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Jannah Holder
User Research
Competitor Analysis
For my competitor analysis, I looked at skincare
sites that specifically offered some level of person-
alisation for their products in order to evaluate the
way they present this tool as well as the customer
reviews of this service. This also allowed me to
evaluate the secondary services offered and how
they integrated this into the site.

+ Introduces ethos of the business
+ Call to Action ‘Free Consultation’ button that

Introducing Skyn maintains scroll position

+ Two Product examples - custom-ageing and
treatment creams
Specialised skin company, ‘SKYN’ is a service for 16-25 year old females
+ Competitor Analysis | ‘Your High Street Skincare
that provides personalised skincare products formulated to their skin
vs Skin+Me’
type. The quiz feature of the site produces the personalised formula
+ Reasons to use Skin + Me with reviews and results
based on the information provided by the user; their lifestyle, habits,
skin problems and skin treatments. Unlike other skincare companies
that offer generic products made for all people with different skin
+ About you, goals, gender, DOB, skin colour, sensi-
problems, dry skin for example, Skyn niches down on products that
tivity, prescription, allergies
specifically targets the reasons for their dry skin whilst fixing other
+ Lifestyle, current routine products, Sunscreen,
problem areas. Once the customer receives their personalised formu-
feelings and rating skin
la, they are able to explore the product in detail from a breakdown of
+ Customers budget
ingredients, benefits, usage and more.

Products and Order:

Skyn offers a subscription delivery service for customers to seamlessly
+ One-time purchase or monthly custom
re-purchase their personalised skincare at the suggested time-frames
treatment plan
in line with the quantity of product needed to be used. This reduces
+ Product Ingredients and usage
the inconvenience of re-purchasing products in their normal frequen-
cy as well as avoiding out of stock items. The site offers advice on a
I will be withdrawing the language used as well as
wide range of areas related to skin from trending products to advice
the categories used within the consultation.
on how to take care of mental health and confidence.

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Homepage: Homepage:
Provides customer with directory to the best selling + CTA anding Page directs users to take the quiz
products along with a discount to entice + HOW IT WORKS “Your Hair Meets Our Science” +
personal and proven Results
+ Membership prices and + Rewards system for + How we Function, Award winning accolades and
customer to return to - points = money meet the experts
+ ‘Shop By’ - easy access to the range of products
available with reviews and results. Skin Quiz:
+ Access to ‘Recipe Builder is via the burger menu + Progression bar - Divides Quiz into four sections
+ Icons, box selections, Name on the Formula (prod-
Build Your Personalized recipe: uct), Fragrance
+ 2 Minute quiz | 8 questions short and efficient + One product which targets the three areas the
which retains users attention user selects
+ Quiz focuses on different areas, - problem areas,
under eyes, sensitivity etc. Products:
+ Considers customers budget + Pricing and Subscription - Subscribe + Free Ship-
+ Products: When to apply, Suitable for, Targets, ping and base Ingredients
uses per pack + Cruelty free, vegan, sulphate and paraben free,
+ How to Use, Key Claims, Ingredients, FAQs and sustainable and dermatologist tested
usage Results
Results and Order: 13/01/2023, 13:05

Results and Order:

Page 1 of 1

+ Order summary, subscription, recommended for

+ Personalised results shared through a routine you, make an account of jannah

(Step 1, Step 2...) + Formula Overview + Delivery expectancy

+ Add “recipe” to basket as a bundles

The tone of voice established by the Inkey List in Function of Beauty visually caters to the target audi-
comparison to Skin and Me is that it is less pharma- ence, similar to that of Skyn through stereotypical
ceutical. Whilst they do have personalised recipes, colour palette. The main teal colour is used predom- Based on your quiz results, our chemists will create a
complete regimen for your specific skin type and goals.
the products offered at the end are pre-existing inately with additional colours coming through via
rather than formulated with specific ingredients. the product image. This sustains a cohesive tone
With my target audience ranging from 16-25, I and builds consistency during the site experience. JANNAH'S SKIN CARE REGIMEN

believe the tone created through the Inkey List will In comparison to the other competitors, Function of
be influential in my approach to Skyn. However, I Beauty only offers one product that should target
will be emphasising the extent of personalisation the three areas the user outlined as their problem 1 2 3
cleanse boost hydrate
rather than generalising the products available. areas. I will be considering whether this is a benefit
* We recommend using this regimen based on your
during my user interviews and understand habits. skin type and goals.

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micellar cleanser
5oz - A lathering, microbiome-friendly
cleanser leaves skin refreshed, not tight.
Function of
Skin + Me Inkey List User Testing
For my Primary Interview, I reached out to an individual in my user
CTA group who was in the mid range of my 16-25 target demographic.
This allowed me to explore frustrations progressive from their young-
Best Sellers er years to see what they would have found beneficial at the time and

+ +
how that has translated in adulthood. The structure of my interview
Products allowed me to explore a range of topics including the Current Market,
Routines, Product Frequency and Frustrations, which would ultimate-
ly allow me to identify the pain points and what they were a result of.

