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Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39

DOI 10.1007/s11886-015-0593-9


Impact of Functional Foods on Prevention of Cardiovascular

Disease and Diabetes
Geeta Sikand 1 & Penny Kris-Etherton 2 & Nancy Mariam Boulos 3

Published online: 22 April 2015

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract A healthy dietary pattern is a cornerstone for the pre- accounts for the most deaths in individuals with type 2 diabe-
vention and treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type tes mellitus (T2DM). Presently, 347 million individuals glob-
2 diabetes (T2DM). Compelling scientific evidence has shown ally have diabetes and by 2030 diabetes will be the seventh
many health effects of individual foods (including herbs and leading cause of death worldwide [1].
spices), beverages, and their constituent nutrients and bioactive There are many factors that contribute to the develop-
components on risk of chronic disease and associated risk fac- ment of CVD, CAD, and T2DM. Systemic inflammation
tors. The focus of functional foods research that is reviewed is one factor that plays an important role in the develop-
herein has been on assessing the health effects and underlying ment and progression of CVD, T2DM, and other chronic
mechanisms of action of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, diseases. Chronic stimulation of inflammatory mediators
dairy products including fermented products, legumes, nuts, leads to sustained vascular reactivity, insulin resistance,
green tea, spices, olive oil, seafood, red wine, herbs, and spices. and dyslipidemia. Functional foods may modulate the bi-
The unique health benefits of these functional foods have been ological processes that regulate lipid metabolism.
the basis for recommending their inclusion in a healthy dietary Dyslipidemia is common in patients with T2DM, and the
pattern. A better understanding of strategies for optimally includ- high frequency of CAD in diabetic patients is attributed to
ing functional foods in a healthy dietary pattern will confer great- the abnormalities of lipid metabolism. Optimization of se-
er benefits on the prevention and treatment of CVD and T2DM. rum lipids has been shown to reduce CVD risk including
T2DM, obesity, and metabolic syndrome (MetS).
Keywords Functional foods . Cardiovascular disease Functional foods have been shown to lower LDL-C nd
prevention . Type 2 diabetes prevention triglycerides and increase HDL-C [2, 3].
All foods are considered to be functional foods because
they provide energy and nutrients that are essential for
Introduction life. However, a growing body of evidence supports the
role of specific food components in the prevention of
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbid- CVD and T2DM. Foods containing bioactive components
ity and mortality globally. Coronary artery disease (CAD) are referred to as Bfunctional foods^ [4•]. This article will
summarize the role of functional foods including whole
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Diabetes and grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy, fish, green tea,
Cardiovascular Disease olive oil, dark chocolate, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, fenu-
greek, and red wine in the prevention of CVD and
* Geeta Sikand T2DM. The benefits, the mechanisms of action, and the
role of functional foods in the diet will be discussed. In
addition, the practical application of including functional
Department of Medicine/Cardiology Division, University of foods in a healthy dietary pattern will be discussed.
California Irvine School of Medicine, 101 City Drive South,
City Tower, Suite 400, Orange, CA 92868-4080, USA
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Penn State University,
319 Chandlee Lab, University Park, PA 16802, USA Definition of Functional Foods
Heart Disease Prevention Program, Division of Cardiology, C240
Medical Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-4079, Functional foods remain undefined under current US food
USA regulations despite providing a health benefit beyond the
39 Page 2 of 16 Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39

traditional nutrients including reduced risk of disease upon Whole Grains

consumption [5••]. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
(AND) position paper states BFunctional foods are whole Whole grains including rye, oats, barley, and whole wheat
foods along with fortified, enriched or enhanced foods that have protective effects against obesity, T2DM, cardiovas-
have a potentially beneficial effect on health when consumed cular disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and var-
as part of a varied diet on a regular basis at effective levels ious cancers [11]. Functional components in whole grains
based on significant standards of evidence^ [4•]. The include non-digestible complex polysaccharides, e.g., solu-
International Food Information Council (IFIC) defines func- ble and insoluble fibers, inulin, beta-glucan, and resistant
tional foods as BFoods or dietary components that may pro- starches. Additional bioactive components in whole grains
vide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition and may play a include carotenoids, phytates, phytoestrogens, phenolic
role in reducing or minimizing the risk of certain diseases and acids (ferulic acids, vanilic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid,
other health conditions^ [6]. P-cumaric acid), and tocopherols [12, 13]. Whole grains
increase secretion of glucagon like peptide 1GLP-1, pep-
tide tyrosine tyrosine PYY, and decrease secretion of
Functional Food Regulations ghrelin leading to increased satiety and decreased energy
intake, improved pancreatic beta cell function and insulin
In the USA, foods are regulated by the Food and Drug secretion [5••, 14, 15].
Administration (FDA) under the Federal, Food, Drug, and The American Society for Nutrition Position paper
Cosmetic Act of 1938. There is definition of functional foods. states there is moderate evidence, defined as evidence ob-
However, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 tained from multiple, well-designed, conducted, and con-
includes both conventional foods and foods for special dietary trolled prospective cohort studies with adequate and rele-
use [4•]. vant measures that gave similar results for all populations
Four categories of claims can be used by food manufac- or evidence from a well-conducted meta-analysis of pro-
turers on food labels to communicate health information to spective cohort studies from different populations that con-
consumers. These include the following [7]: sumption of foods rich in cereal fiber or mixtures of
whole grains and bran is associated with a reduced risk
& Nutrient content claims of obesity (level of evidence: B/C), T2DM (level of evi-
& Structure/function claims dence: B), or CVD (level of evidence: B) [16].
& Health claims The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee con-
& Qualified health claims cluded that a moderate body of evidence from large prospec-
tive cohort studies shows that whole grain intake, which in-
According to the Nutrition Labeling and Education cludes cereal fiber, protects against cardiovascular disease.
Act, a product is allowed to bear a health claim after Limited evidence shows that consumption of whole grains is
extensive review of the scientific evidence submitted to associated with a reduced incidence of T2DM in large pro-
the FDA [8]. The FDA permits all four types of claims spective cohort studies. Moderate evidence shows that intake
on functional foods if the claim meets the defined of whole grains and grain fiber is associated with lower body
criteria outlined for each claim [9]. Such claims are weight [17].
authorized based on significant scientific agreement or The Nurses’ Health Study reported 852 all-cause deaths
on an authoritative statement from a scientific body of and 295 CVD deaths among 7822 women with T2DM.
the US Government or the National Academy of After adjustment for age, the highest vs. the lowest quin-
Sciences [10]. tiles of dietary whole grain, cereal fiber, bran, and germ
Table 1 shows the dietary components that are authorized were associated with 16 to 31 % lower all-cause mortality.
for a qualified health claim for cardiovascular disease includ- After further adjustment for lifestyle and dietary risk fac-
ing the specific language for the claim and the level of scien- tors, only bran intake was significant (P for trend 0.01).
tific evidence [4•]. The multivariate relative risks across bran intake were 1.0
(reference), 0.94 (0.75 to 1.18), 0.80 (0.64 to 1.01), 0.82
(0.65 to 1.04), and 0.72 (0.56 to 0.92). Similarly, bran
New Findings on Functional Foods and their intake was inversely associated with CVD-specific mortal-
Bioactive Effects in Conventional Foods Containing ity (P for trend 0.04). The relative risks across the quin-
Natural Bioactive Food Components tiles of bran intake were 1.0 (reference), 0.95 (0.66 to
1.38), 0.80 (0.55 to 1.16), 0.76 (0.51 to 1.14), and 0.65
Table 2 lists the bioactive components of conventional foods (0.43 to 0.99). Similar results were observed for added
and their benefits for prevention of CVD and T2DM. bran alone [18].
Table 1 Qualified health claims for cardiovascular disease in terms of dietary component, qualifying source, language, and claim level

