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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
2018, Vol. 52(8) 1089–1101
! The Author(s) 2017
Dynamic response of laminated Reprints and permissions:
composite beam reinforced with shape DOI: 10.1177/0021998317722042
memory alloy wires subjected to low
velocity impact of multiple masses

SMR Khalili1,2 and A Saeedi1

The response of laminated hybrid composite beam with embedded shape memory alloy wires subjected to impact of
multiple masses is analytically investigated. Two degree of freedom spring-mass system and Fourier series are used in
order to study the low velocity impact phenomenon on the resulting hybrid composite beam. A linearized contact law is
chosen to calculate the contact force history. The effect of pseudo elasticity of wires as well as the recovery stresses
generated in shape memory alloy wires due to shape memory effect is investigated. The beam is subjected to impactors
with various masses, radii, and initial velocities. Impacts are occurred on the top and/or bottom surface of the beam. The
effects of volume fraction of shape memory alloy wires, location of embedded wires, location of impacts and pre-strain in
shape memory alloy wires on the contact force history and the deflection curve of the beam are investigated. The
obtained results illustrated that embedding shape memory alloy wires in the laminated composite beam caused the
deflection of the beam to occur more local at the points of impact, in comparison with the beams without shape memory
alloy wires. Moreover, embedding 0.2 volume fraction of the shape memory alloy wires reduced the maximum deflection
of the beam subjected to impact of 2 impactor masses by 57% and 3 impactor masses (on both sides) by 12%. Pre-
straining the wires caused more reduction in deflection of the beam under impact loading.

Shape memory alloy, laminated beam, multiple impact

According to Olsson,4 low velocity impact is classified
Shape memory alloys (SMAs), due to their unique into small mass and large mass impact according to the
properties have been used to conduct various smart ratio between the impactor and the target masses.
structures in recent years. Shape memory effect In the case of large mass impact, the behavior of the
(SME) and pseudo-elasticity effect (PEE) are two impact is quasi static and can be modeled by spring-
properties which make SMAs ideal candidates for rein- mass systems. Khalili et al.7,8 modeled low velocity
forcing composite materials and producing smart impact and vibration of composite and sandwich
composite structures.1 The effect of SMAs in the
shape memory alloy reinforced composites (SMACs) 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology,
can be active or passive. In the former case,
Tehran, Iran
pre-strained SMAs are placed into the structure and 2
Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
activated by heating or electrical current which causes New Delhi, India
generation of the recovery force in the SMAs due to
SME. In contrast, there is no activation in the latter Corresponding author:
case and only PEE is responsible for improving the SMR Khalili, Center of Excellence for Research in Advanced Materials and
Structures, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of
mechanical properties of composite structure. Technology, Pardis Street, Molassadra Avenue, Vanak Square, Tehran,
Impact behavior of composite structures has been Iran.
studied extensively by researchers in the past years.2–6 Email:
1090 Journal of Composite Materials 52(8)

