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Rheumatology 10) Hereditary spherocytosis/etio diagn cong sphero

1) SLE patho cf inv mx 5
11) Rx cml/cf lab diag 3
2) Rheumatoid arthritis eti patho cf mx
12) Mx multiple myeloma 3
3) Gout etipatho cf mx
13) Schillings test 2
4) Polyarthritis 20 yr female - DD diagnostic workup
14) Polycythemia vera 2
5) Rx rheumatoid arthritis/disease modifying drug
/diagnostic crite 6 15) Agranulocytosis 2

6) Dia rheumatic fever rx / with carditis 4 16) Coombs test 2

7) SLE Dia rx compli 4 17) Analysis of p blood smear 2

8) Diagnosis of polyarthritis /polyarthritis 3 18) Macrocytosis

9) Gout/ rx and prevent 2 19) ESR

10) ANA 20) Purpura

11) Reactive arthritis 21) DIC

12) DMARDS 22) Hodgkins lymphoma

13) Bahcets syndrome 23) Pancytopenia

14) Etio CF management management of acute 24) Transfusion xn

rheumatic fever.
25) Cervical lymphadenopathy
15) Mx of rheumatoid arthritis
26) Henoch scholein purpura

27) Thalassemia
28) Megaloblastic anae
1) Iron metabolism anemia due to fe def/etio cf mx
5 29) Antiplatelet
2) Haemolytic anaemia cause diagnosis/ congenital 30) Rx haemophilia
spherocytosis etio cf mx 3
31) Aplastic anemia
3) Anaemia classify . megaloblastic anaemia causes.
Pernicious anaemia etio cf mx 2 32) Eosinophilia

4) 70yr female presents with severe pallor - 33) Bone marrow exam
probable cause clinical approach to reach 34) Haemochromatosis
diagnosis 35) Purpura
36) Pancytopenia
5) Myeloproliferative disorder classify. CML cf inv rx
37) Iron deficiency anaemia
6) Hodgkins lymphoma etio cf mx

7) Classify anaemia aplastic anemia etio cf mx GIT

8) Thrombocytopenia/ causes 3 1) Ulcerative colitis etio cf mx 4

9) Idio thrombocytopenic purpura 3 2) 45yr old male progressive abdominal distention

over 3month - DD work up rx
3) Crohns disease etio cf mx 6) 40yr male generalised anasarca one month -
possible causes workup
4) Discuss irritable bowel syndrome
7) 40 yr male bp 180/110mmhg inv rx
5) Ibs / mx 4
8) Cardiomyopathy etio cf inv rx
6) Diagn and rx duodenal ulcer 3
9) 45yr male chest pain probable cause workup
7) rx peptic ulcer
10) Causes and rx atrial fibrillation 4
8) Malena
11) Anaphylaxis/ anaphylactic shock 3
12) Compli acute MI/diagnosis 3
10) Etio peptic ulcer role of h pylori
13) Bradycardia 3
11) Causes dysphagia
14) Syncope 2
12) Achalasia
15) Pulsus paradoxus 2
13) Diag ulcerative colitis
16) Tachycardia 2

17) Cf acute LVF 2

18) Causes of secondary hyperension 2
1) 20yrperson generalised lymphadenopathy over
3month DD and workup/30yr durartion not 19) Irregular pulse2
20) Patent ductus arteriosus 2
2) 40yr male persistent diarrhea DD clinical
21) Complication of systemic hypertension
approach and workup
22) Management of STEMI
3) Inv chronic diarrhoea/ causes 2
23) Hypertensive intracranial bleed
4) Different modes of transmission Diagnosis CFs
management of HIV infection. 24) Raynauds phenomenon
5) 50 yr old female presents with significant wt loss. 25) Cardiac tamponade
Discuss probable causes and your approach
towards the diagnosis. 26) Ecg changes in mi

6) Discuss opportunistic infection in AIDS. 27) Cardiac enzyme in aMI

28) Causes and diagno hypertension

Cvs 29) Stokes adams syndrome

1) Heart failure patho cause inv rx/CHF 3 30) Malignant hypertension

2) Pericardial effusion etio cf mx note on cardiac 31) Pulse

tamponade 3 32) Echo in mitral stenosis
3) Acute MI risk factor cf diagnosis mx 3 33) Complete herat block
4) Infective endocarditis etio patho cf mx 34) Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
prevention 2
35) Aortic regurgitation
5) Hypertension etio cf mx complic
36) Water hammer pulse(collapsing)
37) Causes cardiomyopathy 3) Epilepsy classify approach to a case mx status
epilepticus/grand mal epilepsy 2