Dietary component(s) Qualifying source Qualified health claim language Claim level

Folic acid, vitamins B-6 and B-12 Supplements containing vitamin B-6, B-12, As part of a well-balanced diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, B
and/or folic acid folic acid, and vitamins B-6 and B-12 may reduce the risk of vascular
disease. The FDA evaluated the above claim and found that, while it is
known that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol reduce the risk of
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39

heart disease and other vascular diseases, the evidence in support of the
above claim is inconclusive
Almonds, hazelnuts, some pine nuts, Whole or chopped nuts Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 oz per day B
peanuts, pecans pistachios of most nuts such as [name of specific nut] as part of a diet low in
saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. [See
nutrition information for fat content]
Walnuts Whole or chopped walnuts Supportive but not conclusive research shows that eating 1.5 oz per day of B
walnuts, as part of a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet and not
resulting in increased caloric intake, may reduce the risk of CHD. [See
nutrition information for fat and calorie content]
n-3 fatty acids Fish, other conventional foods, supplements Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA B
and DHA n-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of CHD. One serving of
[name of the food] provides [x] grams of EPA and DHA n-3 fatty acids.
[See nutrition information for total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol
Monounsaturated fat from olive oil Salad dressings, vegetable oil, olive oil-containing Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 2 C
food, shortenings tbsp (23 g) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of CHD due to the
monounsaturated fat in olive oil. To achieve this possible benefit, olive
oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the
total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this product
contains [x] grams of olive oil
Unsaturated fatty acids from canola oil Canola oil, vegetable oil spreads, dressings for salads, Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 1 C
shortenings, canola oil-containing foods 1/2 tbsp (19 g) of canola oil daily may reduce the risk of CHD due to
the unsaturated fat content in canola oil. To achieve this possible benefit,
canola oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase
the total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this product
contains [x] grams of canola oil
Corn oil and corn oil- containing products Very limited and preliminary scientific evidence suggests that eating about D
1 tbsp (16 g) of corn oil daily may reduce the risk of heart disease due to
the unsaturated fat content in corn oil. The FDA concludes that there is
little scientific evidence supporting this claim. To achieve this possible
benefit, corn oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not
increase the total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this
product contains [x] grams of corn oil.

B, C, and D level claims correspond, respectively, to moderate, low, and lowest level of scientific evidence. (With permission from: Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Functional Foods J
Acad Nutr Diet 2013;113:1096–1103) [4•]
FDA Food and Drug Adminstration, CHD coronary heart disease, EPA eicosapentaenoic acid, DHA docosahexaenoic acid
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Table 2 Phytochemical/bioactive components and benefits for CVD and T2DM prevention

Functional food item Phytochemical/Bioactive components Functionality References

Barley Beta Glucan Hypolipidemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, increase satiety, [5••, 11–18]
39 Page 4 of 16

and decrease energy intake

Oats Beta Glucan, antioxidants, carotenoids, phytic acid, phenolic Reduce postprandial glycemia, improve glycemic, insulinemic, [5••, 11–18]
acids (hydroxycinnamic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and lipidemic response in persons with diabetes or prediabetes,
flavonoids, phytosterol) increase satiety, and decrease energy intake
Rye Phenolic acids, tannins, benzoic acid, phenylalanine Decrease carbohydrate absorption, stimulate insulin from beta [5••, 11–18]
cells, increase satiety, and decrease energy intake
Whole wheata Dietary fiber, magnesium (main cofactor of enzymes associated Increase satiety, decrease energy intake, improves postprandial [5••, 11–18]
with glucose metabolism and insulin secretion), potassium, glycemic response, glycosylated hemoglobin, dyslipidemia,
phenolic acid, alfa tocopherols, carotenoids and antioxidants. and CVD risk factors in patients with diabetes
Berries, cranberry, blackberry, Flavonoids (anthocyanins, anthocyanidins and ellagitannins in Blood pressure reduction, reduces pro-inflammatory markers and [19]
black raspberry, blueberry, skin and flesh) adhesion molecules, improves serum lipid profiles
red raspberry, strawberries
Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits) Flavonoids (eriodictyol, naringin, hesperidin) Anti-ischemic, antithrombotic antioxidant, vaso-relaxant, [19, 23]
improve endothelial function, blood pressure, lipid profile
Tomato and its by products Flavonoids (lycopenes) Antioxidant and hypolipidemic [22]
Red apple, apple peel, apple and Flavonoids (quercetin and epicatechin in apple skins) Improves blood pressure, vascular function and blood lipid levels [19]
its by products
Grapes Phenolic acids, stilbenes, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins Antioxidant activity, suppressing platelet aggregation, lowering [19, 28]
(Phytochemical composition varies among different varieties) cholesterol
Pomegranate Juice, peels, and Flavonoids (Anthocyanins) cyanidin, delphinidin, malvidin, Anti-atherosclerotic, anti-hypertensive, antioxidant, and [19, 29, 30]
fruit extracts pelargonidin, petunidin, peonidin, catechins, tannins anti-inflammatory
Spinach Flavonoid (Flavones): Lutein, betaine, violaxanthin, opioid Augment nitric oxide status, enhance endothelial function, and [19, 31]
peptides (rubisculins), P-cumaric acid, ferulic acid lower blood pressure
Legumes: Peas, Lentils, Beans linoleic acid, alfa linolenic acid, isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, Prevent dyslipidemia, lowered LDL-C in hypercholesterolemic [2, 19, 33–40, 50]
glycitein), phenolic compounds, saponins, and phytic acid; subjects without changing HDL-C
polyphenols (pelargonidin, cyanidin, delphinidin and
Soybeans Phenolic compounds, phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein, Decrease blood pressure, improve dyslipidemia, glycemic [19, 38–49]
glycitein) control, insulin sensitivity, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory
Nuts: Almonds, hazelnuts, Proteins, bioactive peptides, functional fatty acids e.g., mono and Attenuate postprandial oxidative stress and inflammatory [5••, 50–59, 60•]
macadamias, peanuts, polyunsaturated, fiber, phytosterols, polyphenols, tocopherols processes, improve dyslipidemia, decrease lipid
pistachios, walnuts and other antioxidant vitamins atherogenecity, improve insulin resistance, decrease all-cause
and CVD mortality
Green tea Polysaccharides, flavonoids including catechins (flavan-3-ols Cardioprotective effects including hypolidemic, anti- [61–64]
contain epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG 50–80 %)), thrombogenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
epicatechin 3-gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC) antihypertensive, antiprolifertive
epicatechin (EC) and catechin.
Chocolate Catechins, epicatechins, procyanidin Hypotensive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lowers insulin [65–69, 70]
resistance, improves insulin sensitivity, improves vascular
endothelial function via activation of nitric oxide
Despite benefits there is a lack of well-designed clinical studies
demonstrating CV benefit. The high caloric and high sugar
content of chocolate, particularly of some less pure forms,
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39
Table 2 (continued)