plates using higher-order theories. SMAs are used in each impact on the damage initiation in the circularly
different shapes and dimensions in SMACs including clamped CFRP plates. Chakraborty et al.24 performed
continuous wires, short fibers, fabrics, sheets, patches, a 3D finite element analysis in order to investigate the
etc. In recent years, the mechanical properties of vari- delamination of graphite/epoxy composites subjected to
ous types of SMACs have been investigated. Paine and the repeated impacts of cylindrical impactors. They
Rogers9–11 studied low velocity impact response of found that the delamination in the composite and the
glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composites hybridized contact force are affected significantly by the time inter-
with SMA layers. They reported significant enhance- vals between successive impacts. Experimental investi-
ment in the energy absorption of the hybrid compos- gations were carried out by Azouaoui et al.25 to study
ites. Tsoi et al.12 investigated the effect of pre-strained the impact response of cross ply glass/epoxy laminates
SMA wires in glass/epoxy laminates. They studied the subjected to the repeated low velocity impacts. They
effect of pre-strain, location and volume fraction of presented a relation between damage evolution and
SMA wires on the damage behavior of the resulting number of impacts that indicated the importance of
composites. Birman et al.13 studied the effect of embed- the first impacts. Atas et al.26 presented an experimental
ding shape memory wires into the composite structures. investigation on the repeated impacts on glass/epoxy
Their work exhibited that impact resistance of the composites and investigated the effect of thickness of
structure as well as total deformation of target was the composite plate on the impact response of the
enhanced during low velocity impact. Similar results beam. They developed some equations in order to pre-
were reported by Roh et al.14,15. Khalili et al.16,17 devel- dict the number of impacts for perforation without test-
oped a complete model for investigating effective par- ing. There are a few research works that investigated the
ameters of multi layered smart composite plates response of composite structures to the simultaneous
subjected to low velocity impact. They classified the impact of multiple masses. Lam et al.27 modeled the
stiffness of the structure into two categories including response of composite beam to the impact of multiple
essential and acquired stiffness and studied the effect of masses using higher-order theory. Malekzadeh et al.28
SMA wires on the latter case. More recently, studied the dynamic response of composite sandwich
Sofocleous et al.18 investigated the effect of combined panel with flexible core subjected to the impact of mul-
SMA wires and carbon nanotubes reinforcements on tiple masses using higher-order sandwich plate the-
the impact behavior of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy ory and Hamilton’s principle. Damanpack et al.29
composites. The obtained results showed that SMA presented a finite element formulation for impact ana-
wires improved the energy absorption of the composite lysis of sandwich beams subjected to simultaneous mul-
and presence of the carbon nanotubes resulted in tiple impacts. They used high-order theory and
damage initiation at higher depth of impact penetra- investigated various parameters on the response of the
tion. Riccio et al.19 performed a non-linear numerical sandwich beam.
study on the composite plates to characterize the In the present paper, the effect of embedding SMA
damage under low velocity impact. Riccio et al.20 also wires into the laminated composite beam on the impact
studied the behavior of the stiffened composite panels behavior of the beam is studied. The beam is subjected
subjected to low velocity impact. They performed a to impact of multiple masses with different initial velo-
sensitivity analysis on the accuracy of the results con- cities, masses and locations on both sides. Two degree
sidering the effect of the model approximation. of freedom (TDOF) spring-mass system is utilized in
Composite structures can be subjected to the impact order to model the force history diagram. Both cases
of multiple masses during their life time. As an example, of PEE and SMEs of the wires are considered. The
the airplane structure can be subjected to the impact by effect of various parameters such as impactor proper-
runway debris or hailstones or drop of small mass tools. ties, target properties, temperature change, volume
This type of impact causes multi-site damage in the fraction and pre-strain of SMA wires are also studied.
structure. Latinen et al.21 conducted finite element ana-
lysis to study multiple successive impacts on the com-
posite laminates using commercially available finite Method of analytical modeling
element program MSC/NASTRAN. Jone et al.22 per-
formed an experimental method to determine the resi-
Governing equations
dual strength of graphite/epoxy laminated composite A schematic diagram of the laminated beam subjected
subjected to multiple impacts. They presented a repair to the impact of multiple masses is shown in Figure 1.
methodology on the damaged composite structures. Displacement field for the beam according to the
Found et al.23 investigated the damage caused by first-order shear deformation theory is presented by
repeated impacts on the carbon fiber reinforced poly- equation (1). The bonding between the SMA wires
mer (CFRP) experimentally. They studied the energy of and the composite is assumed to be perfect and the
Khalili and Saeedi 1091

Constitutive equations
Constitutive equations for the SMACs are given in
equations (5).31,32 N and M are the stress and
moment resultants, respectively. Superscript (r) repre-
sents the recovery stress resultants and moments,
superscript (T) represents the thermal stress resultants
and moments and "0 ,  are the mid plane strain and
curvature, respectively.
   0  ( i )

