Week 6 Notes

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If you work in a company as a translator you probably will use Cat tool.

Cat tool has

numerous options like it may have a translation memory.

Survey is an easy way to gain quantative data. You ask them questions based on to what limit
they agree to the question you asked.

If you want to gain more qualitative data interview is the answer. You will have more
informative answers.

While analysing the material you got, you will arrive at a constituency of variables. This
means the qualities of the people that have been interviewed or surveyed and influences of
those qualities on the answers they gave.

Archival research will be needed when you need to find documents related to the people’s
lives. Archive has a large collection of texts that is being held somewhere. They are typically
owned by the government. Archivsl research may be diffcult because you have physically go
there and deal with people to access the archive.

Brain ScanningObserving which areas are actived of the brain and activity of the neurons.

Case studies are the most common research method by Translation Studies students. Its main
characteristic is singularity.

Asking what is the case studies is a hard question because it can be so many different things.
It might be good to look at how case studies operate in other fields.

In Translation Studies we can’t really determine what is a case and what is not .

If one person is feeling something wrong of their way to see the world, we can solve that by
talking to them. Trying to figure out what their environment is like, their desires, what kind of
memories they repressed. This leads to a cure.

Case study across many disciplines is a unit of human activity embedded in the real world.
Something that you actually see happening. A case study investigates such instances with
reference to a specific research question.

Cultural reproduction happens like releases of the Harry Potter books. They are in hundres
countires at the same time. Everbody can go to the store and get it. This means that this book
doesn’t really have a context. The book doesn’t exist like a patient can exist. You can ask the
patients and observe them. Cultural objects are everywhere and nowhere at the same time and
that makes it difficult to look at the appropriate context.

When you look at the paintings in a museum they say nothing about their context of opariton
but their cultural background is relevant.

When people do case studies in Translation Studies, they can not rely on a fixed context like
in the field of medicine. Therefore the actual work is to establish the appropriate context.
Case study research is being compared to solving mysteries in our field. A cultural artifact
exists but you have to reconstruct the context with some kind of evidence.

What and How questions are more interesting in Translation Studies and people usually stick
to that.

Pseudo Translation The author will act like a translator for various reasons.

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