Functional food item Phytochemical/Bioactive components Functionality References

should be considered before recommending uncontrolled

Garlic Thiosulfinate (including allicin) Cardiovascular benefit in humans is controversial. Modest but [70–73]
significant decrease in platelet aggregation
Cinnamon Flavones {cinnamaldehyde and trans-cinnamaldehyde (Cin)} Improves insulin sensitivity, glucose, lipids, antioxidants, [74–77]
inflammation, blood pressure and body weight
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39

Hypoglycemic effects with some results conflicting. Current data

insufficient to recommend cinnamon for a medical condition
Turmeric Flavones (curcuminoids) Anti-inflammatory effects through mediation at both the gene and [78]
protein levels. Supplements not recommended due to paucity
of long term research
Fenugreek Alkaloids, saponins, flavones Glycemic control, possibly via delaying gastric emptying, [77–81]
slowing carbohydrate absorption, and increased insulin
sensitivity of the tissues, reportedly elevating
glucose-dependent insulin secretion
Dairy Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin D Decrease risk of CVD; reductions in blood pressure [83, 84]
Probiotics / yogurt E. faecium and L. reuteri Decreases LDL-C [96]
Olive oil Polyphenols Decrease CVD risk, CV mortality, CV events and stroke [105, 106]
Red wine Polyphenols, resveratrol CVD risk reduction [107]
Fish and seafood Omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein, B vitamins, vitamins A Lower risk of CHD, CHD death, arrhythmic deaths, ischemic [113, 114, 116]
and D, and phosphorus, potassium, selenium stroke, heart failure
Moderate evidence defined as evidence obtained from multiple, well-designed, conducted, and controlled prospective cohort studies with adequate and relevant measures that gave similar results for all
populations or evidence from a well-conducted meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies from different populations [16]
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Fruits and Vegetables receptors and inhibition of the sterol regulatory element bind-
ing protein-1c [46].
Fruits and vegetables are rich in many phytochemicals, solu- Soybeans uniquely inhibit 3-hydroxy-3 methylglutaryl
ble and insoluble fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These are im- CoA reductase, a key enzyme involved in cholesterol biosyn-
portant components of all cardio-protective dietary patterns. thesis. The presence of beta conglycinin in soy beans leads to
Most fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber (soluble anti-atherogenic effect via regulation of lipogenesis, decreased
and insoluble), vitamins, and minerals [19]. Based on clinical lipogenic enzyme activity, and inhibition of fatty acid biosyn-
trials and meta-analyses, fruits and vegetables are associated thesis in liver and facilitates fatty acid beta oxidation.
with reduced risk of CVD, diabetes, obesity, and metabolic Soybeans have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypoten-
syndrome [20, 21]. Improvements were noted in Hb A1C and sive effects [47].
triglyceride (TG) levels, antioxidants, oxidative stress and in- Two meta-analyses have examined the effect of soy protein
flammatory markers, diabetic retinopathy, and risk of carotid and LDL-C lowering. The first included 20 parallel studies
atherosclerosis with fruits and vegetables intake [19, 22–31]. and 23 crossover studies. Soy protein consumption of 30 g/
day was associated with a 5.5 % reduction in LDL-C in par-
Legumes allel studies and 4.2 % reduction in crossover studies. HDL-C
was 3.2 % higher in parallel studies and TG was decreased by
Legumes elicit protective effects against obesity, diabetes, and 10.7 % [48]. The second meta-analysis was based on 30 stud-
CVD [5••, 32, 33]. ies in 2013 participants. The inclusion of modest amounts of
Legumes include peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, and soy- soy protein (25 g) in the daily diet of adults with normal or
beans. Legumes are sources of plant protein, non-digestible mild hypercholesterolemia resulted in a 6 % reduction in
carbohydrates (dietary fiber, resistance starches, oligosaccha- LDL-C and 7.7 mg/dL decrease in TG [49].
rides), bioactive compounds including linoleic acid, alpha-
linolenic acid, isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, glycitein), Nuts Including Almonds, Hazelnuts, Macadamias,
phenolic compounds, saponins, and phytic acid, and some Peanuts, Pistachios, and Walnuts
polyphenols including pelargonidin, cyanidin, delphinidin,
and malvidin [34]. Beans are high in dietary fiber, phytate, A recent review concluded that tree nuts and peanuts improve
n-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and phenolic compounds; they glycemic control and reduce risk of CVD in patients with
have a hypoglycemic effect via inhibition of alpha-amylase T2DM [5••]. As an isocaloric substitute for foods high in
and beta-glucosidase activity that is similar to that of anti- saturated fats, nuts increase the proportion of unsaturated fats
diabetic drugs [35–37]. and decrease CVD risk. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines
Pinto, dark red kidney and black beans were associated Advisory Committee concluded Bthere is moderate evidence
with improved dyslipidemia, postprandial glycemic responses that consumption of unsalted peanuts and tree nuts, specifical-
and weight management in T2DM patients [38, 39]. Lupin ly walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, in the context of a nutri-
protein (35 g/day) extracted from the legume lupin lowered tionally adequate diet and when total calorie intake is held
LDL-C by 8.6 % without lowering HDL-C when compared to constant, has a favorable impact on cardiovascular disease risk
casein [40]. factors, particularly serum lipid levels^ [17].
In a recent meta-analysis [50], nut consumption was asso-
Soybeans ciated with a decreased risk of incident ischemic heart disease
(IHD) and diabetes. Consumption of nuts was inversely asso-
The anti-diabetic effects of soybean are mainly attributable to ciated with fatal IHD (six studies; 6749 events; RR per four
the interactions with estrogen receptors (ER) by soy flavones, servings weekly, 28.4 g; 0.76; 95 % confidence interval (CI)
which selectively bind to both the ER alpha and ER beta. ER 0.69, 0.84; I2 =28 %) and inversely associated with nonfatal
alpha is the key modulator of glucose and lipid metabolism IHD (four studies; 2101 events; RR per four servings weekly,
and regulates insulin biosynthesis and secretion and beta cell 28.4 g; 0.78; 95 % CI 0.67, 0.92; I2 =0 %) [50].
survival [41]. Soy protein (median of 30 g/day) has favorable Nuts are a source of plant proteins, bioactive peptides, un-
effects on dyslipidemia (a 4 to 5.5 % decrease in LDL-C, a saturated fatty acids, e.g., mono and polyunsaturated, fiber,
3.2 % increase in HDL-C, and a 10 % reduction in triglycer- phytosterols, polyphenols, tocopherols, and other antioxidant
ides) [42]. Soy protein may be of benefit to kidney patients vitamins [51]. The antioxidant effect of nuts is attributed to the
with diabetes [43]. However, the effects of soy protein on presence of alpha and gama tocopherol, phenolic acid, mela-
glycemic control and insulin sensitivity remain uncertain tonin, oleic acid, and selenium [52]. In patients with T2DM,
[44, 45]. Soybeans have been shown to induce insulin sensi- nuts improve postprandial glycemic response post-
tivity and improve lipid homeostasis via activation of perox- consumption of high carbohydrate meals in T2DM, attenuate
isome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and liver X postprandial oxidative stress and inflammation, optimize
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39 Page 7 of 16 39