N Aij Bij " N
Figure 1. Laminated hybrid beam subjected to impact of mul- ¼ þ
M Bij Dij  Mi
tiple masses.  i  r  ð5Þ
¼ ; i, j ¼ 1, 2, 6
debonding between the SMA wires and the matrix Mi Mr  MT
is not taken into account in the present formulation.
In the symmetric cross ply laminate:
uðx, zÞ ¼ u0 ðx, tÞ þ z x ðx, tÞ
vð y, zÞ ¼ 0 ð1Þ Bij ¼ Mi ¼ Mr zMT ¼ 0 ð6Þ
wðx, zÞ ¼ w0 ðx, tÞ and

where u0 and w0 are displacement components of the NTx ¼ ðQm c m c

11 l þ Q12 t Þkcx hx T
beam in x and z directions and x ¼ @u@z : In the particu-
Z h=2
lar case of cross ply symmetric orthotropic laminate Nrx ¼ ksx rðkÞ dz
where some of the coefficients are eliminated h=2

(A16 ¼ A26 ¼ D16 ¼ D26 ¼ Bij ¼ 0) governing equation

are reduced to equations (2). In equation (7), T is the temperature change and
ksx is the volume fraction of SMA wires in the plies
bD11 x , xx  bksh A55 x  bksh A55 w, x ¼ I € x along x direction. cl and ct are the thermal expansion
ð2Þ coefficients along longitudinal and transverse direction
bksh A55 x, x þ ðbksh A55 þ Nx Þw, xx þ q ¼  A w€
of the fibers in the composite. Superscript k is the
where Nx, ksh, A, and b are the stress resultants in x number of the layer with embedded SMA wire and
direction, shear correction factor, cross section area can vary between 1 and Ntotal (total number of the
and width of the laminated composite beam, respect- layers in the laminate). kcx is the volume fraction of
ively. q is the impact load and A55, D11,  and I are the the matrix and is obtained from equation (8).
laminate properties as follow:
kcx ¼ 1  ksx ð8Þ
Z h=2  
ð, IÞ ¼ 0 1, z2 dz r is the recovery stress in the SMA wires and can be
calculated from equation (9).
A55 ¼ Q55 ðzk  zk1 Þ ð3Þ
YðÞSres aA ðkÞ
N rðkÞ
¼ 1  cos aA ðT  As Þ  
2 CA r
D11 ¼ ð1=3Þ Q11 ðz3k  z3k1 Þ ð9Þ

k¼1 aA ¼
Af  As
0 is the density of each layer, h is the total thickness of
the laminate, and Qij are the components of laminate where Sres is the pre-strain (the strain generated in pre-
stiffness matrix.30 For a simply supported beam with stressed SMA) in the SMA wire, As and Af are the
length L, boundary conditions are presented in equa- austenite start and austenite finish temperatures,
tions (4). respectively. In order to generate recovery stress in
the wires, the temperature should be increased above
w¼ x, x¼ 0; at x ¼ 0, L ð4Þ As. CA is the slope of the stress–temperature diagram
for the SMA wires. YðÞ is the Young’s modulus of the
1092 Journal of Composite Materials 52(8)

SMA wires and is assumed to be a linear function of the where Fmi is the maximum predicted contact force for
martensite volume fraction ðÞ as follow:33 each impactor and Kic is the contact stiffness in the
improved Hertzian contact law and can be defined as
equation (13).30
YðÞ ¼ YA þ ðYM  YA Þ ð10Þ

where YA and YM are the Young’s moduli of SMA in 4 R1=2

Kic ¼ 2
the austenite and martensite phases, respectively. 3 ð1  2i =E2i Þ þ ð1=E1 Þ

Ri, E2i, and 2i are the radius, Young’s modulus and
Impact force Poisson’s ratio of each impactor, respectively, and E1 is
TDOF spring-mass model is used in order to achieve the stiffness of the laminated beam. It is worth men-
the contact force history as shown in Figure 2. For each tioning that according to the non-isotropic behavior of
impact, two masses and two springs are required. The the composites, E1 is the transverse stiffness of the top
equations of motion are presented in equations (11). lamina in the composite.