4) Cerebral embolism, etio cf mx 2

5) Siezure etio cf diagno rx
1) Hepatitis causes. Hep a cf mx 3
6) 25 yr male Acute onset hemiplegia. Discuss
2) Jaundice cause workup diagnosis 2 causes diagnostic workup
3) Cirrhosis liver etiopatho cf mx 2
7) Acute Guillian Barre syndrome etiopatho cf DD
4) Effects of chronic alcohol intake on liver discuss and mx
major complication of liver cirrhosis 8) Middle cerebral artery thrombosis patho cf mx
5) Ascites in cirrhosis of liver patho. Hepatic
9) Parkinsons disease etio cf inv rx
encephalopathy precipitation and mx
10) Csf analysis/in tb meningitis /acute pyogenic
6) Hepatic encephalopathy / rx 5
meningitis 4
7) Comp acute pancreatitis / cf /dia 5 11) Bells palsy 4
8) SAAG 2 12) Rx myasthenia gra/dia 4
9) Portal hypertension/ causes 2 13) Horners syndrome 3
10) Liver function test 2
14) Migraine/rx 4
11) Fulminant hepatitis 15) Mx parkinsons/pharmacotherapy 3
12) Hep b marker clinical signifi 16) Mx parkinsons/pharmacotherapy 3
13) Anasarca 17) Ankylosing spondylitis / diagno 3
14) Ascitic tap 18) Chorea 3
15) Non alcoholic steato hepatitis NASH 19) Aphasia 2
16) Liver abscess 20) Tremors 2
17) Tropical spleenomegaly 21) Status epilepticus/ Mx 2
18) Exudative causes of ascites 22) Sjogrens syndrome 2
19) Hepatorenal syndrome 23) Involuntary movements 2
20) Inv chronic pancreatitis 24) Nystagmus 2
21) Dia and rx hep c 25) Korsakoffs psychosis 2
22) Indirect hyperbilirubunemia 26) Rx parkinsons2

27) Transient ischaemic attack

Cns 28) Facial nerve palsy
1) 70yr man with quadriparesis clinical evaluation 29) Insomnia
and workup for diagnosis
30) Periodic paralysis
2) Myasthenia gravis etio cf inv rx 2
31) Dystonia
32) Rhombergs sign 10) Causes CF management and communication of
lobar pneumonia. *2*
33) Cerebral fluid analysis
11) Etiopatho Clinical features diagnosis management
34) Sleep apnoea
of Chronic Cor Pulmonale.
35) Pseudobulbar palsy
12) Etio CF management Empyema thoracis.
36) Petit mal epilepsy
13) Etio CF investigation treatment Bronchiectasis.
37) Rx status epilepticus
14) Etio CF management pneumothorax.
38) Gait
15) Compli (lobar) pneumonia 5*
39) Complex partial seizure 16) Status asthmaticus/ acute severe asthma 5*
17) Bronchogenic ca ( paraneoplastic ftr) 3*
40) Papilloedema 18) Haemoptysis 3*
19) Empyema thoraces 2*
41) Treatable causes of dementia 20) Pleural effusion 2*
42) Trigeminal neuralgia 21) Pneumothorax 2*
22) Causes Mx ARDS 2*
43) Bulbar palsy 23) Pulmonary edema
24) Diagnosis of ILD
44) hemianopia 25) Bronchoscopy
26) Bronchiectasis diagnosis Tx
45) Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord
27) Lung abscess
28) Pleural fluid analysis
46) CSF analysis
29) Aspiration pneumonia
47) Sheehan Sy
30) Mx pulmonary thromboembolism
31) Sleep apnoea Sy
Respiratory system 32) Pulmonary fibrosis
33) Hypoxia
1) 40yr old brought to emergency resp rste 50/min -
clinical possibility workup diagno
2) Pulmonary thromboembolism cause clinical
manifestation diagno mx 1) PUO define discuss possible causes workup pt
with fever one month
3) Cyanosis 3
2) Hep b inf cf inv compli rx prevention
4) Clubbing 3
3) Hepatitis causes. Hep a cf mx 3
5) Diagnosis of ards
4) C reactive protein 3
6) Pathology clinical features diagnosis and
treatment COPD. *3* 5) Hookworm infestation