dyslipidemia, decrease lipid atherogenecity, and improve in- hypolipidemic and anti-diabetic effects. Tea catechins are fla-
sulin sensitivity [53, 54]. vonoids that contain EGCG (50–80 %), epicatechin 3-gallate
Habitual intake of nuts in an isocaloric diet may help with (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC), and cate-
weight management of patients with diabetes due to their ther- chin. In black tea, 50 % of catechins convert to theaflavins and
mogenic effects, induction of satiety, decreased dietary fat thearubegins [2, 61, 62].
absorption, and increased fat excretion. Furthermore, the bio- In a study that investigated the effects of a catechin-rich
active components of nuts may help with appetite modulation green tea diet on postprandial hyperglycemia in postmeno-
and possibly regulate appetite neurotransmitters and adipose pausal women, postprandial glucose concentrations were
tissue metabolism. Nuts may decrease proliferation and differ- 3 % lower than in the control group, there was no effect on
entiation of adipocytes, inhibit lipogenesis, and induce fatty reactive oxygen metabolites after meals, and serum postpran-
acid beta-oxidation [55, 56]. dial thioredoxin concentrations were higher in the catechin-
Nuts lower inflammation by decreasing hs C-reactive pro- rich group compared to the control group. This study sug-
tein (hs CRP), interleukin 6 (pro-inflammatory cytokine), and gested that acute ingestion of catechin-rich green tea provides
fibrinogen and by increasing adiponectin (anti-inflammatory benefits for postprandial glucose and redox homeostasis
cytokine from adipose tissue). Dietary patterns high in nuts are among postmenopausal women [63].
associated with lower inflammatory CV risk markers, e.g., In both in vivo and in vitro studies, green tea polyphenols
intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and vascular cell adhesion removed endothelial hyper-permeability in the aortas of male
molecule [57, 58]. Nuts exhibit a beneficial effect on the en- Wistar rats fed a high fat diet and in bovine aortic endothelial
dothelium due to a high content of L-arginine, a main precur- cells fed a high glucose diet attributed to the decrease in reac-
sor of nitric oxide along with antioxidants and polyphenols tive oxygen species (ROS) production due to the downregu-
that potentiate this effect [59]. lation of nicotinamide adenine dinuceotide phosphate
Based on two cohort studies [60•], namely, (1) 76,464 (NADPH) oxidase pathway [64].
women (Nurses’ Health Study) and (2) 42,498 men (Health
Professionals Study), the frequency of nut consumption was Dark Chocolate
inversely associated with total and all-cause mortality includ-
ing heart disease independent of others predictors of death. Cocoa polyphenols are rich in catechins, epicatechins, and
Pooled multivariate hazard ratios for all-cause mortality procyanidins which exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
among those who ate nuts versus those who did not were effects by scavenging of ROS, Fe2+, and Cu+chelation, inhi-
0.93 (95 % confidence interval (CI), 0.90 to 0.96) for the bition of key enzymes, and promoting antioxidant defenses.
consumption of nuts less than once per week, 0.89 (95 % Strong evidence supports consumption of polyphenol-rich co-
CI, 0.86 to 0.93) for once per week, 0.87 (95 % CI, 0.83– coa products could contribute to CVD prevention. Due to their
0.90) for two to four times per week, 0.85 (95 % CI, 0.79 to tricyclic structure, flavonoids scavenge ROS and upregulate
0.91) for five or six times per week, and 0.80 (95 % CI, 0.73 to antioxidant defenses to improve endothelial hyper permeability
0.86) for seven or more times per week (P<0.0001 for trend). [65]. Dietary flavonols in cocoa may also lower insulin resis-
Similar associations were also observed between nut con- tance and reduce risk for T2D due to antioxidant effects [66].
sumption and deaths due to heart disease, cancer, and respira- Dietary flavonols exert an antioxidant, antihypertensive,
tory disease [60•]. anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, and anti-thrombotic ef-
fect and also improve insulin sensitivity, vascular endothelial
Green Tea function, and activation of nitric oxide. Results of a meta-
analysis of seven observational studies showed a positive as-
Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental evidence supports sociation between higher levels of chocolate consumption and
the role of green tea in preventing CVD [2]. A meta-analysis the risk of CVD. The highest levels of chocolate consumption
of five studies on green tea showed a significant association were associated with an adjusted lower risk for CVD (RR=
between highest green tea consumption and a decrease in risk 0.63 (95 % CI 0.44–0.90)) and a 29 % reduced risk of stroke
of CAD specifically one cup per day was associated with a compared with the lowest levels. Results were confounded as
10 % reduction in CAD risk [61]. However, another meta- majority of the studies did not adjust for socioeconomic fac-
analysis of 13 studies on black tea was not associated with a tors [67]. Several studies indicated the inability to distinguish
reduction in CAD risk [61]. between milk and dark chocolate as a limitation. In the
Green tea contains polysaccharides and polyphenols in- European Union, the minimum amount of cocoa solids re-
cluding catechins especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate quired in dark chocolate is 35 % and in the USA, it is 15 %
(EGCG) exert cardio protective effects through multiple [67]. Dietary flavanols may also improve endothelial function
mechanisms including antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, anti-in- and lower blood pressure by causing vasodilation in the pe-
flammatory, anti-proliferative, antithrombogenic, and ripheral vasculature and in the brain [68]. Despite this array of
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benefits, there is a lack of well-designed clinical studies dem- protein (CRP) is pivotal in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
onstrating a CV benefit of chocolate. The high caloric and and CVD [78].
high sugar content of chocolate, particularly of some less pure A meta-analysis [79] of six trials comprising of 172 subjects
forms, should be considered before recommending uncon- in the curcuminoid group and 170 subjects in the placebo group
trolled consumption [69]. showed curcuminoids were associated with a significant reduc-
tion in circulating CRP levels (mean difference=−6.44 mg/L;
Garlic 95 % CI −10.77—2.11; P=0.004). This effect was maintained
in those who used high bioavailability turmeric preparations
Garlic is an organosulfur compound high in thiosulfinate in- and supplemented for ≥4 weeks. Curcuminoids provide anti-
cluding allicin, which is the active phenolic component of inflammatory effects through mediation at both the gene and
garlic. Garlic has been associated with beneficial cardiovascu- protein levels. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have dem-
lar effects due to allicin formed when allin comes in contact onstrated the possibility of a cardio protective effect related to
with the allinase enzyme when raw garlic is chopped, crushed, curcuminoids, such as protection against development of car-
or consumed [70]. In animal trials, garlic was found to be diac hypertrophy. However, duration of the trials was short with
hypolipidemic [71]. In humans, the impact of garlic on lipids only two studies ≥8 weeks. For supplementation, the author
has been controversial. In a meta-analysis of 13 trials, garlic concluded that more research with long-term treatment dura-
had no significant effect on optimization of lipids or blood tion is needed [79].
pressure versus placebo [72]. The effect of garlic on throm-
botic risk was modest compared to placebo. However, a sig- Fenugreek
nificant decrease in platelet aggregation versus placebo was
noted [73]. In a study of 65 participants with a coronary artery Fenugreek seeds are commonly consumed in seasonings,
calcium (CAC) score >10 at baseline, aged garlic extract pickles, and curry powder in the daily diet in Asia, Africa,
(AGE) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) were shown to signifi- and Mediterranean countries. It is a fiber-rich plant commonly
cantly lower CAC progression [74]. At 1-year follow-up, used for glycemic control in Asia. Research has shown that
mean CAC progression was significantly lower in AGE+ fenugreek seeds exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ac-
CoQ10 (32±6 vs. 58±8, P=0.01) than placebo. Similarly, tivities attributed to the polyphenolic compounds. Steroidal
CRP was significantly decreased in AGE+CoQ10 compared saponins in fenugreek seeds are associated with
with placebo (−0.12±0.24 vs. 0.91±0.56 mg/L, P<0.05). hyperinsulinemia and decrease plasma total cholesterol [80].
After adjustment for age, gender, conventional cardiac risk In a meta-analysis of eight trials on fenugreek consumption
factors, and statin therapy, AGE+CoQ10 was associated with in patients with T2DM, significant reductions in fasting blood
3.99-fold (95 % 1.3–12.2, P=0.01) lack of CAC progression glucose (−0.96 mmol/L), 2-h blood glucose (−2.19 mmol/L;
compared with the placebo [74]. seven trials), and A1c levels (−0.85 %; three trials) were noted
with medium to high doses of fenugreek seed powder (>5 g/
Cinnamon day) [79]. The reduction in blood sugar by fenugreek seeds is
attributed to the presence of oligosaccharides that may act as
Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde and trans-cinnamaldehyde glucosidase inhibitors and prevent rapid absorption of mono-
(Cin), which may play a role in the prevention of T2DM and saccharides [81].
CVD. Several studies have demonstrated that cinnamon im- A daily dose of 5–100 g of fenugreek seed powder is asso-
proved insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, in- ciated with improved fasting blood sugar, postprandial glu-
flammation, antioxidant activity, weight reduction, and a reduc- cose, and HbA1c levels in patients with T2DM. Fenugreek
tion in glycation of proteins [75]. In a trial of 109 patients being delays gastric emptying, slowing carbohydrate absorption and
treated for T2DM, cinnamon lowered hemoglobin A1c com- improved tissue insulin sensitivity [78, 82].
pared with usual care [76]. However, due to conflicting results,
current data is insufficient to recommend cinnamon for a med- Dairy Products
ical condition but its utility in T2DM is the most desirable area
of research at this time [77, 78]. Several meta-analyses of prospective studies have examined
the relationships between dairy consumption, defined as milk
Turmeric (whole, semi-skimmed, fat-free), cheese, butter, cream, yo-
gurt, and ice cream and the relative risks for CVD, including
Turmeric is a spice that has been used in number of traditional CHD and stroke. A comprehensive review of the literature
systems of medicine in Asia. The anti-inflammatory proper- conducted by Elwood et al. [83] included several meta-
ties of turmeric are attributed to curcuminoids (bioactive poly- analyses of the relationship between milk and dairy food con-
phenols). Systemic inflammation measured by C reactive sumption and risk of cardiovascular disease. Results of the
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39 Page 9 of 16 39