m1 z€1i ¼ Ki1 zi1  Ki2 ðzi1  zi2 Þ

ð11Þ Deflection of the beam
mi2 z€2i ¼ Ki2 ðzi2  zi1 Þ
In this section, the solution of the force history and
deflection of the beam is obtained analytically using
m1 represents the mass of the composite beam and mi2 Fourier series. Shear rotation, transverse deflection
represents the mass of each impactor. zi1 and zi2 are the and transverse load are expanded as equations (14).
displacements of the beam and each impactor at the These equations satisfy the boundary conditions in
impact point, respectively. Ki1 is the equivalent stiffness equations (4).
of the beam at the location of impact (xi). In the present
paper, the linearized contact law was used for calculat- X
1 m
ing the contact force, instead of the non-linear Hertzian x ðx, tÞ ¼ Am ðtÞ cos x
contact law. Ki2 is the linearized contact stiffness m
between the impactor and the beam according to wðx, tÞ ¼ Wm ðtÞ sin x ð14Þ
Choi’s model34 presented in equation (12). m¼1
X m
qðx, tÞ ¼ Pm ðtÞ sin x
Fi ðtÞ ¼ Ki2 i ðtÞ m
Ki2 ¼ Fim 1=3Kic 2=3; i ðtÞ ¼ zi1  zi2 For a concentrated transverse load at point xc, the
time dependent variable Pm(t) is defined in equation
(15). xc is the location of the applied concentrated
force on the beam and is measured from the end sup-
port of the beam.

2FðtÞ m
Pm ðtÞ ¼ sin xc ð15Þ
L a

Substituting equations (14) into equation (2) and

ignoring the rotary inertia yields:

L11 L12 Am ðtÞ 0
L12 L22 Wm ðtÞ Pm ðtÞ  hW € m ðtÞ
m 2
L11 ¼ bD11 þ bksh A55
a m ð16Þ
L12 ¼ L21 ¼ bksh A55
m 2
L22 ¼ ðksh b A55 þ Nx Þ
Figure 2. Two degree of freedom spring-mass model.
Khalili and Saeedi 1093

System of equations (16) can be reduced to equation Table 1. Propertie of the impactor and beam in example 1.35
(17) as follows:
Structure Properties

€ m ðtÞ þ !2 Wm ðtÞ ¼ Pm ðtÞ

Beam [0/90/0/90/0]s, Carbon/epoxy, simply
m supported beam.
ð17Þ Length: 200 mm
L11 L22  L212
!2m ¼ Width: 20 mm
AL11 Thickness: 4 mm
where !m denotes the fundamental natural frequencies E11 ¼ 120 GPa, E22 ¼ 7.9 GPa,
G12 ¼ G23 ¼ 5.5 GPa
of the beam. Now the equivalent stiffness of the beam
12 ¼ 23 ¼ 0.3,  ¼ 1580 kg/m2
at the point of impact (K1) can be obtained from equa-
Impactor  ¼ 7860 kg/m3, m ¼ 4 kg, impact
tion (18) and be substituted in equation (11):
velocity ¼ 3 m/s

