-1

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Business Writing

Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Q1. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to
readable passage. Write the correct sentences in the spate provided.

1. only planet / direction / in clockwise / in the / solar system / Venus / is the / that rotates.
2. a full recovery / layer / The Earth's ozone / in 50 years / will make.
3. it has / geography is that / fact about / 6 time zones / An interesting / Canadian.
4. per year / has on / average / 330 days / British Columbia / of rain.
5. a website / population / the world's / that tracks / in real time.

Q2. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which
there is a blank. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided.

My day begins on five O'clock in the morning a) _____

It has been so since the last forty years b) ______
except for the two years of which I was c) _______
very ill. I wake up at the sound of an d) ______
alarm clock bought at 1952. e) _______
From then until today, it has never f) _______
let me down. My routine, however turns topsy-turvy in holidays when I cannot sleep for ten O'clock. I
have g) ______
maintained a fairly regular routine over my working years. h) _______
When I retire on two years' time, I hope I will be i) _______
able to continue this practice.

Q3. The following passage is incomplete. One word has been omitted in every line against
which there is a blank. Indicate the place where the word has to be inserted with a / and
write the word in the space provided.

John and his friends planning a trip a) _____

during the summer vacations. While all of them b) _____
keen to get away from the heat, none them were able to suggest which place to visit. c) _____
It only draw of lots which could finally decide the matter. d) _____
They decided on Antarctica's it neither too far away nor too crowded. e) _____
The date of departure and the duration of their stay still to be decided. f) _____
The announcement of their final exam date sheet still two weeks away. g) _____
Until then, each of them resolved. h) _____
collect information about hill station. i) _____
Q4. You are studying for a qualification, and you would like some time off work to complete

Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:

 Ask for some time off to complete a qualification.
 Suggest what you will do later at work if you have time off.
 Say how the qualification helps your job or company.

Q-5 Complete the letter by filling the gaps with a word from the box below.

CV developer qualified salary

post interview closing department

experience Skills

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the.................... of Software Development Manager advertised on February 9th
on the University of Kent vacancy database. I have worked for the past ten years as a
senior.................... in a telecommunication company in the IT..................... I think now is the right time
to apply for a better position as I believe I have gained relevant.................... and skills.

As you can see from my enclosed...................., I am a.................... engineer and believe I have
excellent technical and management ..................... My current.................... is CAN$55,000 a year.

I realize that the.................... date for applications was last Saturday, but I hope you will still consider
my application. I will be available for.................... at any time, apart from the 12 - 24 March when I
have arranged a holiday in Italy.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

John Smith

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