meta-analyses suggest a reduction in risk in the subjects with health benefit on the host. The cardiovascular benefits of yo-
the highest dairy consumption relative to those with the lowest gurt were first investigated in the 1970s when Mann and
intake by 13 % for all-cause deaths (RR=0.87, 0.77, 0.98), by Spoerry reported a hypocholesterolemic effect of fermented
8 % for ischemic heart disease (RR=0.92, 0.80, 0.99) and by milk in Maasai tribesman [88].
21 % for stroke (RR=0.79, 0.68, 0.91) [83]. Subsequently, several studies have been conducted to clar-
Similarly, a dose-response meta-analysis of over 600,000 ify the role of fermented dairy products and probiotics on this
multi-ethnic adults reported an inverse association between relationship. Animal studies have demonstrated the
milk intake and CVD risk, with a 6 % decreased risk associ- cholesterol-lowering activity of fermented dairy products with
ated with each 200 ml/day of milk consumed [84]. In a pro- probiotics. However, human clinical studies using various
spective cohort study (n=26,445) examining the association probiotics have yielded mixed results, with some studies find-
between intake of milk, cheese, cream and butter, and inci- ing no effect [89–91] while others have identified a significant
dence of CVD, total dairy consumption was associated with a cholesterol-lowering effect [92–94].
12 % decreased risk of CVD (HR=0.88, 0.77, 1.02 P=0.05). Two meta-analyses have examined the effect of probiotic
Among the specific dairy products, a statistically significant consumption on CHD. In the meta-analysis by Guo et al.
inverse relationship was observed only for fermented milk [95], they evaluated the LDL-C- and total cholesterol (TC)-
(yogurt and cultured sour cream) comparing the highest lowering properties of 10 different probiotic strains. The anal-
(200–300 g/day) versus the lowest (0 g/day) intakes. There ysis included 13 randomized, controlled trials in subjects with
was no association for either milk (full fat or low fat) or butter normal and high cholesterol levels. Results from a study of 485
and incidence of CVD. This is important based on the com- subjects found that, when compared with placebo, probiotic
monly accepted nutrition strategy of reducing saturated fat consumption significantly lowered LDL-C by 4.9 mg/dL
intake to reduce CVD risk [85]. (P<0.01), TC by 6.4 mg/dL (P<0.001), and TG by 3.95 mg/
Other studies also have concluded that fat-containing dairy dL (P <0.05) but had no effect on HDL-C (0.11 mg/dL,
foods do not increase CVD risk despite their saturated fat P>0.05). The authors concluded that probiotics Bhave benefi-
content. For example, in a prospective cohort study of cial effects on TC and LDL-C in subjects with high, borderline
Swedish adults, 33,636 women were followed for 11.6 years high and normal cholesterol levels.^ However, this meta-
to examine the association between total, as well as specific, analysis is limited by the lack of investigation of the effects
dairy food intakes and incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) of specific probiotic strains on blood lipids [95].
[86]. When the highest quintile was compared with the lowest In a second meta-analysis of five double blind, randomized
quintile, total dairy food intake was associated with a 23 % controlled trials using the specific probiotic strain
decreased incidence of MI [HR 0.77 (95 % CI 0.63, 0.95, Enterococcus faecium in milk products, [96] Agerholm-
P<0.05)]. Among specific dairy food products, a 26 % de- Larsen et al. found a significant decrease in LDL-C and TC
creased incidence of MI [HR 0.74 (95 % CI 0.60, 0.91, by 5 and 4 % versus placebo, respectively (P<0.05 for both).
P<0.01)] was observed in highest versus lowest quintile of The analysis included a total of 400 males and females with
cheese intake, while a 17 % reduction in incidence of MI [HR different baseline cholesterol levels. However, the outcomes
0.83 (95 % CI 0.68, 1.01, P=0.03)] was observed when com- from the individual randomized placebo controlled studies
paring the highest versus lowest quintile of full fat cheese [86]. were mixed with some showing a lowering and others
A few studies have evaluated associations between bio- reporting no effect, particularly beyond 3 months [96].
markers of dairy fat and incidence of CVD [87] examined Most recently, DiRienzo [97] reviewed an additional 26
the potential association of dairy fat (phospholipid 15:0, clinical studies including multiple probiotic strains and
trans-16:1n-7, and 14:0) on incident total CVD and CHD in found that both E. faecium and Lactobacillus reuteri
the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). After ad- lowered LDL-C when compared with placebo. The evidence
justment for demographic, lifestyle, and dietary confounders, for L. reuteri was based on the significant findings of two
a higher intake of dairy fat (15:0) was associated with a 19 % multicenter trials, which demonstrated that L. reuteri provid-
lower CVD risk (HR [95 % CI] 0.81 [0.68 to 0.98]) and 26 % ed in either yogurt or capsule form was found to be most
lower CHD risk (0.74 [0.60 to 0.92]). No association was cardioprotective by significantly lowering LDL-C, TC, and
found for s phospholipid 14:0 and trans-16:1n-7 [87]. inflammatory markers when compared with the placebo.
The proposed mechanism of action for these probiotics is
Probiotics and Yogurt thought to be via a reduction in cholesterol absorption as a
result of deconjugation of bile salts in the small intestine due
Yogurt is a complex functional food produced by the probiotic to bile salt hydroxylase activity. Thus, it was concluded that
bacterial fermentation of milk. The World Health both L. reuteri (8.9–11.6 %) and E. faecium (5 %) lowered
Organization defines probiotics as live microorganisms LDL-C. Of note is that E. faecium does not have GRAS
which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a status whereas L. reuteri does [97].
39 Page 10 of 16 Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39

