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Colegio Tomas Moro

English Department
Teacher: Valentina Garrido/Cristobal Barraza
Irregular verbs Keychain Rubric

Grade: 1°________

Criteria Excellent 4 Acceptable 3 Marginal 2 Unacceptable 1 Total

Spelling -
Accuracy The keychain does The keychain The keychain
not contain any contains 1 or 2 contains more than The keychain
spelling errors spelling errors. 2 spelling errors. contains more than
4 spelling errors

Required The keychain All but 1 of the All but 2 of the Several required
Elements includes all required required elements required elements elements were
elements, use of are included on the are included on the missing. Including
infinitive with keychain. keychain. different color
spanish meaning,
past simple and
past participle
64 Laminated
cards, alphabetical
order , title and
keychain holder
1 color ________
Completion of Student Student Student needs Student needs
independent consistently consistently improvement in improvement in
tasks (activities) achieves all the achieves all the achieving one achieving two or
+ worksheets workclass at a workclass using workclass more workclass
high level and the keychain
uses the keychain

Following Student follows Student needs 3 Student needs Student needs 6 or

Directions direction from reminders. Finds more than 3 less more reminders to
teacher. Helps instructions, asks than 6 reminders. stay on task and
Class Student asks follow directions to
Management other students other group
students and complete activity.
who are lost in members or
teachers for help Takes up class time
their groups find classmates for without reading or by not following
and follow help first to find attempting to look directions. Prevents
directions directions. at notes, learning for other
whiteboard, etc. students.
Constantly stops
class to ask for
Use of class Used class time Used time well Used some of the Did not use class
time well during each during each class time well during time to focus on the
class period. period. Usually each class period. project.
Focused on getting focused on getting There was some
the project done. the project done focus on getting the
project done.
Deadline Student present Student don’t
keychain on time present keychain
on time
Total 24 points

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