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General Questions
What’s your… name/surname?
How do you spell it?
How old are you?

 UNIT 1
What is your favourite… toy/colour/animal?
Which school do you go to?
Tell me about your school things
Who is your teacher?

 UNIT 4
Is your grandma a teacher?
Is your grandpa a fireman?
Tell me about your family
What does your… do?

 UNIT 5
What can you see at the park?

 UNIT 7
What colour are your trousers?
What colour is your t-shirt?

 UNIT 8
Where do you live?
Do you live in a house?
Tell me about your house
Who do you live with?

 UNIT 9
What colour is your lunchbox?
What have you got in your lunchbox?

 UNIT 10
Who is your best friend?
Tell me about your friends
 UNIT 11
Describe your favourite animal

 UNIT 12
Do you like yogurt/bread/fish?
Which is your favourite food?

 UNIT 13
Which is your favourite room?
Describe your bedroom

 UNIT 14
Can you… play football/fly/run/walk?

 UNIT 15
Tell me about your holidays

Have you got… any brothers or sisters/a pet?

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