Olive Oil Two meta-analyses have been published recently that exam-
ined the association between olive oil and the risk of CHD. The
Previous meta-analyses of cohort studies reported inconsistent meta-analysis conducted by Martinz-Gonzalez [106] consisted
results of MUFA on coronary heart disease (CHD). In a pooled of 101,460 participants (CHD) and 38,673 (stroke). All studies
analysis of 11 cohort studies, Jakobsen et al. [98•] observed that were conducted in Mediterranean countries. Olive oil con-
replacement of SFA by MUFA marginally increased the risk of sumption was measured via FFQ across all studies. The analy-
coronary events, whereas there were no significant benefits on sis identified no significant association between olive oil con-
coronary death. However, these results are in contrast with an- sumption and risk of CHD. A random-effects model assessing
other meta-analysis of cohort studies, where Mente et al. [99] CHD as an outcome showed a relative risk of 0.73 (95 % CI
reported a significant inverse correlation between MUFA (but 0.44, 1.21) in case-control studies and 0.96 (95 % CI 0.78,
not PUFA) rich diets and risk of coronary events [99]. 1.18) in cohort studies following a 25-g increase in olive oil
Skeaff and Miller [100] did not observe any association of consumption. Three trials (two cohort studies and the PRED
MUFA-rich diets with relative CHD events and death. IMED trial) showed a significantly reduced risk of stroke that
Similarly, the recent meta-analysis by Chowdhury et al. was associated with the consumption of olive oil. For the cohort
[101] including nine cohort studies found no significant asso- studies assessing stroke, a 25 g/day in olive oil consumption
ciations between MUFA intake, circulating MUFA and risk of was associated with a combined RR for stroke of 0.76 (95 % CI
CHD. Schwingshackl and Hoffmann [102] summarized the 0.67, 0.86; P<0.001). The change was negligible when includ-
available evidence regarding MUFA and CVD risk. They con- ing the PREDIMED trial in the model. The random-effects
cluded that the evidence from long-term prospective cohort model combining all cardiovascular events (CHD and stroke)
studies provides mixed results about associations of MUFA had a RR of 0.82 (95 % CI 0.70, 0.96) [106].
with risk of CHD. One explanation for these inconclusive The meta-analysis [107] conducted by Schwingshackl and
findings might be for reasons that may pertain to the food Hoffmann included a total of 32 cohort studies and 841,211
source(s) of MUFA (i.e., animal products) and/or the lack of participants. Their results indicate an overall risk reduction of
control for trans fat in the analyses [102]. all-cause mortality (11 %), cardiovascular mortality (12 %),
For example, results from the PREDIMED trial [103•] cardiovascular events (9 %), and stroke (17 %) when compar-
demonstrated significant beneficial effects of experimental di- ing the top versus bottom tertile of intakes when MUFA, olive
ets high in MUFA (from either extra-virgin olive oil, 50 g/day oil, oleic acid, and the MUFA/SFA ratio were combined. In
or mixed nuts, 30 g/day) on major CVD events (a composite subgroup analyses, only olive oil appeared to be associated
of MI, stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes) in individ- with reduced risk since significant associations were only
uals at high cardiovascular risk when compared to a lower-fat found between higher intakes of olive oil and reduced risk
diet. In a recently published follow-up study of 7216 men and of all-cause mortality (RR 0.77, 95 % CI 0.71, 0.84;
women in the PREDIMED trial, Guasch-Ferre et al. reported P<0.001), cardiovascular events (RR 0.72, 95 % CI 0.57,
the occurrence of 277 cardiovascular events and 323 deaths. 0.91; P=0.007), and stroke (RR 0.60, 95 % CI 0.47, 0.77,
In this report, participants in the highest energy-adjusted tertile P<0.001), respectively [107].
of baseline total olive oil and extra-virgin olive oil consump- In contrast, subgroup analysis for MUFA (of mixed plant
tion had 35 % (HR 0.65; 95 % CI 0.47, 0.89) and 39 % (HR and animal origin) did not show any significant risk reduction
0.61; 95 % CI 0.44, 0.85) cardiovascular disease risk reduc- for all-cause mortality [107].
tion, respectively, compared to the reference. Higher baseline
total olive oil consumption was associated with a 48 % (HR Red Wine
0.52; 95 % CI 0.29, 0.93) reduced risk of cardiovascular mor-
tality. For each 10 g/day increase in extra-virgin olive oil con- There is strong epidemiologic evidence that light to moderate
sumption, cardiovascular disease and mortality risk decreased consumption (one to two drinks per day) of alcoholic bever-
by 10 and 7 %, respectively [103•]. ages reduces mortality from all causes and also lessens cardio-
It is believed that extra virgin olive oil may provide the vascular risk with higher intakes being associated with in-
greatest benefit to the Mediterranean diet as it also was found creased cardiovascular risk.
to be associated with a 26 % reduced risk of all-cause mortal- A two-part meta-analysis [108] of 26 studies (13 wine, 13
ity in the Spanish branch of the EPIC study [104]. beer) conducted by Di Castelnuovo et al. identified an inverse
Another important study [105] on olive oil consumption is association between light to moderate red wine consumption
the Three-City study from France in which the association and fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events. For all 13 studies
with incident stroke was examined in 7625 men and women (5 prospective cohort and 8 case-control studies with a total of
after a 5-year follow-up. Compared to those who never used 209,418 participants) that compared moderate wine drinkers
olive oil, those who used it for both cooking and salad dress- (one to two drinks per day) with non-drinkers and heavy or
ing had a 41 % lower risk of stroke [105]. binge drinkers, moderate wine drinking was associated with a
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39 Page 11 of 16 39

