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Title: Request for Donations to an Education Program

Introduction (Skimming):
Mr/Ms Director of PT ABC

Paragraph 1 (Scanning):
I, Mrs. Ani Susanti, as a representative from the Children of the Nation Education Foundation,
would like to submit a donation request to PT ABC. Our foundation is committed to increasing
access to quality education for children in remote areas. The donations we receive will be used
to build new school buildings, buy books and educational supplies, and provide scholarships for
outstanding students.

Paragraph 2 (Skimming):
Our education programs have had a significant positive impact in recent years. We have opened
two schools in remote areas that previously had no access to formal education. More than 500
children have received quality education and the various facilities we provide.

Paragraph 3 (Scanning):
In order to expand our positive impact, we need support from companies that care about
children's education. We hope that PT ABC can make a donation that will help us expand our
reach and provide better opportunities for future generations.

Paragraph 4 (Skimming):
We really appreciate every form of contribution that can be made by PT ABC. Your donation will
be confirmed by official letter, and your company name will be listed in the list of sponsors on
our websites and publications. We will also present a certificate of appreciation as a form of
appreciation for the contributions made.

Cover (Skimming):
We hope that PT ABC can join us in our efforts to provide better education for children in
remote areas. We are ready to schedule a meeting with you to discuss further about this
cooperation. Please confirm your availability via the telephone number or email attached.

Best regards,
Mrs. Ani Susanti
Representative of the Children of the Nation Education Foundation

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