K1 ¼ m1 :!21 ð18Þ

Results and discussion Example 2. Natural frequencies of composite beam

To validate the free vibration of composite beam, a
Validation of the results simply supported orthotropic beam [00] made of
In this section, the accuracy of the model is validated carbon/epoxy without SMA wires is considered. The
using some examples in multiple steps. Using some properties of the beam are listed in Table 2.
examples, the results which are obtained from the Dimensions of the beam are as follows:
present model, are compared with the previously pub-
lished results in the literature. First, a single impact Length ¼ 762 mm, width ¼ 15:2 mm, height ¼ 6:35 mm
on a composite beam without SMA wires is investi-
gated in order to validate the impact force and deflec-
tion for the single impact problem. In the next step, Three natural frequencies of the composite beam are
for validating the effect of SMA wires, the natural compared with Rao and Ganean36 in Table 3. They
frequency of the composite beams with and without used finite element method based on higher order
embedded SMA wires are considered. The effect of shear deformation theory to investigate the harmonic
different levels of pre-strain in the wires and the response of the tapered composite beams. In the present
SMA wires volume fraction is verified using pub- study in order to eliminate the effect of SMA wires,
lished experimental and theoretical results. At last volume fraction of SMA is set to zero. Results
step, the force and deflection of the composite showed the maximum of 3.8% discrepancy in the nat-
beam subjected to the impact of multiple masses is ural frequencies. The discrepancy is due to ignoring the
considered and the present results are validated using rotating inertia in the present method.
an indirect method.
Example 3. Natural frequency of composite beam
Example 1. Single impact on composite beam with embedded SMA wires
In this example for validating the impact response of The effect of recovery forces of SMA wires on natural
the model, a comparison is done between the results frequency of the laminated hybrid beam at various pre-
of the present method and the results of the impact strains are compared with Tsai et al.37 Table 4 repre-
of composite beam by Yigit et al.35 They used a sents the first natural frequency of SMAC beam with
linearized contact law based on the elastic–plastic 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% pre-strain, respectively. The
contact in order to yield the contact response. The agreement between the results is good as can be seen
properties of the impactor and the beam are pre- in Table 4 and the maximum discrepancy is 9.3%.
sented in Table 1. Figures 3 and 4 show the contact The volume fraction of the SMA wires in the beam is
force history and displacement response of the com- another effective parameter on the natural frequency of
posite beam, respectively. In the present case, local the SMA reinforced composite beams. Lau38 investi-
indentation is negligible, and the response is quasi gated the natural frequencies of the composite beam
static. As can be seen in these figures, the results with embedded SMA wires, experimentally and theor-
are in good agreement and the maximum discrepancy etically. The mechanical properties of the SMA wires
is occurred in the case of displacement result and is and the glass/epoxy composite are presented in Table 5.
about 4.2%. The diameter of the SMA wires is 0.5 mm. The effect of
1094 Journal of Composite Materials 52(8)

Figure 3. Contact force history of composite beam subjected to low velocity impact (example 1).

Figure 4. Displacement response of composite beam subjected to low velocity impact (example 1).

Table 2. Properties of composite beam in example 2.36 Table 3. Results of natural frequencies of composite laminated
E1 E2 ¼ E3 G12 ¼ G13 G23 
(N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2) 12 (kg/m3) Present Rao and
method Ganesan36 Error (%)
144.8e9 9.65e9 4.14e9 3.45e9 0.3 1389.23
First (Hz) 52.9914 51 3.76
Second (Hz) 211.0011 203 3.79
SMA wires volume fraction (no. of wires) on the nor- Third (Hz) 471.2 454 3.65
malized natural frequency of the simply supported
beam is illustrated in Figure 5. The normalized natural
frequency of the beam is defined as the ratio of the
natural frequency of the SMA reinforced beam and
that of the beam without SMA wires. The results
Example 4. Multiple impacts on the composite beam
showed that increase in No. of SMA wires, caused Validation of the results for multiple impact response is
reduction in the natural frequency of the composite performed using an indirect method presented by
beam. This is due to the increase in the density of the Lam,27 by comparing the responses of two cases includ-
composite, in higher volume fractions of the SMA ing the response of double small masses impact and the
wires, which has a reductive effect on the natural fre- response of a single small mass impact under the point
quency of the composite, according to equation (17). of impact with identical locations on the beam. In this
The discrepancy between the results is 4.2% for com- regards, only half portion of the beam can be con-
posite beam reinforced with 20 SMA wires. sidered when the material properties, geometry and
Khalili and Saeedi 1095

Table 4. Non-dimensional first natural frequency of SMAC obtained from present and Tsai et al.37


Temperature 0.10% 0.20% 0.30%

Present method Tsai-Chen37 Present method Tsai-Chen37 Present method Tsai-Chen37
40 C 18.46 20.05 20.72 21.89 22.05 24.32

