Basic Maths Operations

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This workshop attempts to help you strengthen your Math skills in English, by using the language
in the development and understanding of some basic math operations, talking about currencies
around the world and how to convert from one to another one.

Objective: from the development of this workshop, you will be able to talk about currencies and
do some math operations in English.

1. Work in groups and discuss the following statements:

- What do you know about the basic Math operations? Mention them, which one is your favorite?

Addition Definition

The addition is a mathematical process of adding things together. The addition process is denoted
by ‘+’ sign. It involves combining two or more numbers into a single term. In addition process, the
order does not matter. It means that the addition process is commutative. It can involve any type
of number whether it be a real or complex number, fraction, or decimals.

Subtraction Definition

The subtraction operation gives the difference between two numbers. Subtraction is denoted by
‘-‘ sign. It is almost similar to addition but is the conjugate of the second term. It is the inverse
process of addition. The addition of the term with the negative term is known as subtraction. This
process is mostly used to find how many are left when some things are taken away.

Multiplication Definition

Multiplication is known as repeated addition. It is denoted by ‘×’ or ‘*’. It also combines with two
or more values to result in a single value. The multiplication process involves multiplicand,
multiplier. The result of the multiplication of multiplicand and the multiplier is called the product

Division Definition

The division is usually denoted by ‘÷‘ and is the inverse of multiplication. It constitutes two terms
dividend and divisor, where the dividend is divided by the divisor to give a single term value. When
the dividend is greater than the divisor, the result obtained is greater than 1, or else it would be
less than 1.

My basic math operation is the multiplication.

- When is it common to use Math? Give some examples.

 Money management
 Time management
 Food preparation
 Purchase of any type of products

- Which basic Math operation is difficult to you?

Maybe the division operation.

2. Skills practice: do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English

2.1.LISTENING PRACTICE: video about basic math vocabulary

Before watching the video, find the definition for the following words:

Suma: addition/add/sum
Resta: subtraction/take away
Miltiplicacion: multiplication/multiply
Division: division/to divide
Mas: plus
Menos: minus
Multiplicado por: times/multiplied by
Dividido entre: divided by
Igual: equals/is/is equal to
Mayor que: greater than
Promedio: average
Por ciento: per cent
Porcentaje: percentage
Numero decimal: decimal number
Fraccionario: fractional
Numerador: numerator
Denominador: denominator
Calculo/operación: calculation
Moneda de un pais: currency

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