significant decrease in cardiovascular events after 2 to 24 years Fish and Seafood

of follow-up (RR=0.68; 95 % CI, 0.59, 0.77) [108]. The second
part of the meta-analysis (7 prospective cohort and 3 case- Since the landmark discovery made by Bang, Dyerberg,
control studies) with 176,042 participants, provided evidence and Sinclair in 1980 that consumption of long-chain ome-
to support a J-shaped dose-response relationship between wine ga-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA), i.e., eicosapentanoic acid (EPA)
intake and cardiovascular risk reduction. That is, a statistically and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), was related to a re-
significant inverse association was found as wine intake in- duced rate of ischemic heart disease in Greenland
creased to 150 mL/day (5 oz.). Beer drinking also produced Eskimos compared with a Danish population, a great deal
significant risk reductions although at an extent lower than that of subsequent research has been conducted that has eval-
observed with wine. A significant inverse association was ap- uated the cardiovascular health benefits and the underlying
parent when only CHD was considered but, unlike wine, it did mechanisms of action [113]. In 2006, Mozaffarian and
not reach statistical significance when CVD events or cardio- Rimm [114] conducted a comprehensive analysis of pro-
vascular mortality were individually evaluated [108]. spective cohort studies and randomized controlled trials of
The benefits of red wine are thought to be in part due to the fish intake, n-3 FA, and human health. They reported that
high polyphenol content, which confers antioxidant, anti-in- modest consumption (250–500 mg/day) of EPA+DHA
flammatory, and antiplatelet activities. Indeed, multiple small, was associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease
randomized controlled trials have found that red wine demon- (CHD) death. Between 0 and 205 mg/day was associated
strated superior improvements in insulin resistance, lipid pro- with a 14.6 % decreased risk of CHD death, and between
files, and endothelial function compared with other alcoholic 250 and 500 mg/day risk was decreased by 25 %. In
beverages [109]. Thus, for red wine, both the alcohol and 2013, Mozaffarian et al. [115] reported benefits of plasma
polyphenolic components seem to contribute to its beneficial phospholipid n-3 FA levels with cardiovascular mortality
effects. In a small prospective clinical study, Chiva-Blanch and incident cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Increasing
et al. [110] found that daily consumption of 275 mL/day plasma phospholipid n-3 FA levels (from the first quintile
(9 oz.) of dealcoholized red wine decreased systolic and dia- to the fifth) was associated with decreased total CVD
stolic blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide levels in the mortality (−35 %), CHD deaths (−40 %), arrhythmic
vasculature. This finding is in agreement with previous studies deaths (−48 %), fatal and non-fatal CHD (−28 %), and
showing that the vasodilator effects of red wine may be me- ischemic stroke (−37 %), P<0.05 for all [114]. Wu et al.
diated by the polyphenolic compounds [110]. 2012 [115] reported that circulating total long-chain n-3
Krnic et al. [111] compared the effects of three alcoholic FA and DHA were associated with a lower risk of inci-
beverages (red wine, beer, and vodka) on oxidative stress. dent atrial fibrillation (−29 % for EPA+DPA+DHA and
While all three beverages provided protection against −23 % for DHA; P<0.01 for both) [116]. In a meta-
oxygen-induced increase in arterial stiffness, only red wine analysis of 176,441 subjects from seven prospective stud-
provided protection against oxidative stress. In addition, stud- ies, Djousse et al. [117] reported a decreased relative risk
ies comparing red and white wine highlight the greater effects for heart failure comparing the highest to the lowest fish
of red wine on cardiovascular protection [111]. intake (−15 %) along with marine n-3 FA intake (−14 %;
Much of the evidence has focused on the phenolic com- P<0.05 for both). Collectively, the epidemiologic research
pound resveratrol as being responsible for the beneficial ef- to date clearly demonstrates a beneficial relationship be-
fects of red wine, since it has been shown to enhance nitrogen tween fish or fish oil intake and CHD mortality, including
oxide synthase expression, yet the effect of red wine cannot be CHD death, as well as sudden death. There is growing
explained by resveratrol alone. It seems more likely, based on evidence for benefits on ischemic stroke and atrial fibril-
resveratrol’s low bioavailability that many of the effects of red lation, as well as congestive heart failure.
wine are attributable to the combination of other polyphenolic More recent controlled clinical trials have not demonstrated
compounds found in red wine. benefits of n-3 FA in patients with heart disease. Prior to the
In a meta-analysis [112] assessing the benefits of wine, more recent trials, the GISSI Prevenzione Study that was pub-
beer, and spirits consumption on the incidence of cardiovas- lished in 2002 [118] with 11,300 post-myocardial infarct pa-
cular events, the investigators compared 11 studies. They tients who were given 850 mg of EPA+DHA per day for
found a similar J-shaped curve between wine and beer con- 3.5 years reported a 28 % reduction in total mortality (P=
sumption and the incidence of fatal and non-fatal cardiovas- 0.027) and a 47 % decrease in sudden death (P=0.0136). In
cular events (with a maximum protection at 25 g alcohol/day). the Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study [119], there was a
However, this association was not observed when considering benefit of EPA in an entire cohort of patients at risk for
liquors or spirits, likely due to different drinking patterns of CVD or in a secondary prevention cohort with the disease
these individuals compared to those observed for wine and (−19 % for both). In this study, 18,645 participants were given
beers consumers [112]. statin plus EPA (1.8 g/day) and followed for 5 years. In
39 Page 12 of 16 Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39

