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Vivien Monush

1. The science of language traditionally differentiates ... paradigms.

А. 2
B. 4
C. 3
2. The object of linguistic research within the cognitive-discursive paradigm is :
А. discourse
B. semiotic aspect
C. communication theory

3. The method of contrastive analysis is applied to:

А. analyze the semantics of lingual units
B. define convergent and divergent features in the use of lingual means in different languages
C. define functional features of lingual units

4. The term ‘paradigm shift’ was first used by ... to describe the process and result of a
change in basic assumptions within the ruling theory of natural sciences.
A. T. Kuhn
B. T. Gamkrelidze
C. N. Chomsky

5. The 19 century was the age of ... studies.

A. comparative
B. functional
C. grammar

6. Chomsky believed that the goal of linguists was to seek an apparatus that could ...
A. classify the linguistic elements of a given corpus.
B. generate the sentences of a language
C. make a catalogue of all the sentences

7. The anthropocentric paradigm displays interest in ...

A. modelling of knowledge
B. the mechanisms in the mind of the native speaker that generate language
C. a human factor in the language

8. ... introduced the distinction between diachronic and synchronic analyses of

A. N. Chomsky
B. F. Saussure
C. L. Bloomfield

9. ... tend to pay attention to the way language is actually used, and not just to the
formal relations between linguistic elements.
A. Functional theories
B. Cognitive theories
C. Structural theories
10. Cognitive linguistics interprets language in terms of ... that underlie its form.

A. syntagmas
B. concepts
C. functions

11. Cognitive linguistics DOES NOT study

А. frame semantics
B. cognitilogy
C. conceptual metaphor and metonymy

12. The Theory of Semantic Prototypes is advanced in the works by:

А. E. Rosch
B. О. Kubriakova
C. G. Lakoff

13. Cognitive poetics studies:

А. textual concepts
B. linguocultural concepts
C. frames

14. Cognitive science developed:

А. at the beginning of 80-ies in Europe

B. in the second half of the 70-ies in the USA
C. after World War II in the USA

15. ... was well-known for his work on metaphor and metonymy

А. Fauconnier
B. Langacker
C. Lakoff

16. Fundamental characteristics of Cognitive Linguistics:

A. the primacy of semantics in linguistic analysis, the encyclopedic nature of linguistic
meaning, and the perspectival nature of linguistic meaning.
B. meaning is 'interpretive' and peripheral to the study of language; the central object
of interest in language is syntax; the focus is on language-internal structural principles as
explanatory constructs.
C. the idea of language as a static system of interconnected units; distinguishing
language as an abstract system (langue) from language as a concrete manifestation of this
system (parole); defining the informational status of constituents.

17. The concept can be defined as a ... representation.

A. Semantic
B. Formal
C. Mental
18. Many cognitive linguists agree that components of lexical meaning reflect:

A. only significant conceptual features, but not all of them.

B. all conceptual features
C. subjective reality

19. V. Evans believes that the concepts internally are organized by the field feature
and include:

A. a sensual image, informational content and interpretative field.

B. nucleus and periphery
C. the image, the notion and meaning

20. The main method of cognitive linguistics is:

A. contextual analysis
B. conceptual analysis
C. semantic analysis

21. The structure of the concept includes:

A. notional, imagery and evaluative components

B. frames, scripts, scenarios
C. notions, meanings and images

22. ... are universal logical categories.

A. Concepts
B. Notions
C. Meanings

23. Concepts can be verbalized:

A. by words and word combinations

B. by lexemes and sentences
C. at the morphological, lexical and syntactic levels

24. Conceptualization, being a process of human cognition, aims at:

A. capturing the definitional features

B. the identification of verbal means
C. capturing the content of concepts

25. Our ability to identify entities as members of groups is called:

A. Conceptualization
B. Categorization
C. Modelling.

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