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Importance of Education


Celina Abrão Aibo – 708210246

Quelimane, May of 2022



Importance of Education.


Celina Abrão Aibo – 708210246

Course: Degree in Public Administration 

Discipline: English

Frequency Year: 1º

Quelimane, May of 2022


1.1. Objectives...............................................................................................................3

1.2. Methodology...........................................................................................................3

1.3. Work structure........................................................................................................3

2. Importance of Education...............................................................................................4

2.1. Conceptual aspects..................................................................................................4

2.3.Education as a Tool for Development.....................................................................6

2.4.Importance of Education: Understanding our Responsibilities...............................6

2.5.Emphasis on Creativity............................................................................................6

2.6.The Role of Institutions...........................................................................................6

2.7.Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning............................................................7

2.8.The Need for Counselling........................................................................................7

2.9.The benefits of education.........................................................................................8

2.9.1.Developing problem-solving skills.......................................................................8

2.9.2.Self-reliance and empowerment...........................................................................8

2.9.6.Giving back to the community..............................................................................9



This study has as its topic, the importance of education. It is important to note that
Education plays a central role in all of our lives and paves the way for all of us to reach our
highest potential.

Education means studying in order to obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of

a variety of subjects to be applied to daily life. Education is not limited to just knowledge
from books, but can also be obtained through practical experiences outside of the classroom.

1.1. Objectives
 Talk about Importance of Education;
 Identify Conceptual aspects;
 Describe The benefits of education.

1.2. Methodology
This work was done with help of physical and electronically books through internet. Some
ideas are personal according to teacher’s recommendations

1.3. Work structure

This work enjoys the structure of a scientific work and in its graphic area the following
elements are part: introduction, development of the work, conclusion and finally the
bibliographic references.

2. Importance of Education

2.1. Conceptual aspects

Education is the medium that gives us the skills, techniques, information and
knowledge to know, understand and respect the duties we have towards our society, families
and the nation. Therefore, the magnitude of the importance of education in life is huge as well
as multifold.  The importance of education in life is that it helps everyone develop a good
perspective of looking at the world and our society. Education helps us in getting new ideas
and exploring new ideas.

For Arrow,(1993). “Education is the process where an individual acquires or imparts basic
knowledge to another”. It is also where a person:

 develops skills essential to daily living,

 learns social norms,
 develops judgment and reasoning, and
 learns how to discern right from wrong.

The ultimate goal of education is to help an individual navigate life and contribute to
society once they become older.

There are various types of education but typically, traditional schooling dictates the way
one’s education success is measured. People who attended school and attained a higher level
of education are considered more employable and likely to earn more.

According to Bachman & Palmer, (1982). “Education helps a person to get

knowledge and improve confidence in life. It can help you improve in your career and your
personal growth”. An educated person can become a great citizen in society. It helps you to
take the right decisions in life.

The modern, developed and industrialised world is running on the wheels of

education. To be able to survive in the competitive world, we all need education as a torch
that leads the way. Mentioned below are the various features of education which outline the
importance of education in human life:

 Safety Against Crime: The chances of an educated person getting involved in crime
or criminal acts are very low. An educated person is well aware of his/ her
surroundings and is less susceptible to getting cheated or be fooled. 
 Women Empowerment: The empowerment of women is an essential and important
pillar to optimize the good functioning of our society and nation as a whole. We can 
break old customs like child marriage, sati, dowry, etc only by educating the men and
women of our nation. The fundamental right of Right to Freedom and Expression can
only be achieved if the women of our country are educated and empowered. We can
win the fight against the many social evils. 
 Removing Poverty: Education is pivotal in removing our poverty from our society
and our country. The clutches of poverty are very harsh and one of the main factors
behind all the problems of our society. If a person if well educated, he/she can get a
good job and earn money to sustain his/ her family.
 Preventing War and Terrorism: Education teaches everyone the importance of
peace and brotherhood. The importance of staying united and spreading love is the
need of the hour. To achieve world peace and prevent war and terrorism, education is
 Maintaining Law and Order: A good political ideology can only be developed if the
citizens of our country are educated and taught the importance of following and
respecting the law and order of our country. Law-abiding citizens contribute majorly
in improving and sustaining the law and order of the country and the world.