7) Etiopatho CF management of bronchial asthma 6) Tetany

(CF diagnosis Tx complication of acute sever 7) Involuntary weight loss
asthma) *3*
8) Dia and rx hep c
8) Etio CF management of bronchogenic carcinoma.
*3* 9) Mx mdr tb

9) Etiopatho CF management of pulmonary 10) Clinical features diagnosis management and

thromboembolism. *2* complication of falciparum malaria. *5*

11) CF investigation complication management of

leptospirosis. *3*
12) Etio CF diagnosis treatment of Enteric fever. *3* 59) Widal test

13) Etiopatho CF management prevention of tetanus.

*2* Nephro

14) Etio CF management of rabies. *2* 1) Middle age female progressive ascites DD MX

15) Discuss FUO. 2) 24yr female bleeding gum and painless

hematuria. DD and inv
16) Etio CF diagnosis complication treatment of
dengue fever. 3) Oliguria/mx 3

17) Compli and management of dengue fever/ 4) Polyuria

dengue sock syndrome 5*
18) Compli of falciparum malaria 5* 5) Lupus nephropathy
19) Rabies prophylaxis/ prevention 5* 6) Proteinuria
20) Leptospirosis 4*
21) Herpes zoster 3* 7) Ivp
22) Hept B prophylaxis/ vaccine 3*
23) Lepra reaction 3* 8) Etio CF diagnosis management of Nephrotic
24) Swine flu/ H1N1 2* syndrome. *5*
25) Diagnosis of TB (pulmonary) 2*
9) Etiopatho CF management of acute renal failure.
26) Cysticercosis/ Neuro 2*
27) UTI 2* *3*
28) Scrub typhus 2* 10) Etio CF diagnosis treatment of acute
29) Mx of cerebral malaria 2*
glomerulonephritis. *3*
30) Ebola infection 2*
31) Miliary TB 2* 11) 14 year boy with polyuria, excessive Wt loss,
32) Neurological manifestation of HIV 2* severe dehydration, acidotic breath and
33) Tx falciparum malaria 2* tachypnea. What is the diagnosis. How will you
34) Tx vivax malaria 2* confirm the diagnosis. Management of case in
35) Tuberculoid leprosy 2*
detail. *2*
36) Tetany 2*
37) Giardiasis 12) Etio CF management of acute kidney injury. *2*
38) Pneumocystis jirovecie
39) Oral manifestation of HIV 13) Aetiology Clinical features management of CKD.
40) Ascariasis
14) Discuss drug induced nephrotoxicity.
41) Filariasis
42) KFD 15) Proteinuria 3*
43) H pylori 16) Gout 3*
44) First line anti TB Rx 17) Urine examination 3*
45) Compli of vivax malaria 18) Diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis 3*
46) Prevention of typhoid fever 19) Uraemia 2*
47) Brucellosis 20) Lupus nephritis 2*
48) RNTCP/ NTEP 21) Analgesic nephropathy 2*
49) Lepromatous leprosy 22) Drug induced nephropathy
50) Erythema nodosum 23) Haematuria
51) MDR TB 24) Acute tubular necrosis
52) CF HIV 25) Albuminuria
53) Compli measles 26) Compli of renal failure
54) CF Mx tetanus 27) Renin angiotensin system
55) Mx of TB pleural effusion 28) Renal osteodystrophy
56) Weils Ds 2*
57) Hookworm infestation 2*
58) Acute haemorrhagic fever Fluid and electro
1) Hypokalemia 6 26) Artesunate 2*
27) Potassium sparing diuretics
2) Hyponatremia 5 28) Metered dose inhaler
29) Montelukast
3) Metabolic acidosis 4
30) Alberdazole
4) Rx hyperkalemia/ hyperkalemia 6 31) Mefloquin
32) Zidovudine
5) Anion gap metabolic acidosis 33) Nevirapine
34) Rifampicin
6) Hypocalcemia

1) Etiopatho clinical features diagnosis management
1) Heparins/LMW 2 of Graves Disease. *5*