Table 5. Mechanical properties of the SMA wire and glass/ force history in two cases at the impact point a/3. As
epoxy composites.38 can be seen in Figure 6, the force and the deflection
histories are very close to each other.
Material Properties

SMA wires Martensite tensile modulus: 25 GPa

Effect of SMA volume fraction
Austenite tensile modulus: 50 GPa
Density: 6450 kg/m3 In the present paper, SMA wires are embedded parallel
Transformation temperatures: Mf ¼ 25 C, to the fiber orientation inside the laminate. The volume
Ms ¼ 40 C, As ¼ 48 C, Af ¼ 55 C fractions of SMA wires are considered to be 0, 0.05, 0.1,
Glass/epoxy Tensile modulus E1 ¼ 12 GPa and 0.2. The wires are embedded along longitudinal
composite Density ¼ 1800 kg/m3 axis of the beam. The variation in the thickness of the
laminate (or volume fraction of the glass fibers) in the
case of large diameters of the SMA wires is not con-
sidered in the present paper. To investigate the effect of
1.1 SMA wires volume fraction on the impact response of
Normilized first natural frequency

the composite beam, the beam is subjected to two
impactors at locations x1 ¼ a/6 and x2 ¼ 5a/6. SMA
0.9 wires are embedded in the mid-layer of the composite
beam. The properties of composite beam and the
Lau [38] impactors are listed in Table 6. Figure 7 shows the con-
0.7 tact force history for the same impact. Due to the sym-
Present model
metry, the contact force histories for both impactors
0.6 are the same, and therefore only the force history for
one of impactors is shown in Figure 7. It can be seen
0 5 10 15 20 from Figure 7 that increasing the volume fraction of
No. of SMA wires SMA wires in the laminated beam, caused the max-
imum contact force to increase and the impact time
Figure 5. Variation of the normalized first natural frequency of to decrease. Similar trends for the contact force and
the composite beam with number of SMA wires. duration time have been reported by Khalili et al.39 in
SMA: shape memory alloy.
doubly curved panels with embedded SMA wires under
low velocity impact. Maximum contact force is 23.94 N
boundary conditions are symmetric about the mid-span for composite beam without SMA wires and increased
of the beam. Two cases of impact on composite beam to 44.38 N for hybrid beam with 0.2 volume fraction
are assumed as follows. In case 1, the fully simply sup- SMA wires. This is due to the change in the stiffness of
ported beam subjected to two impactors acting on the composite beam by embedding SMA wires. The
x1 ¼ a/3 and x2 ¼ 2a/3, where the parameter ‘‘a’’ is the improvement in the stiffness of the beam is due to
length of the simply supported beam measured from embedding SMA wires during manufacturing process
the end support. The composite beam in this example which influences the essential stiffness and the recovery
has no embedded SMA wires. Each impactor has forces in the SMA wires which enhances the acquired
0.05 kg mass and an initial velocity of 2 m/s. Case 2 stiffness of the laminated beam.30 Figure 8 represents
consists of the beam subjected to single impact at the deflection of the beam at the very short moment
x ¼ a/3. Impactor properties in case 2 are same as after impact (20 ms) and Figure 9, shows the maximum
those in case 1. Case 2 is the symmetric portion of deflection of the beam at the time when the maximum
case 1 with this definition, therefore, the impact force contact force occurs. The deflection curves are symmet-
and deflection at the impact location in cases 1 and 2 ric due to the symmetry conditions of the impactors
should be the same. Figure 6(a), shows the contact and the beam. As can be seen in Figure 9, maximum
1096 Journal of Composite Materials 52(8)

Figure 6. (a) Contact force history and (b) deflection time history for impact on the beam in case 1 and case 2.