contrast, several more recent studies have not shown benefits guidelines recommend referral to a registered dietitian nu-
of EPA+DHA in high-risk CVD patients [120]. The reasons tritionist (RDN) for in-depth nutrition counseling including
for this include the following: studies were underpowered and a personalized cardio-protective dietary pattern to prevent
participants were given low-dose supplementation, as well as CVD risk and T2D [126–130].
state-of-the-art pharmacotherapy for their heart disease. While With growing recognition of the many food bioac-
t h e d e b a t e c o n t i n u e s a b o u t w h e t h e r n - 3 FA a r e tives and their health benefits, there are many fortified
cardioprotective, current guidance supports consumption of food products in the marketplace that feature the nutri-
250–500 mg/day of EPA+DHA for heart health (USDA) ents and the bioactive components for health benefits.
[121]. In addition, many organizations have recommended For example, there are many new sterol/stanol-fortified
two servings of fish (preferably oily) per week. foods that are designed to lower cholesterol levels.
Fish and seafood are a source of lean protein and B vita- Other examples include fiber-fortified foods, probiotics,
mins (B-6, B-12, biotin, and niacin). Vitamin A is found main- and omega-3 fatty acid-fortified foods. In addition, there
ly in fish liver oils, but some fattier fish like mackerel and are many new products entering the marketplace that are
herring can be a good source of vitamin D and vitamin A. due to advances in plant and animal breeding tech-
Most seafood is a good source of minerals such as phospho- niques, as well as genetically enhanced foods that have
rus, potassium, and selenium. Some shellfish, such as clams been modified to increase nutrients and bioactives of
and oysters, also are a good source of iron, zinc, and other interest. Relative to the latter, it will be important to
trace minerals. Canned fish with edible bones, such as salmon communicate to the public what the safety and benefits
or sardines, are also rich in calcium. of foods are that are produced by biotechnology. Given
the pressing need to increase the production of foods
that provide health benefits, it will be important to get
Practical Application consumer support for new foods in the market that have
been produced using advances in science.
The impact of functional foods in the prevention of T2DM
and CVD is significant.
Flavonoids come in greater than 8000 chemical structures
and are partly responsible for the protective effects of
cardioprotective dietary patterns rich in vegetables, fruits,
Functional foods can have marked effects in the preven-
beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Evidence sup-
tion of CVD and T2DM. Beneficial effects are attribut-
ports that a modest long-term consumption of flavonoids
ed to the functional components of different foods on
could prevent CVD and T2DM although they are not essential
risk markers related to the initiation and progression of
for short-term well-being [122, 123]. Strong evidence shows
cardio-metabolic diseases. Ingestion of fatty fish rich in
that cardio-protective dietary patterns that have greater impact
eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA)
on all cause and cardiovascular mortality include the DASH
acids could lead to a reduction in inflammatory stimuli
dietary pattern (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension),
and CVD risk. Consumption of fruits and vegetables,
the Mediterranean Style Dietary Pattern, the HEI (Healthy
whole grains, dairy products including fermented prod-
Eating Index) dietary pattern by the USDA, and the AHEI
ucts, legumes, nuts, green tea, spices, olive oil, red
(Alternate Healthy Eating Index) food pattern by the
wine, herbs, and spices would be expected to decrease
American Heart Association [124].
CVD and T2DM risk via multiple mechanisms. As ad-
Recently published guidelines such as the 2015 Dietary
vances are made in science, it is probable that further
Guidelines for American Committee (DGAC) Report
modifications of our food supply can be attained that
[125], the lifestyle management guidelines from the
further promote health.
International Atherosclerosis Society [126], the American
Heart Association/American College of Cardiology [127],
the National Lipid Association [128], the American
Diabetes Association [129], and the Obesity Society
[130] recommend consumption of whole food dietary pat- Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
terns that include increased intake of vegetables, fruits,
legumes, and whole grains; low-fat dairy products, poultry, Conflict of Interest Geeta Sikand, Penny Kris-Etherton, and Nancy
Mariam Boulos declare that they have no conflict of interest.
fish, non-tropical vegetable oils, and nuts; and limit intake
of saturated fats, sweets, sugar-sweetened beverages, salt
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
and red meats; and avoid trans-fat and achievement of a not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
healthy body weight [125–130]. These evidence-based of the authors.
Curr Cardiol Rep (2015) 17: 39 Page 13 of 16 39

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