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Among the many things I picked up in my Economic Geography class, I'll discuss the Hydrological Cycle

and how human activity is altering it, the Factors Affecting Economic Activity and how they have an
impact on the economy of Dhaka, and the Industrial Revolution and its consequences for Modern

Water vapor forms in the sun and rises from bodies of water like lakes, rivers, and oceans to the upper
atmosphere, where it cools and condenses back into droplets. All of the microscopic droplets of water
clump together and float in the air like clouds. The water droplets in the clouds clump together, swell,
and eventually rain down to Earth. Hail forms when water droplets in clouds freeze to temperatures
below freezing. Water from the river and the rain that falls on the ground together. In this way, water
flows from the river to the sea and back again, completing the cycle.

There are a variety of ways in which humans are impacting the hydrologic cycle. The hydrologic cycle is
being greatly impacted by human activity. One of these is the overexploitation of groundwater supplies.
Groundwater levels are falling because of human activity, which disrupts ecological balance. Reduced
groundwater levels are a serious problem. Furthermore, continuing to pump surplus water from the
ground raises the risk of landslides. Taking too much water from the ground is the main reason for salt
water intrusion. For this reason, that water becomes unsafe for drink and domestic needs. Furthermore,
People are cutting down trees to make their own necessities i.e. houses, furniture etc. Deforestation
occurs when trees are utterly destroyed. When the trees are cut, runoff increases. Due to runoff,
sediment increases and sediments are accumulated under the river where there is soil. When the soil
level rises, the river water overflows and flood occur.

Next, the activities that people do directly and indirectly every day for their livelihood are collectively
called economic activities. The economic activities of the people are related to the earning of money,
economic development and the acquisition of wealth in the daily life such as- animal hunting,
agriculture, fisheries, extraction of mineral resources, trade and commerce etc. Through these works
human economic development is achieved. Factors effecting economic activities can be divided into two
parts: Natural and Cultural. However, factors that influence economic activities of Dhaka: Firstly, the
river named Buriganga has played a significant role in the urban landscape, ecology and economy of
Dhaka city. This river is a major source of local water supply, deep drainage, recreation and fishing.
Moreover, it has played a significant role in the purpose of agriculture and industry. Furthermore, it’s a
major commercial transportation hub. Numerous human-caused factors also affect economic activity in
Dhaka. Dhaka as the country’s capital, has precedence over all other cities because the majority of
international investors, organizations, and delegations set-up their activities in this city. During the
British and Mughal empires, Dhaka also served as the capital of East Pakistan and the Bengal Presidency.
Its historical significance in terms of economic activity and raising revenue is thus undeniable.
The term "Industrial Revolution" is used to describe the dramatic shift that occurred in Europe's
industrial system in the middle of the eighteenth century due to the development of mechanical power.
England's agricultural and metal industries, textile and communication sectors, and social and economic
policies all underwent radical shifts. In a short amount of time, it spread throughout the rest of the
developed world, with the same results.

Early on, when the demand for manufactured goods was minimal, producers turned to the less-scaled
cottage industry. This cottage industry gave way to factory-made machinery as a result of the Industrial
Revolution. Thus, more items are being produced in a shorter amount of time than before, dependence
on animals is eliminated, and manual work is greatly decreased.

Roads might now be constructed using stones and pitch, a new method. These new machines marked
the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. People needed better economic opportunities, so they
headed to the cities and into the factories there. As a result, an industrial society based in cities
emerged. In addition, the Industrial Revolution allowed people to create electricity using renewable
resources like coal, mineral oil, water, etc. Therefore, the advent of the Industrial Revolution was a boon
to the development of human society. However, along with its many benefits, the industrial revolution
has brought with it a number of challenges as well. Carbon dioxide released as a byproduct of burning
fossil fuels at industrial scale is a key contributor to the warming trend that has been observed around
the planet.

Industrialists continue paying workers low wages and exploiting them in other ways despite the fact that
the invention of these machines has allowed them to produce more with the same number of people.

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