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Lack of proper communication in households

A successful working family relies heavily on communication. You

interact with family members not just with your words, but also with
your body language and actions. If you communicate in a negative
way or don't communicate at all, it will only get worse as you get older
and may even damage who you become as an adult.

Yelling, carrying grudges, keeping secrets, accusing, giving the

silent treatment, using ultimatums or threats, labeling someone terrible
instead of the conduct, and causing harm are all examples of poor
family communication. If these issues persist, you will never feel
connected to your family again. When children, teens, or young adults,
the way parents talk to their children or siblings talk to one other can
have an impact on their positive development. If they haven't gotten
over their bad feelings, young individuals can develop anxiety and
depression. When children do not respect authority or engage in high-
risk behaviors such as criminal activity or substance misuse, they may
develop behavioral disorders.

Improper communication leads to erroneous assumptions, the

illusion of being able to read people's minds, and a tendency to jump
to conclusions. When you don't know what's going on in your family,
it's easy to become caught up in unnecessary worry, fear, and
concern, which can lead to stress. Arguments will be easier to start.
Your self-esteem may decrease, and you may be hesitant to speak to
anyone in your family. If this separation continues, no one will care or
be concerned about the situation and the family ties will break.

The best way to improve family communication is to take some

time away from your busy schedule to have a talk with your family
members. Make sure it is in a private atmosphere with no distractions
like the television or your phone. Listen to what the other person is
saying and ask how the other person is feeling. Repeat back what the
other person says if you are having trouble understanding. Show that
you understand how they feel by giving a gentle touch or a hug. Do
not minimize the person’s feelings by saying they are being dramatic
or wrong for feeling how they feel. Otherwise, they will not talk to you
again. Speak the way that you would want someone to speak to you.
It is important to keep that line of communication going so that you will
always have your family in your life.

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