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Unit 2 Trades

Word Definition Translation

adjust (v) to change or move something ajustar (v)


attach (v) to fasten or connect one object fijar (v)

to another

fill in (v) to put something in an empty cumplimentar (v)

space or hole

fit (v) to put a piece of equipment into colocar (v)

a place

join (v) to connect or fasten things unir (v)


level (v) to make something flat and nivelar (v)


nail (v) to fasten something to clavar (v)

something else with nails

slide onto (v) to attach one thing to another in deslizar (v)

a smooth motion

scaffolding (n) a set of poles and boards that andamio (n)

make a structure for workers to
stand on when they are working
on the outside of a building

erect (v) to fix all the pieces of something levantar (v)

together and put it in an upright

hole (n) an empty space in something agujero (n)


plate (n) a flat piece of metal on the end placa (n)

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Word Definition Translation

of an object

mudsill (n) a supporting sill resting directly travesaño (n)

on a base or the earth

frame (n) used to form the structure and bastidor (n)

sides of scaffolding

jack (n) a piece of equipment used to lift gato (n)

or adjust a heavy weight off the

locking pin (n) a straight piece of metal that pasador de fijación (n)
holds two parts together

guardrail (n) a bar on scaffolding that guardaraíl (n)

prevents people from falling off

planking (n) wood that has been cut into long tablones (n)
narrow pieces of wooden boards
to walk on

ladder (n) a piece of equipment used for escalera (n)

climbing up to or down from high
places; it has two bars
connected by rungs

brace (n) something that is used to refuerzo (n)

strengthen or support something

coupling pin (n) a pin or bolt that is used to join pasador de acoplamiento (n)
together parts

foreman (n) a worker who is in charge of a encargado (n)

group of other workers

on (prep) touching a surface or being sobre (prep)

supported by a surface

under (prep) below or at a lower level than bajo (prep)

something, or covered by

in (prep) area to say where someone or en (prep)

something is or where to place

in between (prep) in the middle between two points entre (prep)

in front of (prep) at or towards the front of a thing frente (prep)

or person

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behind (prep) at or towards the back of a thing detrás (prep)

or person

next to (prep) very close to someone or junto a (prep)

something, with nothing in

tradesperson (n) someone who works at a job or especialista (adj)

trade that involves skill

carpenter (n) someone whose job is to build carpintero

things with wood, e.g. stairs

concrete finisher (n) someone whose job is to lay and rematador de hormigón (n)
level concrete

electrician (n) someone whose job is to electricista (n)

connect or repair electrical wires
or equipment

glazier (n) someone whose job is to fit vidriero (n)

glass into window frames

painter (n) someone whose job is painting pintor (n)

houses or other buildings

welder (n) someone whose job is to join soldador (n)

metals by melting their edges
and pressing them together
when they are hot

craft (n) a job or activity in which you artesanía (n)

make things with your hands
and that you usually need skill to

specialist (n) someone who knows a lot about especialista (n)

a particular subject, or is very
skilled at it

qualification (n) when a person reaches a cualificación (n)

necessary standard, e.g. by
passing an examination

vocational school a school in which students are escuela de formación

(n) taught the skills needed to profesional (n)
perform a particular job

training institute (n) a place in which students are centro de formación (n)
taught the skills for an industry

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Word Definition Translation

apprentice (n) someone who works for an aprendiz (n)

employer for a fixed period of
time in order to learn a particular
skill or job

journeyman (n) a trained worker who works for oficial (n)

someone else

master (n) someone who is very skilled at maestro (n)


supervise (v) to be in charge of an activity or supervisar (v)

person, and make sure that
things are done in the correct

masonry (n) the bricks or stone from which a albañilería (n)

building, wall, etc. has been

decorate (v) to paint the inside of a room decorar (v)

electrical wiring (n) the network of wires that form cableado eléctrico (n)
the electrical system in a

come from (phr v) to say where you were born or proceder (v)
last lived

live (v) if you live in a place, you have vivir (v)

your home there

coffee (n) hot dark brown drink that has a café (n)
slightly bitter taste and can keep
you awake

telephone number the number that you use to número de teléfono (n)
(n) telephone a person

tall (adj) used to describe the height of alto (adj)

something or someone

nickname (n) a name given to someone that is apodo (n)

not their real name and is often
connected with what they look
like or something they have

age (n) the number of years someone edad (n)

has lived

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height (n) how tall someone is altura (n)

material (n) a substance, e.g. wood, glass, material (n)

brick, metal

concrete (n) a material used for building that hormigón (n)

is made by mixing sand, small
stones, cement and water

metal (n) a hard, usually shiny material, metal (n)

e.g. iron, steel

glass (n) a transparent solid material used vidrio (n)

for making windows

wood (n) the material that trees are made madera (n)
of; used to make things, e.g.
stairs, doors

brick (n) a hard block of baked clay used ladrillo (n)

for building walls and buildings

stone (n) a piece of rock of any shape piedra (n)

paint (n) a liquid that you put on a pintura (n)

surface, using a brush to make
the surface a particular colour

bricklayer (n) someone whose job is to build albañil (n)

walls and buildings with bricks

window (n) an area of glass in the wall of a ventana (n)

building that lets in light

per (prep) for each para cada (prep)

space (n) the amount of an area that is espacio (n)

available to be used

calculation (n) when you use numbers in order cálculo (n)

to find out an amount, price or

plus (n) add on (in a sum of numbers) más (n)

minus (n) take away (in a sum of numbers) menos (n)

times (n) multiply (in a sum of numbers) por (n)

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divided by (n) to divide by another number in a entre (n)

sum of numbers

equals (v) the result of a sum of numbers igual (n)

brackets (n pl) a pair of signs put around words paréntesis (n)

or numbers to show extra
information, e.g. (1 + 2)

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