2.2. Importance of Education for a Country

In the vision of Swain, (1985). “Mentioned below are the reasons why education is
important for our country, as well as any country in the world”.

 Citizens of a country understand their true potential through the means of education.

 Education helps is getting an individual a good-paying job, which helps in improving
the economic status of his/ her family.
 It teaches an individual the importance of differentiating between good and bad as
well as right and wrong.
 An educated person can strive for the betterment of a country,
 More educated individuals help in creating more jobs for everyone. This is turn helps
in solving the problem of unemployment in the country.

 Voting which is one of the basic tenets of our thriving democracy is better understood
and utilised as a right only through the means of education.

2.3.Education as a Tool for Development

The stakeholders of education, namely, governments, organisations and students
themselves agree on its multidimensional essentiality. High-quality education,
particularly tertiary education is a major catalyst of development in families across the income
spectrum. Further, with the integration of multidimensional goals, the importance of
education has accentuated and individuals have grown more conscious towards the
environment and society developing an awareness lacking in previous generations. Published
on the World Bank blog, the article “Education is Fundamental to Development and Growth”
aptly summarises the fact that education, through various methods, carries the potential to
transform people’s lives.

2.4.Importance of Education: Understanding our Responsibilities

An uneducated individual can never be fully aware of their responsibilities towards
each other as human beings and the world as a whole. As human beings, we have to give back
to the society we live in and make it a better place to live for everybody. Proper education
teaches an individual to think beyond than their own personal interests and helps them in
developing an ability to make the world a happier, safer place for the next generation.

2.5.Emphasis on Creativity
One of the major points of importance of education today stems from the fact that the
multifarious tools and techniques adopted afford greater avenues of creativity in various
shapes and forms. Universities study curricula not only includes drama and art in
education but also sports, athletics, public speaking, entrepreneurship, photography,
diplomacy, volunteering and much more. With technology changing the face of education,
students can utilise digital advancements to gain an all-round understanding of their chosen
field of interest and develop an awareness of the prevalent issues and further to contribute
towards the betterment of it.

2.6.The Role of Institutions

Institutions across the globe, recognising the importance of education in one’s life,
operate with flexible previous studies criteria and along with considering multiple other
factors such as experience and extracurricular activities, amongst others. This encourages

individuals hailing from a diversity of backgrounds to apply and gain access to best-in-class
infrastructure, leading professors and a multicultural study environment. For instance, now, to
enter into a master’s program in a specialised field like Arts Studies and Appreciation, an
individual from sciences will also be considered if they harbour a genuine interest to study
Arts. Further, with a myriad of scholarships such as MIT Scholarships, Aga Khan
Scholarship and Inlaks Scholarships, finance is no longer a constraint for higher studies.

2.7.Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning

Distance learning, adult education and online education are all incremental steps
towards highlighting the importance of education. With the growing need for access to quality
education at one’s ease and comfort, many top colleges around the globe have included
degree and non-degree study programs as part of their course offerings. Now, not only one
can take topic-specific courses online but major degrees such as bachelor’s and masters can
also be taken at one’s own pace. Further, a huge number of degrees have no restrictions
related to age and background as well.

2.8.The Need for Counselling

On the flip side, a considerable number of individuals going through the varying levels
of education, i.e, primary, secondary and higher education often tend to become detached
from their studies and find it difficult to pinpoint their interests to further assess which fields
suit their interests. Consequently, this results in the high dropout rates experienced in India. In
this respect, educational counselling can play a major role in aiding students in a variety of
choices, namely opting for a stream/specialisation, job-related decisions and even emotional
and financial support.