2) Furosemide 2 2) Diagnosis CF complication of DM. Management of

type 2 DM. (Etiopatho Management of diabetic
3) Thrombolytic agent / thrombolysis 2 ketoacidosis) *4*
4) Atorvastatin 2 3) Etio CF management of Cushing Syndrome. *3*
5) Streptokinase 2 4) 30 yr old man emaciated state with at loss
6) Contraindication for beta blocker compliant for 6 months. Discuss DD. Discuss etio
CF management of hyperthyroidism. *2*
7) Antiplatelet agent
5) Etio CF management of Addison's disease. *2*
8) Clopidogrel
6) CF diagnosis treatment of pheochromocytoma.
9) Acarbose *2*
10) Amiodarone 7) Diagnosis and management of insulin dependant
11) Rituximab
8) Etio CF investigation treatment Acromegaly.
12) Tenecteplase
9) Etio CF diagnosis treatment hypothyroidism.
13) Newer insulins
10) Hypoglycaemia 7*
14) Aspirin
11) Diabetes insipidus 5*
15) Carvedilol 12) Myxoedema (coma) 4*
13) Mx pheochromocytoma 4*
16) Cf rx Digoxin toxicity 14) Diabetic ketoacidosis 3*
15) CF hypothyroidism 3*
17) Vit D
16) Diabetic neuropathy 2*
18) Antiplatelet 17) Addison crisis 2*
18) CF Diagnosis thyrotoxicosis/ thyroid storm 2*
19) Hypocalcemia 19) Diet in DM 2*
20) SIADH 2*
20) Carbamazepine 21) Diagnosis and Mx of hyperthyroidism
22) Diabetic foot
21) Telmisartan
23) Metabolic syndrome
22) Interferon 24) CF Tx Graves’ disease
25) Diabetic retinopathy
23) PEP/ prevention HIV 3* 26) Diabetic nephropathy
24) Compli of long-term steroid Tx 2* 27) CF cushing Sy
25) Primaquine 2* 28) Newer insulin
29) Gynaecomastia 6) Hysteria 5*
30) CF acromegaly 7) Insomnia 2*
31) CF Addison Ds 8) OCD / aka obsessive compulsive neurosis OCN 2*
32) Glycosylated Hb 9) Heroin addiction 2*
33) Compli of DM 10) Delirium tremens
11) Tx of acute alcohol intoxication
12) Generalised anxiety disorder
Toxicology 13) Bipolar disorder
1) Pathogenesis CF management of
organophosphorus poisoning. *3*
1) Scabies 8*
2) Discuss in detail Barbiturates poisoning. *2*
2) Psoriasis 7*
3) Diagnosis and management of poisonous snake 3) Tenia versicolor 3*
bite. 4) Steven Johnson Sy 3*
5) Urticaria 3*
4) Neurotoxic snake bite 7* 6) Photosensitivity
5) Organophosphorus poisoning 4* 7) Pruritis
6) Barbiturate poisoning 2* 8) Pityriasis rosacea
7) Lead poisoning 2* 9) Toxic epidermal necrolysis
8) CF Mx paracetamol poisoning 2* 10) Pityriasis versicolor
9) Yellow phosphorus poisoning 11) Lichen planus
10) Anti-snake venom 12) Tenia cruris
11) Salicylate poisoning 13) Skin manifestation of systemic Ds
12) Mx hemotoxic snake bite 14) Alopecia
13) Mx snake bite 15) Acne vulgaris

Nutrition Oncology
1) Discuss nutritional disorder of nervous system. Tumor markers 2*
Imatinib mesylate 3
2) Role of fat soluble vitamin of health and disease.

3) Discuss obesity and its complication.

4) Etio CF management pellagra.

5) Scurvy 7*
6) Pellagra 4*
7) Vit A 3*
8) Thiamine deficiency/ beriberi 2*
9) Obesity (compli) 2*
10) Vit D
11) Osteomalacia
12) Oral manifestation of systemic Ds


1) Complication of Chronic alcoholism.

2) Depression (major)(endogenous) 9*
3) Alcohol dependence/ withdrawal/ rum
4) fits/ delirium tremens (diagnosis and TX) 9*

5) (Paranoid) schizophrenia 8*

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