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The term fine art was first used in the English language in the eighteenth century as a translation from

French term beaux arts.
The first paintings were not about beauty, more even about representing. Its like how people tried to create
an image of animals and hunting. We can see it in cave (печера) paintings that go back 40,000 years.
But there were such cases when in the 20th century some tribes were afraid of taking photographs and
believed that photographs could take away their souls

Two-dimensional representational art evolved through religious art until medieval меДІвл times. The most
influential artists created great works of art, and the physical painting techniques and pigments are still used
For example, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were among the creators of such pigments although the
Mona Lisa was painted on poplar wood. So, oils, acrylics, акрілікс watercolours, gouache гуешь, and higher-
quality papers were becoming very popular. But such artists were also scientists, thinkers, designers, sculptors
and writers as Da Vinci
People today still debate about the portrait of the Mona Lisa but in any way, it is one of the most famous
paintings in the world.
Religious art contained the subjects portrayed until the 18th century, Then people became more interested
in house painting.
But the exceptions to this trend were the Dutch and Italian Masters, who continued to paint peasants
пезентс, servants, and citizens. – it's more familiar to their customers.
The customers of the fine arts after the Industrial Revolution were mostly rich people, they wanted to
decorate their houses with fine art. They wanted to see landscapes, still life, animals, and a new idea of nostalgia
носталджя –rural life.
These artists became the first representatives: Turner, Constable, Gainsborough, Stubbs, and others.
A quote that explains the essence of a new era in fine arts
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
It means that artists wanted to experiment
And They wanted not just to redraw the picture, but to add abstract images, details and emotions
And as for Van Gogh
he is probably the most popular artist today because we see his paintings almost everywhere : in cups, teatowels,
calendars and tablemats.
he was more interested in the use of light colours than just redrawing the picture.
Pablo Picasso is also an example of an artist who tried to express emotions and intellect in pictures.
going into the Tate Gallery in London we cannot see the visual explosion of a whole wall being devoted to
the big painting "Wham!" by Roy Lichtenstein.
As the definition or even purpose of some art becomes almost impossible, much is now called "art
Example: Tracey Emin received the Turner Prize for the work "My bed
It was her own unmade bed

The latest trend in 21s century art is "Performance Art' where the audience is the art
Spencer Tunick тьюнек said people to take off all clothes as installation art, to then be photographed en
Or another example, in 2005 the Tate Gallery in London paid €20,000 for a performance piece which
involves members of the public standing in a line and asking each other the time. The name of this work is

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