Primary Interview
Function of Inkey List
QUIZ Skin + Me Do you believe your skin issues are hormonal?
Yes, I believe so as I tend to get spots when I’m on my period.

Do you believe puberty was the start of skin changes?

It was the first sign of visible changes so yes.

+ +

What age did you start experiencing skin issues?

Images Around year 8, so 12 - 13 years of age.
+ + +

Subscribe Do you believe low price products are favourable over higher end

priced products?
I don’t have the budget for higher end so that automatically makes
Sign up

lower end my go to. However if I could afford the higher end and it
was good after trialling for a few weeks, I would stick to it but I am
Function of currently using lower priced products that work effectively enough.
Results Skin + Me Inkey List
Do you believe that the cost of a product is highly influential
Products One Bundle Bundle in its effectiveness?
I don’t spend that much so not sure. But from the times I have been
able to try something more expensive, the formula has felt more
heavy and chemically.

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Did your age and income influence the products you were What is the cheapest brand you buy from
able to trial? There all around £10 but probably Tescos Face Wash and The Ordinary
When I was in Secondary School, my parents would just buy products
for me and I would have to commit to products because that was in Were you influenced to buy those products by marketing?
budget for my family. Now I’m older, I can trial more due to finances The Ordinary - everyone had it, promoting on socials, word of mouth.
being more flexible.

If your income allowed you to be flexible with products, would you ROUTINE
opt for higher end brands only? Do you have a set of products you use routinely?
I would try really expensive stuff to see if it works better, but if my skin Yes, but it changes depending on season due to my skin changing.
was the same , I would go back to lower end products I’m used to.
How did you find your products? In person or Online?
In person, based on recommendations, but I use prescribed creams
What were your frustrations when looking for products
When I get recommended products, I look in-store but they tend to When you do read the ingredients, do you understand them?
not be there or there’s less stock. The Ingredients and information on If I’m being honest, I really don’t read them unless I have a skin reac-
the products are boring to read, I do wish there was simple language tion, but most products I try to get are natural based and seems like it
so I could know what I’m even buying and using. has healthy words so I don’t look that hard.

Do you know your skin type? How often do you use your products
I think I have Combination Skin but I change my mind all the time. Everyday - if I miss a day, my skin quickly goes bad.

How did you find out your skin type?

I base it on trial and error of products. For example heavy products
would make nose oily but then works on forehead which implied skin
What is your most used product(s)
type. But sometimes it goes the other way around so I’m not sure.
Moisturiser and my Eczema cream

Did you struggle to find out your skin type and what
How often do you use moisturiser?
products to use?
Twice a day - but may have to re-apply depending on an additional
Because it changes, it’s harder to work it out. I guess based on the
face wash
current state of my skin.
How often do you any form of face masks?
Depends on schedule - but I like to around once a week
Which skincare products do you use the most?
Aveeno, Cetaphil, The Ordinary, Sudocream, Cetraben, Tesco’s own.

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Overall Thoughts Personas
A really helpful piece of information from the interview came from Personas one and two
them sharing their current brands which allowed me to conduct
further competitor analysis, specifically related to the companies
mentioned and identify the pain points emerging from the usage of
their products. This allowed the niche services of my site to be built
and expanded upon beyond what may already be out there and solve
the frustrations of my demographic through these services.

The primary points I withdrew from the interviewee was that overall,
they need to understand their skin type instead of speculating what
they have, which would allow them to purchase and use products
centralised to their skin issues, eliminating the process of trial and
error and endless costs.

Reflecting and sharing interview results with my group allowed us to

broaden our demographics in terms of analysing the range of answers
relative to skincare. This invited new perspectives outside of our
own key focuses that were really helpful in informing how we would
approach the niche services of our sites. An example of this was when
we evaluated our results and we noticed that a few of our interviews
highlighted that the average person does not have an understanding
of what’s in their products or obtain limited knowledge on how to look
after their skin. This brought up how we could share information such
as product ingredients or advice in an engaging manner allowing for
our services to be as helpful as intended.

I found a beneficial piece of information to share and evaluate with

my group was how we would be sharing information such as product
ingredients or advice in an engaging manner as it was mentioned to
be often overlooked by some of our interviewees.

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Mental Models
Persona Three

Persona One

Persona one derives from my interview that wanted

to find a set of products that consistently work on a
year round basis as a result of targeting her specific
skin type issues.

Persona two was based on Hannah’s interview and

highlighted the ramifications of a lack of knowledge
on sun damage and how to care for their skin. The
focus of this persona is to provide a routine for Persona Two
customers to use after receiving their products and
how to integrate it into their daily lives consistently.

Persona three was based on Ellie’s interview - they

struggle with acne and confidence - they highlight-
ed how they would have benefited from a primary
source of information that would have helped them
navigate their skin problems and mental health.

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Site Map

Persona Three

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