Table 6. Properties of impactor, SMA wires and laminated is more possibility for damage) but on the other hand,
composite beam. SMA wires cause the deflection of the beam to decrease
and deformation of the beam to suppress faster. The
Beam properties Glass/Epoxy properties17,30
deFection decrease can be an indication of the increase
Length: 300 mm E11 ¼ 23.062 GPa; in the structural strength against impact.30
E22 ¼ E33 ¼ 10.789 GPa
Width: 20 mm G13 ¼ G12 ¼ 11.92 GPa;
G23 ¼ 4.68 GPa
Effect of SMA location
Stacking sequence: 12 ¼ 13 ¼ 23 ¼ 0.344 In this section, the effect of the location of SMA wires
[0/90/0/90/0]s in the laminate is investigated. The beam is subjected to
two impactors as mentioned in section ‘‘Effect of SMA
Ply thickness: 0.269 mm  ¼ 1796 kg/m3
volume fraction’’. Two cases are studied. In case 1, the
Impactor properties SMA wires properties30
wires are embedded in the mid-layer of the composite.
E ¼ 207 GPa, ¼ 0.30 Diameter of the wires: In case 2, the wires are embedded in the top and bottom
0.2 mm
layers of laminated composite. The volume fraction of
 ¼ 7800 kg/m3, mass ¼ 0.1 kg E ¼ 70 GPa, G ¼ 26.32 GPa the SMA wires in both cases is 0.2. Figure 10 shows the
Tip diameter ¼ 0.0127 m ¼ 0.33,  ¼ 6500 kg/m3 contact force response of the composite beam. As can
Impactor velocity ¼ 2.00 m/s  r ¼ 220 MPa at T ¼ 39 C be seen in Figure 10 the location of the SMA wires in
the laminate does not have significant effect on contact
force history. Deflection of the beam also does not
deflection of the beam significantly reduced by increas- show any variation by changing the location of SMA
ing SMA wires volume fraction. By embedding 0.1 and wires as shown in Figure 11. The recovery forces in
0.2 SMA volume fractions, 38% and 62% reduction in SMA wires are same in both cases, so the acquired
the deflection occurred, respectively. By increasing the stiffness of the beam remains constant. Changing the
maximum contact force and reduction of duration time, location of the wires causes the essential stiffness to
the composite beam withstands higher shocking effect change. The results show that in these two cases, the
(the energy conversion period is less and therefore there acquired stiffness plays the major role on the impact
Khalili and Saeedi 1097

Figure 7. Contact force history of composite beam subjected to two simultaneous impacts with different SMA volume fractions.
SMA: shape memory alloy.

Figure 8. Deflection of the composite beam subjected to two simultaneous impacts with different SMA volume fractions at impact
points at 20 ms after impact.
SMA: shape memory alloy.

response of the beam. It is worth to mention that in

both cases SMA wires are embedded in 0o layers along
Effect of pre-strain of SMA wires
longitudinal direction of the fibers. Placement of SMA Applying pre-tension in SMA wires and activating
wires orthogonal to 0o fibers will create a resin rich them by the temperature change produces recovery
region due to the fiber displacement to accommodate force in the wires. The induced recovery force affects
the wires.40 the impact response of the hybrid beam. Various
1098 Journal of Composite Materials 52(8)

Figure 9. Deflection of the composite beam subjected to two simultaneous impacts with different SMA volume fractions at impact
points at maximum impact time.
SMA: shape memory alloy.

Figure 10. Contact force history for laminated beam subjected

to two impactors considering different SMA locations. Figure 11. Maximum deflection of laminated beam subjected
SMA: shape memory alloy. to two impactors considering different SMA locations.
SMA: shape memory alloy.

pre-strains are applied to SMA wires and the impact pre-strain, only elastic modulus of the composite is
properties are investigated. The volume fraction of affected by the embedded SMA wires (PEE). The recov-
SMA wires is 0.2 and the wires are embedded in the ery forces in various pre-strains are listed in Table 7.
mid-layer of the beam. The temperature change is 40 C Higher pre-strain levels produce larger recovery forces.
and 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% pre-strains are applied to Figure 12 demonstrates the deflection of laminated
the wires. Recovery forces due to different pre-strains composite beam with various pre-strains of SMA
are calculated by equation (9). The generated force due wires subjected to impact of two masses at a/6 and
to pre-strain in the wires and temperature change is 5a/6 on the top surface of the beam. The properties
correspond to SME of the SMAs. In the case of no and location of the impactors are similar to section
Khalili and Saeedi 1099