In a conscious effort to underline the importance of education, Leverage Edu offers a

one-stop and comprehensive solution catering to the educational needs of students and
professionals. From AI-based counselling and mentoring by international experts to
providing assistance in getting admission into top universities as well as post-
admission services, we understand that the present-day need for students does not end
merely at career counselling but they might also require wholesome education-related
guidance. If you are an individual looking to build a career or already a few years into
a profession, take advantage of the free 30-minute counselling session at Leverage
Edu and step towards making the right decisions to advance towards your dream
career. Carnoy, 1995.

2.9.The benefits of education

If all students in low-income countries acquired basic reading skills before leaving
school, entire societies could change dramatically. “According to UNESCO, 171 million
people could be lifted out of poverty. But education isn’t just about living above the poverty
line. It’s about quality of life, choices at work, and many other benefits, as listed below”.
(Groot, W. and Hartog, 1995).

2.9.1.Developing problem-solving skills

The schooling system teaches a person how to make their own decisions by
developing critical and logical thinking skills. This prepares children for adulthood when both
big and small decisions become a constant part of their daily lives.

For example: coming up with solutions to challenges in the community or planning

how to provide for a family.

2.9.2.Self-reliance and empowerment

Knowing how to read, write and do arithmetic is empowering. When a person can
read, they can access endless learning and information. When they can calculate expenses and
make a budget, they can start a small business. Paired with the ability to form opinions,
literacy makes a person become more self-reliant, and gives them confidence.

2.9.3.Promoting equality among individuals

In an ideal world, there is no room for discrimination due to race, gender, religion,
social class, or level of literacy. This is where the value of education comes to play. Through
education, one can develop strong, well-considered opinions – and learn to respect the views
of others. Many experts agree that education is a significant contributor to peace in societies.

2.9.4.Stability and financial security

A person’s income is often linked to his or her educational attainment. Around the
world, there are more employment opportunities for those who complete high school, earn a
degree, diploma or certificate, or go on to post-graduate studies. These can also mean higher

2.9.5.Economic growth (as a nation)

An educated population is important in building a nation’s economy. According to

studies, countries with the highest literacy rates are more likely to make progress in human
and economic development. National economic growth begins with individual economic
growth, which is often linked back to education.

2.9.6.Giving back to the community

Once children are educated, they have more ways to make a difference in their
communities. Many of the children we serve at World Vision have dreams of making a
difference as teachers, doctors, or as part of the government.

At this point, it can be concluded that Learning is the best path towards a successful
and happy life, as it is conducive to a better understanding of life, and all acquired knowledge
can be used towards fulfilling one’s ambition. An educated person will perceive a problem in
the right way and offer an adequate solution, using the knowledge they have gained.

However, children often question the importance of education in life, wondering what
could possibly be the use of all that information in life. What they fail to comprehend is that
learning and self-advancement do not stop at that biology lesson. On the contrary, it is just a
piece of the great puzzle of education, with all its benefits. A large portion of the knowledge
and skills acquired at school are essential for a successful life and the realization of all
personal goals. 
There are countless benefits that are brought about by education, primarily regarding
the quality of an individual’s life and the ease of fulfillment of personal ambitions. To reach
that level, one needs to invest a lot of effort, which will pay off quite handsomely. Let us take
a look at some of the important effects that education brings to everyone who decides upon
educating and advancing themselves:


Arrow, K. 1993. ‘Excellence and Equity in Higher Education’. Education Economics. 1:5-12
Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1982). The construct validation of some components of
communicative proficiency. TESOL Quarterly.

Carnoy, M. 1995. ‘Benefits of Improving the Quality of Education’ in Carnoy, M. (ed)

International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

Department of Education and Science. 2003. Key Education Statistics 1991/92-2001/02.

Dublin: Stationery Office.

Groot, W. and Hartog, J. 1995. ‘Screening Models and Education’ in Carnoy, M. (ed)
International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

Swain, M. (1985). Communicative competence: some roles of comprehensible input and

comprehensible output in its development. In S. M. Gass and C. G. Madden, eds. Input in
Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, MA: Newbury House

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