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Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: _________ A#: ________

Louis XIV was born in 1638 at

St. Germain-en-Laye, France. Louis XIV became the
king of France when he was only five. He ruled from
1643 to 1715 (72 years-the longest reign in modern Eu-
ropean history). However, the Cardinal Mazarin acted
as regent until 1661. At the Cardinal!s death, Louis
took all of the power for himself.
Louis was of medium height and was far from handsome, but he had a natural
dignity and a commanding appearance that made him appear very kingly. He
was not well educated and had little imagination, but he mastered the details of
government and directed the administration of the kingdom. He was honest and
straightforward, although he was a master of deception when needed. France also
held a great deal of the world!s wealth during his tenure as king.

The finest example of Louis!"desire for glory may be found in the palace at Versailles, which deeply drained the
coffers of the kingdom because it was so large that it took 35,000 people more than thirty years to build. The
interior was magnificently furnished with mosaics, paintings, and mirrors. Surrounding the palace are acres of
gardens, lakes, and fountains. The palace at Versailles is located just outside of Paris, France, and is still one of

France!s most popular tourist destinations.

Louis insisted on the most elaborate court etiquette. From the time he woke up in the morning until the time he
went to bed at night he was waited on. Courtiers (nobles) competed for the honour of helping the king dress,
wash, and even go to the bathroom.
Louis XIV desired order, unity and obedience. He believed that all power had to be in his hands. He denied the
nobles a role in the government, but to win their loyalty he brought them to court and treated them to entertain-
ment. He gave the nobles titles, honorary positions and pensions. In France during the 17th century, all power
was in the hands of the king. This was called Absolutism. (As in the king has absolute power and authority; no
one can contradict him.)
Louis fought in four major wars. His great aim was to make himself supreme in Europe. A passion for fame and
a desire to increase French territory in Europe were his leading motives. He involved France in wars that ruined
the country financially and paved the way for the outbreak of the French Revolution. His aggressive moves led
other countries to form alliances against him.
After 1685, Louis!"reign was less glorious than in earlier years. Colbert, Louis!"minister, who died in
1683, could no longer prevent the King from fighting wars and plunging the country into debt. King
Louis XIV died in 1716 and was succeeded by Louis XV, his great-grandson. Louis died just days
before his 77th birthday, his son and the others in line to the throne had already died, leaving France with
yet another five-year-old king: Louis XVI.
Be sure to answer the questions on the other side of the paper in complete sentences after completing the reading.
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: _________ A#: ________
1. Where was Louis XIV born and at what age did he become King of France?
2. How long did Louis XIV rule? Why was his reign significant compared to other European monarchs?
3. What was it about Louis XIV that made him so powerful?
4. How many people were needed to build the Palace at Versailles?
5. Name four things that made the Palace at Versailles elaborate.
6. List three things that motivated Louis XIV. What do we call this type of monarch?
7. Louis XIV fought in how many major wars?

8. What were Louis!s intentions behind war?

9. What was the financial result of all of the wars that Louis had his army fight in?

10. Which of the king!s relatives became King Louis XV? Why?
11. An aerial view of the Palace at Versailles, what Catholic symbol do you see in the picture?
(Hint: the lakes are all manmade).
__________________________________________ .

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