Table 7. Recovery forces for SMA wires with various ‘‘Effect of SMA volume fraction’’. The volume fraction
pre-strains. of SMA wires is 0.2 and the wires are embedded in the
mid-layer of composite beam. The results show that the
Pre-strain (%) stress (MPa) recovery forces decreased the maximum deflection of
the beam. As can be seen in Figure 12, 0.1% pre-
0 0 strain caused 35% reduction in maximum deflection
0.1 58.7 in comparison with hybrid beam without pre-strain.
0.2 89.81 In 0.5% pre-strain of SMA wires, the reduction in
0.5 126.2 deflection of the beam is 56%. The reason is that the
stress recovery which is generated due to the thermal
loading increases the stiffness of SMA hybrid compos-
ites and hence improves the impact response of the
resulting composite. When the SMA wires are pre-
strained and activated, the essential stiffness of the
beam remains constant, while the acquired stiffness of
the activated beam increases, as a result, the total stiff-
ness of the beam is improved. Moreover, at higher pre-
strain levels in the SMA wires, the deflection curve
becomes flatter in comparison with the deflection
curve for lower pre-strains in the SMA wires. This indi-
cates that pre-straining the embedded SMA wires in the
laminated beam causes the deflection response to be
more local at the point of impact, and at the other
points, specially, the points between the two impactors
the effect is much less, hence the deflection curve of the
composite beam becomes flatter.

Effect of impact locations

In this section, it is assumed that the beam is subjected
Figure 12. Maximum deflection of the composite beam sub- to various numbers of the impactors with arbitrary
jected to two impactors with various pre-strains in SMA wires. locations. Impacts can occur on top and/or bottom sur-
SMA: shape memory alloy. faces of the beam. To investigate the effect of the

Figure 13. Maximum deflection of the composite beam subjected to various numbers of impactors on the top and the bottom
1100 Journal of Composite Materials 52(8)

impact location, three different cases are studied. In – Applying pre-strain in SMA wires produced recov-
case 1, one impact occurs at a/6 on the top surface of ery forces due to SME and as a result deflection of
the beam. In case 2, the beam is subjected to two impac- the beam decreases. 56% reduction in the deflection
tors at a/6 and 5a/6 on the top surface. The effect of of the beam was obtained by pre-straining the SMA
simultaneously three impactors at a/6 and 5a/6 on the wires by 0.5%.
top surface and at a/2 on the bottom surface is investi- – Presence of SMA wires causes the deflection of the
gated in case 3. In all cases, the SMA volume fraction is beam to occur relatively local at the point of impact.
0.2 and the wires are embedded in the mid-layer of the Moreover, Simultaneous impact on both sides of the
laminated beam. Figure 13 shows the deflection of the beam produces smaller deflection in comparison
beam in these three cases. For comparison, the results with single side impact due to superposing the
of composite beam without SMA wires are also pre- response of each impactor.
sented. As can be seen in Figure 13, the maximum
deflection of the beam in case 1 is decreased by 42%
by embedding 0.2 volume fraction of SMA wires. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Moreover, the occurrence of the maximum deflection The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
is shifted to the contact point. It means that the pres- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
ence of SMA wires causes the deflection of the beam to article.
occur relatively local at the point of impact and at the
other points of the beam the deflections are less. The Funding
deflection of the beam is increased in case 2 in compari- The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
son with case 1. Also the deflection curve is symmetric authorship, and/or publication of this article.
in case 2 due to the symmetry condition of the loads
and the geometry, despite of the deflection curve in case
1. The reduction in deflection due to SMA wires is 57%
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