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The total number of the inhabitants and people of the region or the country are called the

population of the country. Increase of the population in the country can damage the growth

system of the country and if a population increase rapidly in the country than it become difficult

for the middle class and the lower class to survive in the country. The change in the structure of

the population is related to the demographic dividend of the country. It is related to the economic

growth of the country. It is actually related to the good economic growth of the country which

are occur from the decline in the death and the birth rate of the country and change in the

population of the country or the region is also related to it.if there is a change and shift occur in

the birth and death rate of the country then the country will enjoy a lot of the benefits.

One of the main thing that decrease the progress of the country is the over population.

Over population is a very major problem that most of the countries face. If we have to solve this

big and issue we should cause decline in the death and the birth rate of the country or the region

means if a population is control than the country enjoys good economic growth. Demographic

bonus is also called the demographic dividend. It also increases the productivity of the country.

Actually, it plays a major role in increasing the labor force of the country or the nation.

Economic activities of the country also becomes better due to this means it increase the

economic development of the country. Actually, change in the structure of the population of the

country occurs due to the demographic dividend. It can change the living standards of the people.

Due to This change, it also influences the investment and the growth rate of the country. It has a

great importance in the countries because it tells the countries about the policies of the family

planning and the birth control. If a birth rate is control in the country than the country will

progress more and achieve their goals very easily so hence it is proved it gives a lot of benefits to
the nations and the countries. It is very significant element for the better economic growth of the

country. Through family planning and the birth control age structure of the nation or the country

also become balanced.It also improved the education system of the country in which it occurs.

Most important advantage of this is that if a birth rate is control parents have less children so

they invest more on their education and also give a better life style to them. If parents have more

sources then they every facility of life to their children and raise them in a better way.Gpd of the

county is also increase if the population or the birth rate of the country is controlled. It can also

add more workers to the labor force of the country. It can also give a lot of opportunities to the

women to work. Women are more hardworking if a women work for the progress of the country

then the world will progress a lot. If we increase the labor force than the economy of the country

becomes better. It also increases the industrialization and the urbanization of the country.

Physical health of the human and the human infrastructure also becomes better by this. If the

number of the working population is increased than the gpd of, the country is also increased.


Family planning is very necessary if we want to make the conditions of our country good

if we focus on the family than the future of our country also becomes better. It also changes the

social conditions of the country or the nation.We can improved the demographic dividend by

providing inclusive success to the financial service of the country. It also have little bit

disadvantage it can bring the change in the climate of the country and also effects the population

ageing of the country.Ion the other hand big and major disadvantage of this is that is also limited

population of the country and the gobal gobal world. The business of the country is also affected

little bit. But anyways it have a lot of the advantage. The countries, which follow the policies of
the dividend, enjoy more opportunities and the less challenges than the countries how are having

the rapid growth of the population.


Bloom, D. E., D. Canning, and G. Fink. 2007. Realizing the demographic dividend: Is Africa any

different? PGDA Working Paper. No. 23. Available at Accessed 5 July 2020

Chakravorti, B., C. Tunnard, and R. S. Chaturvedi, R. S. 2015. Where the digital economy is

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