T2-Ejercicios (Laboral)

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Complete las oraciones con 

el  adjetivo  posesivo correcto:

      1. Hello!   ………..  name ´s  Elena.

      2. What´ s  .............   job? Is he a student?
      3. That´ s  Joan and ..................friend  Peter.
      4. My name´s Alexis. What´s ............. name?
      5. I´m a teacher.  What´s ..............job?
      6. This is Andrea.  ...............boyfriend is a hairdresser.
     1. Hi!   ............ name is Carmen García.
     2. What´s ...........job?  Are you a policeman?
     3. Look!  That´s Antonio and ............ girlfriend, Paula.
     4. There´s Jenny and ............. boyfriend, Juan.
     5. I´m Elena.  What´s .............name?
     6. John, this is ........... English teacher, Ana.
  1.      This is my friend Ana.  ............ house is very big.
2.      Mary is a teacher.  ..........  students  are  very intelligent.
3.      John is a doctor. ......... hospital is in Puerto Real.
4.      Robert  is  a taxi-driver.  ..........taxi is  black.
5.      John and Anthony are students.  ............teacher  is  Spanish.
6.      We  are  writers.  ………. books are expensive.
7.      She is a mechanic.  ............garage is very small.
8.      Raul is a footballer. ..........team is Real Madrid.
9.      They are singers. .............songs are very beautiful.
10. She is a secretary. ..........boss is very strict.
     1.  Look! That´s Cindy  Crawford. …………boyfriend is an actor.
     2. Hello! ……..name is Raul.  What´s ……….name?
     3. There´s Pepe and …………English teacher, Johnathan.
     4. They are students.  ………..teacher is very strict.
     5. I´m a policeman.  What´s ……….job?
     6. We are footballers.  ……………team is Manchester United.

B)      Elija el pronombre posesivo correcto.

1.       I´ve got a car.   The car is mine / his.
2.   Alan, that is not your bike.  It´s not  hers / yours.
                    3.   Students, are those your books? Are they theirs / yours?
                    4.   The football is not Peter´s. It´s not  hers / his.
                    5.   Mary and Jane have got a computer.  It´s theirs / yours.
                    6.   We´ve got a new game.  The game is  ours / mine.
 C)      Complete las frases con los pronombres posesivos.
1.       Eric and Sue have got a boat.  The boat is ………………..
2.       This is my uniform.  The uniform is ………………
3.       That present is Jim´s.  It is ………………
4.       She is reading a magazine.  The magazine is ……………….
5.       We´ve got a friendly dog.  The dog is …………………
6.       Children, are these your surfboards?  Are they ………………..?
D)      Complete estas frases con el adjetivo o pronombre posesivo correcto.
1.       Whose camera is this?  Is it …………………? (you)
2.       Excuse me, those are …………….seats. (we)
3.       Is it ………………suitcase or …………………? (you/he)
4.       Is the dog eating …………………food? (it)
5.       They are not ………………keys – they´re ………………….. . (I/she)
6.       I don´t think it´s ………………..room; I think it´s ……………….. . (you/they)
7.       The policeman is asking me for ………………...address. (I)
8.       I think this is ………………..book.  Oh no, it´s ………………..  . (I/you)
9.       The cat wants ……………….dinner.  (it)
10.   You know it´s not ………………..money.  It´s ………………… . (you/I)
Sustituya lo subrayado por una de las siguientes palabras: me, him, her, it, us, them.
1.      Write these letters and send the letters.
2.      Look at this boy.
3.      Open the door.
4.      Take Peter and me to the zoo.
5.      Close these boxes.
6.      Close this box.
7.      Speak to Mary.
8.      Speak to the teachers.
9.      Don´t help those students.
10.  Read this book.
11.  Dance with John and me.
12.  Put those books under the table.
13.  Help that old woman.
14.  Talk to that man.
15.  Sit behind Susan and me.
16.  Write those sentences on the blackboard.
17.  Help that old lady.
18.  Close the door.
19.  Open the doors.
20.  Look at the computer. 
1.       Are you going out with Jennifer ?
2.       Our teacher is going to give me and the other students lots of homework.
3.       The children are writing to their grandmother.
4.       I´m going to  play football with the other students after school.
5.       Give the CD to David.
6.       I can´t play the guitar.
7.       Can I have my book, please?  I´m sorry,  Mary is reading  your book .
8.       Who´s got my glasses?  I´ve got your glasses.
9.       This exercise is very difficult.   Can you explain this exercise to John and me?
10.   They´re visiting their friends tonight.

Pon el adverbio en el lugar correcto:

They cook spaghetti with bacon and tomato (usually)

He doesn´t ask many questions (sometimes)

I use a computer at work (never)

She is at home (allways)

Cambia las palabras subrayadas por pronombres sujeto o pronombres objeto:

Ejemplo / Caroline likes those magacines: She likes them

My parents know Margaret very well

Bill studies with Carol and me

Susie never drinks milk at breakfast

Sally and Mark sometimes go out with Mario

Andrew doesn´t eat potatoes

Pon el verbo en presente simple:

1. John ___________ to Mary.(talk)
2. She ____________ television every night.(watch)
3. The children usually ___________ to bed at nine o'clock. (go)
4. __________ Richard _____________ a book all days? (read)
5. They ___________ to the theatre very often.(not go)
6. She ____________ today so she ____________. (study / not play)
7. I ______________ English, although I _____________ it atl days. (not speak / study)
8. I _________ in Valencia, although I ____________ in Madrid now. (live / stay)
9. He __________ in a hotel because he ____________ his own apartment. (stay / not have)
10. She __________ from Chile, but she _____________ there. (come / not live)
2. Ejercicios de inglés con el vocabulario de las rutinas diarias


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